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17 minutes ago, AlwaysACanuckFan said:

Could end up being a bad thing



It's ok

I have had more time for yoga recently


and you really gotta change your avatar

I keep thinking I am looking at Tilda Swinton

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17 minutes ago, stawns said:

I do agree that what we see on the face of things is not what's happening.  I don't think Horgan comes off as a comforting presence, so he defers to Fix and Henry to do that........and the sign language interpreter too.  



Be fair, they made a great offer to Garrett Morris for the job but he turned them down....




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22 minutes ago, stawns said:

I do agree that what we see on the face of things is not what's happening.  I don't think Horgan comes off as a comforting presence, so he defers to Fix and Henry to do that........and the sign language interpreter too.  



I don't know Stawns


I did not vote for NDP and I actually appreciate the none political way Horgan is actually doing it. IMO, and that may change, but I think Dix and Henry are doing a great job or preparing us on a daily basis.


It actually bothers me a lot, when I see politicians out making speeches, that are more political and very little substance. I have been hit fairly hard on my RRSP's and have reduced my spending considerably for the time being, and trying to control the bleeding a little. I hold myself accountable to some extent, and will wait until the government has had a chance to deal with all the problems and back log.


What I do get more annoyed about is those people that after the very first month have been crying about needing help. I have no problem with the government helping those that actually need it. But first they should reduce their cable plan, go down to one phone per family, stop buying lattes, cigarettes, booze and stop eating fast foods and steak. What I mean about this comment, is that far too many people are spending their salaries on none essential items,


It is like the self distancing, controlled spending, etc. People need to be responsible for their selves first, Then if they are having problems, then ask for help.


I, personally, do not need my Premier coming on TV to tell me that.

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3 minutes ago, gurn said:

I think Horgan is doing the right thing by standing back. Let Dix and Henry do most of the talking, then when a bigger hammer is needed, Horgan can step forward to be the big boss man.BIGBOSSMAN.jpg.093c77421c3ece9754683461dcc8f69d.jpg

I guess if he doesn't have the skill set to be reassuring, then maybe yes. 


Its interesting to see who comes forward and who steps back in times like these. Doug Ford is a great example, many people would not have picked him to be a standout but he's doing great. He's put politics to a back seat and is front and centre for his province, and even calling out Trump. 

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8 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I guess if he doesn't have the skill set to be reassuring, then maybe yes. 


Its interesting to see who comes forward and who steps back in times like these. Doug Ford is a great example, many people would not have picked him to be a standout but he's doing great. He's put politics to a back seat and is front and centre for his province, and even calling out Trump. 

THIS is how you get things done (vs Bone Spurs/Fed vs State governments):




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Reading every day about social distancing, and cleaning and such, it occurs to me that what this pandemic may do it reduce our yearly sick count on seasonal flu, by teaching better habits.


One would also hope it, teaches us to take better control of our financing.


These are things that our elder generation learned back in the day, that has fallen to the way side...…………...

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OMG make it stop!!!!  Have people learned NOTHING??




Chinese tourist sites packed as coronavirus lockdown lifts

Posted April 6, 2020 10:30 am
Over 20,000 people flocked to Anhui province's Huangshan mountain park on April 4.
 Over 20,000 people flocked to Anhui province's Huangshan mountain park on April 4. Weibo/laodaxinyi/banyuetan

As other countries lock down amid the coronavirus pandemic, China is free after multiple weeks indoors, and people are heading to tourist sites in droves.

Sites were packed during the country’s holiday weekend, despite warnings from health officials that the battle against COVID-19 isn’t over yet, CNN reports.

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Well this is a really bad idea:


Central Okanagan Board to allow some children to return to class on Monday:




So, tier 1 essential service workers, who are on the front line and at the highest risk of coming into contact with covid-19, and giving it to their kids, are going to have their kids in schools with other kids and teachers and support staff who in turn could get it and bring it home to their families.


Am I the only one seeing what a stupid idea this is?


What is it going to take - someone dying?



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5 minutes ago, Heretic said:

Well this is a really bad idea:


Central Okanagan Board to allow some children to return to class on Monday:




So, tier 1 essential service workers, who are on the front line and at the highest risk of coming into contact with covid-19, and giving it to their kids, are going to have their kids in schools with other kids and teachers and support staff who in turn could get it and bring it home to their families.


Am I the only one seeing what a stupid idea this is?


What is it going to take - someone dying?



It's just daycare, probably with EA's, not teachers

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37 minutes ago, Heretic said:

Well this is a really bad idea:


Central Okanagan Board to allow some children to return to class on Monday:




So, tier 1 essential service workers, who are on the front line and at the highest risk of coming into contact with covid-19, and giving it to their kids, are going to have their kids in schools with other kids and teachers and support staff who in turn could get it and bring it home to their families.


Am I the only one seeing what a stupid idea this is?


What is it going to take - someone dying?



what would you like the essential service workers to do that are single parents? take their kids with them to work? 

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1 hour ago, janisahockeynut said:

I don't know Stawns


I did not vote for NDP and I actually appreciate the none political way Horgan is actually doing it. IMO, and that may change, but I think Dix and Henry are doing a great job or preparing us on a daily basis.


It actually bothers me a lot, when I see politicians out making speeches, that are more political and very little substance. I have been hit fairly hard on my RRSP's and have reduced my spending considerably for the time being, and trying to control the bleeding a little. I hold myself accountable to some extent, and will wait until the government has had a chance to deal with all the problems and back log.


What I do get more annoyed about is those people that after the very first month have been crying about needing help. I have no problem with the government helping those that actually need it. But first they should reduce their cable plan, go down to one phone per family, stop buying lattes, cigarettes, booze and stop eating fast foods and steak. What I mean about this comment, is that far too many people are spending their salaries on none essential items,


It is like the self distancing, controlled spending, etc. People need to be responsible for their selves first, Then if they are having problems, then ask for help.


I, personally, do not need my Premier coming on TV to tell me that.

I agree, I don't need that either.  My complaint was the "on the fence" nature of they're early response.  I wasn't a fan of their ladder approach to things.

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