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Kazmanian Devil

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Status Updates posted by Kazmanian Devil

  1. pls start more threads, KingAlex

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. drummer4now


      ^Shots fired..

    3. KingAlex


      It's all either a photo a GDT or a trade annoncement. So there is not much to read, albeit he is very good at posting and makes his posts interesting. But when i come out with my GDT, all hell will rise...

    4. KingAlex


      10/28/2014 Lest we forget.

  2. Not Shook, No Bad Days

  3. I have no strong feelings towards turbocharged engines

  4. So what is KK Rev?

    1. BanTSN
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      The band that motivated the invention of the mute button

  5. So why does TSN have 5 channels now?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. viking mama

      viking mama

      I dunno.,,and why does Darren Mattocks need over 5 gimme attempts to pot in a goal from anywhere in the box? It's a damn mystery! As of this moment the Caps futilty streak continues. I'll just blame & rag on TSN for any & everything, too. It's what Vancouverites do.

    3. BanTSN


      Maybe each remaining member of the BAN-worthy media mafioso over there will get his own freaking channel. "Duthie pretends he's a comedian for 16 hours a day!" "Deliverance: The story of two loving and supporting cousins in Taranna."

    4. iLLmAtlc


      They doing what snet did before no national nhl but stronger locally in some markets. Snet had bigger presence here

  6. hey guys remember these: "ORLY?", "Numa Numa", "Peanut Butter Jelly Time"


  8. Reading this year's 9/11 thread. Pretty nice time waster.

  9. "Call us overprotective but..." No Hotmail/Microsoft, you don't need my goddamn phone number

    1. Mr. Ambien

      Mr. Ambien

      They're trying to make their disposable emails less disposable

    2. Xbox


      I hate that. And I also hate how they need an alternate email address. Painful to use.

  10. Hi kids, do you like violence?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DollarAndADream
    3. Kazmanian Devil

      Kazmanian Devil

      You'll have to catch me first.

    4. Mr. Ambien

      Mr. Ambien

      it's a trap, he just wants manly attention

  11. omg spongebob im such a 90s kid

    1. Joel Heyman

      Joel Heyman

      Please be considerate of non-90's kids who have no memory whatsoever of that decade

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Batman the Animated Series and Animaniacs for me.

  12. stop that you'll break something

  13. I am the 345th highest poster in CDC history. Everyone please out-post me.

    1. Mr. Ambien

      Mr. Ambien

      cant be arsed

    2. :D


      I'm 27th highest, yussss. Well, 26th if you don't count how AriGold somehow has 300k posts now.

    3. Heretic


      I'll do my best to stay ahead. ;)

  14. rt if crip fav if blood

  15. What happened to Bure to Mogilny's insightful status?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kazmanian Devil

      Kazmanian Devil

      Lame, I was gonna get that tattooed

    3. Mimerez


      What was it?

    4. Kazmanian Devil

      Kazmanian Devil

      Some mindblowing commentary on racism in Western society

  16. So I'm stuck with a title with only the first word capitalized?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      Learn to enjoy it.

    3. Master 112

      Master 112

      We're a novelty.

    4. Kazmanian Devil

      Kazmanian Devil

      @Watermelon Why'd you steal my birthday?

  17. Hey guys remember this: "Gangnam Style"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      i rememeber tha macarena

    3. Heretic


      I remember disco!

    4. Wilbur


      I remember Achy Brakey Heart... Unfortunately

  18. |\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\|\

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