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[Rumour] J.T. Miller Trade/Contract Talks


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1 hour ago, Provost said:

He said it outright directly and publicly and it was linked and quoted here many times in this thread.  He said they want to re-sign the player, but if term and money gets out of whack they will have to make an unemotional decision.

Nobody knows when the timeframe on that is though, but clearly this offseason.  The question would be could they get a good deal in a trade before the draft... or a better deal after July 13th when teams can negotiate an extension with Miller before agreeing to give up a boatload of assets for him.  The opportunity cost of waiting also has to be considered as the top free agents could be off the board before you know if you have that cap space to work with.

Oh yeah, I heard that part.

I was referring to the 'Apparently the offers coming in are better..." - that sounded great to me, just wondered what those offers might be or who said that or whatever.

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3 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Never said averages.


There are players that play 30 minutes all the time. Hughes pushes that mark all the time.


Nurse regularly plus 30 minutes a night as did Suter and Burns in their prime.

Nurse and Hughes average 25 minutes a night. They may play 30 minutes on occasion but no defenceman can play 30 minutes every game. 

The only reason Nurse plays 30 minutes is because Edmonton only dresses 4 NHL quality defencmen.

A partner for Hughes doesn’t have to be Norris quality. A Manson type would work just fine.  We’re not getting a Norris type Dman for Miller. We will have to draft one if we want that type of player. Jiricek could be that guy in this years draft. Perhaps JR is looking to get a top 5 pick for Miller. If he can do that then Miller will be traded on the draft floor. 

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5 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Whats JR's deadline to get him extended?


The thought that a potential trade during the season would be amateur hour is funny to me as they are professionals. I'm sure it has happened many times...teams knowing a player is likely on his way out. However, in JT's case I can see your point. He is such a leader and big part of the team that I can see it being a downer for the lads.


I dont listen to too much sports radio but i did for a couple mins yesterday. I was happy to hear Satier Shah mentioning he is 50/50 on if trading JT is the right move. I respect his hockey smarts. Many people are saying JT being gone is a done deal but maybe not.  Sat has also in the past pointed out JT's athleticism which doesnt get mentioned enough. JT is a durable 'young' 29, he will be a good player for years to come....an outlier if you will ;) .


On my morning scooter ride I saw Miller in a one for one for Lafrenierre.  Then we move the Laugher to Les Habitants for #1OA.

Then I drove into a guy sleeping under a box.  Downtown dreams.  

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13 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

That’s why you get the picks to draft them or get them when they’re still prospects before they break out.


Schneider from New York is the player we need to go after if there’s a chance to acquire him.

Sure. I like Schneider.


And if there isn't that chance?

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1 minute ago, Alflives said:

On my morning scooter ride I saw Miller in a one for one for Lafrenierre.  Then we move the Laugher to Les Habitants for #1OA.

Then I drove into a guy sleeping under a box.  Downtown dreams.  

It's the worst idea to move him.

If he's too expensive and wants out so be it, but man we will be losing a type of player that is very, very hard to find.


People talk about his age but he has the most energy on the team. Never mind the laundry list of other strengths he has.

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Nurse and Hughes average 25 minutes a night. They may play 30 minutes on occasion but no defenceman can play 30 minutes every game. 

The only reason Nurse plays 30 minutes is because Edmonton only dresses 4 NHL quality defencmen.

A partner for Hughes doesn’t have to be Norris quality. A Manson type would work just fine.  We’re not getting a Norris type Dman for Miller. We will have to draft one if we want that type of player. Jiricek could be that guy in this years draft. Perhaps JR is looking to get a top 5 pick for Miller. If he can do that then Miller will be traded on the draft floor. 

Lol. Again saying things I never said. 

I said 25-30 minutes. That’s not a Norris caliber defenseman that’s simply a top pairing defenseman.


Sometimes they’ll play 25 and other games that are tight or go extra time they’ll play close to 30. Tanev does that all the time and he’s not a Norris defenseman.


Marino would be a good 3 or 4 but I don’t see him as a number 2. If we can’t get that back in a trade either through a high pick or a prospect with a ton of upside, we’re better off not wasting our best asset for a 2nd pair guy (who we already have two of signed long term).

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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

Lol. Again saying things I never said. 

I said 25-30 minutes. That’s not a Norris caliber defenseman that’s simply a top pairing defenseman.


Sometimes they’ll play 25 and other games that are tight or go extra time they’ll play close to 30. Tanev does that all the time and he’s not a Norris defenseman.


Marino would be a good 3 or 4 but I don’t see him as a number 2. If we can’t get that back in a trade either through a high pick or a prospect with a ton of upside, we’re better off not wasting our best asset for a 2nd pair guy (who we already have two of signed long term).

Miller for Marino, Kapanen.

Myers + Bone for Adam Larsen.

Hughes - Larsen

OEL - Marino

Dermott - Schenn




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10 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

Whats JR's deadline to get him extended?


The thought that a potential trade during the season would be amateur hour is funny to me as they are professionals. I'm sure it has happened many times...teams knowing a player is likely on his way out. However, in JT's case I can see your point. He is such a leader and big part of the team that I can see it being a downer for the lads.


I dont listen to too much sports radio but i did for a couple mins yesterday. I was happy to hear Satier Shah mentioning he is 50/50 on if trading JT is the right move. I respect his hockey smarts. Many people are saying JT being gone is a done deal but maybe not.  Sat has also in the past pointed out JT's athleticism which doesnt get mentioned enough. JT is a durable 'young' 29, he will be a good player for years to come....an outlier if you will ;) .


Haha, there are lots of amateurs posing as professional hockey people in the NHL.  Hopefully we got rid of ours. 

Of course there have been players who have ridden out the last year of their contract and then were traded at the deadline. Some were even left not to be traded and eventually signed with another tran as a UFA in the summer. Canucks fans know this scenario all too well. 

Amateur hour is over in Vancouver. Francesco brought in the big boys to take this team to the next level. I highly doubt the big boys are going to make the same mistakes as the previous regime. If they do their really is no hope. We are doomed for mediocrity for a lifetime. 

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10 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Sure. I like Schneider.


And if there isn't that chance?

Then we get an impact forward or a high pick to try and draft a player like that.


My point is I don’t want us to just acquire whatever right shot defenseman we can because we’re desperate. It has to be a player that can play with Hughes long term. That absolutely has to be the goal.


I think Marino could be a great 2nd pair guy but that doesn’t push the needle enough for us IMO. I’d rather acquire Kakko if that’s on the table and hope that he booms.


Edited by DeNiro
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11 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Sometimes they’ll play 25 and other games that are tight or go extra time they’ll play close to 30. Tanev does that all the time and he’s not a Norris defenseman.


Tanev has an ATOI of exactly 20 minutes. 19:44 with Vancouver, 20:59 with Calgary.


Marino can play the same role.

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6 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Then we get an impact forward or a high pick to try and draft a player like that.


My point is I don’t want us to just acquire whatever right shot defenseman we can because we’re desperate. It has to be a player that can play with Hughes long term. That absolutely has to be the goal.


I think Marino could be a great 2nd pair guy but that doesn’t push the needle enough for us IMO. I’d rather acquire Kakko if that’s on the table and hope that he booms.


Marino is a younger Tanev clone. Is Tanev "2nd pair"?


I'd be just fine with him as part of the return.


I don't think you grasp what type of player Marino is. 

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Francesco brought in the big boys to take this team to the next level. I highly doubt the big boys are going to make the same mistakes as the previous regime. If they do their really is no hope. We are doomed for mediocrity for a lifetime. 

These big 'old' boys. What timeline are they thinking for us to become contender calibre? 

Ownership family....my buddy used to date Alana...remember hearing Luigi wants to see a cup. How old is that guy now? must be about 90.

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3 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Tanev can a great ATOI of exactly 20 minutes. 19:44 with Vancouver, 20:59 with Calgary.


Marino can play the same role.

That’s the average yes.


But he is capable and can handle up to 30 minutes on certain nights. That’s the point.


Can Marino be that player? I’m not sold.

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2 hours ago, grandmaster said:

Is he really that good? I feel this guy is getting too much hype for what he is

Just turned 25, strong 5v5 corsi numbers, deployed in the Dzone 60% of the time, can block shots, penalty killer, plays 20+ minutes a night, can put up some assists. 


Sounds like exactly what we need to me.

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2 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Marino is a younger Tanev clone. Is Tanev "2nd pair"?


I'd be just fine with him as part of the return.


I don't think you grasp what type of player Marino is. 

I do and no he is not Tanev. Tanev is one of the best shutdown players currently in the game and can handle tough matchup minutes.


Marino is being hyped because he was a former Pen.

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8 hours ago, Coconuts said:

The other downside to trading him for any package involving one or more picks later on is that we'll be waiting on drafting and development time


If we move Miller prior to this draft we'd be an entire season ahead in any prospect's development 

It’s probably the smartest thing that management can do with a prime asset like Miller, isn’t it? 


They wait too long, and they risk not getting what they want (or close), and he could walk for free by the end of it. 


Reminds me of Benning when players would regularly walk away for free. Let’s not repeat that again. 


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Just now, DeNiro said:

That’s the average yes.


But he is capable and can handle up to 30 minutes on certain nights. That’s the point.


Can Marino be that player? I’m not sold.

Tanev almost never, plays anywhere close to 25 minutes. He's a +/-20 minutes D, who's first pair and a really good defensemen, can PK etc who pairs well with an offensive guy like Hughes. Even if he's not a "25 minute" guy.


Marino is basically a younger clone.


Feel free to adjust your perspective. It's ok.

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7 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Lol. Again saying things I never said. 

I said 25-30 minutes. That’s not a Norris caliber defenseman that’s simply a top pairing defenseman.


Sometimes they’ll play 25 and other games that are tight or go extra time they’ll play close to 30. Tanev does that all the time and he’s not a Norris defenseman.


Marino would be a good 3 or 4 but I don’t see him as a number 2. If we can’t get that back in a trade either through a high pick or a prospect with a ton of upside, we’re better off not wasting our best asset for a 2nd pair guy (who we already have two of signed long term).

Tanev only played 25 minutes once the entire season last year and that was in a playoff game on May 3 where Rasmus Anderson got into a fight and was penalized for 15 minutes.  He regularly played around 20 minutes a night during the season, his average last year was 20:28.


I agreed with you that some Dmen play up to 30 minutes a night on occasion, but there are only a handful of Dmen that AVERAGE 25 minutes a night or more.  There were 12 guys that did it last year, some are Norris trophy winners and the others are doing it because their team cannot ice 6 quality NHL Dmen (Nurse and Burns being the two best examples of that).


Yes Marino would be a good 2nd pairing guy who can play with OEL.  To get a partner for Hughes we will have to take a gamble and either try and draft that player or, like you mentioned in another post, get Schneider from the Rangers and see if we can mold him into a top pairing guy.

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3 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

I do and no he is not Tanev. Tanev is one of the best shutdown players currently in the game and can handle tough matchup minutes.


Marino is being hyped because he was a former Pen.


3 minutes ago, 48MPHSlapShot said:

Just turned 25, strong 5v5 corsi numbers, deployed in the Dzone 60% of the time, can block shots, penalty killer, plays 20+ minutes a night, can put up some assists. 


Sounds like exactly what we need to me.


1 minute ago, aGENT said:



Feel free to adjust your perspective. It's ok.


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