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11 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



Did you really just say Benny did more great things than Gillis did? Gillis may have had a core that included a set of twins. A center right wing in Kessler. And a goaltender in Luongo. But he 100% added all of the depth and role players that made that team what it was. Because those pieces were in place as a core before Gillis took over.


Gillis added all the role players that bending never could and spent pick after pick after pick trying to acquire


To say that Benning did a better job or more things as a positive for this organization than Gillis is so farcical as to be a laugh. No wait, that's actually insulting not laughable. I do not know what world you are living in or on. But to suggest that Bening with one playoff entrance, one honest playoff entrance in almost a decade is better than Gillis who not only went to game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals but also never missed the playoffs until his final year held the division title. Title every year he was here barring that one year and holds two presidents trophies as well as a general manager of the year award is just so out to lunch. I have no concept of what world you are living in.


To break it down even more. Gillis after he took over only had one draft where he drafted higher than 23rd.  Why don't you tell me what the average draft position of a benning team was in comparison. The only things that are positive that Benin did for this team were Peterson and Hughes


In fact, if you take away 2014, the only thing Benning did that was good at drafting was basically managed to find a couple of players in the later rounds that he immediately let go to other teams. I have more than done the math on this and I have numerous threads about how shotty and poor. The actual development and drafting of this team has been since 2006 and Benning led the entire pack in terms of poor decision making and drafting. Especially when you factor in what his average draft position was.


Say he did good things for the future of this franchise is just beyond ridiculous. And I dare you to put a thread together detailing the positives that he did that have led to the success of this franchise. Because under his watch and his" stealth rebuild" we're actually looking at another rebuild that was on top of a rebuild that was part of a stealth rebuild.

Look at the amount of devastation Gillis left for Benning, including the Luongo retained salary debacle.  While neither did a great job here, GIllis was gifted a great core from people who were actually qualified to work in hockey ops, and proceeded to destroy the team with a combination of stupid trades and atrocious drafting.  While Benning didn't do great here, Gillis belongs in the same conversation as Mike Milbury as one of biggest idiots ever to be a GM in the NHL.  Bill Torrey himself would struggle to undo the damage caused by this incompetent baboon.  Bottom line is that we haven't had competent management since Nonis was fired for standing up to ownership.

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4 minutes ago, Warhippy said:



Did you really just say Benny did more great things than Gillis did? Gillis may have had a core that included a set of twins. A center right wing in Kessler. And a goaltender in Luongo. But he 100% added all of the depth and role players that made that team what it was. Because those pieces were in place as a core before Gillis took over.


Gillis added all the role players that bending never could and spent pick after pick after pick trying to acquire


To say that Benning did a better job or more things as a positive for this organization than Gillis is so farcical as to be a laugh. No wait, that's actually insulting not laughable. I do not know what world you are living in or on. But to suggest that Bening with one playoff entrance, one honest playoff entrance in almost a decade is better than Gillis who not only went to game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals but also never missed the playoffs until his final year held the division title. Title every year he was here barring that one year and holds two presidents trophies as well as a general manager of the year award is just so out to lunch. I have no concept of what world you are living in.


To break it down even more. Gillis after he took over only had one draft where he drafted higher than 23rd.  Why don't you tell me what the average draft position of a benning team was in comparison. The only things that are positive that Benin did for this team were Peterson and Hughes


In fact, if you take away 2014, the only thing Benning did that was good at drafting was basically managed to find a couple of players in the later rounds that he immediately let go to other teams. I have more than done the math on this and I have numerous threads about how shotty and poor. The actual development and drafting of this team has been since 2006 and Benning led the entire pack in terms of poor decision making and drafting. Especially when you factor in what his average draft position was.


Say he did good things for the future of this franchise is just beyond ridiculous. And I dare you to put a thread together detailing the positives that he did that have led to the success of this franchise. Because under his watch and his" stealth rebuild" we're actually looking at another rebuild that was on top of a rebuild that was part of a stealth rebuild.


Did you really just spell Kesler, Kessler? are you a fan of this team or not? its K-E-S-L-E-R why are so many "fans" here unable to remember how to spell fan favourite players names? 

Oooooh soooo hard to add role players on a contender... I cant believe anyone would want to come play for a contender. Lmfao. You act like he had a hard job to do to find bottom 6 guys and a couple Dmen. Drafting and developing is the actual hard work of building a contender. 


Gillass did sweet F all compared to Burke and Nonis. He also handed off the Garisson contract a disgruntled Kesler with an NMC, traded Samuelsson for David Booth, got Markstrom and Matthias for Luongo, what a terrible trade. A #1 goalie in the league for a struggling prospect. Luongo was still putting up elite numbers and was a top 10 in Vezina voting twice after being traded.


You're just too impatient and no offence incompetent to understand that just because you drafted well, doesnt mean growing pains of development arent a thing. Do you remember the Sedins? took them some years to get going. Our core is mainly under 25. Maybe take a chill pill and let the youth gain some experience and grow. 

You cant even handle whats going on right now, I know you cant handle a rebuild, because THIS IS PART OF A REBUILD. DRAFTING DEVELOPING GAINING EXPERIENCE MATURING AND REACHING ATHLETIC PRIME. Get a bloody grip on reality bud. 

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

Look at the amount of devastation Gillis left for Benning, including the Luongo retained salary debacle.  While neither did a great job here, GIllis was gifted a great core from people who were actually qualified to work in hockey ops, and proceeded to destroy the team with a combination of stupid trades and atrocious drafting.  While Benning didn't do great here, Gillis belongs in the same conversation as Mike Milbury as one of biggest idiots ever to be a GM in the NHL.  Bill Torrey himself would struggle to undo the damage caused by this incompetent baboon.  Bottom line is that we haven't had competent management since Nonis was fired for standing up to ownership.

considering what "trade chips" Benning had to work with, I'd say his work was pretty solid in terms of finding value and talent wherever he could. Most of his "trade chips" wouldnt go on to play more than 1 season after being traded. Burrows was moved for Dahlen and then we upgraded on that prospect with Karlsson. Benning had to be absolutely perfect to fix this sh*tstorm that was left behind and through all of it. We have a young talented core, with prospects finally beginning to develop in a winning environment in the AHL. This is similar to Burke and the foundation he laid, before he was quickly fired and then Nonis added to that foundation. Gillis destroyed it.


Benning didnt have a top 3 pick and still found top talent. Drafting outside the top 5 every draft, he did great. Which has been a MASSIVE help to the future. If we missed on Pettersson or Hughes, or both.... Think of how f***ed we'd be. Also maybe if our goalies didnt both rank top 10 in worst goalies in the league this season, there would be a different story. Plus maybe if our PK was league avg, we'd be a playoff team last year and this year. A lot of these losses are falling on systems issues and like Satiar said, there is no way possible this is the worst collection of NHL players in the history of the game, to kill penalties. This is systematic.


Gillis is sooooo overrated its so bloody annoying listening to clueless people talk about all he did for this organization. Lmfao like what, add a couple pieces, fail to win, fail to change anything until it was too late and then ran it into the ground by failing to draft and/or develop

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27 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Because if we really are picking out the least disgusting turd from that pile, you kind of want to go with the one that at least has a winning track record no matter how disgusting the crime is

Incorrect- because I put wining way down the list, compared to trying to cover up or squash a rape scandal; apparently your view is different- so no need to @ me again. 


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27 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:


Did you really just spell Kesler, Kessler? are you a fan of this team or not? its K-E-S-L-E-R why are so many "fans" here unable to remember how to spell fan favourite players names? 

Oooooh soooo hard to add role players on a contender... I cant believe anyone would want to come play for a contender. Lmfao. You act like he had a hard job to do to find bottom 6 guys and a couple Dmen. Drafting and developing is the actual hard work of building a contender. 


Gillass did sweet F all compared to Burke and Nonis. He also handed off the Garisson contract a disgruntled Kesler with an NMC, traded Samuelsson for David Booth, got Markstrom and Matthias for Luongo, what a terrible trade. A #1 goalie in the league for a struggling prospect. Luongo was still putting up elite numbers and was a top 10 in Vezina voting twice after being traded.


You're just too impatient and no offence incompetent to understand that just because you drafted well, doesnt mean growing pains of development arent a thing. Do you remember the Sedins? took them some years to get going. Our core is mainly under 25. Maybe take a chill pill and let the youth gain some experience and grow. 

You cant even handle whats going on right now, I know you cant handle a rebuild, because THIS IS PART OF A REBUILD. DRAFTING DEVELOPING GAINING EXPERIENCE MATURING AND REACHING ATHLETIC PRIME. Get a bloody grip on reality bud. 

I'd probably avoid trying to degrade someone for their spelling in the same paragraph you write "Lmfao" like a twelve year old. 

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31 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:


Did you really just spell Kesler, Kessler? are you a fan of this team or not? its K-E-S-L-E-R why are so many "fans" here unable to remember how to spell fan favourite players names? 

Oooooh soooo hard to add role players on a contender... I cant believe anyone would want to come play for a contender. Lmfao. You act like he had a hard job to do to find bottom 6 guys and a couple Dmen. Drafting and developing is the actual hard work of building a contender. 


Gillass did sweet F all compared to Burke and Nonis. He also handed off the Garisson contract a disgruntled Kesler with an NMC, traded Samuelsson for David Booth, got Markstrom and Matthias for Luongo, what a terrible trade. A #1 goalie in the league for a struggling prospect. Luongo was still putting up elite numbers and was a top 10 in Vezina voting twice after being traded.


You're just too impatient and no offence incompetent to understand that just because you drafted well, doesnt mean growing pains of development arent a thing. Do you remember the Sedins? took them some years to get going. Our core is mainly under 25. Maybe take a chill pill and let the youth gain some experience and grow. 

You cant even handle whats going on right now, I know you cant handle a rebuild, because THIS IS PART OF A REBUILD. DRAFTING DEVELOPING GAINING EXPERIENCE MATURING AND REACHING ATHLETIC PRIME. Get a bloody grip on reality bud. 

“Gillass” might be the funniest thing I’ve read on here in awhile. 

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1 minute ago, Shayster007 said:

I'd probably avoid trying to degrade someone for their spelling in the same paragraph you write "Lmfao" like a twelve year old. 

He wants to make jabs and threaten me that hes going to hurt my feelings. Lol no I’ll just remind him, hes not much of a fan if he cant even spell our former players names right especially someone like Kesler who was a HUGE player here. He wants to talk sh*t and make threats, I’ll just embarrass him. But yea if you want to jump to conclusions without following whats been going on and make comments like the ignorant and uninformed, go for it 

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3 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:

He wants to make jabs and threaten me that hes going to hurt my feelings. Lol no I’ll just remind him, hes not much of a fan if he cant even spell our former players names right especially someone like Kesler who was a HUGE player here. He wants to talk sh*t and make threats, I’ll just embarrass him. But yea if you want to jump to conclusions without following whats been going on and make comments like the ignorant and uninformed, go for it 

He's, can't, what's 

Edited by Shayster007
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9 minutes ago, Shayster007 said:

He's, can't, what's 

Lol? You think I care to punctuate for a couple brick walls like hippy and yourself? Waste of time and energy. How lonely are you? You come across like my crazy ex gf, looking for anything to argue about just to have conversation. Move on bud.


You call me a 12 year old, first off you name call, secondly you come out with the most pathetic rebuttal. Lol the pot calling the kettle black?Lmfao. Cant even take a second to realize maybe you jumped to a conclusion and didnt have all the information before making an uninformed statement. Maybe grow the f*** up and take a little ownership.

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2 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:

Lol? You think I care to punctuate for a couple brick walls like hippy and yourself? Waste of time and energy. How lonely are you? You come across like my crazy ex gf, looking for anything to argue about just to have conversation. Move on bud.


You call me a 12 year old, first off you name call, secondly you come out with the most pathetic rebuttal. Lol the pot calling the kettle black?Lmfao. Cant even take a second to realize maybe you jumped to a conclusion and didnt have all the information before making an uninformed statement. Maybe grow the f*** up and take a little ownership.

Man are you ever easy to wind up

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2 hours ago, King Heffy said:

Look at the amount of devastation Gillis left for Benning, including the Luongo retained salary debacle.  While neither did a great job here, GIllis was gifted a great core from people who were actually qualified to work in hockey ops, and proceeded to destroy the team with a combination of stupid trades and atrocious drafting.  While Benning didn't do great here, Gillis belongs in the same conversation as Mike Milbury as one of biggest idiots ever to be a GM in the NHL.  Bill Torrey himself would struggle to undo the damage caused by this incompetent baboon.  Bottom line is that we haven't had competent management since Nonis was fired for standing up to ownership.

The devastation included a number 1 goalie that carried the team while Demko developed. A top 2 pairing shutdown RHD and the current captain that's scoring goals on pace with the likes of McD.


When we see the worst GMs and trades in the salary cap era in future articles. Benning will be on more lists. He has company with Chiarelli.

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6 hours ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

I am just tired of our players being coddled. Enough is enough of this country club atmosphere. They are way too comfortable with this situation. Even now with all these losses they are talking about how they didn't give up. Whoohooo!

I was thinking about that.  Maybe they just want to bring in a hard ass coach for a couple of years.  Whoop em into shape.

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2 hours ago, AnthonyG said:


Did you really just spell Kesler, Kessler? are you a fan of this team or not? its K-E-S-L-E-R why are so many "fans" here unable to remember how to spell fan favourite players names? 

Oooooh soooo hard to add role players on a contender... I cant believe anyone would want to come play for a contender. Lmfao. You act like he had a hard job to do to find bottom 6 guys and a couple Dmen. Drafting and developing is the actual hard work of building a contender. 


Gillass did sweet F all compared to Burke and Nonis.

It's Gillis. G-I-L-L-I-S

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