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[PGT] New York Rangers at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 02, 2021

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25 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

They have to come out and dominate Nashville. They know how.

Just hit hard and pepper the goalie. Run and gun. This team can do it. Gone are the days when Nashville has a hard team to play against. 

Johansen seems to only know how to groin people with his stick. 

The last time the Canucks played Nashville, they couldn't stop the PP.  Hopefully this is the tonic the Canucks can use to ignite the PP.

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42 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

They have to come out and dominate Nashville. They know how.

Just hit hard and pepper the goalie. Run and gun. This team can do it. Gone are the days when Nashville has a hard team to play against. 

Johansen seems to only know how to groin people with his stick. 

If ever Petey and the PP were in a position to explode, the Preds are the horse I'm hitching my wagon to ::D

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2 hours ago, stawns said:

I'd like to see OEL and Hughes on the first unit, with OEL as the QB and Hughes as a rover/bumper  I don't find Hughes to be very good at running a PP.  Put Garland on the left side and park Chaisson in front. 





Petey.                                       Garland




For PP2 I'd put Myers up top, with the bomb, Miller on the right, Horvat as the bumper and Boes on the left, with hogz in the slot.   I wouldn't have hogz out front, persay, but more as the down low option, or the tip guy.  Myers would be the shooter up too, but the pp would run through Miller........as the bumper, Bo moves around within the formation






Miller.                                            Boes




I'm very intrigued.  That second PP unit looks good although I'm not sure how good Hughes would be in Bo's spot.  He doesn't have that good a shot and he'd be in tight to all the defenders and while he can skate through the defenders to gain the zone very well, I'm not sure how good he'd be in tight because he seems a lot better when he can wind up his skating in open space.

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23 hours ago, iceman64 said:

ummm in the last 3 game Canucks 5v5 has been horrible, caused bad penalties and cost us games, it's been good in short stretches but the team is getting used to each other and it's improving and will continue and as for the PK and PP the system is there but it's not being executed fast enough but again that will improve at the same time, but how much time is the question but I'd rather see slow progression at least than none at all and all it will take is more practice and game time together. Simple...

I addressed the pk and the pp, they need to be better.  To me the Canucks look like they’ve been steadily improving defensively, they definitely looked more calmer out there when they’re not killing a 5v3. Harmonic seems to settle things down.   I think this team needs to start clicking by Christmas or Green’s gone.  Watch them string together a few wins, they just need time to jell.  And not every team is the same.

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3 hours ago, stawns said:

I'd like to see OEL and Hughes on the first unit, with OEL as the QB and Hughes as a rover/bumper  I don't find Hughes to be very good at running a PP.  Put Garland on the left side and park Chaisson in front. 





Petey.                                       Garland




For PP2 I'd put Myers up top, with the bomb, Miller on the right, Horvat as the bumper and Boes on the left, with hogz in the slot.   I wouldn't have hogz out front, persay, but more as the down low option, or the tip guy.  Myers would be the shooter up too, but the pp would run through Miller........as the bumper, Bo moves around within the formation






Miller.                                            Boes




Hughes is unbelievable at running a PP. Not sure what anyone saying otherwise is watching. He is not the problem on the first unit. How many power play points does Hughes have in his career? This season compared to others I wonder? Pretty sure a ton at least overall.  Dude racks up assists like it's nothing not to mention the ability to gain the zone and walk the line.  It's literally everyone but him on the top PP that isn't doing their job. 

Edited by cdgraham
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3 hours ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Our coaching is a funeral home for inventive ideas for scoring on the PP. 

Our PP looks like rod hockey. 


Seeing this brought back some good memories.


Green & friends will not change and will stick with there coaching style until JB decides to move on.   Imo, let the staff keep the status qou and let's see if they can dig themselves out of this hole.   This is there legacy and after 4yrs of no (real) yearly improvement(s) -.there overall record at the end of there tenure will say alot. 


Message to the staff: Don't change cause you will only make it worst


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9 hours ago, stawns said:

I'd like to see OEL and Hughes on the first unit, with OEL as the QB and Hughes as a rover/bumper  I don't find Hughes to be very good at running a PP.  Put Garland on the left side and park Chaisson in front. 





Petey.                                       Garland




For PP2 I'd put Myers up top, with the bomb, Miller on the right, Horvat as the bumper and Boes on the left, with hogz in the slot.   I wouldn't have hogz out front, persay, but more as the down low option, or the tip guy.  Myers would be the shooter up too, but the pp would run through Miller........as the bumper, Bo moves around within the formation






Miller.                                            Boes




Hey Travis, calm down. 

I don't know what your fixation is to keep Chiasson on top PP. 

The whole point was to take him out, put in Garland and employ a different strategy to create more movement with our most skilled players. Chiasson is not the end all be all of netfront presence. We've managed ok without him in the past but now we've got even better players... 


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3 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

Seeing this brought back some good memories.


Green & friends will not change and will stick with there coaching style until JB decides to move on.   Imo, let the staff keep the status qou and let's see if they can dig themselves out of this hole.   This is there legacy and after 4yrs of no (real) yearly improvement(s) -.there overall record at the end of there tenure will say alot. 


Message to the staff: Don't change cause you will only make it worst


I think our players are good enough that even with rod hockey, we will still make the playoffs. 

To me, this team is capable of at least round 2 and perhaps even reaching the conference finals but I don't want just making the playoffs and being bounced out in the first round being a "win" 

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6 hours ago, cdgraham said:

Hughes is unbelievable at running a PP. Not sure what anyone saying otherwise is watching. He is not the problem on the first unit. How many power play points does Hughes have in his career? This season compared to others I wonder? Pretty sure a ton at least overall.  Dude racks up assists like it's nothing not to mention the ability to gain the zone and walk the line.  It's literally everyone but him on the top PP that isn't doing their job. 

He has done a fantastic job running the PP. 

Only issue he has is that sometimes when pressured he gives up the puck at the blue line while he falls which leads to a short handed breakaway.


It's happened a few time and that's more a learning point for him of when to give up trying to make the play and dump it into the corner for puck retrieval.


Getting stronger on his skates will also help. He is a good enough skater to stay with the puck carrier as long as he doesn't fall initially. 

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51 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

I think our players are good enough that even with rod hockey, we will still make the playoffs. 

To me, this team is capable of at least round 2 and perhaps even reaching the conference finals but I don't want just making the playoffs and being bounced out in the first round being a "win" 

I get it; and for awhile now, the only plan in place to win games is for the goalie to steal games.  A few years back, I remember reading an article about the Washington Nationals when they won the World series after a VERY SLOW START and the solution they started with: accountability to each other.    From management > coaches > players and support staff, they made a commitment to each other by focusing on each one of there job and doing well.   From the coaches & players perspective they focused on the fundamentals and execution.  Right now (imo), the issue is coaching cause it is the staffs' job to clearly set the expectations, identify issues and make the necessary adjustments.  


I would had been ok, with the slow starts, if they are a hard team to play against.  The playoffs is war and injuries will happen - but a solid play structure with alot of discipline can go along way in the playoffs/regular season.

Edited by ShawnAntoski
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18 hours ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

Looked to me that Hoglander created a lot more than Brock last night. He's more tenacious, faster and pretty shifty with the puck. If brock isn't scoring with his shot, he doesn't really bring much. 

Hoglander gets himself into a lot of decent scorning positions but he needs to work on finishing and hitting the net with all those chances. Brock's all around game was far better last year, especially defensively and playing a heavier game. I think you may be selling him a tad short.

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2 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

Hoglander gets himself into a lot of decent scorning positions but he needs to work on finishing and hitting the net with all those chances. Brock's all around game was far better last year, especially defensively and playing a heavier game. I think you may be selling him a tad short.


Brock is capable of a lot more much like Petey is capable of more. 

In a glass half full kind of way, we are 1 game below 500 while our top 2 talents have crapped the bed thus far. 

If they play like we expect them to, we should see an improvement all around from PP to 5 on 5 play and reflected on the scoreboard

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18 hours ago, Canuckster86 said:

he also has played quite a bit on PP1, a lot more than the 3 you mentioned. Any player can put up points by standing in front of the net on a PP...I did playing as a kid, I was NOT the best skater but I knew how to position myself and put the round puck in the net... Bet ya I could do it for the Canucks if I had a stretch of games where I could park my 230lb ass in front and try to tip pucks and jam at loose pucks. Obviously I am not an NHL caliber hockey player like Chiasson, but it is stupid for us to be using him on PP1... But when you have a poor coaching staff with so much INexperience...this is what you get.


I mean we fired an EXPERIENCED PP coach in Newell Brown and hired an AHL coach to be our NHL PP specialist coach...seemed destined to be a disaster, but I can almost guarantee this PP will turn it around and King will look like a good coach once BB6 and EP40 start scoring and shooting instantly like PODZ last night and not stopping the puck or double clutching before taking the shot

Lol, this is a prime example of the stupidity that goes on in here these days. This guy continues to bash Chiasson, and then actually suggests he himself would be better. Honestly? This site is falling apart. :sadno: Why do people make these decisive types of comments when they clearly know next to nothing about the game? I'm pretty much at a loss for words. This guy wouldn't even be able to stand on his skates in an NHL crease, let alone get his stick on a puck. Are people really this braindead in their blind hate for everything?


What's next, I literally can't imagine. :blink:

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34 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:


Brock is capable of a lot more much like Petey is capable of more. 

In a glass half full kind of way, we are 1 game below 500 while our top 2 talents have crapped the bed thus far. 

If they play like we expect them to, we should see an improvement all around from PP to 5 on 5 play and reflected on the scoreboard

This is basically how I see it. The biggest issue is how much rust Petey apparently needs to shed. That's the biggest thing crippling our pp, our 5v5 scoring etc. That line has been AWFUL and a lot of their production is driven through his play. That line needs to drive the bus most nights and they're not, they're driving it in to a ditch. Him being 'off' is trickling through the rest of the line which then forces the rest of the team to compensate. That and injuries in our bottom 6/PK guys etc and that's the lion's share of our issues.


Boeser has looked off too... Not sure if it's the preseason injury (wrist?), that his line mate is struggling and off, or what. But he's not the player he was last year (arguably our best player not named Demko).


Petey needs to get going which hopefully helps Boeser (and Miller) get going. If we can get that and a healthy, productive Motte back in the next couple games, I bet things start looking a LOT rosier.

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8 hours ago, cdgraham said:

Hughes is unbelievable at running a PP. Not sure what anyone saying otherwise is watching. He is not the problem on the first unit. How many power play points does Hughes have in his career? This season compared to others I wonder? Pretty sure a ton at least overall.  Dude racks up assists like it's nothing not to mention the ability to gain the zone and walk the line.  It's literally everyone but him on the top PP that isn't doing their job. 

The problem with Hughes currently is he only really looks for EP. Every other team knows it and seriously cheats to stop that play. 

Would like to see OEL there more often tbh. He has a shot that gets through and on net and he uses both sides of the ice with his passes. Even if they replace Miller with OEL and keep Hughes there too we would be more effective IMO.

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25 minutes ago, aGENT said:

This is basically how I see it. The biggest issue is how much rust Petey apparently needs to shed. That's the biggest thing crippling our pp, our 5v5 scoring etc. That line has been AWFUL and a lot of their production is driven through his play. That line needs to drive the bus most nights and they're not, they're driving it in to a ditch. Him being 'off' is trickling through the rest of the line which then forces the rest of the team to compensate. That and injuries in our bottom 6/PK guys etc and that's the lion's share of our issues.


Boeser has looked off too... Not sure if it's the preseason injury (wrist?), that his line mate is struggling and off, or what. But he's not the player he was last year (arguably our best player not named Demko).


Petey needs to get going which hopefully helps Boeser (and Miller) get going. If we can get that and a healthy, productive Motte back in the next couple games, I bet things start looking a LOT rosier.

Not buying into the rust issue at this point

There has to be more to it than just that, maybe it's commitment issue, coaching, compete, desire waning?

All top players get hurt or play hurt and still perform because they have an advantage over others to begin with


I remember being their age  and how my body would quickly recover playing hockey, football but the most serious injuries i had were from racing motocross in Canada and USA

Racing a 200+ lb bike over 40 mph over obstacles and crashing you get hurt (or die trying)

At that age and training for it i was able to recoup and be ready for the next heat or race (and usually place) I loved the sports and adrenalin of competing

The love of the sport and winning was my desire, not the purse or the trophy at the end (that was just icing or acknowledgement) but not the drive at all


After holding out and getting the money he got, I would be embarrassed letting everyone down and seeing players making so much less, doing so much more 

As most here, i expect our top players to pick it up and the team as well

I want the cocky entertaining producing guy back asap

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