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Federal Government Approves TMX Pipeline Again - Update: Supreme Court Dismisses Appeal


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52 minutes ago, Caphit said:

Alberta is paying to keep your country together. Every man woman and child here gives up $5000 a year to the federal government that they don't get back. It would be great if you and your kids would take on that job.    No?   Well how bout staying out of the way at least. If you weren't in the way to begin with we could be throwing in $10 grand each. 

yeah, except its not. This is exactly the kind of bs that is at the heart of the Alberta vs. the world thing that breeds so much unnecessary hostility with other provinces. 


Thats a hell of a feat, the children "giving" 5k, how exactly do they pull that off? 

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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

 we need to dial up the anger. Kenney campaigned on aggression and now he has dialed it back. I'm disappointed,

didn't anyone tell you that electing Kenney was the 'happy ending'? its going to take some time to build back up. 

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1 minute ago, Fateless said:

You know that Alberta is not the only country which does not receive equalization payments, correct? You are aware that British Columbia also does not receive equalization payments and that federal tax dollars from British Columbia are also paid to other provinces as equalization payments?


You make it sound like Alberta has it so tough. Did you know that Albertan's average 29.9% more annual income than the average Canadian? That is on top of the fact that they do not have pay provincial sales tax and their fuel prices are dirt cheap. I say this as someone that lived in Edmonton for years. Alberta needs to shut up about how tough they've got it. They're the wealthiest province with some of the cheapest goods. 

I'm not talking about equalization. That's doesn't explain half of it and is a trap many energy supporters fall into. But I believe my number does not even include CPP contributions which Albertans support more than the rest. We need to get out of that right away so this country can decide whether it wants us in it or not.


We aren't hard done by at all. We enjoy paying your way. Just allow us to do so.

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12 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

yeah, except its not. This is exactly the kind of bs that is at the heart of the Alberta vs. the world thing that breeds so much unnecessary hostility with other provinces. 


Thats a hell of a feat, the children "giving" 5k, how exactly do they pull that off? 

Gives up.


You've seen the run down. 



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2 minutes ago, Caphit said:

We need to get out of that right away so this country can decide whether it wants us in it or not.

This ideology is why I hate the stereotypical Albertan (which you so perfectly embody). Alberta is no more important to Canada than any other province or territory. There is a lot more to being Canadian than money. Unfortunately Albertan ideals are literally burning Alberta to the ground. The rest of us want to avoid selling our souls to the devil to promote short-sighted economic gains. 

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3 minutes ago, Caphit said:

I'm not talking about equalization. That's doesn't explain half of it and is a trap many energy supporters fall into. But I believe my number does not even include CPP contributions which Albertans support more than the rest. We need to get out of that right away so this country can decide whether it wants us in it or not.


We aren't hard done by at all. We enjoy paying your way. Just allow us to do so.



Learn to sing the star spangled banner.  You'll be American by 2022.  No better than Quebec at all really.  You're aware a very large part of the work force you say is comprised of Albertans is in fact more transient and in fact only in Alberta for work.


You also forget that the entire nation built Alberta's oilseeds before corporate interests took over entirely in the mid 80s.  I fail to understand the mentality of people making your statements but blindly forgetting why you're in the position you are as a province.


You had a chance to work with the country and get everything you're asking for now.  You told the eastern b******s to freeze in the dark and supported a plan to single source your only real export to America because that was more palatable than selling to your literal neighbours and nation for less than market value.


You reap what you sow and the endless whining about "we'll leave" is starting to get bloody annoying.  Take your ball and go then.  This level of whining wasn't prominent though when 50 years of PC rule failed to get anything to tidewater which I find amusing.  Selective outrage based on management

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2 minutes ago, Fateless said:

This ideology is why I hate the stereotypical Albertan (which you so perfectly embody). Alberta is no more important to Canada than any other province or territory. There is a lot more to being Canadian than money. Unfortunately Albertan ideals are literally burning Alberta to the ground. The rest of us want to avoid selling our souls to the devil to promote short-sighted economic gains. 

The biggest irony is the now thousands upon thousands of orphaned wells will need to be cleaned up.  The feds have already been asked to support eh clean up funding....couldn't demand an insurance policy from developers, threatening to leave the nation; but please clean up the mess we let them make first.

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Remind me which refinery the TransMountian is going to? Which one in BC is providing BC with fuel? 

Oh right it's going overseas.....


Strange wind turbine manufacturers seem to be doing ok. Maybe building stuff for long term jobs isn't a bad idea? 




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8 hours ago, Stelar said:

I guess 1.6% of GHG emmisions from Canada is a huge emergency.

Funny how in the US, they have had the largest increase in petroleum resource extraction year-one-year in global history, have zero carbon taxes AND have had their GHG emissions fall.    No emergency declared.    Funny that.

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23 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



Learn to sing the star spangled banner.  You'll be American by 2022.  No better than Quebec at all really.  You're aware a very large part of the work force you say is comprised of Albertans is in fact more transient and in fact only in Alberta for work.


You also forget that the entire nation built Alberta's oilseeds before corporate interests took over entirely in the mid 80s.  I fail to understand the mentality of people making your statements but blindly forgetting why you're in the position you are as a province.


You had a chance to work with the country and get everything you're asking for now.  You told the eastern b******s to freeze in the dark and supported a plan to single source your only real export to America because that was more palatable than selling to your literal neighbours and nation for less than market value.


You reap what you sow and the endless whining about "we'll leave" is starting to get bloody annoying.  Take your ball and go then.  This level of whining wasn't prominent though when 50 years of PC rule failed to get anything to tidewater which I find amusing.  Selective outrage based on management


24 minutes ago, Fateless said:

This ideology is why I hate the stereotypical Albertan (which you so perfectly embody). Alberta is no more important to Canada than any other province or territory. There is a lot more to being Canadian than money. Unfortunately Albertan ideals are literally burning Alberta to the ground. The rest of us want to avoid selling our souls to the devil to promote short-sighted economic gains. 

The greed just oozes. I show you how much every Albertan contributes to your country and you just want more, more, more. Really, why would anyone want to be in a country with you? You're more interested in sucking up to your foreign heroes than keeping other canadians in a job anyway.

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1 minute ago, Caphit said:


The greed just oozes. I show you how much every Albertan contributes to your country and you just want more, more, more. Really, why would anyone want to be in a country with you? You're more interested in sucking up to your foreign heroes than keeping your other canadians in a job.

How in the hell are we wanting more? Our position is literally that we want LESS. Leave your oil in the ground. Get a job that doesn't contribute to the burning of your own province. The only province here with a self-interested approach is Alberta. Alberta is the one demanding MORE. More pipelines. More oil tankers. More oil production. The cognitive dissonance that you're exhibiting is astounding.

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2 minutes ago, Fateless said:

How in the hell are we wanting more? Our position is literally that we want LESS. Leave your oil in the ground. Get a job that doesn't contribute to the burning of your own province. The only province here with a self-interested approach is Alberta. Alberta is the one demanding MORE. More pipelines. More oil tankers. More oil production. The cognitive dissonance that you're exhibiting is astounding.

Maybe you fall more into the sucking up to foreign hero category. Yes? Your partner wants more $.

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7 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Do you do any actual market research or do you like to simply say wrong things to see if it works any better than it did for you in school?   The global demand for bitumen and its vast array of refined products is not only at an all-time high but projected to remain strong until at least 2050 if not longer.    


Nice to see some logic happened in Canada today.

Too many pucks to your mask ?





The glory days are over for the oil sands. In April 2017, Moody’s Investors Service published an in-depth analysis of the oil and gas sector that listed several significant risks, including lower demand and advances in alternative energy “that could occur at a faster pace than anticipated.” The Energy East pipeline was cancelled because it didn’t make financial sense, and the Keystone XL—if it is ever built—depends on guarantees from the Alberta government. The foundations of global oil markets are already shaky and the oil sands will not be spared.

We need to start planning now for an Alberta and a Canada after the oil sands.

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17 minutes ago, Caphit said:

Maybe you fall more into the sucking up to foreign hero category. Yes? Your partner wants more $.

What the hell are you even talking about? You can't come up with a logical argument so you just start labeling people to fit your agenda?

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18 minutes ago, Fateless said:

How in the hell are we wanting more? Our position is literally that we want LESS. Leave your oil in the ground. Get a job that doesn't contribute to the burning of your own province. The only province here with a self-interested approach is Alberta. Alberta is the one demanding MORE. More pipelines. More oil tankers. More oil production. The cognitive dissonance that you're exhibiting is astounding.

60% of BCers support it according to recent polls. Ottawa wants the royalty revenue and the rest of Canada benefits when Alberta does well. Why do you think businesses all throughout the Okanagan, Kootneys, Shuswap, etc fly the Alberta flag. Look at the big picture, more money for w/e freebies Canadians want now.

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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

People do care, actually. It nearly turned into a disaster but luckily it's done. But to be fair you don't care about pipelines the cpc built.

To be fair they never actually elected that government.

No it's not.

Hippy is so unbelievably clueless you just have to ignore what he says and laugh it off, kind of like the village idiot.  Constantly talking out of his backend but fully buying into his own BS.   


NEP.....haha...wow...."follow your advice forsberg"....Laugh it off. :sadno:


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5 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

60% of BCers support it according to recent polls. Ottawa wants the royalty revenue and the rest of Canada benefits when Alberta does well. Why do you think businesses all throughout the Okanagan, Kootneys, Shuswap, etc fly the Alberta flag. Look at the big picture, more money for w/e freebies Canadians want now.n


Getting set for another summer of fires and smokey skies here in BC.  

Can't wait for more and more bitumen extraction.  So excited for it. 


60% of BC  citizens will let you take a dump in their pool if you pay them a few bucks first.

Discouraged for my province. 


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