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On 10/09/2017 at 11:01 AM, Monty said:

Can't think of a better thread to ask this in.


Currently have Netflix, which we're keeping, but thinking of cancelling cable altogether and getting CraveTV. However, does anyone here currently have Crave? And if so, is it worth it?

Netflix and an eye patch for anything I can't get on that. 


Basically still have 'cable' (actually iptv) solely for hockey and because I have Internet and TV for like $70 total right now. 

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watched the VICE doc "EPICLY LATER'D" which is about Bam Margera. saw a lot of positive comments about it, so I figured I'd give it a watch. it's 44 mins and free on youtube 


Like most things VICE, it seems sorta amateurish, too short, and by the end I don't really know what to make of any of it. the doc is kinda split into three channels: past, present, future, and none of them are really looked at thoroughly enough to be satisfying. everything leaves way too many questions.


the filmmaker seems to be trying to make Margera out to be a victim at times (introduced to eating disorders, alcohol and drugs by outside sources, etc.) yet Margera himself doesn't really seem to be blaming many people, and so many of his problems just seem rooted in the fact that he was young, extremely dumb, and then suddenly very wealthy. now he's older, a bit less dumb, and still troubled.. and that's it. 


I think the worst part of the documentary is THAT IT ISN'T ABOUT BRANDON NOVAK. Novak didn't have half of Margera's money, none of his social support, and a complete mess of a life full of abuse, homelessness, and drug addiction. and yet he still has managed to beat his demons and stay clean for years. this dude has lived a billion horrific lives in one, and still he's a footnote on Margera's life of excess


anyway, I guess it's relatively enjoyable as a catch up for the least likeable member of the Jackass squad. 

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2 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:


anyway, I guess it's relatively enjoyable as a catch up for the least likeable member of the Jackass squad. 

This is what Vice does. Bunch of guys sitting around a writer's table saying "Whatever happened to X"? They then get it in their mind that a story needs to be told, even when one isn't really there.

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Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee 8.5/10


I found this a fascinating documentary on a American millionaire that is straight up bat #$%^ crazy.  The doc. does a better job solving the murder of his neighbour than the authorities did.  Can't believe how most of this is all forgotten now.



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Wonder Woman. 6.5/10.


They got to London from where ever Paradise Island is in 2 days? I knew changing the setting to WWI was a mistake. Gal Gadot looks fine, but it lacked the 

gravity that Nolan's Batman films had. What's funny is they glossed over parts that were interesting, like her affection for the village. The wounded, etc. 


However it's probably the best DC live action movie since the Batman trilogy, but doesn't say much, and the bar is rather low. I don't think I'm even going to bother with

Justice League. 

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jj abrahms (sp) is back in the director's seat for the next-next Star Wars (canon) movie, IX, schedule for Dec 20, 2019


not a fan of his, but nostalgia did permit me to enjoy the last one, even if it was just a copy/paste job



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baby driver: 5.5/10? 


started off strong but quickly became exhausting. last 30 minutes are not good at all. anyway, don't have any issue with 'style over substance' as a rule, but something about this just feels so sterile, and its idea of 'cool' is totally antithetical to mine

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It (2017)


the first part of the, probably two part series, stays pretty close to the book, probably closer to the book than the mini series


the movie does a pretty good job at chronicling the kids' experience with pennywise, stripping down their innocence and does a pretty good job at exposing their fears to where the clown ****s with them all throughout the movie. i normally hate jump scares, like they really piss me off but the jump scares work in this film because it'll drag out the isolation of each kid, and the scary scenes intensify. you'll see it coming but it's more of how each scene builds and you really start to feel for how these kids are just getting ****ed with


then we have henry bowers and pennywise. this movies gives no ****s about what you thought about the tv series. bowers is a complete psycho-- where, in the mini series, he's portrayed as the slipping on a banana peel heel, where the faces one up the bad guy, but in the movie, he's fairly protected, and pennywise is stripped of tim curry's charisma and replaced with someone who delivers a more serious character (for when he has promo time) and not aided with the typical 21st century horror tropes that you see from pretty much every single horror movie nowadays (something screaming, loud noise, coming right at the camera, etc)


i was a fan of this movie. i felt it captured atmosphere real well, that you dont really get from horror movies anymore, isolation and a level of sympathy for all of the characters. it was all around really well made


8/10. my only complaint is some scenes just go for shock value and i feel that kinda cheapens any movie

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The House


Will Ferrell and Leslie Knope film. 


Frick, this was brutal.




Baby Driver


Have seen it twice, now. Once in theatres and once at home.


I really liked it the first time around, but was much more impressed the second time around. I remembered a lot of the scenes and music, so paying attention to the editing and pace made it more impressive upon second viewing.

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3 hours ago, Monty said:

The House


Will Ferrell and Leslie Knope film. 


Frick, this was brutal.




Baby Driver


Have seen it twice, now. Once in theatres and once at home.


I really liked it the first time around, but was much more impressed the second time around. I remembered a lot of the scenes and music, so paying attention to the editing and pace made it more impressive upon second viewing.

Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are hilarious, but god do they fail with movies. Will Ferrell is just content to Adam Sandler his career for the next ten-twenty years.

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IT (2017)  2/5


i wasn't expecting a masterpiece but this is disappointing. linear storytelling instead of using flashbacks like the book and the original adaptation did, lack of character depth, not adapting any of the violent parts from the book even though censorship isn't an issue like in the 1990 adaptation, the way they defeated pennywise at the end. (so cheesy) especially richie's monologue; douche chills


even with its shortcomings, the 1990 adaptation is still more watchable

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Martin McDonagh just took home 3 "big" awards at TIFF for his new movie Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri.


he's the dude who wrote/directed Seven Psychopaths and In Bruges. it stars Frances McDormand, Sam Rockwell, Peter Dinklage, Woody Harrelson. 


I am not a Rockwell fan at all tbh, and I found Seven Psychpaths to be disappointing in the wake of how much I enjoyed In Bruges, but I still have high hopes for this one

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San Francisco 2.0 (Documentary) 7/10


A look at how the booming tech industry is driving rent and home prices insanely high and displacing residents that called that city home for generations.  The look at the economic division within the city can be applied to Vancouver as well.  It was a good watch, and for people like me a scary look at how things may turn out(getting priced out of the city you call home).   

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On 9/16/2017 at 4:42 AM, Twilight Sparkle said:

It (2017)


the first part of the, probably two part series, stays pretty close to the book, probably closer to the book than the mini series


the movie does a pretty good job at chronicling the kids' experience with pennywise, stripping down their innocence and does a pretty good job at exposing their fears to where the clown ****s with them all throughout the movie. i normally hate jump scares, like they really piss me off but the jump scares work in this film because it'll drag out the isolation of each kid, and the scary scenes intensify. you'll see it coming but it's more of how each scene builds and you really start to feel for how these kids are just getting ****ed with


then we have henry bowers and pennywise. this movies gives no ****s about what you thought about the tv series. bowers is a complete psycho-- where, in the mini series, he's portrayed as the slipping on a banana peel heel, where the faces one up the bad guy, but in the movie, he's fairly protected, and pennywise is stripped of tim curry's charisma and replaced with someone who delivers a more serious character (for when he has promo time) and not aided with the typical 21st century horror tropes that you see from pretty much every single horror movie nowadays (something screaming, loud noise, coming right at the camera, etc)


i was a fan of this movie. i felt it captured atmosphere real well, that you dont really get from horror movies anymore, isolation and a level of sympathy for all of the characters. it was all around really well made


8/10. my only complaint is some scenes just go for shock value and i feel that kinda cheapens any movie

Seen it at The New West theater last week, movie did stay pretty close to the original, 2 things i didn't like is they had the movie's volume up too loud which took away some of the enjoyment for me and 2 Bev isn't suppose to find out Ben wrote the poetry until they are adults. 2 really minor things , took about 2 or 3 days to really change my mind about it after i left the theater. 

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some quick reviews of movies from the past cpl months


Dunkirk 8.5/10

Not perfect (still confused by the physics of the boat sniper scene) but it won back a lot of points for me re:Chris Nolan.


The Dark Tower 4/10

Probably the only thing about this that'll stick with me was the theatre start time being 7:19. Well played. Everything else completely forgettable.


Baby Driver  6.5/10

Strong first half, got progressively more generic. Edgar Wright movies usually get better on rewatch, though, so who knows.


It Comes At Night  7/10

Lots of nice tracking shots and a few creepy images, but I couldn't shake the feeling that these were masking a pretty hollow story and bland walking dead-style survivalist fantasies.



In weird upcoming movie news, apparently John Turturro is writing/directing/starring in something called Going Places. It's both a remake of a 70s French movie and a sort-of sequel to The Big Lebowski, based around his alley rat character Jesus Quintana. Should be interesting, pendejo.

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