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Do the players really need "pump up" music before a big game?....


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Here is what one top sportsman in probably one of the most stressful games in the world says.

"If you had to pick one pre-match prep song to get you in the fighting mood what would it be?

I actually don't think you want to be too pumped up when you go on the court or before a match - once you get out there you're going to have loads of adrenaline anyway, especially in the big matches and the Slams. You don't want to be listening to music that's going to get you amped up, because that can create more stress. I'd rather listen to something a bit calmer than something to get me in the fighting mood. It could be anything, just nothing too hardcore"

The answer is from Andy Murray, USA Open Champion and Olympic Gold Medal Winner.

I have always maintained on "intro music" debates on here that top sportsmen do all the physical and mental preparation before the event and that "pump up" music is a bit of a myth put about by adolescents who don't really understand the mental side of high level sportsmen. The more successful you are the more in control you need to be because timing, clarity of thought and management of energy is all affected by stress.

Even as a spectator at big sporting occasions I never needed "pumping up" because if you are a fan and the result means something to you, your heart should already be bursting out of your chest.

Anyway he is only one sportsman and others may have a different opinion but it is interesting to see how many fans probably don't understand just how focussed these top guys are already without the need for "artificial" stimulation.

Maybe Andy would approve of this then and the Canucks have been right all along.

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As a long time canucks fan and ex DJ, I am sorry I have to say there is nothing that pumps me up about U2. Especially Streets by U2

The music isn't to pump up the players so much as it is the fans and anyone who has spent a game inside GM/Rogers PLace knows the fans need to be pumped up almost to the minute. They've a monotone announcer and a terrible DJ

Want to pump up the players you pump up the fans which is what the music does. Chicago has a great system for this, theme song when they score new song intro almost every game, so does Boston so does Detroit and numerous other buildings in the league.

Try coming out onto the ice where Shotgun by Anthrax is playing, or Crying like a B**ch by Godsmack, maybe even Collapse by Rise Against. Those songs get down into your bones and make you want to scream at something.

U2...kinda makes me sleepy.

So with all die Respect to Mr Murray, the fans need the music as much as the players and if he'd had a badass intro song maybe tennis would have been palatable to watch on a regular basis instead of just the womens matches with the sweating and heavy grunts.

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A lot of players in each of the 4 major sports use pump up music but most have their own playlists which they listen to on ipods before or while they suit up.

The openings and stuff are more for the fans.

I always used to get pumped up by the old Flyers stuff when they were themed on "Back with a Vengeance"

Marketed this: Vengeance/300 Themed

Turned into this: 5 Suspensions and dirty play all over :lol:

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Nobody needs pump up music. I think the music you listen to reflects your mood, not the other way around. If guys listen to pump up music before a game, it's because they're already pumped up and have the adrenaline going so they want to listen to that type of music.

I don't think it increases their motivation or affects the result. It's mostly just for fun.

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Here is what one top sportsman in probably one of the most stressful games in the world says.

"If you had to pick one pre-match prep song to get you in the fighting mood what would it be?

I actually don't think you want to be too pumped up when you go on the court or before a match - once you get out there you're going to have loads of adrenaline anyway, especially in the big matches and the Slams. You don't want to be listening to music that's going to get you amped up, because that can create more stress. I'd rather listen to something a bit calmer than something to get me in the fighting mood. It could be anything, just nothing too hardcore"

The answer is from Andy Murray, USA Open Champion and Olympic Gold Medal Winner.

I have always maintained on "intro music" debates on here that top sportsmen do all the physical and mental preparation before the event and that "pump up" music is a bit of a myth put about by adolescents who don't really understand the mental side of high level sportsmen. The more successful you are the more in control you need to be because timing, clarity of thought and management of energy is all affected by stress.

Even as a spectator at big sporting occasions I never needed "pumping up" because if you are a fan and the result means something to you, your heart should already be bursting out of your chest.

Anyway he is only one sportsman and others may have a different opinion but it is interesting to see how many fans probably don't understand just how focussed these top guys are already without the need for "artificial" stimulation.

Maybe Andy would approve of this then and the Canucks have been right all along.

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I always listened to music before games. Did it pump me up? No, probably not. But, humans crave routine. There is comfort in routine. Taping my stick before every game didn't pump me up, but I liked doing it because it was part of my routine and made me feel prepared. Is pump up music for everyone? Definitely not. But I don't think it is a detriment to those who listen to it either.

Listening to AC/DC's Thunderstruck for the 1000th time shouldn't really get anyone pumped up, but I loved listening to that song before every game because its what I did the game before. Maybe I sound crazy and OCD, but I still believe it helped me.

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Some seem to be missing the point I'm trying to make.

Top sportsmen ARE ALREADY PUMPED UP by the very fact they are winners and they see every game as someone trying to make them losers.

I am not talking about your local "kick about" team. I'm talking about the cream.

Neither I nor any of my friends or family ever needed music to prepare us to bawl our lungs out at a big game either. It's so artificial.

I mean how did we ever have great teams and great champions and 100,000-200,000 crowds screaming their heads off before the 60's?

It's a myth or it's a condemnation of today's public and/or it's sportsmen. It is in fact only entertainment and has nothing to do with pumping up.

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You're comparing what gets 1 guy going in an individual sport to a group of guys in a team sport? Totally different sports too.

That's apples and oranges.

Also, what's with the insane man crush on Andy Murray?

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