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On Gambling In the NHL

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Make this short & sweet..sure don't like it.


They've increasingly turned this league into an insider's corrupt casino. But who's there to complain, when it's simply a reflection of overall societal trends?


Made my heart skip a beat: simply watching a random game(NHL.com streaming)..& some young face pops up, telling me all the myriad ways I CAN BET on this bloody tilt!

They've ALREADY ruined/rigged what was a great league, beyond recognition.


Just one more reason to turn away from all this. Sold it all to the highest bidders.

Edited by Nuxfanabroad
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Gambling will not go away, but the way major leagues are currently promoting it is disgusting. It is the same problem here in Europe. Instead of trying to help the addicted and supporting a state controlled, cautious approach it is gold-rush mood. The way they are driving kids and weak/naive into gambling is concerning.

Edited by joe-max
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2 minutes ago, joe-max said:

Gambling will not go away, but the way major leagues are currently promoting it is disgusting. It is the same problem here in Europe. Instead of trying to help the addicted and supporting a state controlled, cautious approach it is gold-rush mood. The way they are driving kids and weak/naive into gambling is concerning.

I have a rather severe disdain for gambling in general. Watched it distort the minds/lives of both my parents. You can be assured & certain there are some pretty unsavoury characters behind any gambling initiative.


That ****ing A**hole bettman was talking about this(about a yr back, I recall). I realized this was coming, but had forgotten about the matter. As for other sports, I only pay attn to the NHL..not sure how much longer.


Can't believe people accept this crap. No outrage, or push-back. Back in the day, recall Pete Rose turned into some sort of pariah. Now league commish & bookies can snuggle up, warmly in bed together.


Almost everything will be planned & scripted in the yrs to come(as if it weren't already enough of a rigged deck)

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23 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

There was also the NBA referees involved in a gambling scandal, in which they DIRECTLY influenced the games.


 it also happened in us college basketball , football . the  Olympics  ,soccer  and    Chicago black soxs  way back in the 1920,s  , nothing really new  

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1 hour ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

I have a rather severe disdain for gambling in general. Watched it distort the minds/lives of both my parents. You can be assured & certain there are some pretty unsavoury characters behind any gambling initiative.


That ****ing A**hole bettman was talking about this(about a yr back, I recall). I realized this was coming, but had forgotten about the matter. As for other sports, I only pay attn to the NHL..not sure how much longer.


Can't believe people accept this crap. No outrage, or push-back. Back in the day, recall Pete Rose turned into some sort of pariah. Now league commish & bookies can snuggle up, warmly in bed together.


Almost everything will be planned & scripted in the yrs to come(as if it weren't already enough of a rigged deck)

People generally are not intelligent enough to figure out that this actually happens.  High up mafia guys have gone on record saying they’ve fixed nhl, nfl, nba games. It’s easier to plug your ears and close your eyes I suppose. Also there was a court case in the states involving a major football game being fixed and the judge ruled that the only thing fans pay for is entertainment. So it doesn’t matter that, the particular game appeared to be rigged, as long as the participants act like entertainers(WWE style)

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I'm really surprised there's no outcry. Guess both sides(BOG & NHLPA) are doing all they can to increase rev, eh?


Am I just a person totally outa' touch with societal priorities & values?


Full disclosure: Am a guy in my 50's who's never set foot into ANY F***ing casino, & never will(does that make one a unicorn? seems like it)

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23 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

One of the reasons for the popularity of the NFL (and other major league sports) *IS* gambling.  


Heck, even people who don't particularly like the NFL (or North American football) often are involved in office betting pools.

So what's the point? The sport is so boring to watch that people need to risk money to add some flavour when watching it? Not a good sign. Or it doesn't matter what you bet on as long as you can bet? Well, you can virtually bet on anything, amateur soccer, esports, probably the wheather forecast too. Where is the benefit for hockey? Viewers that don't care about the game? 


On the other hand the betting culture explains some of the anger in PGT and player threads. If you lose 50 bucks, it is a good place to vent and hate on particular players or the coach because in your eyes their bad play or decision cost you a lot of money, entirely neglecting that the pirinciple of betting is that you LOSE in the long run and that the risk of losing is part of the deal. More often than not. Blame yourself if you lose.



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Grat-sex, drugs, violence, gambling & booze ..am I old fashioned, to see these things as (mostly) unnecessary habits/vices?


***************************************************draw the line*************************************************:but they try to blend these things


I saw sport(esp the one I grew up loving) as something a little more honourable. For Chrissakes, they use it as a platform for medical fundraising, Kid's hospitals, etc


You try to be too many things for too many people..& guess what happens? They sure have ramped up the cash-grab, now that the BOG (that would be a dirty F***in' bog, literally, eh?) & NHLPA have carved their 50% cut, in granite. Now it's a game of, "how do we INCREASE the pot of spoils(to fight over, etc...)?"


Do they CARE if they drive away fans of 4, 5 decade-devotion(like yours truly), by wh*ring themselves out to such degree?


Prob not. My demographic is likely SHEER HELL :^) to sell things to. All this crap is likely tailored to gullible markets, decades younger. Ah well..HellinnaHandbasket, will just get me out on my road bike more, I s'pose?...

Edited by Nuxfanabroad
too, not to!
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23 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

I'm really surprised there's no outcry. Guess both sides(BOG & NHLPA) are doing all they can to increase rev, eh?


Am I just a person totally outa' touch with societal priorities & values?


Full disclosure: Am a guy in my 50's who's never set foot into ANY F***ing casino, & never will(does that make one a unicorn? seems like it)

I think societal values on gambling have changed.  To me it's a harbinger of a society desperately trying to get rich the easiest way they can.


Personally, I do not bet more than I'm willing to spend on a nights worth of entertainment (ie a night at the movies).  Did the online poker thing for about a year (actually made about $500 playing small stakes), but cut that off as I found it made me irritable when I lost.  I'm in a hockey pool every year with a group of friends but the entry fee for that is a paltry $40.  Well worth the entertainment I get for cheering on the guys on my team.  I would never bet on a single game or any of those prop bets.  To me, the entertainment value is not worth the price of losing.


Set foot in a casino once when I had a couple hours to kill, saw a Texas Hold'em/Black jack style game but noticed the minimum price per hand was like $10 so turned around and walked out.  Never set foot in a casino again figuring $20 wouldn't last long and that's all I'm willing to lose at a casino.

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44 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

I think societal values on gambling have changed.  To me it's a harbinger of a society desperately trying to get rich the easiest way they can.


Personally, I do not bet more than I'm willing to spend on a nights worth of entertainment (ie a night at the movies).  Did the online poker thing for about a year (actually made about $500 playing small stakes), but cut that off as I found it made me irritable when I lost.  I'm in a hockey pool every year with a group of friends but the entry fee for that is a paltry $40.  Well worth the entertainment I get for cheering on the guys on my team.  I would never bet on a single game or any of those prop bets.  To me, the entertainment value is not worth the price of losing.


Set foot in a casino once when I had a couple hours to kill, saw a Texas Hold'em/Black jack style game but noticed the minimum price per hand was like $10 so turned around and walked out.  Never set foot in a casino again figuring $20 wouldn't last long and that's all I'm willing to lose at a casino.

I don't wanna turn this into a SiggyFreud-session..but I bet most of the folks who eschew gambling are mostly satisfied with their lives..imagine that applies universally.


The roaring 20's era featured a lot of these emerging societal trends before the dirty 30's, SHTF. Feel like we're on a similar path..but then I've felt that for a number of yrs.

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5 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

I don't wanna turn this into a SiggyFreud-session..but I bet most of the folks who eschew gambling are mostly satisfied with their lives..imagine that applies universally.


The gilded era(1920's) featured a lot of these emerging societal trends before the dirty 30's, SHTF. Feel like we're on a similar path..but then I've felt that for a number of yrs.

I think you nailed it actually.  Main difference between the 20s and now is the globalization of markets, the incredibly vast expansion of credit/debt, and digitizing money/markets.  We can move money into the next bubble with blinding speed.  It'll be interesting to see how long this shell game can last.  A lot of economist are baffled too.

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9 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

I think you nailed it actually.  Main difference between the 20s and now is the globalization of markets, the incredibly vast expansion of credit/debt, and digitizing money/markets.  We can move money into the next bubble with blinding speed.  It'll be interesting to see how long this shell game can last.  A lot of economist are baffled too.

Yes it's The Great Gadsby(ultra-sexualized, on steroids).. Trouble is, society will no longer be able to produce a Steinbeck to beautifully document our downfall(Grapes of Wrath; Mice & Men), or Picasso to paint Guernica, after they war over the spoils.


Life IS a gamble, & that was always enough, I'd figured.


BTW: substitute the roaring 20's, for the gilded age(in posts above) Frenetic capitalism & monopolies, at any rate...

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