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Status Updates posted by AppleJack

  1. TS spilled his beer all over me. I think its sweet he's trying to share but I dont like beer showers :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vav


      how do u feel about golden showers

    3. *VaNcOuVeRCaNuCkS*


      Came in here to ask her about golden showers but someone beat me to it

    4. nux4lyfe
  2. awesomeness happened last night but are we already to far out of a playoff spot? if not win it for tanev boys win it for tanev!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Warhippy


      less than a 2% chance I believe. PLay for futility or play for that Dal Colle or Drasitl pick....

    3. Aladeen


      Yah cause all those high draft picks have made Edmonton into a Dynasty. I would rather cheer for a Team with integrity and not throw games than a Dynasty Team that whored themselves out by throwing games to draft high. Ridiculous If you want the Canucks to throw games. Try or don't play!

    4. Baka


      Finishing in the middle of the pack hasn't turned the Senators into a dynasty ether. Yet high picks got cups for Pitts, Chi, TB, Carolina, LA...

      The Oilers are just a special case of failure.

  3. tanev is hurt we are going lose the rest of our games, goodbye playoffs hello top 10 draft pick.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shamu101


      I still think we can make the playoffs and make it to at least the 2nd round

    3. kodos


      ^ tiger singh

    4. Aladeen


      ^^ SCF at least!!!! GO Canucks!!!

  4. American Netflicks why are you so much better then Canada's Netflicks.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. drummer4now


      ^ its free unlock the other one.

    3. Green Building

      Green Building

      unblock works great, not just for netflix either. Check out the supported sites


    4. AppleJack


      Oh yes thanks guys that's what its called I just did what the bf told me to do then BOOM all those awesome cheesy horror films. :)

  5. Hockey love hurts "(

  6. Start of a 12 game winning streak???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      dream until your dream come true.

    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      No thanks. Then Gillis might keep his job and cause even more damage than he already has.

    4. AppleJack


      Or we can pull a LA 2012


  8. WOOT. A WIN. feels good. Please oh please lets do the impossible

  9. bought myself an EXTRA large cinniabon bun. It should help ease the pain of my hockey love.

  10. dont you just love it when non hockey fans feel the need to tell you whats wrong with your team and then when you point out they are wrong they call you stupid or a bandwagoner :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AppleJack


      Its super annoying! Its getting worse the worse vancouver does :( I might be a brat and make someone make me chicken wings this weekend! Hehehehehe

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles
    4. AppleJack


      TS is an awesome cook!

  11. If the playoffs started today BOTH my teams would be out of it ;(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AppleJack


      I really want anoter red wings jersey but they are so expensive :( I prob will just get a hoodie instead since I live in hoodies. I have a t-shirt but other then that all my stuff is canucks lol

    3. TheRussianRocket.


      Should definitely if you have the flexibilty to do so. I have a number of Wings jerseys now and Nucks, and a select other few players I admire. Collection you can say but lookin back at it now, wasn't worth the money for all those jerseys but it is kind of cool having them for display more than anything lol

    4. AppleJack


      Yeah I am sadly le poor- so I am thinking of just getting that hoodie. i have had my eye on a specific one for awhile anyways. I love my jerseys and its fun to put the older ones on once and a while but I agree that it is a lot of money. I spent over $300 hundred to get my Tanev Millionaire jersey- if he is traded I SHALL cry especially since my other current canuck jersey is Kesler.


  13. Noooo I have lost TS to the evil lure of.... ..... pokemon

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MayRayDown


      Well playing pokemon is different lol that's just addictive

    3. AppleJack


      I know..hence why I HAVE lost him forever lol

    4. Apples


      Welcome TS to the dark side.

  14. anyone else having issues with the mobile app :(

  15. Boring as hell but a win is a win. Woot. Go canucks Go.

  16. Ts made me ice cream ...with baileys in it.. yummy but something tells me he's trying to get me drunk...

  17. we can beat the flames right? right? right :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baka



      No matter who we play, we give the game away.

      Cause we can't win, that would be a sin.

      We even lose the games before they begin.


    3. Danucks


      I rather not, why waste the opportunity to draft within the top 5 than barely miss the playoffs with a 13-15 selection

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      If we loose to CGY i guarantee you a couple fLAMES trolls cruise through our hood >)

  18. Need a good horror book to read. suggestions??

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      try the Canucks 2013-14 season review

    2. Stick-in-Rink


      ^ i concur with that, nothing scarier out there

  19. Is this what it feels like to be a calgary lames fan?

    1. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      More like an Islanders fan.

    2. Colts_14


      more like a sabres fan.

    3. AppleJack


      its painful to watch but I just can't look away... much like a bad car accident.

  20. Friends who don't even like hockey are trying to tell me the reasons why KESSEL wasn't traded..pfft

    1. AppleJack


      seriously they called Kesler Kessel.. I was like okay then...keep talking idoit.

    2. Coconuts


      Sigh, people are dumb.

    3. AppleJack
  21. What happened to my Icon :o

  22. for the first time ever I hope we don't make the playoffs or get swept again so gillis gets fired!

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Where is my Malkin?

    2. AppleJack


      Where is my toews :(

  23. Tradez all the players (except Tanev)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AppleJack


      Nooooooooooooooooo Not Tanev ;O

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      oMg Gillis for Ford get'er done MG lol

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      No way Tanev is getting traded.

  24. Gillis looks ****ed

  25. just realized tonights game could be Kes last as a canuck :(

    1. Warhippy


      Looking less and less likely as Kesler is still on ice in Phoenix

    2. goalie13


      The deadline is tomorrow. Anything can happen. Wasn't Cammalleri pulled during a game once because he had been traded?

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