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If Bo goes then get rid of Rutherford!

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Steve The Poolman

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3 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

Isn't this exactly the same as the Miller situation a year ago? 


If they re-sign BoHo, my question is how will this team be any different on the ice than the mediocre team we've been watching for the past several years? Unless of course the 'sign-him' part goes with the unwritten expectation that other significant changes are coming henceforth - but then I ask again, why weren't those significant changes already executed? 


Not directed at you sp007, just wondering out loud......

No agree 100%... 


Management made their intentions clear last off season by signing Miller to an extension, that he was the go to guy, expect to spend peanuts on Bo or trade him... Bo going bonkers this season has made their decision look foolish...


However, as you say the team has drifted around like a rudderless ship, during Horvats entire tenure, so its not like he is the player that have made us win... 

He will bring a good haul, or likely bring a decent haul at TDL, and with a bit of luck a few more will be doing so... Maybe Myers (although next years TDL is likely his goodbye), and maybe Kuz, although I would love to keep him...

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If we look at the cap structure of this team's positions, here's where we sit:


1) Center - Petey, Bo, Lazar and Dries (Miller is basically a LW right now but I'll interchange him for argument's sake) - that's a total of 15M (19M this season if we include Miller as a center, say our 3C? But he's not really playing as one this year).


2) Top-4 defence - Hughes, OEL, Myers and Bear - good for 24M in cap space.


3) Bottom-2 defence, say Schenn and Burroughs - 1.5M


4) Left wingers - Miller, Mikheyev, Kuzmenko and Joshua  - that's around 13M (without Miller and say Pearson in, that's 10M)


5) Right wingers - Boeser, Garland, Studnicka and say Hoglander - that's 13M


So we've essentially got 26M tied up in all our wingers this year, 15M in centers and almost 26M in defence. You could easily argue that the wing position is the least important on the ice, yet we've thrown bucket-loads at wingers. We have so many guys in the 4-6M range it's rediculous. 


The structure of this team's cap is a mess, and that's not even addressing the defence. I don't mind spending 15M on a defensive pairing if they're playing well but our cap in defence is pretty much un-movable.


What you'd hate to see is JR an PA trade Bo and then we end up with a 7M Petey, 8M Miller and then...no one...


Sure, they'll probably acquire a decent 40 point 3rd line center but you just know Bruce won't play him like that - he doesn't trust Miller on the wing, so we'll end up with Miller on the wing as a very expensive winger and a 40 point 2C.


This team needs to focus on the areas of the ice that matter most, and teams don't win Cups with great wingers, they win them with one absolute stud defenceman, a good goalie and center depth. We've got some brilliant center depth right now and it's never going to be better than this season after Bo leaves...

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1 hour ago, Baggins said:

Who is the writers source? Sports writers are known to jump on rumors and speculation as news. Still, if the owner views the team as still good enough to make the playoffs it is his money and his call. Even that doesn't equate to constant interference. I actually believe they should always ice the best team possible and let the chips fall where they may. I don't believe in intentionally setting a team up to lose going into the season.


Come on Baggins, you're smarter than that. A rebuild is not about "intentionally setting a team up to lose going into the season".  That may be a side effect, but that is not the purpose of a rebuild. That does sound like its the level of thinking of Aquilini though.  Completely void of understanding how a team is built, through the draft, the more picks the merrier, and then having patience with your prospects.  A good example of the power in hanging onto picks, even second rounders,  is watching Andersson play in Calgary. But Benning thought Baer was going to tip the balance and help his boss get some playoff revenue, which was JBs only purpose while he was here.


And I guess you have a different opinion on that the owner of our local NHL team has zero responsibility as the caretaker of our national sport in this city. That goes above and beyond a money making opportunity.  A sport that is regarded as a religion by Canadians. ....May the Hockey Gods shine upon us. Francesco even waxed on about this in his initial press conference.


But money rules eh?  He can do whatever he wants, you are merely a serf thankful to make him wealthier. Even if he chooses to ruin the team's future by hiring a puppet GM to carry out a misguided and failed philosophy of squeek into the playoffs each season by trading away all your picks and prospects until you run out. But then don't stop there, you then happily watch your GM resort to filling those spots by stocking up on free agent guns for hire with no history with the team, who leave for pennies on the dollar, sometimes having to buy them out, or add a draft pick to get rid of them. Or add anchors. But its all fine because the GM is being led by the all seeing, all knowing, and most importantly, all paying owner.


Of course right now it may be too late for a proper rebuild, if we want to take advantage of Petey's and Quinns best years, as well as Millers contract. and Demko's.  That is another topic. But that tweet was about 2013.  Revealing an incredible amount of arrogance and greed and lack of foresight, and a complete lack of understanding how a hockey team's success is maintained. Also incredibly stupid not to understand how short term pain can lead to a much longer, sustained term of gain. Which would be a delayed but in the end a much more dependable and lucrative way to feed his greed. And also I suspect the desire to be the king of the city riding high on a Stanley Cup parade float down Robson. You can choose to not believe that source, but there have been many other stories backing that version up.  But then again,  its not the story you have a problem with, its that everyone is picking on poor Francesco who knows no matter how much he abuses his toy, it will continue to increase in value. So far from $250 mil to $1 billion. 



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3 hours ago, kilgore said:


Sometimes in a game, if the team is losing and looks a little lacklustre, a coach will pull the goalie.  Switch him out for the backup. And it may not be the goalies fault at all. The team just needs a shakeup.  A lot of times that works.


Maybe a bad analogy, but the same applies to Bo.  I'd like to keep him here. And if the previous regime had handled things different, we may have the cap room to keep him. Because we'd have a few prospects on ELCs, and not have a couple of anchor contracts to deal with.


But the silver lining in Bo leaving is that this team does need a shakeup.  Bo's low key attitude sets the mood for the entire team. Which is why when a new player like Miller comes to town, that kind of passion is so unique here. (So glad we signed him...please stop with the trade Miller talk) . In the last game, there was a moment that there was a scrum by the Calgary net. Miller, Schenn, and one other Canuck were mixing it up I believe, could be wrong.   And even though Bo was the player that I think bumped Markstrom inadvertently, and started the kurfuffle, he quickly skated back and let the closest ref hold him like he was his dad protecting him.  Until it was over, and Bo lets go and skates back to the bench.  I guess I'm just a little tired of the passive captain approach.  I don't want him to be a goon, but there are moments in the game that he must realize that he is the face of the team, and he could at least put in a minimal physical response even if he has to fake it.  Even Linden understood that.


Maybe I'm way off base. Its not just the passivity, because other great captains don't rely on physicality either, some from our own past teams.  Maybe its just that we've seen this act for too long now, and we just need a switch. Not in net but in the captaincy.  Personally, I think Petey would make a great captain. Which I never thought before this year. And may in part, persuade him to re-sign.

I agree 100%


I also think this is what Smyl eluded to before JR was hired about he's watched for too long this team be too easy to play against.


A captain with an edge makes a huge diff... Linden in 94 checking guys through the glass, Iginla in the flames 04 finals run also comes to mind.


Canucks have had passive captains for an entire generation now. 


Time to switch it up. And Petey might be slight but he def has a hidden mean streak 

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3 hours ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

We never should have rushed the Miller signing or trade, they both became UFAs together so should have dealt with them together or re-signed Bo last year to a 7x7 year deal. Now he's playing lights out in a contract year and we're screwed, and Miller is dipping after signing a contract.


There was always a possibility we couldn't keep both so why we hitched our wagon to the older, weaker defensive center I don't know but I think it shows lack of planning and foresight from our management squad. They must have just assumed Bo would be a 20-30 goal scorer, 60 point getter and sign a 6-7M deal. They didn't factor in any chance that he might peak or play better...when he's in a prime age and prime of his career and a highly offensive league.


Poor planning and foresight by management and now we end up with an ageing, deteriorating Miller over Bo.


I see your point in another post about Miller being not worth the money as a winger.  Bo is a center, and a very good one. But I still value Miller more to this team


Ideally we should have been set up to sign both players. But if you are choosing one over the other, I still choose Miller.  He has been the consistent point producer. And has been the spark plug of the team at times. As well as the de facto leader.


Some twitter posts last season,


"He’s taken over as the catalyst and the leader. It’s wonderful to see because you need that at this time of the season.” - Boudreau


Bruce Boudreau said one of the captains told him not to come into the room to talk to the team after the second period and said "I'll take care of this."

Luke Schenn told us that the player was J.T. Miller.

"That's leadership." - Boudreau


Bo is scoring at a phenomenal rate this season.  But I can't help but know this is his contract year, the one that every NHL player uses to set himself up with.  I would guess that it also has some anger mixed up there spurning him on. But because of this, I see him falling back to a still respectable 50 - 60 point season.


Bo is a center, who is great at face offs. But not much else separates him from any forward. He's not the greatest two way player. Or playmaker. Or as we all know very physical, which is a shame with the build that he has that he doesn't use that asset.


JT is two years older. Both are built like locomotives and frankly I can see both playing well into their 30's.  So I don't see this two year gap as anything major.


I love the intensity of JT. Even on the ice discussing a play with his teammates before a faceoff. He just adds more value to the team than Bo at this juncture. And unless we are going to really strip the team down to the bare bones, why are we talking about trading Miller even before his contract starts?  Laughable IMO.


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18 hours ago, Hairy Kneel said:

So your a big Willie fan eh

Not even remotely

but you knew that.

I was also not a Green fan either

and I was not one of those fans that said, " Green is a good coach for now, but will need to be replaced when the team is ready to compete"

That sentiment does not compute with me at all

those fans are now wondering why we do not have a winning culture even after 10 years of veteran leadership 


what I do believe in is the "BUMP"

the Bump happens when guys get traded or signed with a new team, or a new coach comes in,

like say Bruce Boudreau after Green or Conner Garland when he first arrived in Vancouver and scored 9 goals in his first 15 games, or the Canucks the years after Torts, when an AHL coach like Willies Desjardins can garner 101 point season

Another example is Jason Dickinson who scored 7 points in his first 9 games in Chicago, BUMP, then reverted to his former self, and -8 in his next 14 games.


But we were talking about Boudreau, and I like Boudreau, but I don't think he is as an amazing coach as it appeared when it seemed he could do no wrong and he could take the bumbling mess that Benning left behind and make it a Cup worthy team.

He's good, but not that good.



Its like when we learned to do averages in elementary school, throw out the high, throw out the low and average the rest

the bumps are the highs that do not reflect the real ability of coaches or players

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21 hours ago, kilgore said:


Come on Baggins, you're smarter than that. A rebuild is not about "intentionally setting a team up to lose going into the season".  That may be a side effect, but that is not the purpose of a rebuild. That does sound like its the level of thinking of Aquilini though.  Completely void of understanding how a team is built, through the draft, the more picks the merrier, and then having patience with your prospects.  A good example of the power in hanging onto picks, even second rounders,  is watching Andersson play in Calgary. But Benning thought Baer was going to tip the balance and help his boss get some playoff revenue, which was JBs only purpose while he was here.


And I guess you have a different opinion on that the owner of our local NHL team has zero responsibility as the caretaker of our national sport in this city. That goes above and beyond a money making opportunity.  A sport that is regarded as a religion by Canadians. ....May the Hockey Gods shine upon us. Francesco even waxed on about this in his initial press conference.


But money rules eh?  He can do whatever he wants, you are merely a serf thankful to make him wealthier. Even if he chooses to ruin the team's future by hiring a puppet GM to carry out a misguided and failed philosophy of squeek into the playoffs each season by trading away all your picks and prospects until you run out. But then don't stop there, you then happily watch your GM resort to filling those spots by stocking up on free agent guns for hire with no history with the team, who leave for pennies on the dollar, sometimes having to buy them out, or add a draft pick to get rid of them. Or add anchors. But its all fine because the GM is being led by the all seeing, all knowing, and most importantly, all paying owner.


Of course right now it may be too late for a proper rebuild, if we want to take advantage of Petey's and Quinns best years, as well as Millers contract. and Demko's.  That is another topic. But that tweet was about 2013.  Revealing an incredible amount of arrogance and greed and lack of foresight, and a complete lack of understanding how a hockey team's success is maintained. Also incredibly stupid not to understand how short term pain can lead to a much longer, sustained term of gain. Which would be a delayed but in the end a much more dependable and lucrative way to feed his greed. And also I suspect the desire to be the king of the city riding high on a Stanley Cup parade float down Robson. You can choose to not believe that source, but there have been many other stories backing that version up.  But then again,  its not the story you have a problem with, its that everyone is picking on poor Francesco who knows no matter how much he abuses his toy, it will continue to increase in value. So far from $250 mil to $1 billion. 



How many wanted a house cleaning and tank the team? That's setting the team up to lose. I have no problem with moving pending ufa's at the deadline if out of the race. I don't believe in setting a team up to lose from the start of the season (intentional tanking). I'm smart enough to know the difference.

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6 minutes ago, Baggins said:

How many wanted a house cleaning and tank the team? That's setting the team up to lose. I have no problem with moving pending ufa's at the deadline if out of the race. I don't believe in setting a team up to lose from the start of the season (intentional tanking). I'm smart enough to know the difference.




Sorry, I just had to. 

I didn't mean to be harsh, but jeez Bags, if every GM thought like you, no team would ever go through a rebuild.  I

A rebuild is the furthest thing from "setting the team up to lose", its about setting the team up to be winners long term.  Always resisting a rebuild, is a recipe for perpetually setting the team up to lose.


How many fans wanted a house cleaning back in 2013-2014?  Is that what you are asking?  WHO CARES!  Would some fans be upset that their favorite player was being shopped? For sure. (I would have been p*ssed if say Burrows was being shopped back then) But if hockey minds who have way more experience and knowledge decide on a rebuild, not only do we fans have zero say in that, but they are probably right.  Jeff Gorton put out a letter to Rangers fans preparing them for this reality, and three years later, no one is complaining anymore. The same would have happened here in Vancouver. We might have already rebuilt a contending team by 2018/19 if Aqua had let Gillis manage a rebuild.


And the term tanking is so over used and misused.  What do you mean by tanking?  Who is tanking? 

In fact the only time the word "tank" should be used is in describing a team involuntarily going on a long pitiful losing streak.  Tanking is always involuntary. There is no such thing as players tanking, or coaches tanking. It would be detrimental to their next contract. (if Boeser is tanking.. why? how does that benefit him personally?). The closest to intentional tanking one could level at someone is on the owner with the GM deciding on a bare bones rebuild to have a big start over. Which could actually start at the TD, moving pending ufa's, as you said, and continue through the Summer. Yes there'd be an assumption that the team would tank in the standings in the new season. But the silver lining would be a good shot in the lottery to continue the rebuild.


But even then, the owner and GM would probably rather the team didn't stumble too hard after the initial purge. Tanking is not their objective, its about getting younger, and accumulating more picks and shedding anchors.  And ultimately making the team better.  So they wouldn't even be sad if the first of the extra prospects they picked up, and the cheaper vets they replaced the more expensive ones with, actually made the team better earlier than they were expecting and thus the GM had even higher value trading options the next TD, or to keep some around as productive support pieces.


Tanking (in the standings) is simply an assumption that is basing the team's success on the experience and talent level on paper that the GM has given the coach to work with. Its never a directive or even the goal. Even if that happens, an owner / GM cannot be so afraid of ever rebuilding because of fair weather fans jumping off the bandwagon for a few years, or nothing will ever set the team up to WIN. F the fans feelings.



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On 12/13/2022 at 3:53 PM, Steve The Poolman said:

What is going on in this organization? Trade Horvat? to get what? A centerman that can score? That can be effective in the face off circle?

Give me a break! He's the best player we have. Don't be stupid Jim! Let's get rid of Boeser or Demko. They have both peaked and are both simply deadwood that is bringing this team down. Also trade Meyers and get some effective defensemen. I would invest in some truckloads of smelly salts because these guys don't seem to give a f*ck about being ready for games and just playing the "get the puck to the center zone" game. Even the players that are changing look like they're coasting to the bench. Bruce start benching players that make idiot mistakes. Let them re-evaluate in the pressbox.


Jim and Bruce need to be more aggressive with the players. DON'T PLAY PLAYERS THAT CAN'T CUT IT! Bring up some younger players to try and invigerate some energy. I would sit Boeser, Myers, and any other ineffective players that are lazy or make stupid passes or take ridiculous penalties!

You've had some pretty rough takes lately @Steve The Poolman


Oh No Reaction GIF by Laff

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On 12/15/2022 at 10:01 AM, BlakeQuinnAndEggs said:

I think a lot of fans agree with my views on this.



I like Horvat, I would love for him to stay a Canuck.  However,  the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting different results.


This core doesn't work, its been like 8 or 9 years. This isn't a knock on Horvat, he's a great player, but the Canucks need to accept that they aren't good enough and tear it down and start over.


It's unfortunate but Bo is ripe for the picking to get a lot of assets. Obviously the Miller signing was short sighted, after the Boudreau bump last year obviously management thought that they had something here...


But unfortunately it's just more of the same, this core can't maintain consistent success.


Bo is a prime sell high player. I don't want to see another player walk for nothing.


I'd hate to see him go but it's what's best for the Canucks in the long term and I hope Bo wins a cup somewhere else. And it sounds like we offered him a contract and he denied it.


To quote the great Todd Bertuzzi, it is what it is.

Point Agree GIF by Ford

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40 minutes ago, kilgore said:




Sorry, I just had to. 

I didn't mean to be harsh, but jeez Bags, if every GM thought like you, no team would ever go through a rebuild.  I

A rebuild is the furthest thing from "setting the team up to lose", its about setting the team up to be winners long term.  Always resisting a rebuild, is a recipe for perpetually setting the team up to lose.


How many fans wanted a house cleaning back in 2013-2014?  Is that what you are asking?  WHO CARES!  Would some fans be upset that their favorite player was being shopped? For sure. (I would have been p*ssed if say Burrows was being shopped back then) But if hockey minds who have way more experience and knowledge decide on a rebuild, not only do we fans have zero say in that, but they are probably right.  Jeff Gorton put out a letter to Rangers fans preparing them for this reality, and three years later, no one is complaining anymore. The same would have happened here in Vancouver. We might have already rebuilt a contending team by 2018/19 if Aqua had let Gillis manage a rebuild.


And the term tanking is so over used and misused.  What do you mean by tanking?  Who is tanking? 

In fact the only time the word "tank" should be used is in describing a team involuntarily going on a long pitiful losing streak.  Tanking is always involuntary. There is no such thing as players tanking, or coaches tanking. It would be detrimental to their next contract. (if Boeser is tanking.. why? how does that benefit him personally?). The closest to intentional tanking one could level at someone is on the owner with the GM deciding on a bare bones rebuild to have a big start over. Which could actually start at the TD, moving pending ufa's, as you said, and continue through the Summer. Yes there'd be an assumption that the team would tank in the standings in the new season. But the silver lining would be a good shot in the lottery to continue the rebuild.


But even then, the owner and GM would probably rather the team didn't stumble too hard after the initial purge. Tanking is not their objective, its about getting younger, and accumulating more picks and shedding anchors.  And ultimately making the team better.  So they wouldn't even be sad if the first of the extra prospects they picked up, and the cheaper vets they replaced the more expensive ones with, actually made the team better earlier than they were expecting and thus the GM had even higher value trading options the next TD, or to keep some around as productive support pieces.


Tanking (in the standings) is simply an assumption that is basing the team's success on the experience and talent level on paper that the GM has given the coach to work with. Its never a directive or even the goal. Even if that happens, an owner / GM cannot be so afraid of ever rebuilding because of fair weather fans jumping off the bandwagon for a few years, or nothing will ever set the team up to WIN. F the fans feelings.



I don't think an intentional tank is needed to rebuild. And intententional tanking doesn't guarantee success. Putting the best team you can on the ice doesn't guartantee playoffs. Benning tried and and finished bottom five three years in a row. That's doing your best and letting the chips fall where they may. To me that's the way to rebuild. Honestly, why would I spend my hard earned money on tickets for a team that was set up to lose in the offseason hoping to be last in the league? That will never get my support.

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31 minutes ago, Baggins said:

I don't think an intentional tank is needed to rebuild. And intententional tanking doesn't guarantee success. Putting the best team you can on the ice doesn't guartantee playoffs. Benning tried and and finished bottom five three years in a row. That's doing your best and letting the chips fall where they may. To me that's the way to rebuild. Honestly, why would I spend my hard earned money on tickets for a team that was set up to lose in the offseason hoping to be last in the league? That will never get my support.

Canucks have only tanked (3 yrs) once and that was Quinn and a cup final within 4 years.

They have never done an all out tanking in 50+ years and have never won a Cup in 50+ years.

Tampa has done 3  = 3 cups, Chicago did a big one = 3 cups, Pittsburgh did 2 = 4 cups, LA did one = 2 cups, Colorado did 3 = 2 cups


Don't even go to cup appearances


Sure there are many failed rebuilds but if the big one is a hit it seems they last longer with more chances than the plodding approach of trying to build a team one year at a time that results in one cup appearance every 12 to 16 years.


If the first one fails fans will know within 4 or 5 years which is much quicker than the 8 or 9 trying and failing.


Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa are the only Canadian teams that intentionally tanked and they are all well ahead of the Canucks within a very short number of years.

Edited by ToTellTheTruth
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Lol.  No.  The number has to work.  Too many long term implications.  Van isn’t hamstrung from an offensive standpoint.  They need better defensive minded players that are “hard” to play against across the board. A Kesler/Malhotra type.  Bo has been amazing around the crease and plays the bumper spot well on the PP, but he is still not a great matchup option.  Move Bo for a better 5 on 5/matchup/PK centre, faceoff wins or not.  There is enough offensive talent to supplement his loss on the PP, and huge gains to be made  if the club improves their collective GAA. 

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On 12/15/2022 at 1:20 PM, DownUndaCanuck said:

We never should have rushed the Miller signing or trade, they both became UFAs together so should have dealt with them together or re-signed Bo last year to a 7x7 year deal. Now he's playing lights out in a contract year and we're screwed, and Miller is dipping after signing a contract.


There was always a possibility we couldn't keep both so why we hitched our wagon to the older, weaker defensive center I don't know but I think it shows lack of planning and foresight from our management squad. They must have just assumed Bo would be a 20-30 goal scorer, 60 point getter and sign a 6-7M deal. They didn't factor in any chance that he might peak or play better...when he's in a prime age and prime of his career and a highly offensive league.


Poor planning and foresight by management and now we end up with an ageing, deteriorating Miller over Bo.

Ever heard of pumping and dumping?


Why does Bo have 21 goals and only 9 assists.

… and this is his 1st credible 1 ppg average in 9 seasons.

.. and Miller has nothing to do with that ?


Bo, if anything should be more grateful for the love here..   I don’t think he’ll feel it again anywhere.



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Going back to the original post


No, Trading Bo, is not worth loosing your job over, but not having a long term plan is............


Here is the reality


#1............Miller.................7 years x 8 Million per

#2............Hughes.............6 years x 7.850 Million per

#3............Pettersson........2 years x 7.350 Million per (going to be 10+ Million before any of these contracts expire)

#4............OEL..................5 years x 7.260 Million per

#5............Horvat...............8 years x 8.000 Million per (proposed new contract)


That is $38,360,000 Million on 5 players start of the 2023-2024 season and approx. $41,000,000 the start of the 2024-2025 season


That is not accounting for Demko's raise in 4 years or any Money's given to a new RHD.............


That is way too much money on our top 5..................


Edmonton's top 5............39.0 Million

Toronto's top 5.................48.0 Million

Vegas's top 5...................38.5 Million

TB top 5...........................44.5 Million

Wash top 5.......................40.0 Million

Florida's top 5...................43.5 Million

Carolina's top 5.................35.0 Million

NY Ranger's top 5.............44.0 Million

Boston's top 5....................34.5 Million

Pitt's top 5..........................35.0 Million


The trouble is, that all these teams are contenders, and we are not.


So are we out of whack, or are we inline with other teams?


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