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Will Russian players be banned in the NHL?

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On 2/26/2022 at 10:23 AM, Junkyard Dog said:

Isn't his wife and kid back in Russia?


He's gotta watch what he says.


Probably best not to say anything.

Based on his wording he was very careful. He didn't condemn Putin but also wanted the war to stop. I'd say he took a more neutral side more than anything on this 

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6 hours ago, iinatcc said:

Based on his wording he was very careful. He didn't condemn Putin but also wanted the war to stop. I'd say he took a more neutral side more than anything on this 

Media was lobbing grenades (pardon the pun) his way, just begging to write the headline of "Ovechkin supports Putin amidst the invasion". 


We used to laugh at how obvious and dumb these tactics by media are, but there's more and more people that have been desensitized to it and actually expect athletes/musicians/actors to come out with a speech on whatever the cause is at the moment. 


The support for various causes back in the day was genuine and real. Now everyone does PR stunts and says whatever they think the public would want them to say. 


People criticizing Ovechkin for not saying more then "I want the war to end" were going to criticize him no matter what he said. 

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11 hours ago, John 1231231 said:

NHL needs to take a stand with Ukraine and ban all players with Russian citizenship. I for one will boycott the NHL until this is done.

You are a xenophobe. 

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The players here won't be impacted ..... just reminded not to speak out in favor of Russia publicly 


Players wanting to come over from Russia without being dual citizens may find it being difficult to get visas in addition to even getting here as nearly all commercial air travel from Russia is very limited now


They would have to fly to China then north America 



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if any revoking of visas happens its likely to impact the younger players and not the older 'stars'. Malkin has US citizenship and I'm not sure on the status of Ovi but its likely he would be able to get around any restrictions. Ironically Panarin could be someone who loses out here. 

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All I can say is not all Russian supports the invasion/war in Ukraine, but we should punish them all anyways cause they were born Russian? Even those that supported Putin in the past doesn't mean they support the war.. ban deport evoke visa of the ones that didn't do anything? Then we might as well do the same to all the afghan for 911 even though it was the taliban. Get rid of any nationality that had something their government have done that is inhuman. Oh wait that's like all the governments in the world.. look at covid.. it brought nothing but Asian hate/attacks.. now we going to see Russians hate/attacks even though they technically have nothing to do with it.. 

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This is such a slippery slope.  I understand the initial reactions to those supporting Russian's born players having their contracts revoked and be sent back to Russia (and or Belarus) BUT... let's think this through.... How is it different than how the allied forces treated and interned all Japanese people during WWII?   We all agreed it was not right for us to do that? So why would it be right now?


That all being said, from an economical and military tactics point of view, all these sanctions the world is imposing on Russia and Belarus are not to "hurt" Putin directly.  Full out war is not just detrimental to soldiers, but also long term economics, and inflation etc. etc.  Let alone diplomatic relations.   Which is why Canada is only sending military equipment to Ukraine and imposing the sanctions.   The goal of the sanctions is to "flush" out Putin from his own people. Eventually enough Russian people will get fed up and will be at a life/death situation (starvations, economic collapse) that they will turn on Putin, from even within the Kremlin itself.  How long that will take no one knows.  


This tactic though does raise the same question about Russian players in the NHL.... Innocent Russian's are being threatened by a dictator many do not even want.  Is it fair to punish them as well?  


Myself? I hate the idea of innocent people being hurt regardless of their citizenship. I am very glad I am not having to make these decisions, but I also don't think just because you are Russian you should lose everything.  In the case of some of the NHL players (Ovi) who have made VERY clear political opinions on Putin (Ovie is buddy/buddy with Putin and even campaigned for him) Maybe.... Guys like Malkin who are US citizens etc not fair to punish them. 

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On 2/24/2022 at 12:49 PM, we win the cup in 2025 said:

I can foresee Russian,Belarus players etc and interactions with the Russian Hockey Federation be banned as the war escalates. 

what do you think?

A week ago, I would have said a DEFINITE NO!  But as casualties mount (on both sides) and the more we see Russian missile attacks and shelling of civilian targets in Ukraine - maybe it is time to give this serious consideration.  Inconveniencing a few high profile millionaire hockey players is a small price to pay if it might help convince the Russian people how isolated they truly are in the world community and their leader is robbed of watching Russians playing NHL hockey, one of his favorite sports.  Yes teams like the Caps and Bolts would be seriously impacted, but once again, a small price to pay if it would help stop what we are seeing on tv every evening.   

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On 2/28/2022 at 12:30 AM, UKNuck96 said:

if any revoking of visas happens its likely to impact the younger players and not the older 'stars'. Malkin has US citizenship and I'm not sure on the status of Ovi but its likely he would be able to get around any restrictions. Ironically Panarin could be someone who loses out here. 

Panarin is critical of Putin from what I recall. Considering what is happening right now especially of people protesting against the Russian government couldn't he ask for refuge or political asylum in the United States?

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22 hours ago, DeanH said:

A week ago, I would have said a DEFINITE NO!  But as casualties mount (on both sides) and the more we see Russian missile attacks and shelling of civilian targets in Ukraine - maybe it is time to give this serious consideration.  Inconveniencing a few high profile millionaire hockey players is a small price to pay if it might help convince the Russian people how isolated they truly are in the world community and their leader is robbed of watching Russians playing NHL hockey, one of his favorite sports.  Yes teams like the Caps and Bolts would be seriously impacted, but once again, a small price to pay if it would help stop what we are seeing on tv every evening.   

Are you suggesting all Russian citizens, who are working abroad, should be sent packing?  

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1 hour ago, bigbadcanucks said:

How's about Russia keeps Virtanen and Boucher and US can keep Ovechkin?  LMAO if Virtanen is denied re-entry back to Canada.

I'd rather he come back and face trial on that assault charge.

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