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PGT van loses to queens


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Exactly, they made a team statement. The statement was that we won't be pushed around. Some people may have preferred if they had made the statement that they can actually win a game against LA but obviously most fans on here agree that this is not realistic and are very happy with the statement that was made.

You say they made a statement that they cannot win games against LA? They lost a 1-0 decision....not exactly a onesided victory for the Kings.

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Loved the message the Canucks gave the Kings in this game... take liberties with our guys, esp the stars, and you'll pay. Even if the cost is heavy, i.e. the loss, the message has to be sent. Too bad Sestito got 7 mins and a game for so little. I wish he had at least got to rag doll that weasel Nolan for that. That would really make Nolan think twice before he cheap shots our guys again.

I agree that message will be sent, but the Kings got the last laugh and even worse it was Dustin Brown, enemy #1, who scored the winner.

Grump......I'm not in the dressing room, nor am I a part f the team, I don't have to worry about that. I guarantee that in the coaches room JT and his coaching team end their moral victory sentence with "but"

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Everyone is acting like one game where they got a little owly means the identity of the team has changed......the players are the same and the identity of the team will stay the same......they are not tough, they d get pushed around and they will continue to get oushed around. If they were truly a rough, tough team they wouldn't have to prove it to themselves or anyone else because that's how they would play night in and night out. Canucks fans need to come to terms with the team MG has built

I'm glad they had some grit, for sure, but they lost the two points against a divisional team who they are in a tight playoff race with. Like it or not the Kings got them off their game and while the Canucks may have won a fight, they lost the battle, let's hope they don't lose the war.

Everyone is acting like one game where they got a little owly means the identity of the team has changed......the players are the same and the identity of the team will stay the same......they are not tough, they d get pushed around and they will continue to get oushed around. If they were truly a rough, tough team they wouldn't have to prove it to themselves or anyone else because that's how they would play night in and night out. Canucks fans need to come to terms with the team MG has built

I'm glad they had some grit, for sure, but they lost the two points against a divisional team who they are in a tight playoff race with. Like it or not the Kings got them off their game and while the Canucks may have won a fight, they lost the battle, let's hope they don't lose the war.

Actually I agree that this is the identity of the team MG built. And exactly because of that I hope it is possible for them to turn it around, cause we will not win one round, if we can not match the California team. We've seen the last few play offs and in particular this season that when they were being bullied, they couldn't cope. Hopefully they find a way to pot a few goals, for like it or not, this is the style Torts wants his team to play...

2 points may make the difference come play offs, but we have to try something different cause the 'old' way doesn't do it... As Einstein said ' Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expect a different result'...

But as you rightly say, if they don't play physical hockey next time, we play a divisional rival (tonight), then its kind of wasted. Time will tell...but it sure was fun to watch.

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Actually I agree that this is the identity of the team MG built. And exactly because of that I hope it is possible for them to turn it around, cause we will not win one round, if we can not match the California team. We've seen the last few play offs and in particular this season that when they were being bullied, they couldn't cope. Hopefully they find a way to pot a few goals, for like it or not, this is the style Torts wants his team to play...

2 points may make the difference come play offs, but we have to try something different cause the 'old' way doesn't do it... As Einstein said ' Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expect a different result'...

But as you rightly say, if they don't play physical hockey next time, we play a divisional rival (tonight), then its kind of wasted. Time will tell...but it sure was fun to watch.

I agree, I enjoyed watching the game, but in the end it the outcome ruined it. With the current personnel, I do not believe they can match up against the California teams.

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Loved the message the Canucks gave the Kings in this game... take liberties with our guys, esp the stars, and you'll pay. Even if the cost is heavy, i.e. the loss, the message has to be sent. Too bad Sestito got 7 mins and a game for so little. I wish he had at least got to rag doll that weasel Nolan for that. That would really make Nolan think twice before he cheap shots our guys again.

I agree that message will be sent, but the Kings got the last laugh and even worse it was Dustin Brown, enemy #1, who scored the winner.

Not sure what it is you want from the Canucks. Yes, ideally they play it tough AND win the game. But they didn't but it's not from lack of trying. What was the alternative then? The rough stuff was precipitated by Nolan taking a run at Daniel. Do you think the Canucks should've turn their cheeks and hope to make them pay with a power play? That tactic didn't work out when Marchand face washed Daniel. And it won't work with our powerless play now either. Rolling over when cheap shots are taken at our stars sends the message that they can do it again with impunity. The right message had to be sent and it was. It's debatable that it cost them a win... they could've turned the other cheek and still lost.

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Not sure what it is you want from the Canucks. Yes, ideally they play it tough AND win the game. But they didn't but it's not from lack of trying. What was the alternative then? The rough stuff was precipitated by Nolan taking a run at Daniel. Do you think the Canucks should've turn their cheeks and hope to make them pay with a power play? That tactic didn't work out when Marchand face washed Daniel. And it won't work with our powerless play now either. Rolling over when cheap shots are taken at our stars sends the message that they can do it again with impunity. The right message had to be sent and it was. It's debatable that it cost them a win... they could've turned the other cheek and still lost.

My only issues were that they lost focus in the game, and it took players out of the game for significant periods of time. No one says they have to turn the other cheek, but you can't lose sight of the important thing.......the win

Mainly my issue is with people who are lauding this as some huge victory against the big, bad, dirty Kings, when the team lost and the most hated player scored the winning goal.

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I agree, I enjoyed watching the game, but in the end it the outcome ruined it. With the current personnel, I do not believe they can match up against the California teams.

Cheers. I think MG will give this team until after these play offs, and if they're not able to change, I expect some changes to the playing staff. We have to match up to the California teams, if we want to do anything cup wise, one way or another. But for now I'll sit back and hopefully enjoy the ride :rolleyes:
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My mind is blown, after reading comment after comment that talk about losing this one game, while ignoring the fact that we have finally taken the first step in learning to play tough.

This fanbase deserves to have the oilers as their team, just brutal and clueless.

A first step, while necessary, is only a first step. Now let's see what happens tonight. The Sedins have been mugged for 13 years, I think it is premature to say that this is over after one game. Once the Canucks have established themselves as a tough team, and that will take some time, then they will have to become a tough team that can win- lots of tough losers out there.
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A first step, while necessary, is only a first step. Now let's see what happens tonight. The Sedins have been mugged for 13 years, I think it is premature to say that this is over after one game. Once the Canucks have established themselves as a tough team, and that will take some time, then they will have to become a tough team that can win- lots of tough losers out there.

and it's not like the Canucks haven't played like that before.........it happens from time to time, not often, but it does

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how is it not about the two points? That's ridiculous.........it is always, always, always about the result. Sure, you can fool yourself and soothe yourself about the "process", but in the end it's the result that only matters. If it comes down to crunch time in April and the Canucks miss out on the playoffs by a couple of points, are you going to feel good that they had a "moral victory" in January? The only moral victories are the ones that the Canucks end up on the right side of the scoreboard

We haven't been successful in acquiring points through them, so it was time to try a new approach.

Better believe that it set LA back on their heels a bit and they won't be quite as "sure" when playing us. They scored one goal to take it and, yes, those 2 points are the prize being sought but the message was also sent, "this won't be easy".

We out hit them, out shot them, forced turnovers, beat them in the f/o circle and blocked a ton of shots. The only difference was that one (stupid) goal. So yeah, when we get outworked but manage to still win, can I count on you then to say it's only the points that matter? Because you know I will.

I sometimes wonder why some people watch at all - nothing much good to say about the team, the fans, etc. It's painful.

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Ahh BS, you want to send the league a message, you do what Thornton did. All this did was lose us 2 points, and flex guns we don't have. I am sure rats like Nolan would be happy to exchange themselves for 7 minute power-plays after this. If anything this shows the league that we can indeed be rattled and will encourage it further in future games. Our problems continue, we cannot score, and we are an inconsistent team that forgets its identity all the time. This game was good for Canuck fans and the players who clearly wanted to take their minds off of hockey for the game.

Bottom line Kings are 4-0 vs the Canucks and came out with no major injuries. They will forget about us faster than last night's lay.

interesting...so fans complain when we dont respond when our players are run, like the bruins and kings do

and when we do they complain that we shouldnt respond

oh ya that's right this is a canucks fan site...they just like to choose whichever side they can complain on

go learn to play hockey and you'll understand my point and don't tell me that doesn't matter

anyone who's played a physical, violent sport is well aware that standing up for oneself/teamates and intimidation matter, showing opponents you will not be pushed around matters.

if you want to argue that i beg you to read Bieksa's quote from that game from a king player "what's with you guys tonight"

translated = you are playing us too hard, we don't like it, its rougher than we expected....which means intimidated. intimidated to go to the hard spots

do you realize with all those penalties, all the pp time for the Kings, we outshot them?

did you see them standing in front of our net all night like they tend to do outside of the pp time they had? No

why? because it worked

if you think that doesnt matter, both to send a message to the kings/league and more importantly INTERNALLY (to affect the psyche of our team) -which was the crux of my argument, you really lack and understanding of the game.

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Funny how some fans can come away from a game and still only see negative sides. We shall see how they do tonight. They are in tough against another west coast team. I will bet that if they blow a third period lead but still manage to get the two points these same people will be complaining about that.

I am quite happy to see my team get a win I am also happy to see them play inspired! Face it this team is not a Boston style team or a LA style team but when your top line players keep getting pounded and you do nothing that is going to lead to cheap shots they take on our leadership. I am not saying this game is a turning point or they have changed their style all I am saying this needed to happen sooner rather then later.

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Not sure what it is you want from the Canucks. Yes, ideally they play it tough AND win the game. But they didn't but it's not from lack of trying. What was the alternative then? The rough stuff was precipitated by Nolan taking a run at Daniel. Do you think the Canucks should've turn their cheeks and hope to make them pay with a power play? That tactic didn't work out when Marchand face washed Daniel. And it won't work with our powerless play now either. Rolling over when cheap shots are taken at our stars sends the message that they can do it again with impunity. The right message had to be sent and it was. It's debatable that it cost them a win... they could've turned the other cheek and still lost.

They could have turned the cheek and lost ... or won. Regardless, winning is what the alternative is. It sounds like you're content with losing and expect everyone else should be too.

Playing physical and "sending a message"? We'll how good was the message and did the recipient even bother listening? 2 points are a far better message.

We haven't been successful in acquiring points through them, so it was time to try a new approach.

Better believe that it set LA back on their heels a bit and they won't be quite as "sure" when playing us. They scored one goal to take it and, yes, those 2 points are the prize being sought but the message was also sent, "this won't be easy".

We out hit them, out shot them, forced turnovers, beat them in the f/o circle and blocked a ton of shots. The only difference was that one (stupid) goal. So yeah, when we get outworked but manage to still win, can I count on you then to say it's only the points that matter? Because you know I will.

I sometimes wonder why some people watch at all - nothing much good to say about the team, the fans, etc. It's painful.

When you're working on improving your team focusing on the problems is how you get better, more so than patting yourself on the back for things done well. I know that's my mindset, I find it a waste of time to play the we're awesome game. It certainly doesn't engage my mind at all. Ultimately it's a sport, calling someone out about a hockey game is different than saying this or that about Mary or Jim in the cubicle next to you. Like a politician there is an expectant level of scrutiny.

I don't want to take away from what was a great effort by the boys but I've been playing sports so long it would feel like a self-told lie to congratulate myself for a loss, unless we were horribly outmatched. We're not, this is the NHL.

Funny how some fans can come away from a game and still only see negative sides. We shall see how they do tonight. They are in tough against another west coast team. I will bet that if they blow a third period lead but still manage to get the two points these same people will be complaining about that.

I am quite happy to see my team get a win I am also happy to see them play inspired! Face it this team is not a Boston style team or a LA style team but when your top line players keep getting pounded and you do nothing that is going to lead to cheap shots they take on our leadership. I am not saying this game is a turning point or they have changed their style all I am saying this needed to happen sooner rather then later.

2 points are 2 points, I will happy even if we pull off the most lopsided ugly win it woudl be huge for us at this point. We need a win and to get one in this set of 6 tough ones would be a huge lift.

You can also completely seperate winning and pushback. They are not exclusive, one can happen without the other. You get 2 points for winning and 0 for pushback.

I will keep an open mind but I see this game completely forgotten in a week's time. I can't see us changing our whole stye and playing that way every night. As a one off at least the loss had some value. After a while pushback without winning means nothing.

My only issues were that they lost focus in the game, and it took players out of the game for significant periods of time. No one says they have to turn the other cheek, but you can't lose sight of the important thing.......the win

Mainly my issue is with people who are lauding this as some huge victory against the big, bad, dirty Kings, when the team lost and the most hated player scored the winning goal.

Spot on stawns. As great and unique as the game was we lost, and the very player we were trying so hard to target won the game. That's reality. I've been through so many seasons and schedules that after a while you realize it quite simply is the 2 points you're after.

It's somewhat important because we don't usually deploy that style of the game. It's nice to know but really it's slightly pathetic that so many people here are ecstatic because we played a rough and tumble game. WE LOST. It's embarrasing that we take so much pride in a loss. We deserve a 5 or 6 out of 10 for trying that game but c'mon we didn't even score a goal.

I can tell you that the next time we play them being rough and losing ain't coming close to cutting it.

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The problem I have with most of the those who are taking a negative view of the Canucks' actions against the Kings is that there seems to be this prevailing sentiment that the style of play cost them the two points.I'm sorry, but I just don't see that.

Up until that game, the mantra was "turn the other cheek and make them pay on the PP". The question I have is "how was that working out for them?" From what I can recall, the Kings have been giving the "old" Canucks a hard time for a few years now.

What I saw on Monday was a team that outshot, outhit and outplayed the Kings, in spite of being shorthanded for a significant amount of the game. Yes, it sucks that they lost, but they had been losing to LA most of the time anyway. At least this time around they stood up for one another and sent the message that teams who take liberties will see retribution.

Complain if you like. I prefer a team that back down from the school bullies...

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The problem I have with most of the those who are taking a negative view of the Canucks' actions against the Kings is that there seems to be this prevailing sentiment that the style of play cost them the two points.I'm sorry, but I just don't see that.

Up until that game, the mantra was "turn the other cheek and make them pay on the PP". The question I have is "how was that working out for them?" From what I can recall, the Kings have been giving the "old" Canucks a hard time for a few years now.

What I saw on Monday was a team that outshot, outhit and outplayed the Kings, in spite of being shorthanded for a significant amount of the game. Yes, it sucks that they lost, but they had been losing to LA most of the time anyway. At least this time around they stood up for one another and sent the message that teams who take liberties will see retribution.

Complain if you like. I prefer a team that back down from the school bullies...

I do to but if we play that game and make the same decisions night in and night out we'll get destroyed. I mean, people should be able to admit we could have been down 3-0 in the first with that mentality of taking horrible penalties. Our PK, one of our biggest strengths will get exposed if we do that.

Anyone else surprised Dale hasn't heard from the league about that slewfoot on Doughty?

I thought he'd get 2 or 3 for sure.

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