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Everything posted by HI5

  1. GSP needs to whoop Woodleys if he wins tonight. Thompson gettin a 3rd shot at it now.
  2. &^@# beast. Hendricks done unless he learns to cheat usada.
  3. Watch out for Bivol..2nd time ive seen em just walk through an opponent.
  4. Let's see some KOs n so I can get paid
  5. Would like to see Joshua v Wilder soon! May actually skip this fight and watch UFC over boxing for once.
  6. Vote 4 Putin!

    1. Ghostsof1915




      Vote for Paris Hilton..err....Ksenia Sobchak.



  7. I just ended up transferring it to a program called exodus. Should be able to access it from any computer, I guess its a little more secure just cause the text option and 12 word key. I'm just looking to stock up on some bitcoin and ethereum for the long haul over time incase it ends up living to expectations.
  8. i have no idea what I got myself into... Apparently coinbase is a crappy bitcoin exchange for Canadians now cause they don't allow withdrawals anymore. So I'll be needing a new exchange to buy and have to find a wallet to store the coins in.
  9. I'm pretty new to this bitcoin thing and have dloaded the coinbase app. Literally just put 250 into bitcoin, 150 ethereum and 100 into litecoin to start off. Do you guys transfer funds to a wallet (Electrum) or just let it sit within coinbase?
  10. I could use some sourdough.. Literally about to order a 15 piece bucket of fried chicken right now.
  11. I been training my ass off last 6 months, dieting, eating clean, staying sober, lifting my 5 rep max on every possible lift and sleeping minimum 8 hours a day. I can't deny the results of hard work i put in and the positive habits ive created for a much healthier and aesthetic lifestyle. But yesterday was my birthday, I drank like I just turned 21 and went to Vegas, I haven't slept in the last 36 hours. Im about to cap this awesome weekend with a 15 piece bucket of kfc chicken with a large gravy and 8 pack of beer to my self. Then maybe ill be backin the gym Tuesday
  12. Rough week for John Wall..took an L from Lonzo and now Steph.
  13. Cam Newton played like $&!# today
  14. Lonzo 1 assist shy of triple double tonight.
  15. If he can get past that extra heat comin at em this year..he'll turn out to be a great player. Lets keep an eye on hid moral and compete level and see what happens.
  16. Wow Gordon Haywards leg just snapped!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. -Stammer-


      now my ankle is going to feel gross for a while. Sucks to see that

    3. Green Building

      Green Building

      Ow. That ankle is my biggest fear about trail running on rugged paths. Jesus.

    4. Kurt Nirvanagut

      Kurt Nirvanagut

      Yeah, that was unfortunate. Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum are very much in fashion now. 

  17. About to watch Leo Santa Cruz fight before the hockey game. Prob goin to catch the Charlo fight on youtube after the game.
  18. Jiri Hudler accused of threatening flight attendant while demanding cocaine


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brad Marchand
    3. Fantomex


      Was he asking for "coke" as in the good old Cola?

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Was he demanding a spin of the JJ Cale classic?..It's understandable, don't push him.

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