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I’m sure it’s probably been posted but just in case 




In summery over 3000 suspected but not confirmed cases of COVID were excluded from the Pfizer vaccine initial trial results.  This means that the efficacy rate based on those inital trials is only 29% when this is factored in.

not only that but a significant volume of people were excluded from the results due to protocol deviations, of which they overwhelmingly came from the vaccine group rather than the placebo group.

Real world data does seem to hold up a fairly high effectiveness of the vaccine but it’s interesting none the less, and I would be interested to see with more data how the figures hold up 

Edited by UKNuck96
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8 hours ago, UKNuck96 said:

I’m sure it’s probably been posted but just in case 




In summery over 3000 suspected but not confirmed cases of COVID were excluded from the Pfizer vaccine initial trial results.  This means that the efficacy rate based on those inital trials is only 29% when this is factored in.

not only that but a significant volume of people were excluded from the results due to protocol deviations, of which they overwhelmingly came from the vaccine group rather than the placebo group.

Real world data does seem to hold up a fairly high effectiveness of the vaccine but it’s interesting none the less, and I would be interested to see with more data how the figures hold up 

You use a blog as a source?

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1 hour ago, stawns said:

You use a blog as a source?

Yep, and everyone is supposed to think it means all the health authorities have been lying.

Some guy named "fill in the blanks" has reviewed some snippet of data, taken out of context, and now asserts the CDC of every leading nation is full of carp.


It is easy to believe you are being oppressed or lied to.

After all it has to be their lies that have kept you from being successful, getting rich or powerful. Didn't make the NHL, well if you'd had a different junior b coach that would have been all different, right?

It can not be you, you are not at fault, you have no faults it is all those people. 


There is a huge mental health component to conspiracy theory, of all types.


Now I'm going to have a coffee, and either calm down or get worked into a lather that will last till game time, not sure which.


Edited by debluvscanucks
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46 minutes ago, stawns said:

You use a blog as a source?

I’m not anti vax or even a sceptic just found it interesting. And yes it’s a blog, but a blog from the bmj (the British medical journal) which is a leading medical journal which is peer reviewed 


here is the key link to the blogs https://blogs.bmj.com which can be accessed via the homepage of the BMJ https://www.bmj.com/news?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx7uLv7377gIVQrTtCh1wDQn7EAAYASAAEgLtsPD_BwE


im going to guess you didn’t even read the link, and just saw the word blog. You are engaging in the same behaviour people berate anti science /anti vax people get hauled over the coals for 


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15 minutes ago, gurn said:

Yep, and everyone is supposed to think it means all the health authorities have been lying.

Some guy named "fill in the blanks" has reviewed some snippet of data, taken out of context, and now asserts the CDC of every leading nation is full of carp.


It is easy to believe you are being oppressed or lied to.

After all it has to be their lies that have kept you from being successful, getting rich or powerful. Didn't make the NHL, well if you'd had a different junior b coach that would have been all different, right?

It can not be you, you are not at fault, you have no faults it is all those people. "Those people" works best when "those people" are a different colour than you.


There is a huge mental health component to conspiracy theory, of all types.


Now I'm going to have a coffee, and either calm down or get worked into a lather that will last till game time, not sure which.


seth meyers GIF

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22 minutes ago, gurn said:

Yep, and everyone is supposed to think it means all the health authorities have been lying.

Some guy named "fill in the blanks" has reviewed some snippet of data, taken out of context, and now asserts the CDC of every leading nation is full of carp.


It is easy to believe you are being oppressed or lied to.

After all it has to be their lies that have kept you from being successful, getting rich or powerful. Didn't make the NHL, well if you'd had a different junior b coach that would have been all different, right?

It can not be you, you are not at fault, you have no faults it is all those people. "Those people" works best when "those people" are a different colour than you.


There is a huge mental health component to conspiracy theory, of all types.


Now I'm going to have a coffee, and either calm down or get worked into a lather that will last till game time, not sure which.


So because I used an opinion piece from a reputable medical journal I’m now a racist. Great good to know that reading opinion pieces that are published in medical journals is now forbidden. If you read the fecking link it’s not casting dispersions and saying it’s some haux but actually discussing the methodology and the way the groups were sampled. I found it interesting to see what a medical piece was saying about it, not about  VaCcInEs GaVe Me AuTiSm

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4 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

So because I used an opinion piece from a reputable medical journal I’m now a racist. Great good to know that reading opinion pieces that are published in medical journals is now forbidden. If you read the fecking link it’s not casting dispersions and saying it’s some haux but actually discussing the methodology and the way the groups were sampled. I found it interesting to see what a medical piece was saying about it, not about  VaCcInEs GaVe Me AuTiSm

Ignore feature is your friend my friend

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2 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

So because I used an opinion piece from a reputable medical journal I’m now a racist. Great good to know that reading opinion pieces that are published in medical journals is now forbidden. If you read the fecking link it’s not casting dispersions and saying it’s some haux but actually discussing the methodology and the way the groups were sampled. I found it interesting to see what a medical piece was saying about it, not about  VaCcInEs GaVe Me AuTiSm

I don't think it's the content but the use of a blog to make a point.  Misinformation, misdirection and flat out lies have fuelled a very dark side of our population during this pandemic and I, personally, feel that rather than use the blog you should dig deeper and go to the primary source or at least a credible journalistic one.

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4 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

So because I used an opinion piece from a reputable medical journal I’m now a racist.



13 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

I’m not anti vax or even a sceptic just found it interesting. And yes it’s a blog, but a blog from the bmj (the British medical journal) which is a leading medical journal which is peer reviewed 

Makes it a bit different, doesn't it.


You assumed I was talking about you, and your link, not the endless procession of bs links that have permeated this thread at various times.


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2 minutes ago, stawns said:

I don't think it's the content but the use of a blog to make a point.  Misinformation, misdirection and flat out lies have fuelled a very dark side of our population during this pandemic and I, personally, feel that rather than use the blog you should dig deeper and go to the primary source or at least a credible journalistic one.

There is a guide standard it’s not anyone who can post on the BMJ blogs. It’s for medical professionals and it has to meet the editorial standards. This isn’t some free Wordpress blog from a basement 

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8 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

There is a guide standard it’s not anyone who can post on the BMJ blogs. It’s for medical professionals and it has to meet the editorial standards. This isn’t some free Wordpress blog from a basement 

Fair point

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U.S. now over 500,000 deaths at 510,016 with 9,304,235 active cases, which seems to be very slowly dropping. 1.8% mortality rate

Canada                                               21,658               31,383                                                                                                   2.6% mortality



Just for old times sake:

Sweden                                             12,649 deaths                                                                                                                    2% mortality rate


Fully expecting a large jump in Texas over the next week or so. Those folk had to huddle up close just to stay warm and alive, not good for future numbers.

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28 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

There is a guide standard it’s not anyone who can post on the BMJ blogs. It’s for medical professionals and it has to meet the editorial standards. This isn’t some free Wordpress blog from a basement 

Just to be clear:

I do not think you are a racist

I do not think you are a crazy blogger

If that is how it looks, then my apologies, for that was not my intent.

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12 minutes ago, gurn said:

good exercise, till the people behind you knock you down, and you get your beard stuck in the belt.

I think the guy is a genius....(and a stable one, at that)


People pay hundreds for a Stairmaster. or a gym membership......

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14 hours ago, gurn said:

When the CCP tells you to stay home you stay home.

If you  do go out when you shouldn't they shoot you or put you in an education camp. Here we finally started handing out fines.



It's true that the CCP is authoritarian.


I imagine they would come down pretty hard on any doctor or scientist who contradicted the 'official' number of cases and deaths reported by the government.

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