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Status Updates posted by Zoolander

  1. Honestly, if we drafted Virtanen, and traded for N.Ritchie...then tanked for McDavid...how could anyone stop our future top 6?!?

    1. Zoolander


      Our skilled wingers would average like 220lbs and McDavid/Horvat are no slouches of centremen

    2. Warhippy


      2 words. Bett Man

    3. Master 112

      Master 112

      Bett isn't a word.

  2. Remember when #FreeTorts was a thing? Yeaa, good times. #seeyatorts #byebyegillis

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      #FreeTorts still works.

      If by #FreeTorts you mean free him from his contract.

    3. Zoolander


      Torts didn't just inherit a garbage roster....he immersed this garbage roster in a garbage system...

    4. AppleJack


      I don't blame Torts for this and would like to give him another season before making my final opionion of him but Gillis has to go. He sunk this team. He sunk it. 2011 feels so far away- sobs loudly.

  3. Gillis! c'mon, you had one job, trade Kesler for picks/prospects. He WOULD have given a team 3 chances at a cup run. Keeping him gives a team 2 chances at a cup....his value only decreases from here. NICE ONE!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Keeping Kes gives us the chance to find some wingers to play with him or move him in the off season if it is true that he want a change of scenery.

    3. Vav


      whats the point of trading kesler for the sake of trading kesler. what shero offered was underpayment. and no his value hasnt diminished, he has 2 years left. it doesnt matter if we traded him at the deadline or if we trade him at the draft. the assets we couldve got for him now wouldnt have helped us anyway. we arent winning the cup this season, and probably not making the playoffs.

    4. Keslerific


      Vav nailed it.

  4. I won't be able to sleep tonight....tomorrow's either Christmas morning, or a 5am wake-up to explosive diarrhea

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Better take ton of Imodium before bed then :(

    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      Or explosive diarrhea at 5 am on Christmas morning.

    3. Trebreh


      imagine if we don't do anything tomorrow lol..

  5. I don't think this draft is as weak as ppl are saying. look up Sonny Milano's Bauer commercial from 2011. he's projected between 15-25 (another first rounder could do wonders)

  6. So our asking price is a 20-25 yr old proven Centre, TOP-END prospect and a 1st. Try harder Philly and Pittsburgh :)

    1. Shamu101


      They tried hard enough they'll never get him ;)

  7. With the management being blamed, the players wanting out (speculated) and the fans demanding change...this is kinda like a small-scale version of Ukraine right now.

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      First world problems ?

    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      But who's playing the role of the Russians?

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      the Russian well they are being played by the league of course. Colluding and cavorting all over the place against us lol :P

  8. Just curious cuz there's rumours...would you guys trade Kesler for Teravainen + extras (Chicago) The kid's unreal and would become our 1-2 punch with Horvat in the middle

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Nas19


      Or Bickel, Morin, and a 1st. Also suggesting that we retain some of Kesler's salary.

    3. Wedge-tailed Eagle
    4. Mr.DirtyDangles
  9. Erry time I go out, you know I gotta show out

  10. If you have gmail, and send something to an email that's not a very popular one (i.e hotmail,gmail,yahoo,etc) will it tell you if that email doesn't exist or does it just not tell you and just let let you send a message to a brick wall??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      shes just not into you - sorry bro

    3. Zoolander


      ^not about a girl in the Valentine's thread bro hahah

    4. Kazmanian Devil

      Kazmanian Devil

      I remember when hotmail was the sh*t

  11. LOL Kes is centering Kane and BROWN in practice.. that line has some phenominal chemistry....

    1. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      they have their one line team

    2. BanTSN


      They're all tremendous competitors. Problem?

    3. WolfxHaley


      kesler fought brown i think is the point hes trying to make

  12. Help in the Valentines thread would be very much appreciated :P I'm scrambled right now..

  13. Well my wcw's are decided for the next 4 years! I'm in love with all 3 Dufour-Lapointe sisters. OH CANADA!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zoolander


      They're absolutely stunning.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Cute, skilled, spunky. And love skiing, what more could you ask?

    4. Zoolander


      ^ In my honest opinion..nothing haha hope I can find a girl like those 3 X)

  14. Well my wcw's are decided for the next 4 years! Congrat's to all 3 of the Dufour-Lapointe sisters for representing

  15. Top 10 pick anyone? Woopwoop!?

  16. As bad as it sounds, I'd be stoked if the Canucks took their foot off the gas and didn't try for a playoff spot this year. At this rate, we could pick up Draisaitl and 6'5", 225lb Dman Alexis Vanier in the 2nd rd!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pears


      Draisaitl would be a filthy add to our prospect pool. Don't know anything about Vanier but that size is awesome

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      ^^ Vanier is going to be hella good :d

    4. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      not only should we tank but we should try to aquire another 1st round pick (ana's probable 29th) so we can draft Ho-Sang as well.

  17. I want to tell ya where to go, but I don't even know, where the...I'm goin' so ----- I want to, I really do; but I can't so I'm leaving for a month or two

  18. I agree with Buble.

  19. Best MMORPG's or free to play suggestions??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rick Grimes

      Rick Grimes

      Maple story is so boring it makes me want to kill myself.

    3. Rounoush


      Free to play arcadish WWII flight simulator called War Thunder is pretty good. I haven't played it for awhile but I enjoyed it when I did.

    4. Starmie
  20. I never trust a member on this board without an avatar....even more so without a sig

  21. "That was no accident" *Schroeder whispers to Booth*

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      We need everything we can get right now. To bad it wasn't on the PP

  22. #BringbackSamuelsson

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zoolander


      What college players are worth looking at this year?

    3. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      always a nice gem MG picks up

    4. tortorellatheboss



  23. Every win's a win, and every loss is that much closer to a higher draft pick

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      every loss is that much closer to a higher draft pick in a weak draft

    2. Aladeen


      Yah its next season we want to tank not this one!

  24. Holy Ballstein!!! Move the puck to the MIDDLE on the Powerplay. everytime it's the SAME thing. Am I the only 1 who notices this?!?!?! I FEEL LIKE I"M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!!!!

    1. Ronalds.Kenins41


      Every fan is seeing this and hopefully torts does on t.v cause I get the feeling we are about to lose every game till he comes back

    2. Wheels22


      And what has the Canucks Powerplay done??.. NOTHING! NOOOOTHINGGG!

  25. Schroeder's time to shine? Always played better when teams needed him to pick it up (WJC

    1. Watermelon


      Schroeder is still not ready to return and even when he does he prob needs a conditioning stint

    2. shinkaruk98


      He's was on the trip to EDM which means he's just about ready ^

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