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Everything posted by ilduce39

  1. Chapdelaine finally throws a swing to take advantage of Als picking "FG Block" every play...
  2. at least we're not the Blue Jays

    1. Rounoush


      Agreed. Nothing beats Conan.

    2. c00kies


      Thanks for turning me on to that new segment. I don't get to watch a lot of late night talk shows.

      Jimmy Kimmel's lie detective is good too.

    3. Kazmanian Devil

      Kazmanian Devil

      I lost it at the Golf part.

  3. ...or we can pin all of our hopes and expectations on one guy and then throw ourselves to the ground and have a hissy fit every time he doesn't live up to the unrealistic expectations, as we have with our goalies for the past 40+ years. It's been working well for us so far.
  4. ...lifetime playoff GAA of 2.54 isn't insurmountable and is pretty much bang-on with his regular season GAA. He had two stinkers in the postseason - 2010 and 2012. You can whine and moan all you want that it's "unacceptable" but the bottom line is it's a team sport and while he's had some bad games / series on average it's no worse than the team in front of him.
  5. There comes a time in every man's academic career where he must say screw it, write whatever comes to mind, hand it in and be done with it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. canucks#01fan
    3. DollarAndADream


      Sounds like my life.

    4. ilduce39


      ...3:30, a little later than usual but it's done!

  6. I liked the books but I got kind of annoyed when Martin dumped an extra 4 or 5 POV characters that I didn't give a crap about towards the end. I think he said he's not introducing any more POV characters though so that's good at least.
  7. That one is my favorite. Right now i'm playing "the old republic" online as well as I bought the Bioshock 1 and 2 bundle.. older game but it's fun!
  8. It rained in Langley last night.

  9. anybody else ready for some rain?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ilduce39


      I'm surprised at the support.. everybody I know glares/yells/hits me when I suggest it. Hopefully the rain gods are appeased!

    3. ilduce39


      (glares/yells/hits at the rain part.. not the small-animal sacrifice. I keep that to myself.)

    4. ChenWei91


      just as long as it doesn't rain during the weekend... -_-

  10. Argos QB making plays... good instincts under pressure. Lions should sit back in a spy and force him to make some tougher throws. Lions O will wake up, but look like they're missing Manny.
  11. Kind of, but to each his own. She's not what I envisioned when I read the books though. Am I weird if I think Oola Chaplin is hot after what happened to her?
  12. Kind of a muddled list.. not sure how Lou slots in below the group above him unless you're counting cap hit. That being said, this article does show that there's an abundance of talent between the pipes these days.
  13. I liked KOTOR 1 and 2, is The Old Republic any good?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. a Fool

      a Fool

      Just the MMO grinding got to me, ie. "go kill 30 sand people and come back to me." Otherwise it's good. I think it's free to play now?

    3. ilduce39


      It is free right now which is a bonus... I hate the MMO grinding as well, I played a bit of WOW and spent all my time in the PvP arena.

    4. :D


      I enjoyed the space battle runs, but the rest was a yawnfest. Some of the Darth Malgus story was cool though.

  14. The Wolverine - 7.5/10 Pros: Wolverine stabs a bunch of people with his claws. The part after the credits. Wolverine changes it up and scratches some people with his claws. Cons: I didn't really care about any character other than Wolverine and spent the whole time hoping he'd stab them with his claws. (Sadly, he does not stab everybody.)
  15. Saskatchewan is the perfect villain for the CFL - obnoxious fanbase, decent but over-hyped team, and they always satisfyingly choke in the playoffs. wait.... that sounds dangerously like the Canucks, except the Riders don't dive, bite or pull hair... they just can't count.
  16. I think we need to tweet Duthie asking if he'll dust off Maggie to spin the Luongo report-or-not wheel.

    1. ilduce39


      We deserve closure.

    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Maggie's daughter for GM

    3. rampage
  17. - Still one of my all-time favorites.
  18. watched the "subban cam" ... bet Mr and Mrs Subban are happy they declined the Ritalin for their children.

  19. Who has the best chance to smooth things over between the Canucks and Luongo? The fans.

    1. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Knowing Canucks fans, it won't last.

    2. ilduce39


      Most likely.. :(

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      lol ya. we have the best fans ever.

  20. How will the Canucks fare under an Italian dictator?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Denguin


      Bust or Boom hard

    3. stonecoldstevebernier


      get invaded and defeated by the Allied forces

    4. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      they should have better chosed krupp :D

  21. Tortorella vs Vancouver Media!!!

    1. Twilight Sparkle
    2. rampage


      i dont want tort to be the coach but if he is atleast he'll put the retarded media in Vancouver in their place.

    3. rampage


      looking at you botch!

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