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Joe Biden Debates Donald Trump September 29


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With Bernie out of commission for the time being and approaching 106 years old and Biden facing possible treason and corruption charges in the near future and now Warren with a huge marital scandal. Who would be the front runner? Could be an absolute landslide of universal proportions in 2020 for Trump after all these gigantic scandals (excluding Bernie's heath issues).

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47 minutes ago, HerrDrFunk said:

Meanwhile, Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl will be taking down Warren today :lol:



So far the response online has been "if true, good for her!"

I don't know why anyone gives these two clowns the time of day based on their track record.  I also don't know how these two clowns haven't ended up in handcuffs based on their previous antics.

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Just now, thedestroyerofworlds said:

I don't know why anyone gives these two clowns the time of day based on their track record.  I also don't know how these two clowns haven't ended up in handcuffs based on their previous antics.

I'm a bit baffled at that as well. Wohl is currently facing charges in California but that's for securities fraud connected to one of his schemes; rather than being a direct result of peddling easily debunked conspiracies. 


The thing is though, Wohl is so inept when it comes to...well...everything, that it's only a matter of time before he ends up in prison long term. 

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So, this was even dumber than you would expect it to be:



If you have a minute, check out this tweet chain below. 



At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Jacob Wohl was actually a deep-cover agent for the democrats. At this point, that theory seems more likely to be true than Wohl actually thinking any of this will work. 

Edited by HerrDrFunk
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1 minute ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

I find it hilarious how easy it is to tear Wohl's accusations to shreds.  I'm still dumbfounded that anyone gives him the time of day.

Yeah, I updated my post and added a little editorial of my own. I feel like a group of 9 year olds could come up with more credible ways to smear someone than this. 

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2 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

I find it hilarious how easy it is to tear Wohl's accusations to shreds.  I'm still dumbfounded that anyone gives him the time of day.

If Warren was in a relationship with a 24 year old marine it would increase her popularity. 

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2 hours ago, HerrDrFunk said:

So, this was even dumber than you would expect it to be:



If you have a minute, check out this tweet chain below. 



At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Jacob Wohl was actually a deep-cover agent for the democrats. At this point, that theory seems more likely to be true than Wohl actually thinking any of this will work. 

What an idiot. You can literally see the individual links of the chain on his back. Unless...

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2 hours ago, HerrDrFunk said:

Yeah, I updated my post and added a little editorial of my own. I feel like a group of 9 year olds could come up with more credible ways to smear someone than this. 

I don't know anything abt these guys, but it sounded fishy to me :lol:

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9 hours ago, HerrDrFunk said:

Meanwhile, Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl will be taking down Warren today :lol:



So far the response online has been "if true, good for her!"

I had to look up these two since I have not heard of them.

Dropping a deuce would have been way more productive, than reading up on these two $&!#birds.

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There will be at least 8 for the November debate.




Yang becomes eighth Democrat to qualify for November presidential debate

Former tech executive Andrew Yang became the eighth candidate to qualify for the fifth Democratic presidential debate next month after a poll released on Tuesday showed him with 3 percent support nationally. 


To make the debate stage in November, candidates have to amass support from at least 165,000 unique donors and register at least 3 percent in four qualifying polls or 5 percent in two early-state polls. 


Yang had already surpassed the donor threshold. His campaign said last week that more than 300,000 individuals had contributed to his presidential bid. 

And a survey from Quinnipiac University Poll released Tuesday gave him the fourth qualifying survey he needed to make the cut for the November debate. That poll showed him with 3 percent support, tied with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) for fifth place in the Democratic nominating contest.


Yang celebrated the debate qualification in a tweet on Tuesday, saying that his campaign’s “momentum is growing every day.”


Seven other candidates have already qualified for the November debate: Harris, former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and billionaire philanthropist Tom Steyer. 

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