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[Report/Rumour] Elias Pettersson Contract Talks

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4 hours ago, Ballisticsports. said:

Yeah I agree but I am not sure on different era players to different era players are better over each other

I think how they dominate  over their peers in one era over how a player dominated over his peers in another era is a better stick of reference


Like in the McDavid you mention as example, is he better than Gretzky because he is faster with better equipment and training, does he make his teammates better players, does he dominate over his peers more than  Gretzky?


Man Sports and Players get better evolving and can do more eventually, Gretzky got motivated watching Howe. ,McDavid watching Gretzky?

One can make countless comparisons with many arguments, especially inserting one into another era,

How much more % were they better than their peers in the same eras I think stands up best? (As they all face the same issues of the same era)

To me it's actually a lot easier and simpler to trace things back and compare eras then people think.    For example, in the 2000's, look what guys like Sakic, Alfie, Sundin, early 2000's Yzerman,  and Jagr, Selanne , Kariya, ILidstrom, Neidermayer, Zubov and even blue chip troopers like Walker and Ronning and Aucion did, so guys in their 30's, against the next crop of guys like Thornton, Marleau, Sedins, Iginla, St. Louis etc in their 20's ... Alfie and Sakic scored over 100 points aged 33 and 37, Sundin was a staple in the top ten, something he rarely did in his 20's. 


Recently Vernon was criticized for getting in the HHOF,  because of his save percentage.   Funny thing, in the dead puck era near the end, he posted his best career percentage in Florida near the end of his career, .920 or something ... Roy's percentage also went way up going into that era, as did other goalies from the 80's as well.   


As far as points go anyways, it's not as hard to trace back as some think it is.   If Gretzky, almost done with a bad back, neck and shoulder, is still posting over 100 points in the dead puck era, ahead of the next of the best (Iginla, Sundin, Kariya, Selanne, Bure, Federov, Sakic, all expect Jagr ... it says something).    Even Messier managed typical Messier seasons in the dead puck era, until we picked him up at 36/37.  50ish goals almost 100 points a couple years in a row at 34/35....To me if a player in their mid - late 30's is keeping up with or out producing the next group of stars ... it says a lot.    Clutch and grab started in the early 90's too, Hull, Mario, Roenick a lot of stars were complaining about it way before 1994.    Lindros gen x era players took that to another level, especially with NJ and expansion.  


Personally think Gretzky would score over 200 now just like he did as a kid, without a redline.    Butterfly isn't going to help much when the guy can pick corners, or put it wherever he wants, just like then, he'd make a move, or two or three and as soon as the goalie bit, in it goes.    And that wasn't his best ability, passing was.    No redline ... five steps ahead of the next best hockey IQ.    Wasn't a terrible skater, an incredible puck handler.     McDavid would need to score 180-190 for awhile to even be considered in the same realm -  AM, Stamkos, Ovi, 299,312,301 by the time they were 25.   Gretzky ... almost 500 lol.  


If he didn't blow out his shoulder and have such back issues ... Yikes.    Gretzky and Coffey off the team, they could barely get a guy to score 100 points.   Averaged 70 or more points, ahead of the next highest scorer, his first ten years.   Often that was Kurri or Bossy.   When the majority of the stars were scoring 100, just like today, he was scoring 200 plus.    


Glad scoring is up, and save percentages are way down (.903! average), to me that has a lot to do with talent level finally catching up to expansion.   Imagine what the league would look like today with 24 teams.   So much better.   In the 80's enforcers also had it play a regular shift, that started to change in the 90's.    Goons like Twist, Parker, Worrell started getting jobs.   That was also expansion related.  So was the trap.   Removing the goons helped talent, but i'd rather have a Tie Domi (guy was a great forechecker and hitter) playing 10 minutes a game then 3/4 of what we have now too.   Or Tiger Williams, Bob Probert or a young Chris Simon.    


Games designed for pure skill these days more than any other era before it.   What would Federov, Yzerman, Larionov, Makarov, Bure,  Mogilny,  Selanne, Sundin, Shanny,  etc etc etc manage today?   A lot I imagine.   Sedins ... how well did they play against the crop of guys starting in the 2010's...or prior to the lockout.   Prior to the lockout, their careers were far from a foregone conclusion.   Ronning.   Walker.   Peca.   Aucion.   Just some of our own guys.   Even Ohund was drafted in 1994.    Took him time to gain traction too. 


Using the best players is a good barometer.   Like what Ovi and Crosby are doing today.  Bergeron too.    It's expected that players will start sliding at some point.   If those players are sliding, and outperforming the next crop of guys in their primes.    It also says something.   Jagr and Howe are also good barometer's.   Given they both played against 3-5 different ten year groups of guys. 


Edit:  As for speed.   A dozen guys when 37 year old Mike Gartner set his record, had clocked qualifying or runs of 13.5ish ... Hedican included that year, to this day I haven't seen a group at the all-stars do better - Larkins time doesn't count.    The game is faster, removing a pass changed how the entire game is played.    Doesn't mean the league didn't used to have fast players though.    Federov, Selanne, Bure, Amonte, Modano  ... even Linden had great wheels before his injury.   Bure is still considered the fastest skater with the puck.    Hagelin and Raymond were also really fast ... doesn't mean better in a lot of cases too.  

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1 hour ago, BigTramFan said:

You don't have to pay your top players what they are worth. The other option is let someone else pay them, and just don't have any top players. In my opinion we can afford one top player.


I don't think we need Boeser when we have Kuzmenko, Mikheyev, Garland, Hoglander, Podkolzin, Klimovich, Lekkerimaki, etc.  


The situations with TOR and EDM are very different. TOR paid 3 players (Matthews, Marner, Tavares) 11.6 + 10.9 + 11 / 81.5 = 41.1% of the cap. If they just stuck to one high paid guy, they could build a decent team with depth.


EDM paid McDavid a contract that was 12.5/79.5 = 15.7% of the cap.


If we paid Petey 11m then its only 11/87.5 = 12.5% and he is a one off on our team. The only other players pushing for big money are Miller and Hughes, both signed for decent term.

What I find a little ironic about us and others laughing at and pointing fingers at TO for them paying so much for four players ... well what did we pay for Luongo, Sedins and Kesler?  Basically the exact same thing!   Was over 40% too.   It was also why Kesler never had great wingers to play with.     We did manage to create one heck of a D... but also spent the same money on Ballard, that we originally spent on Myers lol.   Bieksa today is also like paying 7 or so.   There is a dialogue that MG was a cap genuis, yes we had some great bargain bin deals on some of the guys, Burrows took a big discount for two years (and was then rewarded with a legacy deal he couldn't possibly live up to, and didn't).   MG paid his stars well, gave them all clauses (even Hansen!) ... but also had some blunders (check out Garrison cap percentage/deal - it's ugly) and we had problems trying to improve a team we simply couldn't given the deals and cap constraints.    We didn't have a steady diet of young guns coming in like CHI did (crazy that Byfuglien was an early cap sacrifice, thank god they moved on from him though) best we could manage was Tanev.   


MG not re-signing Mitchell IMO cost us the cup.    Instead with all that cap savings from clausing the team up, and Burrows deal, spent it on Booth and Ballard.   It was also the only first we traded during the six years MG was here.  Unlike Detroit,  Holland traded his firsts all the time, trying to give his team a chance at the cup (worked too!).   Instead we could of had Mitchell, and a better winger for Kesler, a blue chip one at a higher cap hit then Booth,  and might was well of traded all our firsts anyways, well aside from co-ho.    So each playoffs, we could add something we needed.    


Anyways.   We came very close and it was a great time to be a fan, the best regular season team we've ever had, and the second best playoff team.    TO's got two top lines, but issues with their D and have yet to get top ten playoff goaltending (which any team needs to win a cup).    They've got one more crack at it this year.    Who knows, maybe this year it works for them.   Best team they've had since those early 2000's Sundin ones.    If they can make it to the conference final, they might  de-throne the Gilmour/Clark one we beat in 1994 (consecutive conference finals), best team they've had since 1967.     Cup this season or bust...their cap situation gets some relief from Tavares ... but that money will be needed for another second line center and Mathews/Marner maybe Nylander raises...think they give this group one more chance.  

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Luke Schenn is also a 15 minute guy and usually on the 3rd pairing.  Playing with Hughes he was able to elevate his game somewhat and increase his minutes.  Lyubushkin can do the same.  He was up to 18 minutes a night in Arizona.  Also, there will be times when Hughes and Hronek are paired together, so that will take minutes away from Lyubushkin.


I think we are looking at both Hughes and Hronek getting 25+ minutes a night next season.  Tocchet will ride the horses.


I agree, Soucy is getting paid too much to be on the 3rd pairing.  However, I can't see us going with a Hirose/Johansson 3rd pairing after next season.  Doesn't seem like the kind of 3rd pairing Tocchet and Foote would be interested in...

Schenn clearly established that he's been able to take his game to the next level since TB.   We lucked out getting him on such a cheap deal...TO gushed over him, Keefe frequently, but also the media and their fans.    They thought they were getting a seasoned vet, who would hit, provide leadership and stand up for guys, playoff toughness.    Instead they got a 2-3 D (that's what they said about him anyways).   Don't disagree that he'd be perfect on a deeper team playing 15 minutes a night,  but he wasn't holding QHs back either,  TO clearly demonstrated that Schenn's aging like fine wine.     Wanted him back AND Soucy.    Soucy was the guy I hoped we'd be able to get,  more than anyone.   So stoked.   NSH won't likely regret signing Schenn either.    Glad he's getting rewarded.   And not getting pushed out in favour of an AHL guy to balance a teams books. 


Cole, I'm not sure he will be much of an upgrade,  but looking forward to finding out.   Maybe a modest one.    Also predicted that Schenn was going to get a 2-3 year deal.   He for sure earned that.  

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14 minutes ago, IBatch said:

Schenn clearly established that he's been able to take his game to the next level since TB.   We lucked out getting him on such a cheap deal...TO gushed over him, Keefe frequently, but also the media and their fans.    They thought they were getting a seasoned vet, who would hit, provide leadership and stand up for guys, playoff toughness.    Instead they got a 2-3 D (that's what they said about him anyways).   Don't disagree that he'd be perfect on a deeper team playing 15 minutes a night,  but he wasn't holding QHs back either,  TO clearly demonstrated that Schenn's aging like fine wine.     Wanted him back AND Soucy.    Soucy was the guy I hoped we'd be able to get,  more than anyone.   So stoked.   NSH won't likely regret signing Schenn either.    Glad he's getting rewarded.   And not getting pushed out in favour of an AHL guy to balance a teams books. 


Cole, I'm not sure he will be much of an upgrade,  but looking forward to finding out.   Maybe a modest one.    Also predicted that Schenn was going to get a 2-3 year deal.   He for sure earned that.  

If Schenn plays his 5 on 5 minutes with Josi he will be okay. But if he’s playing without an elite partner to cover for his lack of skating he’s going to very much struggle. He needs either a great partner or a ridged defensive system, where there is constant back pressure and forward support, to even appear to be nhl calibre. 

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13 hours ago, Kevin Biestra said:


I don't think Pettersson has even really separated himself from Hughes as a talent.


Pettersson over Bure and Mogilny is a glaring symptom of recency bias or possibly not having watched the other two in real time.  Pettersson could surpass them...anything is possible...but all of his work is yet ahead of him.


Ronning was also a pretty remarkable talent...just trapped in the body of a house mouse.  I think what he and Bobby Lalonde could have done in the NHL with another six inches and forty pounds would have been incredible.  As it was Ronning still wasn't more than a stone's throw from the Hall of Fame.


pavel bure is the most exciting players to ever put on a canucks jersey probably the most talented too.. but really it's not that hard to pass bure. he had a great rookie season followed by 2 amazing season with back to back 60 goals and a trip to the final.. he followed that with a good season and then was injured and never really quite the same for the canucks until he was traded.. so surpassing Bure is not really that hard.. surpassing the sedins would be a lot harder.. same for mogilny his best work was with buffalo and new jersey.. he was good with the canucks.. but wasn't amazing like he was in his buffalo days or later on with jersey. 


in terms of pettersson separating himself from hughes.. i think he has.. if 1 day the canucks are a contender nearing the top of the league.. EP prolly have a chance of winning the hart and a selke.. i doubt hughes will ever sniff the norris as long as makar fox dahlin all dont end up with a season ending injury at the same time.. he's on the same level in terms of offence.. but they are in a different category from hughes on defense.. 


i think 100/100 times  if you have to pick hughes or EP.. 100/100 times they'll pick EP even if he's not a center

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57 minutes ago, wai_lai416 said:

pavel bure is the most exciting players to ever put on a canucks jersey probably the most talented too.. but really it's not that hard to pass bure. he had a great rookie season followed by 2 amazing season with back to back 60 goals and a trip to the final.. he followed that with a good season and then was injured and never really quite the same for the canucks until he was traded.. so surpassing Bure is not really that hard.. surpassing the sedins would be a lot harder.. same for mogilny his best work was with buffalo and new jersey.. he was good with the canucks.. but wasn't amazing like he was in his buffalo days or later on with jersey. 


in terms of pettersson separating himself from hughes.. i think he has.. if 1 day the canucks are a contender nearing the top of the league.. EP prolly have a chance of winning the hart and a selke.. i doubt hughes will ever sniff the norris as long as makar fox dahlin all dont end up with a season ending injury at the same time.. he's on the same level in terms of offence.. but they are in a different category from hughes on defense.. 


i think 100/100 times  if you have to pick hughes or EP.. 100/100 times they'll pick EP even if he's not a center

Mogilny's best days were for sure with us and Buffalo.   Bure's best seasons were with Florida.   Wasn't even a good team .. Hart votes well deserved.    And he was pretty awesome for us too.  Until EP and QHs have played 7 or so years for us, they won't de-throne anyone.   At this point they are around where Mogilny was for games played, and they are behind Mogilny for overall impact and for sure ability and how he played.    Mentioned earlier I doubt EP would survive long in Bures and Mogilny's era with us, and absolutely know QHs wouldn't.    Until last season, EP was just too easy to eliminate from the play, in THIS era - Bambi memes galore.   The Sedins could barely hack it, at one point thought of quitting.    They didn't do well, until the rule changes and after the lockout.   Bure was unbelievable.   Didn't he score like 10 goals for Russia in 1998?  Didn't matter who he had for linemate's just scored.      His overall game was much better later on in his career.    Imagine what he could do without a redline.    And before anyone brings up how much faster guys are now (which i've already illustrated is pretty bogus in itself),   check out what he did against Neidermayer, Stevens, their entire team and Broduer lol.   That was sick.   


He played in a much rougher and tougher era.   Theo Fleuey and Coffey talked about that this year.   "All out war" not just the battle of Alberta, but playoffs in general.   Coffey they had to delete all his f-bombs.    He'd also kill it in todays game.   Tom Wilson doing his bully stuff against Panarin and NYR entire team, he'd be eating out of a straw for months if he played back then too.   Chara ... he was at best a mediocre enforcer - yet was the leagues most feared guys after they left ... the league is so tame now, it's almost like watching women's hockey and mean no disrespect to the girls that play at the highest level, they are tough as nails.    But it's the truth.


EP scored two more points than Miller did the year before.    Got some Selke votes (we've had loads of guys do that, heck Miller did 2 out of 3 years to go along with Hart votes, 2 out of 3 years as well).    But he's not there yet.   As in a top two way forward.    Stone is way better IMO.   Have been watching him since his first Ottawa season.    Just a winger so harder to break what people normally expect. 


Mogilny, Federov and Bure were all incredible hockey players.    All deserve to be in the HHOF.    Did say EP has the potential to be the greatest Canuck ever ... but hasn't done that yet.   Bure was great, from his very first shift.   And killed it two years in a row.   Scoring is the goal after all.    Takes well over an hour to watch all his Canucks goals, he was also an amazing passer though.   Top tier.   And it's kind of hilarious, if you look at a picture of him without his shirt on, he makes every single TB lightning player look like they are playing in a beer league in comparison.   Suppose if you're training with a parachute and in the gym for 3-4 hours 6 days a week that's what happens.  TB little beach party was kind of embarrassing for the NHL and this idea that players are in much better shape these days.   Heck i'm turning 50 this year and look better than some of them.    Where's the beef?   Can see why Tochett is all over this team in that regard.   He knew what it took.   

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8 hours ago, EastCoastNucks said:

. but we just barely all agreed on JT Miller on 8 mil per year on a 100 point season...

no, we didn't 'all' agree on Miller and his contract, other than we agree it is an actual, factual, deal.

For me,  it is a bit too much, for way too long.

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5 hours ago, EastCoastNucks said:

Said Toronto with Matthews and Edmonton with McDavid.... the problem is you need the Boeser's and the Garland's and you just see them falling off the books. 

Matthews signed for 14.64% of the cap limit.  Equivalent to $12.1M of today's cap.


Mcdavid 16.67%.  Equivalent to $13.75M today.


We're talking 13.3% for Petey at $11M.

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50 minutes ago, Gurn said:

no, we didn't 'all' agree on Miller and his contract, other than we agree it is an actual, factual, deal.

For me,  it is a bit too much, for way too long.

According to the Hockey Guy, 8 million is the "new " cost for a top six forward.   Yikes! 

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1 minute ago, IBatch said:

According to the Hockey Guy, 8 million is the "new " cost for a top six forward.   Yikes! 

I kinda go off of points.


With today's cap limit: 


45 to 55 points = $5M

55 to 65 points = $6M

65 to 75 points = $7M

75 to 85 points = $8M

85 to 95 points = $9M

95 to 105 points = $10M

105 to 115 points = $11M

115 to 125 points = $12M

125+ points = $13M+


Obviously extra dollars for bringing more than just points to the table.  Bonus for majority of points being goals (ie. 60 goals + 40 assists to me is worth much more than 40 goals + 60 assists).

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Just now, IBatch said:

According to the Hockey Guy, 8 million is the "new " cost for a top six forward.   Yikes! 

Which would put Petey in the $11 plus range.

go with $7 mill for Hronek, and now try to fil in

3rd line center

entire 4rth line

2 additional rhd

a back up goalie

a forward and another d man to sit in the press box/injury substitutions.

on the $14.5 ish left after Petey and Hronek are signed.


looks very tight to me.

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3 hours ago, HKSR said:

Matthews signed for 14.64% of the cap limit.  Equivalent to $12.1M of today's cap.


Mcdavid 16.67%.  Equivalent to $13.75M today.


We're talking 13.3% for Petey at $11M.

And that's exactly how these deals always need to be looked at.    That's actually steep IMO.   Only guys who got more was  Naslund but that wasn't really his fault given it was a pre-lockout price.  13.6% AND,  Naslund was a tippy top

forward at the time,  only player in Canucks history, who had 3 years in a row of first team all-star or best LW in the league.   Pearson/Lyndsay too, even though Forsberg beat him out in the end by two whole points for the Art Ross (getting voted by your peers for the best player in the league matters a lot, at least I think so).    Hart votes of course as well.   Naslund eventually didn't live up to his deal though.   Same with a ton of players back then though. 


So...with all that in mind.   Why wouldn't we just consider this as paying our young star,  with the idea in mind, that in 3-5 years he's at the top of his game (Like the Sedins and Naslund) while his cap percentage slips down as the cap rises up.   For all those people that complain about Miller.   He did more than the Sedins did before their five year deal.   Quite a bit really, Hart votes 2 out of 3 years,  Selke votes too (seems funny kind of given the flak he's getting still) but signed at less the 10%!   And by the time he's 33, when the Sedins signed for even more cap percentage then their previous deal ... to stay united but for sure not leaving money on the table ... Millers cap hit will be about 1/3 less.   So suppose we shouldn't be mean or upset about that unless he's scoring less then 50 at 33 and less then 33 at 37 right?   Point is, EP isn't taking a "discount" at 11, he's taking a lot of cap.    Deserved or not, as soon as he signs a deal at 10-11, we need him to score 40 goals and 100 points to get decent value right away,  180  or so to get the value Miller for us with his 99 point season.   Get it?    I do understand that this team is going to sink, swim or water-ski with EP.   But that's all going to depend on how he does and responds during his next deal.    It's not just him, it's the entire roster really. 

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17 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Which would put Petey in the $11 plus range.

go with $7 mill for Hronek, and now try to fil in

3rd line center

entire 4rth line

2 additional rhd

a back up goalie

a forward and another d man to sit in the press box/injury substitutions.

on the $14.5 ish left after Petey and Hronek are signed.


looks very tight to me.

There are only 46 forwards making 8 or more right now.    He's wrong.   Even with cap going up.   Top six forwards ... yikes we are complaining about guys like Garland, Beau and Brock.    Imagine if they all made 8!   It's way too much.    Almost 200 top six spots.    Even with two on ELC's there are still 120 plus spots.    50-60 points is reasonable to good second line production in todays game (yes that's starting to go up).  Scoring two more points then Miller and his age yes i'd be ok with 11.   But definitely don't see it as a bargain either because it's not.   Cap percentage wise and compared to his peer group.   Considering he's still got a couple RFA years in there as well.     If he wants 12-13 that's really selfish.   


And agree it's really really tight!

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32 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Which would put Petey in the $11 plus range.

go with $7 mill for Hronek, and now try to fil in

3rd line center

entire 4rth line

2 additional rhd

a back up goalie

a forward and another d man to sit in the press box/injury substitutions.

on the $14.5 ish left after Petey and Hronek are signed.


looks very tight to me.

Personally think we are overshooting some of these deals (CDC).   And when they come in lower, they don't necessarily, mean they are team friendly deals.   CDC seemed to think that about Horvat's last deal with us ( I didn't really at the time, felt it was actually a lot to pay for a second line C),  Brock's deal looked decent at first glance with the expectation he'd be a 30/30 guy at least - 35/35 guy most likely!    Didn't earn his last deal at all. 


EP.   He earned it one out of 3 years, earned it enough for it to balance out.   QHs, he's doing exactly what you supposed to get from an RFA.   Good job so far.   He needs to score 65 plus and be a plus guy to earn that deal.    He's an RFA!  But still one of the highest paid D's.    JT Miller.   He's the poster boy, but some element of the CDC considers him a whipping boy (good grief not me!) of exactly what you hope to get from your RFAs.   Two UFA years in there too.   Total bonus.   He could have ran to most US markets and taken what Brocks making, and taken home the same amount of money on his next deal.   Instead, he honoured the Canucks and the coaches that gave him a shot playing always against the best of the best, and took a lot less money then management even thought was possible. 


That needs to be acknowledged more.   Miller showed leadership.   Hope EP does the exact same thing and signs for 10 x 8.    Sure he could ask for more.   Miller left money on the table for Horvat, he got greedy and left.   It's for sure true, Horvat could have signed for around or just under 7 but didn't. 


RFA is not UFA.   That's the time players are supposed to put into the craft.   It bothers me, that RFA's now seem to think they should get paid like UFAs.   Tavares didn't.   Stamkos didn't,   EK and Doughty didn't.    MckInnon didn't (although i'd say he was also well paid for what he'd done up until then as well) ... and didn't "leave" money on the table like he said he would either, he took it. 


As for EP.   He's a great young player and he's a star.    The Canucks need to sign him long term.    The Hockey Guy said he's deserving of 10 million.   Not 11 or 12 or the max.   A little more than Mathew T.   Add a bit for taxes that's it.  Which gets him to 11 or so. 


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1 hour ago, HKSR said:

Matthews signed for 14.64% of the cap limit.  Equivalent to $12.1M of today's cap.


Mcdavid 16.67%.  Equivalent to $13.75M today.


We're talking 13.3% for Petey at $11M.

McDavid is a generational talent.   Crosby actually took more 17.3% his second deal.   And it took years after that before they won another cup.   Greed doesn't win cups, that's for sure,  think Crosby realized that.  


Edit:  After all his mates got paid too, they simply couldn't ice the same team anymore.  

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14 hours ago, Odd. said:

 Pearson, Myers, Beauvillier, Cole contracts expire at the end of 2024 season, that’s $16.3M. Cap expected to go up 3-5M so we’re looking at $19-25.3M of cap space next off season. If Garland is moved, that’s an extra $2-4.9M that will be available assuming the return.


So roughly $19-25.3M. To sign Hronek and Pettersson.

Is that taking in to account the near $5 million in dead cap from OEL?

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48 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Is that taking in to account the near $5 million in dead cap from OEL?

No, but it also doesn't appear to include their current ~$12m in cap. We'll be ok.

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13 minutes ago, aGENT said:

No, but it also doesn't appear to include their current ~$12m in cap. We'll be ok.

I've concerns about Hroneks next contract based on the rate of pay for 3-4 rhd

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I've concerns about Hroneks next contract based on the rate of pay for 3-4 rhd

Ok...? He'll probably get between $6.5-$7.5 I'd wager. We have the space to pay him and Pettersson's raise largely just with Myers expiring cap. Then there's Pearson, Beau and whatever the cap goes up.


I mean yeah, they still have to be cautious, but the situation is far from dire.

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