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[PGT] New Jersey Devils at Vancouver Canucks | Mar. 15, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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7 hours ago, aznmonk said:

If Benning fired green. He would of still had a job.  It was a new voice, that ignited the room. 


4 hours ago, iinatcc said:

I think considering there's a goalie deadlock where we are scared to let Demko sit out a game in so Halak can't start and the team can't do anything about it because of Halak's NMC. 


Nah Benning had to get fired. Because for some reason Benning though it was a good idea to give a back up goalie (even if it's Halak) a NMC. 

both of these statements are true

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6 minutes ago, CRAZY_4_NAZZY said:

Canucks nation to Pettersson:


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Isn't it nice to feel this way again about Petey?


That having him healthy and in the line up is pretty important to the team's success? Not long ago, that was under fire and in question.


I'm so glad for him (and us) that it's no longer the case. We need Petey out there on the ice. It's a lesson in patience.

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6 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Isn't it nice to feel this way again about Petey?


That having him healthy and in the line up is pretty important to the team's success? Not long ago, that was under fire and in question.


I'm so glad for him (and us) that it's no longer the case. We need Petey out there on the ice. It's a lesson in patience.

I won't lie, I was one of those people who was heavily criticizing Petey early this season. It was because I knew how important he was to our success and knew this wasn't the Petey I had become accustomed to. We won yesterday, but we don't go anywhere without him.


Indeed its nice to cherish Petey again. Makes me think twice when I start to take any of our core players for granted haha, life could be worse without them.

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3 minutes ago, CRAZY_4_NAZZY said:

I won't lie, I was one of those people who was heavily criticizing Petey early this season. It was because I knew how important he was to our success and knew this wasn't the Petey I had become accustomed to. We won yesterday, but we don't go anywhere without him.


Indeed its nice to cherish Petey again. Makes me think twice when I start to take any of our core players for granted haha, life could be worse without them.

I feel like we all did to some degree. Some with a harsher "he's useless/get rid of him" way. Others (me in this group) in a "wth's wrong with Petey?" way.


Me too (re our core players' importance). When a team comes together and starts firing on all cylinders, it's usually because they are working well as a team and not individuals. But take one of them out of the mix and it can really change the dynamics. 

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

JT Miller was traded for Shakir Mukhamadullin (1st round pick), Hugo Alnefelt (3rd round pick) and Marek Mazanec.  


Yes that is not a typo...

If you go back to the thread, we have people screaming about how much of an overpayment it was from our end...


And now, the trade's now known as the Miller for the hardest spelling names of players ever.

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1 hour ago, -DLC- said:

It's a bit of a contrast, isn't it?


I feel the same. I liked Green, let me set that straight (still do). I think he ran out of creativity and his sarcasm that he sometimes used to mask that wasn't well timed, well received or effective. Bruce brings a real likability and seems very humble. I'm sure he has his moments (we've seen him on the bench giving it to the players - rightfully so), but he doesn't appear to carry it over, which is important.


There's a fine line when you're trying to motivate people and when they've been beat down, sometimes less is more in trying to lecture them through that. Sneering sarcasm generally isn't a great motivator or gets people to buy in. At times, I saw glimpses of that with Green as he grasped at straws to provide answers. He just didn't have them. 


Bruce is definitely a top notch coach and he's done an incredible job. The players really needed some positive reinforcement and, from the start, he came in and said he had to find out about the players. He didn't start off with a bunch of what HE needed to do...he needed to assess them to know how to help them in finding out what to do. Insight. That speaks volumes to me of how he connects with his players.


You can see the "buy in" from the bench. 


Green was ok for awhile...until he wasn't. He grew stale and I'm sure that he forgot to use positives even during negative situations. I feel Bruce always finds something to tap into that's positive, even during losses. He doesn't just make it about that, he tries to find something good that the team did so they can focus there.



in the words of Gene Kiniski "Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour"

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39 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Thing is every reporter and guy in hockey has their favourites.   Why we use Cheech also why he's so endearing to us as fans.    Can't help that.    Subscribed to the Hockey News now going on 3 decades almost 4... and every writer has their faves too.   Doesn't mean they can't create and make a mag and stories up to 42 times a year about what's current and make it fun for any fan of hockey either.     That said it does come out at times, where they are being honest...One senior writer wrote that about begging the powers that be to let Hull play in the Summit series when he was ten or so, wrote letters ... etc.   IF your from ONT you can bet you  want the Laughs to win, or maybe OTT.


Cherry's connection to the Bruins was obvious in 2011, but before that he wore our colours many times (Canadian Hockey and all of that).     BC isn't the center and never will be the center of the hockey universe.   The biggest city where the team plays doesn't have 40,000 outdoor rinks to play on.   Where it's cold every street has a rink ... and ponds, rivers etc get pumped so an ice surface is available for everyone for a couple months when it's minus 15-30, if not someone up or down the street has one in their backyard for months.... Hockey in BC is small town interior big ... but not lower mainland big in the same sense.   Can't fault these guys for it, most have lived it since they were 2-3 years old.    

I really enjoy Cheech and Shorty as our home TV Canuck on air personalities. They have a great dynamic. And I'm pretty sure a broadcast with them never goes by without them talking about food!  


No mention of our boy Tommy Larscheid?!??!?!? I met him when I won a pair of tickets for box seats. Hob knobbin' with the likes of Hughson and a few other NHL personalities. It was fun. Food at the buffet was pretty average, but Tommy sat with me and my bud and chatted Canucks. Very cool! We lost to the Oilers, but it was pretty fun. Even though Tom was a transplanted American via the NFL/CFL route, he became a consumate homer in Vancouver for the Lions and the 'Nucks. Yea, he mighta' bleated out the occasional profanity. But he only did so because of his compassionate love for his team. "That's just bullsh#t," which I recall as one of them during a broadcast of playoff Nucks 'n' Leafs in '94. God love him! 

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This was honestly the first game the Canucks have played where the game has been wide open but they also played adequately defensively as well. Usually when they trade offense for offense with other teams they abandon defense completely but last night they also worked hard defensively. 


That game could have been 6-0 had Demko been on his game. He actually had a poor game but sometimes teams need to bail out their goaltending. 


I thought the team played fantastic. Not going to lose too many games with that level of forecheck, energy and dare I say it, creativity in their passing (that's rare for us). 


First half of the game was a bad night for Bo but he more than made up for it with an absolute beasting second half. He wasn't covering men defensively to all of a sudden being a true leader at both ends of the ice. 


Hoglander showed why we need to play the kid more and with better players. 


Miller couldn't bury his chances but boy was he buzzing. 


Petey was invisible. 


(sarcasm on that last comment) 

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