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[Rumour] Bo Horvat Trade/Contract Talks


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2 minutes ago, JM_ said:


the reality is we may end up moving him if he has a good season, not 'dump' him. JR did say that there may need to be a hard decision moving a popular player to improve the d. 



If he has a great season, he will be a more attractive asset, but he is not the only player, we can move. They need the players to play to their cap hit as far as possible, and if another forward doesn't play to his potential, he will also be in line to be moved... 

If Brock has a great season they'll definitely consider holding on to him,...but


The cap hit matters...

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5 minutes ago, spook007 said:

If he has a great season, he will be a more attractive asset, but he is not the only player, we can move. They need the players to play to their cap hit as far as possible, and if another forward doesn't play to his potential, he will also be in line to be moved... 

If Brock has a great season they'll definitely consider holding on to him,...but


The cap hit matters...

yep its not an easy decision at all, or a certain one as to who would be moved. 

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35 minutes ago, spook007 said:

Did you really read, what he said?

This is professional sport...

As sad as it was with Brocks personal life, this is professional sport. There is no room for passengers.... 

He said another year like last and he'll be shipped out.  That is absolutely true... We all love Brock, how couldn't we? We all felt the pain, he had to go through over the last few years, as any fan would...


But now it's time to move again. And it's all hands to the pumps to make this a successful time for this team. if you are going to make 7+ per year, there is no room for sentimental issues. Decisions will have to be made about, who stays, and who goes, while juggling the salary cap . In particular if they decide they need a top 4 defender and/or Kuz does well and need a big raise etc. Big decisions have to be made, and if Brock has another down season, he will definitely be under serious consideration for being moved... just like any player not playing to their cap hit are.


If Brock has another down season how exactly do we move him?  He’d still have two years left at close to 7 per.  We would very likely have to take back another team’s bad contract so there would be no real gain.  

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8 minutes ago, Alflives said:

If Brock has another down season how exactly do we move him?  He’d still have two years left at close to 7 per.  We would very likely have to take back another team’s bad contract so there would be no real gain.  

That's the crux isn't it.  If he kick butt - we won't want to move him, say 35/35 breakout season.   In that case Garland maybe.   Pretty sure a team would take the chance on Brock right now, and even if he has a median line Brock type season.   His PPG is pretty good.   30/30 seems likely if he plays 78-82 games.   Reinhardt was traded.   Brock also responded well to the coaching change. Hope he makes it awfully difficult to consider him as the guy to trade. 

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3 hours ago, JM_ said:


the reality is we may end up moving him if he has a good season, not 'dump' him. JR did say that there may need to be a hard decision moving a popular player to improve the d. 



If he has a good season that's close to his cap value I fully expect us to move him tbh. Wingers, even top six wingers, are easier to find and slot in than top six center's. We've also got more winger prospects in the systems, we don't have anything in the way of center prospects with top six upside. A Boeser who's had a good season gets you better trade options than a Garland who has a good season imo. 


I keep hearing about this depth we've got up front but unless the cap jumps dramatically sooner than later something's gonna have to give up front. This team is far too forward heavy in regards to how it's allocated it's cap space and we're going to need both a Myers replacement and another top 4D sooner than later. I don't see Dermott or any of the other guys we currently have in the system being it in the near future. 

Edited by Coconuts
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5 hours ago, spook007 said:

Did you really read, what he said?

This is professional sport...

As sad as it was with Brocks personal life, this is professional sport. There is no room for passengers.... 

He said another year like last and he'll be shipped out.  That is absolutely true... We all love Brock, how couldn't we? We all felt the pain, he had to go through over the last few years, as any fan would...


But now it's time to move again. And it's all hands to the pumps to make this a successful time for this team. if you are going to make 7+ per year, there is no room for sentimental issues. Decisions will have to be made about, who stays, and who goes, while juggling the salary cap . In particular if they decide they need a top 4 defender and/or Kuz does well and need a big raise etc. Big decisions have to be made, and if Brock has another down season, he will definitely be under serious consideration for being moved... just like any player not playing to their cap hit are.


And did you read everything I wrote?

Are we going to ignore the fact Boeser was our best forward in the previous season? Better than Bo, Miller, Petey (for his short stint) another guy who cant seem to stay healthy or start the season on time. So are we going to ship Petey if he cant start the season on time again for the 3rd season in a row? It cost us a chance a playoffs last year when our prize possession forward couldnt get going for nearly 30 games. 2/4 seasons Pettersson has missed considerable amount of time. Should we be concerned about Petey as well?

You guys want to write a guy off because he has this thing called a personal life in a professional business that may have had an impact on ONE single season. Yet the one prior where Duke’s condition wasnt as concerning, Boeser was our #1 FWD the entire season, played all 56 games, was on pace for 34 goals 72pts in a full season. He has consistently produced a 25-30 goal pace each season, his injury history is more bad luck than injury prone. An open gate???? A hit from behind??? COVID?? Those arent injury prone injuries. The fact that someone is talking about Boeser’s last season and knockin him for it and saying if he repeats it he needs to go, is wrong on so many levels. Just remember this is going to be his first season WITHOUT his dad. There’s going to be a lot of challenges up ahead for him this season. The fathers trip, the Minnesota visit, his dads bday, his parents anniversary, Christmas, every flippin family holiday and his dads 1 year anniversary of his death. There are going to be a lot of things bringing back memories. This kid is in for another challenging season mentally and if you and @IBatch want to write him off and sell him at his lowest point, you’re minimizing your return and Boeser is just entering his prime and will bounce back. This is going to be a very challenging season for him and I personally do not hold anything about last season against him especially when he was on a 25-27 goal pace while his dad was facing his last days on this planet. If Brock can clear his head, what the hell could he potentially achieve, if 25 goals is a “down year” with a heavy distraction. There are far better candidates to ship out and replace than Boeser’s 30 goal pace over his career. He can produce a 30 goal pace consistently and I’d rather not gamble on losing 30 goals from one guy. If he was struggling to put up 20 goals, yea sure move him. 

Boeser is also only 68 goals behind JT Millers career totals…. With 1/2 the amount of games played. Just a little food for thought on him “not living up to his RFA deal” we just inked a guy long term who has broken 30 goals once in his career and been on pace to break 30 one other time….. and that took 7 years for him to do it… Boeser has been on pace to break 30 in 3/5 seasons.


Let’s not throw shade on last season and create a toxic environment surrounding Boeser. Leave the kid outta this for now and support the kid, because he’s in for a challenging season. His dads struggle may be over, but Boeser’s arent. 


Edit: A passenger?!!!!! Sorry I had to do a double take. Did you ACTUALLY just refer to Boeser as a passenger??? A 23goal passenger?

A passenger is someone who doesnt give effort. That coasts along for a free ride.


Did Boeser’s “lack of production” come from any of:

Alcohol issues?

Drug issues?

Conditioning issues?

Showing up out of shape?

Effort level?



Didnt think so, it came from an uncontrollable source, such as the health of his dad weighing on his mind.


so why the hell are we going to Zack Kassian the guy? Or better why are we going to go full Vegas mode and blind side a guy whos going through legitimate personal issues. Thats a great way to command respect around the league, that sure will land us some future UFA’s.

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4 hours ago, Alflives said:

If Brock has another down season how exactly do we move him?  He’d still have two years left at close to 7 per.  We would very likely have to take back another team’s bad contract so there would be no real gain.  

Who knows... at TDL he may offer something another team would take at retained salary... 

Are you suggesting that if he he has another down year, we'll just do an Eriksen with him, while our window has been pushed open by the signing of JTM?

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I think most folks around here are aware of how, and why Boeser can be valuable and what he's capable of adding to the roster. But bottom line is it's easier to replace wingers and sooner or later we're gonna probably have to give up something good to try and address our defense. Folks can make fun of Dallas all they want but bottom line is an NHL organization just gave up a 1st for a top end RD prospect, addressing our defense isn't going to be easy or cheap going forward. We need to be drafting and developing our own D but D typically take a while and that probably won't impact our lineup til later in our competitive window at the earliest. Assuming we're able to use our higher picks to draft D going forward at all. 


What's more than likely is we'll have to try and address our defense via trade, UFA would likely cost us more cap than we'd like to give up and we'd have to compete with a bunch of NHL organizations for the same players. Some folks believe giving up Horvat is how we address this issue, I disagree. Quality center's are much tougher to acquire and replace and moving out Horvat would necessitate someone performing the Horvat role and I don't believe Pettersson's capable of doing what Horvat does. They're different players and you want Petey focused on offense. I think what's more than likely is Pettersson or Miller slot over to the wing and either stay there or alternate at some point during the season. 


Therefore I think it's only a matter of time before Boeser is moved. 

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1 hour ago, AnthonyG said:

And did you read everything I wrote?

Are we going to ignore the fact Boeser was our best forward in the previous season? Better than Bo, Miller, Petey (for his short stint) another guy who cant seem to stay healthy or start the season on time. So are we going to ship Petey if he cant start the season on time again for the 3rd season in a row? It cost us a chance a playoffs last year when our prize possession forward couldnt get going for nearly 30 games. 2/4 seasons Pettersson has missed considerable amount of time. Should we be concerned about Petey as well?

You guys want to write a guy off because he has this thing called a personal life in a professional business that may have had an impact on ONE single season. Yet the one prior where Duke’s condition wasnt as concerning, Boeser was our #1 FWD the entire season, played all 56 games, was on pace for 34 goals 72pts in a full season. He has consistently produced a 25-30 goal pace each season, his injury history is more bad luck than injury prone. An open gate???? A hit from behind??? COVID?? Those arent injury prone injuries. The fact that someone is talking about Boeser’s last season and knockin him for it and saying if he repeats it he needs to go, is wrong on so many levels. Just remember this is going to be his first season WITHOUT his dad. There’s going to be a lot of challenges up ahead for him this season. The fathers trip, the Minnesota visit, his dads bday, his parents anniversary, Christmas, every flippin family holiday and his dads 1 year anniversary of his death. There are going to be a lot of things bringing back memories. This kid is in for another challenging season mentally and if you and @IBatch want to write him off and sell him at his lowest point, you’re minimizing your return and Boeser is just entering his prime and will bounce back. This is going to be a very challenging season for him and I personally do not hold anything about last season against him especially when he was on a 25-27 goal pace while his dad was facing his last days on this planet. If Brock can clear his head, what the hell could he potentially achieve, if 25 goals is a “down year” with a heavy distraction. There are far better candidates to ship out and replace than Boeser’s 30 goal pace over his career. He can produce a 30 goal pace consistently and I’d rather not gamble on losing 30 goals from one guy. If he was struggling to put up 20 goals, yea sure move him. 

Boeser is also only 68 goals behind JT Millers career totals…. With 1/2 the amount of games played. Just a little food for thought on him “not living up to his RFA deal” we just inked a guy long term who has broken 30 goals once in his career and been on pace to break 30 one other time….. and that took 7 years for him to do it… Boeser has been on pace to break 30 in 3/5 seasons.


Let’s not throw shade on last season and create a toxic environment surrounding Boeser. Leave the kid outta this for now and support the kid, because he’s in for a challenging season. His dads struggle may be over, but Boeser’s arent. 


Edit: A passenger?!!!!! Sorry I had to do a double take. Did you ACTUALLY just refer to Boeser as a passenger??? A 23goal passenger?

A passenger is someone who doesnt give effort. That coasts along for a free ride.


Did Boeser’s “lack of production” come from any of:

Alcohol issues?

Drug issues?

Conditioning issues?

Showing up out of shape?

Effort level?



Didnt think so, it came from an uncontrollable source, such as the health of his dad weighing on his mind.


so why the hell are we going to Zack Kassian the guy? Or better why are we going to go full Vegas mode and blind side a guy whos going through legitimate personal issues. Thats a great way to command respect around the league, that sure will land us some future UFA’s.

You are not listening at all...


Are we going to have a passenger for the next 3 seasons?  Is that what you say, you are prepared to have?


Nobody is writing him off? It has been said several times now, if he has ANOTHER down year...


And why on earth you mentioning Drugs issues, Alcohol issues etc. 

It can debated, whether he came in out of shape, but I think, we have established several times, it likely was because of his family issues. 


If Miller plays poorly for a couple of seasons, are we just gonna do an Eriksson with him and not shift him because we like him?

If we want to achieve something the sentiment/favouritism has to be dropped... especially for players with high cap hits.


And drop the garbage about toxic environment... few on these pages are more supportive of the players than me. I'm a massive homer, but also a realist. 

It has nothing to do with Boeser the person but any player. 


I'll Guarantee you right now, if Canucks looks legit, any forward not pulling their weight will be in play... especially those with high cap hits.

Its the job of the GM to have max return on the cap...


I'm sorry, but I'm struggling to read your wall of text. No offence meant...






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I think we’re going to realize we are in a fantastic position to trade one of Horvat or Boeser for a top 2 > 4 upcoming D man..


Boeser is lined up to have fantastic point accumulation for 2 months,  and Bo to show how great his F/O strength is below JT and Petey in the line up.

The needs of another team will dictate it.


I think ..       EITHER :

                Bo    OR.   Brock 


For one of:       R Dahlin  OR   O Power from Buffalo.




one of  :  Dobson or Romanov from the Isles.


( yes, a lot of people said the Habs would NEVER part with Romanov lol)


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6 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

I think most folks around here are aware of how, and why Boeser can be valuable and what he's capable of adding to the roster. But bottom line is it's easier to replace wingers and sooner or later we're gonna probably have to give up something good to try and address our defense. Folks can make fun of Dallas all they want but bottom line is an NHL organization just gave up a 1st for a top end RD prospect, addressing our defense isn't going to be easy or cheap going forward. We need to be drafting and developing our own D but D typically take a while and that probably won't impact our lineup til in our competitive window at the earliest. Assuming we're able to use our higher picks to draft D going forward at all. 


What's more than likely is we'll have to try and address our defense via trade, UFA would likely cost us more cap than we'd like to give up and we'd have to compete with a bunch of NHL organizations for the same players. Some folks believe giving up Horvat is how we address this issue, I disagree. Quality center's are much tougher to acquire and replace and moving out Horvat would necessitate someone performing the Horvat role and I don't believe Pettersson's capable of doing what Horvat does. They're different players and you want Petey focused on offense. I think what's more than likely is Pettersson or Miller slot over to the wing and either stay there or alternate at some point during the season. 


Therefore I think it's only a matter of time before Boeser is moved. 

darth vader battle GIF

Finally,  he got to you ;) 

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2 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

I think we’re going to realize we are in a fantastic position to trade one of Horvat or Boeser for a top 2 > 4 upcoming D man..


Boeser is lined up to have fantastic point accumulation for 2 months,  and Bo to show how great his F/O strength is below JT and Petey in the line up.

The needs of another team will dictate it.


I think ..       EITHER :

                Bo    OR.   Brock 


For one of:       R Dahlin  OR   O Power from Buffalo.




one of  :  Dobson or Romanov from the Isles.


( yes, a lot of people said the Habs would NEVER part with Romanov lol)


YES, PLEASE, to any of them....although less chances with Power and Dobson (all depends on packages), I'd soil myself if we acquired one of them.

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1 hour ago, AnthonyG said:

And did you read everything I wrote?

Are we going to ignore the fact Boeser was our best forward in the previous season? Better than Bo, Miller, Petey (for his short stint) another guy who cant seem to stay healthy or start the season on time. So are we going to ship Petey if he cant start the season on time again for the 3rd season in a row? It cost us a chance a playoffs last year when our prize possession forward couldnt get going for nearly 30 games. 2/4 seasons Pettersson has missed considerable amount of time. Should we be concerned about Petey as well?

You guys want to write a guy off because he has this thing called a personal life in a professional business that may have had an impact on ONE single season. Yet the one prior where Duke’s condition wasnt as concerning, Boeser was our #1 FWD the entire season, played all 56 games, was on pace for 34 goals 72pts in a full season. He has consistently produced a 25-30 goal pace each season, his injury history is more bad luck than injury prone. An open gate???? A hit from behind??? COVID?? Those arent injury prone injuries. The fact that someone is talking about Boeser’s last season and knockin him for it and saying if he repeats it he needs to go, is wrong on so many levels. Just remember this is going to be his first season WITHOUT his dad. There’s going to be a lot of challenges up ahead for him this season. The fathers trip, the Minnesota visit, his dads bday, his parents anniversary, Christmas, every flippin family holiday and his dads 1 year anniversary of his death. There are going to be a lot of things bringing back memories. This kid is in for another challenging season mentally and if you and @IBatch want to write him off and sell him at his lowest point, you’re minimizing your return and Boeser is just entering his prime and will bounce back. This is going to be a very challenging season for him and I personally do not hold anything about last season against him especially when he was on a 25-27 goal pace while his dad was facing his last days on this planet. If Brock can clear his head, what the hell could he potentially achieve, if 25 goals is a “down year” with a heavy distraction. There are far better candidates to ship out and replace than Boeser’s 30 goal pace over his career. He can produce a 30 goal pace consistently and I’d rather not gamble on losing 30 goals from one guy. If he was struggling to put up 20 goals, yea sure move him. 

Boeser is also only 68 goals behind JT Millers career totals…. With 1/2 the amount of games played. Just a little food for thought on him “not living up to his RFA deal” we just inked a guy long term who has broken 30 goals once in his career and been on pace to break 30 one other time….. and that took 7 years for him to do it… Boeser has been on pace to break 30 in 3/5 seasons.


Let’s not throw shade on last season and create a toxic environment surrounding Boeser. Leave the kid outta this for now and support the kid, because he’s in for a challenging season. His dads struggle may be over, but Boeser’s arent. 


Edit: A passenger?!!!!! Sorry I had to do a double take. Did you ACTUALLY just refer to Boeser as a passenger??? A 23goal passenger?

A passenger is someone who doesnt give effort. That coasts along for a free ride.


Did Boeser’s “lack of production” come from any of:

Alcohol issues?

Drug issues?

Conditioning issues?

Showing up out of shape?

Effort level?



Didnt think so, it came from an uncontrollable source, such as the health of his dad weighing on his mind.


so why the hell are we going to Zack Kassian the guy? Or better why are we going to go full Vegas mode and blind side a guy whos going through legitimate personal issues. Thats a great way to command respect around the league, that sure will land us some future UFA’s.

Nobody here is “writing” him off, he’s talented.…. 
But how this team is looking now,  he is probably one of our best trade assets.


Hogz Podz Mihky Garland Kuzmenko and others are all contributing factors in that.


We look strong up front,  but still a weak spot open on D.

That needs to be addressed with a D man that offers proven play and longevity in a top 2-4 position.


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3 minutes ago, Sophomore Jinx said:

YES, PLEASE, to any of them....although less chances with Power and Dobson (all depends on packages), I'd soil myself if we acquired one of them.

Buffalo is so very weak down the Center position.  It’s been talked about in their media for months,, but more obvious seeing who they have on the roster in that position .

C Middlestadt is their top C?

and I think in the Mid 40% in FO %..

it slides downward from there.


Lamorella / Isles,  wanted a Centerman, apparently wanted JT?        Horvat?

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Just now, SilentSam said:

darth vader battle GIF

Finally,  he got to you ;) 

I was always on board with moving Boeser tbh, I always thought we'd move one or both of Boeser and Miller. And whether I agreed with keeping Miller or not what's done is done and I've got to consider him when it comes to roster moves going forward. 


I'm not rooting for Miller to fail, that'd be dumb. I'm just hoping I, and others who weren't on board with the signing, weren't right and that he ages well enough to justify his cap hit. 


With Miller signed it makes sense to move forward with an emphasis on centers and defensemen. Wingers are the easiest NHL position to fill and there are usually at least a few top six options available on the wing via UFA every offseason. D and center's on the other hand, they're not as easy to acquire or replace. 


I was prepared to move forward with Horvat and Pettersson as our center's but the assumption is that Pettersson would be running with a more sheltered 1C role. I wouldn't be on board with moving forward with Pettersson and Miller as our top two center's though as I don't think either forward would be suited to Horvat's role. We've paid Miller to produce going forward, therefore we need to put him in a position to produce. Horvat, though miscast as a defensive center, makes Miller's job easier by taking on more of those tougher matchups; without him playing that role Miller is thrust into a more two-way role which isn't really how you want to be deploying him if you want him producing. Ideally we'd find a 3C capable of taking some of those matchups away from Horvat to free him up more for the role he should ideally be performing, that of an offensive minded center who's great in the dot. 


I keep reading that strength down the middle is important but Pettersson hasn't yet demonstrated the ability to consistently hold his own in the dot yet and he's gotta be able to at least do that. Maybe this is the season he shows he can do it, but until he does I'm more inclined to view him as a high end winger with center potential. Draws can be worked on, finding players with Pettersson's offensive talent and instincts is much trickier. Hopefully he's been putting in the work. But then again, I question whether Pettersson himself or management view him as a center long-term. 

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3 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Nobody here is “writing” him off, he’s talented.…. 
But how this team is looking now,  he is probably one of our best trade assets.


Hogz Podz Mihky Garland Kuzmenko and others are all contributing factors in that.


We look strong up front,  but still a weak spot open on D.

That needs to be addressed with a D man that offers proven play and longevity in a top 2-4 position.


It's so obvious, but some refuse to even entertain this narrative you posted....."No way, Bo must stay!"....."Hell no, Brock can't go!!!"  


I say "Oh yes, they really can, if winning a cup is the ultimate plan!!!"

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10 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Buffalo is so very weak down the Center position.  It’s been talked about in their media for months,, but more obvious seeing who they have on the roster in that position .

C Middlestadt is their top C?

and I think in the Mid 40% in FO %..

it slides downward from there.


Lamorella / Isles,  wanted a Centerman, apparently wanted JT?        Horvat?

For sure, Buffalo could be a dark horse to show up at the last minute....and how could BH not be on NYI radar, the timeline is squeezing, and even that old #$%^* Lou Lam has to blink soon, or he can just keep on missing out.

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2 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

I was always on board with moving Boeser tbh, I always thought we'd move one or both of Boeser and Miller. And whether I agreed with keeping Miller or not what's done is done and I've got to consider him when it comes to roster moves going forward. 


I'm not rooting for Miller to fail, that'd be dumb. I'm just hoping I, and others who weren't on board with the signing, weren't right and that he ages well enough to justify his cap hit. 


With Miller signed it makes sense to move forward with an emphasis on centers and defensemen. Wingers are the easiest NHL position to fill and there are usually at least a few top six options available on the wing via UFA every offseason. D and center's on the other hand, they're not as easy to acquire or replace. 


I was prepared to move forward with Horvat and Pettersson as our center's but the assumption is that Pettersson would be running with a more sheltered 1C role. I wouldn't be on board with moving forward with Pettersson and Miller as our top two center's though as I don't think either forward would be suited to Horvat's role. We've paid Miller to produce going forward, therefore we need to put him in a position to produce. Horvat, though miscast as a defensive center, makes Miller's job easier by taking on more of those tougher matchups; without him playing that role Miller is thrust into a more two-way role which isn't really how you want to be deploying him if you want him producing. Ideally we'd find a 3C capable of taking some of those matchups away from Horvat to free him up more for the role he should ideally be performing, that of an offensive minded center who's great in the dot. 


I keep reading that strength down the middle is important but Pettersson hasn't yet demonstrated the ability to consistently hold his own in the dot yet and he's gotta be able to at least do that. Maybe this is the season he shows he can do it, but until he does I'm more inclined to view him as a high end winger with center potential. Draws can be worked on, finding players with Pettersson's offensive talent and instincts is much trickier. Hopefully he's been putting in the work. But then again, I question whether Pettersson himself or management view him as a center long-term. 

By all indications I saw from Camp, and watching the hi-light speed of the K M P line,

it has the potential of becoming electrifying , the sore and intensity brought by these 3 players on one line , may well prove to be unmatched..  and a defensive deterrent to any top line that any other team has for its offensive capability may prove to over power them.

Peteys comfort and potential with these 2 may be the perfect chemistry we’ve seen since the West Coast Express.

His options for playmaking will be abundant with players that move like Mihky and Kuz.


The 2 way role,  for Miller , is lineup dependant to opposing teams,  

lots of posters think he is weak this way,.

I only see it as a challange to Miller that he will embrace..  this is a player that focuses on a challenge,  late last season the only challenge was to win at all costs to make the playoffs.

ALL costs means putting offence ahead defence ..  he did that..  but posters and fans can be more scrupulous and call it a personal weakness,  at a time he was trying to push hard to win.

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30 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

I think we’re going to realize we are in a fantastic position to trade one of Horvat or Boeser for a top 2 > 4 upcoming D man..


Boeser is lined up to have fantastic point accumulation for 2 months,  and Bo to show how great his F/O strength is below JT and Petey in the line up.

The needs of another team will dictate it.


I think ..       EITHER :

                Bo    OR.   Brock 


For one of:       R Dahlin  OR   O Power from Buffalo.




one of  :  Dobson or Romanov from the Isles.


( yes, a lot of people said the Habs would NEVER part with Romanov lol)




My favourite team outside of our own has always been Buffalo.  At face value I would love this as a Canucks fan but would shake my head at the Sabres… again.


 I would assume other assets would be thrown in this hypothetical scenario?

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9 minutes ago, Sophomore Jinx said:

It's so obvious, but some refuse to even entertain this narrative you posted....."No way, Bo must stay!"....."Hell no, Brock can't go!!!"  


I say "Oh yes, they really can, if winning a cup is the ultimate plan!!!"

Its the “Fan Love” mentality that forgets we’re actually trying to build a cup contending team for years in that top 4 contention.

The years we have made, or other teams have made trades that realign their team in the moment, or for years 3-5 in rebuild..

big names / high picks are involved.


We have good assets, it will be proven in pre-season.… and Id be surprised if a big move dosent happen before Christmas , after all assessments from around the league are accounted for.

  • Cheers 2
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