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This is what playing 20 minutes a game looks like..

I've never seen the Canucks of any season let in more goals within the last minutes of periods than this roster.. Pretty ridiculous

Torts needs to bag skate this team.. All you need to look at are the turnovers and careless play from the Sedins, Bieksa etc.

Brutal. I hope this team feels like crap after this game and last nights game.

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It was almost easier to cheer for the Nucks when they were the "Come back Kings" a few years ago... now that they are the "Come back on me kings".... ugh - my hopes are so much higher, but my disappointment is greater

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Thanks Kesler for doing nothing on the Ducks 2nd goal.

Thanks Garrison for failing to do something simple like get the puck out of your zone which led to the Ducks 3rd goal.

Thanks Sedin for being lackadaisical with the puck in your end which caused a scoring chance and a PP for the Ducks which led to them scoring the 4th and game winning goal.

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Standing O to the Canucks

That's exactly how we want to play against elite teams

Fricken Christ Canucks...what happened to this team?

maybe you should try playing pro hockey against one of the best teams in the NHL right now before you start flapping your mouth.

Oh wait- you don't.

IMO good effort by the Canucks. Canucks were tired as hell and almost pulled it off. On to the next one.

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