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NHL selling out more arenas than the NBA

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I still refuse to pay to go to games. Why are people in Vancouver paying 4, 5, and 6 times as much as Phoenix? Until they start paying for their tickets, and stop bitching about a $20 parking ticket, I'll stay at home and watch. Got tickets to the Flyer game, price on the tickets was $320, good grief!

This has nothing to do with Bettman growing the game, its about Canadians paying the highest prices to go to games.

its call supply and demand.. I hope you would learn this by the time you have your own business

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"It’s been an ongoing trend since the League rebooted after the 2005 lockout. There’s been some luck involved, like Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin arriving and having a steady parade of big market teams in the Stanley Cup Final. But the end result is still an unprecedented level of enthusiasm for the product."

Very lucky… very lucky indeed

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So is it fair to say Chicago should be considered the biggest bandwagon hockey club in the league? Ten years ago when they were playing like the Oilers they were getting 7000 to a game and there was a lot of talk of moving them. Now that franchise has its head out of its ass and they are selling out?? I bet ankle injuries are up in Chi town in a couple a years when the fantasy ride is over.

a lot of it has to do with bill wirtz refusing to allow home games to be televised, among other draconian business practices. when he died and rocky took over, the franchise started turning around.

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Throughout the 2013-14 season, 15 NHL markets have averaged at least 100 percent capacity in their home stands: The Detroit Red Wings, Chicago Blackhawks, Montreal Canadiens, Philadelphia Flyers, Toronto Maple Leafs, Calgary Flames, Vancouver Canucks, Pittsburgh Penguins, Washington Capitals, Minnesota Wild, Los Angeles Kings, New York Rangers, Boston Bruins, San Jose Sharks and Winnipeg Jets.

The NHL will never work in sunshine states.

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This doesn't make sense at all...

From what I've read on here, Gary Batman has been doing a terrible job and is ruining hockey. These things just aren't adding up.

Oh yea, without a doubt the guy is a little prick but from a business standpoint view, he has been lights out for the NHL. Like a user said in this thread, he's not good at pleasing fans but money wise he gets it done. He has arguably taken the league into the climax period of all it's history where the game is bigger than ever before.

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I don't get basketball. People get way to excited over a dunk. Apparently its more impressive to score 2 points than 3. Its illogical.

well I guess you shouldn't watch football because it seems nothing other than crossing that goal line would excite ... and it will only happen a few times per game....

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@Papayas: Supply and demand isn't working in Phoenix, never has, never will. You go ahead a buy those tickets, I'll continue to watch at home. Go ahead and continue to subsidise Gary's plan.

err what? What exactly isn't the supply and demand rule working in Phoenix? The demand is really low, so the price of the tickets go down... What exactly isn't working here for you?

can't really expect logic from a guy who can't even use the quote function correctly... :/

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For all the problems of the NHL it is still a vastly superior organization than the NBA. I still doubt it is going to start replacing basketball as a 'go to' sport for a lot of people in the US but it is nice to see some progress being made.

Honestly though I don't see how people can get so into a sport where the high talent players try to all get on the same team together (*cough*Miami*cough*)...reeks of collusion and conflict of interest. The same smell that comes from the Yankees and other powerhouse sports franchises.

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I stopped watching the NBA years ago because it just became boring. And I was a huge NBA fan, too.

Introduce something new to challenge the players. Raise the nets, lower the shot clock time, widen the 3-point line ... something!!! Anything!!!

When I grew up, a lot of that was new and it made for an exciting game. Seriously, we've seen all there is to see. The NBA failed to adapt to player size, talent, and skill.

The NHL has been experimenting and tweaking for years. They've been hungry to be popular, to get the audience. It's about time it started to pay off!!!

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I stopped watching the NBA years ago because it just became boring. And I was a huge NBA fan, too.

Introduce something new to challenge the players. Raise the nets, lower the shot clock time, widen the 3-point line ... something!!! Anything!!!

When I grew up, a lot of that was new and it made for an exciting game. Seriously, we've seen all there is to see. The NBA failed to adapt to player size, talent, and skill.

The NHL has been experimenting and tweaking for years. They've been hungry to be popular, to get the audience. It's about time it started to pay off!!!

you want the players to deliver fries at you everytime they made a dunk or something? :D

anyway I kinda agree, Nba is becoming boring lately... but I think it's mostly because the league is trying to control the result of the game too much..

Everything is predictable these days.. the big city will win the championship and the small franchise will suffer. Players gather in the same franchise for easy cup instead of stickign to their team and make them better. And holy crap don't get me start with the way they handle the playoffs with all those freaking phantom calls and crap. It's just free throws after free throws when the ref need one team to catch up. Remember dwayne or Lebron and their 20 free throws each day in and day out in playoff games?

the ref scandal certainly doesn't help either..

and you know what is sad? NHL is heading in exactly the same direction...

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So is it fair to say Chicago should be considered the biggest bandwagon hockey club in the league? Ten years ago when they were playing like the Oilers they were getting 7000 to a game and there was a lot of talk of moving them. Now that franchise has its head out of its ass and they are selling out?? I bet ankle injuries are up in Chi town in a couple a years when the fantasy ride is over.

While there is no disputing the Blackhawks had some putrid numbers at the gates for six or seven years.....i never once heard anything about the team moving. Where are you pulling that nugget of information from?

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It's about time we emulate the NBA! All that neverending back & forth makes my heart palpitate QUEASILY!

We can do things as well as they can; & OUR boys can be intl gentlemen too! For example, I heard(on inside-authority) Sean Avery is being sent to North Korea, in order to hobnob with their dearest leader(lil'kim?); implying Rodman's DROPPED the ball,(career's gone to the dogs), & the vacuum's hoovering noisily.

Very exciting to see SA explain the nuances of our game(on the eve of Oly's) to the lil'fellah; not to mention, proudly represent NA'n interests with ambassadorial-aplomb. It certainly won't get sloppy, in terms of progressive-diplomacy.

Yes the NBA is an entertainment-giant, featuring dedicated, true athletes; but we're sure to follow their lead! Another trend reveals that enthusiastic NHL'ers are now excited about discussing the finer details of PRACTICE... MAN, our game should really improve!

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