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2 minutes ago, JM_ said:

Jim seems pretty sympathetic on this tho. So whatever the real reason is he's trying to let Hamonic work it out, which I have a lot of respect for.


But losing TH might not be the worst thing. It gives us a little more wiggle room for a longer deal for Petey, and we might end up picking up a good player for free off waivers.


I do think a trade might be too hard to pull off. CBJ needs RHD even more than we do so that might be a fit but it all depends on the reason for the holdout.

Jim is showing a lot of respect and compassion for whatever TH is dealing with and I also admire that.


If he does opt out of playing this season JB may try to pick up a player off the waiver wire or he may just make do with the players he has at hand. IMO, trying to trade for a player to fill the void is a very bad idea; he is not dealing from a position of strength and would probably have to add a substantial piece to make a deal.

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1 minute ago, Kootenay Gold said:

Jim is showing a lot of respect and compassion for whatever TH is dealing with and I also admire that.


If he does opt out of playing this season JB may try to pick up a player off the waiver wire or he may just make do with the players he has at hand. IMO, trying to trade for a player to fill the void is a very bad idea; he is not dealing from a position of strength and would probably have to add a substantial piece to make a deal.

yeah a trade that doesn't cost us, or involve salary retention, or taking bad salary back just doesn't seem likely. CBJ should take him for free, but their GM doesn't seem like the type to do that.


We should be pretty high up the waiver list tho based on points percentage, so maybe that brings us something decent.

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2 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

There is ZERO evidence that he's not vaccinated and I wish fans would stop jumping to that conclusion.


At the start of camp press conference, Benning stated that we will be a fully vaccinated team. He also stated that he was expecting Hamonic into camp the next day. He can't come to camp if he's not vaccinated, this would already be knowledge to Benning


Hamonic has a daughter with significant health issues.


Someone in the media suggested that "Maybe" Hamonic wasn't vaccinated to create drama and controversy, and fans jumped on that like a pack of hungry dogs fighting over a bone and took at as absolute truth.


I'll say this again, there is ZERO, absolute NO evidence that Hamonic is not vaccinated.


NOTHING, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He can come to camp if he's not vaccinated.  Benning said that they will be 100% vaccinated by the start of the season - ie there could be players at camp who aren't fully vaccinated yet.


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10 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

My question is:  Why did Hamonic sign the contract if he knew there was a good chance he wouldn't play?  


My hope is that Benning is correct and Hamonic will be here, but we'll see what happens by tomorrow. 

imo being under contract and not appearing should void his contract.

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4 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

My question is:  Why did Hamonic sign the contract if he knew there was a good chance he wouldn't play?  


My hope is that Benning is correct and Hamonic will be here, but we'll see what happens by tomorrow. 

Because when TH signed his contract the league hadn't announced their Covid protocols for the 2021 season, which basically mandates the vaccine, as well as Benning stating the team will be at 100% vaccination. Unfortunately Hamonic's hometown in Manitoba is right in the heart of the ultra conservative, right wing Southern Health Region in Manitoba. This area currently accounts for 15% of the Manitoba population and 50% of the provinces Covid cases.


It is an area saturated with misinformation, government distrust and has almost daily protests, including large groups traveling to Winnipeg to protest in front of the provincial legislature. The province currently has approx 80.3% fully vaccinated, the Southern Region is at 65.6% with one district in the Southern Region currently at only 24% vaccinated. 


I don't expect Hamonic to join the team at this time, it is now just a question of whether he will retire or opt out. 


On a more relevant topic: Has anyone heard when the first round of cuts are due, I thought I heard that they were going to be yesterday.

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1 minute ago, 204CanucksFan said:

Because when TH signed his contract the league hadn't announced their Covid protocols for the 2021 season, which basically mandates the vaccine, as well as Benning stating the team will be at 100% vaccination. Unfortunately Hamonic's hometown in Manitoba is right in the heart of the ultra conservative, right wing Southern Health Region in Manitoba. This area currently accounts for 15% of the Manitoba population and 50% of the provinces Covid cases.


It is an area saturated with misinformation, government distrust and has almost daily protests, including large groups traveling to Winnipeg to protest in front of the provincial legislature. The province currently has approx 80.3% fully vaccinated, the Southern Region is at 65.6% with one district in the Southern Region currently at only 24% vaccinated. 


I don't expect Hamonic to join the team at this time, it is now just a question of whether he will retire or opt out. 


On a more relevant topic: Has anyone heard when the first round of cuts are due, I thought I heard that they were going to be yesterday.

The NHL/NHLPA haven't mandated the vaccine though.



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3 minutes ago, 204CanucksFan said:

Unfortunately Hamonic's hometown in Manitoba

Do all Canadian teams require fully vaccinated players?  A trade with the Jets would be good. But then I heard he's either going to retire or play in the US, where they don't seem to care too much about health. 


Edited by NUCKER67
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3 hours ago, bbllpp said:

Don’t disagree with this sentiment but this was the state when he signed the contract so unless the state has changed he did not sign the contract in good faith and it looks really bad on him.  As I said previously I will not pass judgment without the facts because the state could have changed or this situation could be covered by an out clause in his contract, we will not know until it’s over.


2 hours ago, stawns said:

I heard someone mention that it could be that he is vaccinated but now that we know that though it's much less likely, you can still contract and transmit the virus and that he's worried he will contract it and be asymptomatic and pass it to his daughter.


No idea if that's true, but it does make some sense


2 hours ago, Hairy Kneel said:

He can afford to set up separate residences and screen himself from his daughter. Even a close hotel. He could create another level of barrier from possibly infecting his daughter.

I'm sure the team would provide test kits for him. 


1 hour ago, stawns said:

If that were true, I'm sure those would be things he'd be considering.  Still, is that any way to live?  


To me, that explanation makes way more sense than he is an anti vaxxer


1 hour ago, Kootenay Gold said:

I think there is a better than 50/50 chance that he opts out of playing this season. If that is the case it really puts a wrecking ball to an already shaky defence core.


1 hour ago, stawns said:

Yup, that's a worst case scenario and, even if his reasons are just, that's a crappy thing for TH to do to the team.

However this plays out it looks like he royally screwed us over. Like Hairy said if he's so worried about his daughter just stay away and get a separate residence, or quit hockey altogether and hide inside his house forever, build a bomb shelter for all I care. He can afford it. Otherwise how is this guy not smart enough to understand the situation when he signed the contract? I would have to guess he doesn't care about his team, teammates, or his honorability in that case.


Sorry I'm trying to reserve judgement but I'm having trouble with one.

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15 minutes ago, mll said:

He can come to camp if he's not vaccinated.  Benning said that they will be 100% vaccinated by the start of the season - ie there could be players at camp who aren't fully vaccinated yet.


Teams in the NHL, Canucks included, are telling guys, for the most part, to stay home. Benning has been extremely clear on this.


Again, there is ZERO evidence that he's not vaccinated, outside of fan and media drama!


Stop feeding it!

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9 minutes ago, mll said:

The NHL/NHLPA haven't mandated the vaccine though.



No they haven't, I said "basically", because the financial penalties and restrictions for not being vaccinated are massive and they disproportionately affect Canadian clubs and their players. Hamonic would end up missing 30 - 40% of his season and forfeiting that much of his salary as well as basically not being allowed around his teammates unless it was at the rink for practice or a game. Not to mention that if the team is playing well and winning games while Hamonic is in a mandatory isolation period, there is no guarantee that Green would simply plug him back in to the line up and risk messing up the chemistry. 

Edited by 204CanucksFan
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15 minutes ago, Primal Optimist said:

imo being under contract and not appearing should void his contract.

They have opt-out for personal health / family health concerns. It has been defined and agreed upon by the NHL and the NHLPA.


If he decides to opt out, Canucks can either slide his contract a year, meaning it would start next summer, or, they can let a year expire at no cost or cap hit to the team.

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4 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:






However this plays out it looks like he royally screwed us over. Like Hairy said if he's so worried about his daughter just stay away and get a separate residence, or quit hockey altogether and hide inside his house forever, build a bomb shelter for all I care. He can afford it. Otherwise how is this guy not smart enough to understand the situation when he signed the contract? I would have to guess he doesn't care about his team, teammates, or his honorability in that case.


Sorry I'm trying to reserve judgement but I'm having trouble with one.

If his daughter just went terminal I forgive him and so should anyone with a conscience 

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23 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

There is ZERO evidence that he's not vaccinated and I wish fans would stop jumping to that conclusion.


At the start of camp press conference, Benning stated that we will be a fully vaccinated team. He also stated that he was expecting Hamonic into camp the next day. He can't come to camp if he's not vaccinated, this would already be knowledge to Benning


Hamonic has a daughter with significant health issues.


Someone in the media suggested that "Maybe" Hamonic wasn't vaccinated to create drama and controversy, and fans jumped on that like a pack of hungry dogs fighting over a bone and took at as absolute truth.


I'll say this again, there is ZERO, absolute NO evidence that Hamonic is not vaccinated.


NOTHING, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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2 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

They have opt-out for personal health / family health concerns. It has been defined and agreed upon by the NHL and the NHLPA.


If he decides to opt out, Canucks can either slide his contract a year, meaning it would start next summer, or, they can let a year expire at no cost or cap hit to the team.

I wish they negotiated a drop dead date on the decision...this is insulting to the millions of hockey players in the world who would give their kidney to have an NHL contract. Even as a fan I am stymied by the lack of foresight and decisiveness. I was okay with him signing here to play, but at this point, with two preseason games gone by and him having a contract: he needs to define his intentions YESTERDAY.  No patience for millionaire crybabies. 

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6 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

Teams in the NHL, Canucks included, are telling guys, for the most part, to stay home. Benning has been extremely clear on this.


Again, there is ZERO evidence that he's not vaccinated, outside of fan and media drama!


Stop feeding it!

Didn't say it was him.  Benning himself conceded that they aren't 100% vaccinated yet by saying that they will be by the start of the season - he didn't say they were now. 

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