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Status Updates posted by AppleJack

  1. dragging TS to hightea for my birthday with my friends he has to act all classy :o

  2. spilled my drink on ts opps I regret nothing

  3. is it weird I am singing songs to my cat?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AppleJack


      might be best to lock up the cat nip, some kittys can't handle it.

    3. c00kies


      One of them has a knife!!! OMG!!! What do I do?!?!

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Is the cat signing back?

  4. Just downloaded Super Mario 3 on my 3DS. My childhood <3

  5. Nhl.com store took 21 days to tell me the item I ordered is NOT in stock and thus not availble at the moment! I am so not pleased and seriously considering not shopping with them again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SixtyMinuteMan
    3. AppleJack


      I usually buy my canuck stuff at the team store(s) but don't know where else to buy detroit stuff other then nhl.com :(

    4. moz


      I had this many times too when trying to order some stuff. Try that sportsfanatics site (they have different ones but sell the same stuff), I think NHL ships from them as the same thing I wanted to order was on their site and they actually sent it to me.

  6. get over yourselves montreal fans

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xbox


      Who even came up with that crap? Both Leafs and Sens fans don't want to cheer for that franchise, doesn't make us less Canadian. Makes us loyal to our teams and their rivals.

      Besides the fact it's a Quebec hockey team.

    3. Tearloch7


      Franco-phobia running rampant?

    4. BanTSN


      Not cheering for the Rags, but could care less about the Habs being eliminated. They're the enemy too.

  7. Cheesy horror movies on netflicks time. Perfect way to spend a day off.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AppleJack


      I think I might rewatch Sharknado. Freaking love that movie.

    3. Tangelos


      watch Bad Milo!

      its about a gremlin that lives in some guys anus and comes out to kill when he's stressed.

    4. AppleJack


      That sounds like a crazy bad cheesy movie.... I should watch it.

  8. looks like the Queens are paying off the refs!

  9. TS is the blanket bandit :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AppleJack


      He like cocoons himself in all the blankets and I get none! The brat!

    3. Tearloch7


      is he ticklish? .. surprise attack!!!

    4. AppleJack


      Yes he is ticklish....hehehehe I like the way you think :P

  10. anyone got tips for defeating bowser in super mario bros 2 for the 3ds? I keep falling into the lava :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mau5trap


      If you need help beating Bowser on the N64, give me a holla.

    3. mau5trap


      man I love super mario 64

    4. Rounoush


      ^I hear that

  11. found ants near Gilly's cat tree :( give me natural ways to kill them! please!

  12. Dear NHL store are you EVER going to ship my Detroit hoodie ;(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Otis


      ya same deal for me.. says located in stock but not shipped.. bastards

    3. AppleJack


      Did you order something from one of the american teams? Last time I ordered from them it was last summer, I got my best friend a lames necklace and it took litterly two weeks to come. I got an email like three days after I ordered that the item had been shipped. So this is weirdness

    4. Otis


      Nope I ordered something from the Senators. I think I got an email like that as well but still nothing

  13. Got offered another job the only thing is I would be working 7 days a week. I turned it down. The thought of spending that much time with children makes me want to cry.

    1. nux4lyfe


      well you've had plenty of practice with TS..

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles
    3. AppleJack


      oh come on guys I am NOT that much older then him. :0

  14. conky's back <3

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      serious ? how is it even possible ? I will never sleep tonight knowing he is out there.....

  15. you know you got a good man when he will bring you lunch and starbucks while you are at work :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AppleJack


      TS is my boyfriend.. I iam gilly (or used to be).

    3. Caboose


      PB username.

    4. CanuckBoss


      I used to do that too, only cause she was giving me some good Pune

  16. go bruins.... I feel dirty saying that :/

    1. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      Then don't say it. Cheer for the Habs.

  17. american eagle is having a sale. Goodbye money!

    1. LuckyLuciano


      I like Canadian beaver better

  18. if I turn into an alcholic its because of my job! its not even 2pm yet and I wish I was at home with a nice cold barcardi breezer!

  19. NHLstore has FREE shipping right now.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AppleJack


      so basically get a rat and name it marchand and send it to heffy...

    3. Go Faulk Yourself

      Go Faulk Yourself

      Wow, what happened to your name mannnn

    4. AppleJack


      I changed it cause I was getting frustrated talking bout Gilly and then me..and being like.. Gilly the me, and Gilly the Kitty. So I changed it to Tanikins cause thats my nickname for Tanev <3

  20. anywhere in Vancouver that sells 'cute' redwing merch? I really want a red wings hoodie

    1. Lil B From The Pack

      Lil B From The Pack

      Any store that sells sports merchandise I guess.

    2. AppleJack


      Most the stores I have seen sell jerseys or t_shirts. Sighs I guess I am giving nhl.com all my monies ;)

  21. #prayforTS

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Baka


      I would cheer for Boston also if MTL wasn't the only remaining team in the East with a winning record against them.

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      the rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated D:

    4. Tearloch7
  22. my redwings just got eliminated :( guess I am going bandwagon chicago to win it all! toews is my fav player.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nux4lyfe


      frack the Hawks, you're not a true Nucklehead.how anyone could cheer for them is beyond me!

    3. Newsflash


      How the hell is Toews your favourite player?

    4. AppleJack


      Cause he's sexy duh!

  23. what a is this stuff... its goood... I am drunk

  24. I really want to get another kitty, a little fluffy kitten, and I want to name him Bubbles because Bubbles is awesome and he loves cats!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. c00kies


      Or a really comfortable stroller.

    3. TimberWolf


      Get two and name the other Samsquanch

    4. EmployeeoftheMonth


      Make another kitty out of yarn for him to play with and call it Conky.

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