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[Official] Canucks coach talk. Keep all talk here.


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Not only that, but I don't think Blashill has talked to anyone yet either...

Nope, he can't yet. He's still coaching in the AHL finals.

If his team wins tonight, they sweep Syracuse and win the Calder Cup.

The Canucks have to be really agressive to get this guy as their assistant coach. There's going to be alot of teams going after him I would think.

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How come? Ruff and Torts were interviewed this week too.

It's hard to say who made the best impression on management.

Because there's no guarantee that Stevens will even want the job or that, after interviewing him, Gillis will want him. You don't bet all your chips on one hand unless you are either confident enough in in or willing to take the risk in losing everything. We also have to consider that they also need assistant coaches as well. Perhaps a guy like Tortorella may be a good assistant, if he was willing to accept a lower position.

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I'm sure Torts would take a year off rather than take an asst position. He's getting paid anyway. Between now and next season there will be other coaches gassed and Torts would be a great immediate, short term solution. He's in good shape.

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Not that I have heard, but Sutter is who I want .. then Canucks focus on Western HL kids who play with passion ..

Sutter is also another guy who would go with Luongo instead of Schneider. I'm all for it but I'd rather see Tortorella.

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Ran this by RUPERT, but i wonder if Dave Lewis has been considered?

He does fall into the Stevens column of coaching pedigree (moreso as a long time Bowman associate). He could be very well be another excellent career assistant, but id be curious what he has picked up since being fired from the Bruins.

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