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'Serious' allegations of child abuse levelled against Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini

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-Vintage Canuck-

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6 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Yeah that's why we started debating about this generation being lazy, that's a much more comfortable conversation. And I can find the old people I can start ignoring for their dumb takes.

This generation is lazy though. And I'm in my early 30s, a millennial.


There is lots of hard workers in this young generation but there is way more lazy ones than ever before.


I work in the trades, there is a massive skilled labor shortage cause nobody wants to work hard anymore. They just want easy money.


Lazy and soft.  This ain't your grandfathers generation.

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3 minutes ago, BlakeQuinnAndEggs said:

This generation is lazy though. And I'm in my early 30s, a millennial.


There is lots of hard workers in this young generation but there is way more lazy ones than ever before.


I work in the trades, there is a massive skilled labor shortage cause nobody wants to work hard anymore. They just want easy money.


Lazy and soft.  This ain't your grandfathers generation.

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10 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Yeah that's why we started debating about this generation being lazy, that's a much more comfortable conversation. And I can find the old people I can start ignoring for their dumb takes.

Same could be said for the young people, How many old people look at young people and shake theirs heads? A day?  The internet is a bad place .... for sheeple and wannabe leaders. Meaning that the Wannabe Leaders say something that they believe is the word of "God" or "Gospel" the some of the people eat it up,


Also you cannot say debate while you call old peoples opinion "dumb takes" and ignore them, It sounds whiney...



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28 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Yeah that's why we started debating about this generation being lazy, that's a much more comfortable conversation. And I can find the old people I can start ignoring for their dumb takes.

Yeah, I'm not wading into that either because that's a predictable circular argument. You get older folks who are convinced younger generations are lazier, you get young generations who disagree and resent/blame older generations for the fucked up world they're inheriting, and you get both older and younger folks who either fall in the middle somewhere with their views or folks who swing to opposite side of the stereotypical generational view. 


It's an incredibly nuanced subject that people like to oversimplify, but hey.. welcome to intergenerational discord and conflict. 

Edited by Coconuts
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5 minutes ago, BlakeQuinnAndEggs said:

If you can't understand what I'm trying to Say then u have obviously pushed pencil your whole life cause anyone who breaks a sweat on the job knows how collectively useless the younger gen is. There is some diamonds in the rough though.

Mostly because what you're saying only serves to needlessly denigrate the work and livelihood of anybody outside of physical labourers.

Truth is, it was parents, teachers, community leaders, etc all living a predominantly capitalist society that told these generations that if they wanted a "decent" life, to avoid trades and head for school, instead.  Years of education (often beyond a simple undergraduate), tons of money spent, lots of debt accrued, working multiple jobs whilst studying, all while the cost of living and inflation rising.  But "lazy" people, I guess?

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19 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

The intergenerational talks on this forum usually result in mud slinging and nothing productive comes of any of it. 

I agree!   There's not too, too much wrong with "Millennials" !



Edited by RU SERIOUS
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This is how LOW life survives in Sports Journalism in Vancouver.


lowest of low.         


doubt if he’s even asked that as a question to anyone in the organization.


Someone needs to call this guy out ,  and down to the level he exists.

.. obviously didn’t get his meds right today,  hope he loses his job.


He dosent realize the privileges he’s given to access and get top sports stories,

and he comes up with this going for the jugular of the owner of the biggest sports team in this province..  whom has been known to be in a divorce battle for years.

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40 minutes ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

Nothing good can come of this thread. Said the same thing in the Virtanen thread. 

Agree, maybe we should hide this story and bury it in the sand and not talk about these sorts of things - like "The Good 'Ol Days".  That ought to stop this sort of thing going on in future!

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2 minutes ago, SilentSam said:




This is how LOW life survives in Sports Journalism in Vancouver.


lowest of low.         


doubt if he’s even asked that as a question to anyone in the organization.


Someone needs to call this guy out ,  and down to the level he exists.


Why?  Even with this recent story aside, why would it be a problem to question if new ownership would be better for the team?

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