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Silfverberg Snipes

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So I understand some of you on here are currently or have attended SFU in the past. I'm just starting my first year at the Surrey campus (closer to home) literally two days in and I can already feel myself dying inside. The vibe you get from the place is pretty much what it is, a mall. It feels nothing like what I thought a university would feel like and am thinking of attending the Burnaby campus next semester just for that reason alone.

Can anybody please suggest some tips to keep me engaged and interested because the commuter school atmosphere is REALLY putting me off. 3-4 years of this is going to kill me.

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burnaby is more of a campus, but it still doesnt have a campus "vibe" since everyone leaves the prison to go do stuff, or at least they did in my time. Ive been up there a few times for alum stuff and it seems to have changed a bit but im not sure it is for the better seems like english is no longer the spoken language of the hallways.

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Burnaby campus doesn't have a great atmosphere either imo... unless you live at rez, most people want to get off the mountain asap and parking is a total scam up there

What were you expecting the university "vibe" to be like ?

Animal House?

You know, double secret probation, food fights and panty raids!

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So I understand some of you on here are currently or have attended SFU in the past. I'm just starting my first year at the Surrey campus (closer to home) literally two days in and I can already feel myself dying inside. The vibe you get from the place is pretty much what it is, a mall. It feels nothing like what I thought a university would feel like and am thinking of attending the Burnaby campus next semester just for that reason alone.

Can anybody please suggest some tips to keep me engaged and interested because the commuter school atmosphere is REALLY putting me off. 3-4 years of this is going to kill me.

Welcome to hell.

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Yea as an SFU student at the Burnaby campus, it does blow in terms of student activities. They try to make it seem like theres a lot going on during club days, but the club quality is very poor. the only clubs you see are religious cults, board game clubs, sexual awareness clubs etc. they have a drop in ball hockey club which is cool but of course it's only Monday nights because they have to appeal to the fobs by having badminton drop in every day of the week (they love their badminton over there).

I got accepted to ubc but chose sfu out of convenience (against traffic for the most part and closer to my house) and because mommy and daddy aren't going to pay for me to live in an apartment at UBC and I'd be a dick to make them do so when I can get an equally good education for cheaper. Anyway regardless I'm going off topic.

My advice is to have your social life outside of sfu. Keep in touch with your high school friends and don't expect to be getting hammered and laid every Friday night like I did going to SFU (all those university movies are lies!). Also try and get a student part time job on campus as nothing pays less than $15/hour which is pretty decent.

Good luck and Btw there a several threads on sfu in white noise already

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Burnaby campus is way better.

Postsecondary life can be summed up quite effectively with the following: University is full of beautiful women who want absolutely nothing do with you. That fact is slightly more depressing when you realize that there are at least 2 women for every 1 man on campus (that ratio might actually be even more lopsided in certain disciplines).

But hey, at least Burnaby feels like a university with a campus, and people are kinda social.

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See how the semester goes, if you still hate it, then transfer out. Don't waste your time going to a school you hate.

I actually preferred the surrey campus over Burnaby. The Burnaby campus was just so depressing during the fall months. It's a lot better during late spring and summer, but otherwise it really does feel like a prison. Well it did for me at least.

I regret not trying more in high school. If I had gotten a scholarship to UBC I would have been able to live on res. My parents weren't gonna pay for me to live there, and rightfully so. So I chose SFU for convenience like many do. Good luck though.

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See how the semester goes, if you still hate it, then transfer out. Don't waste your time going to a school you hate.

I actually preferred the surrey campus over Burnaby. The Burnaby campus was just so depressing during the fall months. It's a lot better during late spring and summer, but otherwise it really does feel like a prison. Well it did for me at least.

I regret not trying more in high school. If I had gotten a scholarship to UBC I would have been able to live on res. My parents weren't gonna pay for me to live there, and rightfully so. So I chose SFU for convenience like many do. Good luck though.

Pretty much me. Thanks for the replies everyone. Guess I'm going to have to endure this hellhole for three years.

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Pretty much me. Thanks for the replies everyone. Guess I'm going to have to endure this hellhole for three years.

Don't feel that you have to be tied into the decision. If there are better options available to you after researching them, then they may be worth going after, whether that is change of campus or school or whatever

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