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Unwritten rules of attending a hockey game (Article)

Tom Sestito

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Respect the National Anthem(s) and remove your hat: Have some respect for your country; stand and remove your hat for the National Anthem. This applies to the American and Canadian anthems. Both countries(US and Canada) have been guilty of booing each other’s anthem. It’s looked down upon in the hockey community, and should not be done under any circumstance. Some arenas remain silent during the anthem, others like Blackhawks fans like to cheer throughout the anthem. -

ding ding ding.

hate it when i've got a few idiots beside me during the anthem and they are talking throughout the whole thing.

I've been to Habs games where they booed the American anthem, they booed the Canadian anthem and then they booed Brisebois every time he touched the puck.

Same crowd that tried to run Carey Price out of town during the preseason after they traded Halak.


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A few of my own to add:

Watch the language, there are likely women, children or seniors nearby who don't care to hear F-bombs and other four letter words. I don't care to hear it either and I don't fit any of those categories. They pay for their ticket as well and don't need to have their good time spoiled by a foul mouthed buffoon.

Good natured heckling of the opposition is fine, but again watch the language and never get personal with the player or make physical contact (or throw objects at them)

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Well, players have said they get energy from the crowd, so maybe the fans in attendance cheering can help. If not, at least it's fun everyone can join in together. Banging on the glass so people will look at you is selfish and pointless.

If you think fans cheering is annoying perhaps watching in absolute silence in your living room is the best option?

Same can be said of people who don't like other people banging on the glass. If the situation warrants it I don't care if people go bananas on the glass; After a goal, during a fight etc.

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Definitely agree with the one about analyzing the game. Drives me nuts when people act like they know hockey when really they have no clue. It makes me want to interrupt them and correct them in they assessments of teams and players.

I also hate when women are watching a game and all they say is "player x is hot". "No player y is hotter." "yeah but player x is single. Player y is married with kids."

Damn it! These players are playing the greatest game on earth at the highest level that exists and all you can talk about is who is hotter!?

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So should I not wear my Santalla jersey ?

I believe he falls under the "fan favourite" definition.

My biggest pet peeve is the people who leave their seats during the period (last game I was at, suckers left to get beers and missed two goals), and those who return way late to the game (and end up blocking everyone's view).

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So wait?

Wearing a Millionaires jersey is not acceptable?

Wearing a Team Canada jersey with Linden on it is unacceptable?

What about wearing a Russian Jersey with Mogilny or Bure on it?

What about wearing a Swedish Jersey with Sedin on it?

Or Finnish Jersey with Lumme or Salo on it?

Here's a simpler solution.

Go and cheer. Don't be obnoxious, and respect yourself and other fans.

That means turn off your damn phone. Don't leave when the game is in doubt to beat traffic.

Never TUCK in your jersey.

If you want to talk business all game long, go to a bar. Let real fans go to the game or better yet donate your tickets to charity so some kid can go see a game.

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Drives me nuts when people act like they know hockey when really they have no clue. It makes me want to interrupt them and correct them in they assessments of teams and players.

The vast majority of people I hear correcting other fans, or snickering to their friends about something dumb that another fan said, are at best slightly-less-clueless. The people who really know their stuff are a rare breed. I don't include myself in that group, I've just had the opportunity to sit with folks like that on a few occasions.

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The vast majority of people I hear correcting other fans, or snickering to their friends about something dumb that another fan said, are at best slightly-less-clueless. The people who really know their stuff are a rare breed. I don't include myself in that group, I've just had the opportunity to sit with folks like that on a few occasions.

Eh, I think all of us have said some dumb things while at Canucks games before.

One game the Sharks took a too-many-men penalty and I questioned why they didn't put Logan Couture in the box to serve it. Ten seconds later he scores a shorthanded goal. Safe to say I learned why he kills penalties that day.

As long as you're not being obnoxious I think it's okay. Certainly funny, though.

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So wait?

Wearing a Millionaires jersey is not acceptable?

Wearing a Team Canada jersey with Linden on it is unacceptable?

What about wearing a Russian Jersey with Mogilny or Bure on it?

What about wearing a Swedish Jersey with Sedin on it?

Or Finnish Jersey with Lumme or Salo on it?

Here's a simpler solution.

Go and cheer. Don't be obnoxious, and respect yourself and other fans.

That means turn off your damn phone. Don't leave when the game is in doubt to beat traffic.

Never TUCK in your jersey.

If you want to talk business all game long, go to a bar. Let real fans go to the game or better yet donate your tickets to charity so some kid can go see a game.

Read the article

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Yeah that pretty much just comes off as standard BS that helps make the fans feel like they make a difference. I mean if you are going by results it says fan support means very little given the teams that had/have great attendance but still suck and teams the teams that don't get supported but still have great years and even cups. There are plenty of other things that motivate players far more than strangers making noise.

And I never said I had an issue with noise I was simply questioning your logic. Unless you believe the players can hear each individual in the stands why would any noise affect them differently? And as a fan when you sit in a stadium where numerous people are yelling as loud as they can is your true peeve really the super ultra mega annoying sound of flash smacking Plexiglas?It's silly. It's like walking onto a construction site and of all the noise you get mad because of how the drills sound.

I never equated a team's success or talent to the noise level in the crowd, only pointed out that various athletes have said they get energized by a loud crowd. If you don't like that, take it up with them.

As for questioning my logic, you didn't have to work too hard to follow it as I explicitly laid it out for anyone not preoccupied with looking for a pointless debate. Cheering is a communal activity in which everyone can join in. That's part of the fun of attending a sporting event. One jerk banging on the glass, however, is a selfish act that makes it hard for everyone else to hear and/or see what's going on on the ice. If you don't understand the obvious difference between those 2 activities, I don't know what to tell you.

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Same can be said of people who don't like other people banging on the glass. If the situation warrants it I don't care if people go bananas on the glass; After a goal, during a fight etc.

You're welcome to like or dislike anything you want, as am I.

And I was obviously not talking about people celebrating with the crowd. I'm talking about those jerks that bang on the glass every time players are battling for the puck near their seats just to get the attention. Watching on TV, it makes it hard to hear the sounds of the game. And I'm sure the people who paid good money for their seats who are trying to see around the "everyone look at me!" jerk banging on the glass for no reason aren't pleased with it either.

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Definitely agree with the one about analyzing the game. Drives me nuts when people act like they know hockey when really they have no clue. It makes me want to interrupt them and correct them in they assessments of teams and players.

I also hate when women are watching a game and all they say is "player x is hot". "No player y is hotter." "yeah but player x is single. Player y is married with kids."

Damn it! These players are playing the greatest game on earth at the highest level that exists and all you can talk about is who is hotter!?

Open season to point out the hot women in the crowd though? :lol: Mingling should always be part of the fun...

What I hate is guys who eat beans before the game, or take up the entire rail so I can't put my elbows down!

Or riot after the game when the home club loses! :sick:

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