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[PGT] War: Nucks 3, Flames 2


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It's true though, the league makes "veteran calls" and favours the original six and developing markets. He's calling it as it is, even though he backtracked a bit on the comment after

If these veteran calls favouring the original 6 teams is news to anyone, they haven't been paying attention for a long time.

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Exactly. The risk, no matter how small, of having the Sedins get taken advantage of against a fourth line that was clearly put out there by Hartley to send a message is too great a risk. If you're Torts, you don't think about what 'analysts' or 'fans' might think, you do what is best for the team. What is best for the team is to avoid putting your star players at risk of injury.The downside is that you put your 4th line guys at risk of injury. You choose the lesser of two evils.

That's why Torts apologized to his players last night. Torts doesn't believe that a coach has the right to tell players to fight, but he basically forced his 4th line guys into that position. That is the difference between Torts and Hartley. Hartley has no respect for his fourth line guys and uses them like pawns (just ask Scott Parker).

Good post

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I would say the refs influenced such antics by ejecting 8 players! That sure put an end to the antics of those guys.

O.K. sure after the fact, but apparently there's nothing they could say or do to prevent what was plainly about to occur.

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Torts had better get suspended. You DO NOT try to go into the other teams dressing room. WTF was he thinking. MORON Too bad McGratton didn't get a piece of him. Not only does he get suspended but Kassian does too. What a coward. Ugly sucker punch at Bouma while he is battling another player. Kassian is a dirty POS player. I guess he is too scared to take him on like a man. Bouma would have kicked his sorry ass.

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Torts had better get suspended. You DO NOT try to go into the other teams dressing room. WTF was he thinking. MORON Too bad McGratton didn't get a piece of him. Not only does he get suspended but Kassian does too. What a coward. Ugly sucker punch at Bouma while he is battling another player. Kassian is a dirty POS player. I guess he is too scared to take him on like a man. Bouma would have kicked his sorry ass.

ok then

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Torts had better get suspended. You DO NOT try to go into the other teams dressing room. WTF was he thinking. MORON Too bad McGratton didn't get a piece of him. Not only does he get suspended but Kassian does too. What a coward. Ugly sucker punch at Bouma while he is battling another player. Kassian is a dirty POS player. I guess he is too scared to take him on like a man. Bouma would have kicked his sorry ass.

for a troll how do you have 500 posts.

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Was Burrows mocking O'brien pretenting his glove was a bottle of booze on the bench?

As for little Glenn Healy aka PJ Stock, ask Phil Kessel what happened when he was put out against John Scott and Buffalo to defuse the situation.

What hit the ice first Westgraths gloves or the puck?

I saw that too and I'm thinking that was more geared towards McGrattan, with his past of alcoholism and all.

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I saw that too and I'm thinking that was more geared towards McGrattan, with his past of alcoholism and all.

McGrattan wasn't on the bench. Was most likely aimed at SOB as he had just wandered over from the D-Man side of the bench. That's what I hope anyway. Guys who have taken steps to address their alcoholism shouldn't be targeted about their past alcoholism. If you're a guy like SOB who hasn't done anything to really address his behavior, he deserves to have shots taken at him.

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Torts had better get suspended. You DO NOT try to go into the other teams dressing room. WTF was he thinking. MORON Too bad McGratton didn't get a piece of him. Not only does he get suspended but Kassian does too. What a coward. Ugly sucker punch at Bouma while he is battling another player. Kassian is a dirty POS player. I guess he is too scared to take him on like a man. Bouma would have kicked his sorry ass.

Sore ass bitch maybe get your nose off the mattress and give your flamer boy friend a rest <_<-_-:)B):lol::bigblush:
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Torts had better get suspended. You DO NOT try to go into the other teams dressing room. WTF was he thinking. MORON Too bad McGratton didn't get a piece of him. Not only does he get suspended but Kassian does too. What a coward. Ugly sucker punch at Bouma while he is battling another player. Kassian is a dirty POS player. I guess he is too scared to take him on like a man. Bouma would have kicked his sorry ass.

Wow im sure Bouma really scares everyone. LOL.

Hey, shouldnt you be more concerned about the fact that your flames have only made it past the first round once in 25 years and have been stuck in the league basement for the better part of a decade? With the likes of Burke bringing in high quality players like westgarth and trying to turn the team into Boston west with about 1/20th the talent you can bet on lounging in the basement and being used as a doormat for years to come.

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Torts had better get suspended. You DO NOT try to go into the other teams dressing room. WTF was he thinking. MORON Too bad McGratton didn't get a piece of him. Not only does he get suspended but Kassian does too. What a coward. Ugly sucker punch at Bouma while he is battling another player. Kassian is a dirty POS player. I guess he is too scared to take him on like a man. Bouma would have kicked his sorry ass.

you need to leave

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This is getting ridiculous.

This past week has been a disaster for the Canucks and all because we are letting everybody else in the league push our buttons at will. In the LA game we were still choked that Brown had the unmitigated audacity to be shoved into our goalie by an idiot defenseman while scoring a big goal and to make matters worse on of their less skilled players ACTALLY ATTEMPTED A HIT on our twinkie soft Swedish captain (sound familiar?). We send our gorilla out to mug the offender and then scream blue murder when he gets penalized for it. Of course we lose the game; we aren't even playing hockey by this point with our Dutch Gretzky slewfooting LA's stars at random and guys like Kassian running around chirping like budgies. No problem guys, it was a "moral victory". So having shown the league what badasses we are we go into Anaheim and get our butts handed to us in no uncertain terms so, once the game is totally out of hand at 7-1 we goon it up again (I have the strangest feeling of deja vu). The game in Phoenix was a tad less ridiculous, probably because the Nux were tired from the nonsense the night before yet, despite our showing everybody how "tough" we are Martin Hanzal manages to dismantle three of our players without much effort or retribution. Next come the terrible Flames who, having watch the disturbing transformation of the Canucks from softies into goons put their 4th line on the ice to start the game. Rather than put out a line that is superior in talent and try to score a goal we once again play right into the hands of the Flames and another donnybrook ensues. Because of the unmitigated audacity of Bob Hartley in icing a line that doesn't meet his approval Torts goes completely nuts, challenging Hartley at the bench and then proceeding to melt down outside the door of the visitors dressing room (a huge no no in the NHL). Poor Canucks, those nasty Flames iced a line that we don't like. Now it looks like we will be without the services of our "firey" coach for at least a few games while still being mired in a dreadful slump that is largely of our own making. All because we are reacting to everybody else's moves instead of forcing them to react to ours. Can another Bertuzzi incident be far behind? I mean, we are creating a new bogeyman nearly every game and since we refuse to let things stay in the past it is inevitable that one or another of our favorite bogeymen will fall into the sights of a guy like Sestito or Kassian and one of them could make a "mistake" just like Saint Todd.That would sure show the world how "tough" we are wouldn't it?

He was shoved by santorelli, so you lost all credibility in your first sentence.

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Worst mod on this board.

"I didn't watch the game, but here is my uninformed opinion anyway. Maybe you should see what happened to start the game,the type of tactics Hartley uses (treats his players like pawns and then acts the coward).

The team didn't resort to anything. They played the game the right way.

Shots fired.

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Torts had better get suspended. You DO NOT try to go into the other teams dressing room. WTF was he thinking. MORON Too bad McGratton didn't get a piece of him. Not only does he get suspended but Kassian does too. What a coward. Ugly sucker punch at Bouma while he is battling another player. Kassian is a dirty POS player. I guess he is too scared to take him on like a man. Bouma would have kicked his sorry ass.

And now you're banned for being a complete and utter hypocrite.

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Torts had better get suspended. You DO NOT try to go into the other teams dressing room. WTF was he thinking. MORON Too bad McGratton didn't get a piece of him. Not only does he get suspended but Kassian does too. What a coward. Ugly sucker punch at Bouma while he is battling another player. Kassian is a dirty POS player. I guess he is too scared to take him on like a man. Bouma would have kicked his sorry ass.

Lol. Yes because Bouma is such a tough guy...

Kassian and Bouma were fighting when Kassian punched him. Not sure what you were watching.

The Flames are the ones that wanted to start crap when they started their goons. The Canucks responded by beating them physically and on the scoreboard.

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Wow im sure Bouma really scares everyone. LOL.

Hey, shouldnt you be more concerned about the fact that your flames have only made it past the first round once in 25 years and have been stuck in the league basement for the better part of a decade? With the likes of Burke bringing in high quality players like westgarth and trying to turn the team into Boston west with about 1/20th the talent you can bet on lounging in the basement and being used as a doormat for years to come.


Well-written, and too funny

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Not sure if posted here anywhere yet but its quite entertaining what the peeps over at HF are saying about Bieksa..


Why does it seem that the entire world outside of Vancouver thinks that Bieksa is this monstrous hulk of a man picking on smaller defenseless players his entire career. I mean he is smaller than the Sedins. I guess his reputation of one tough SOB has inflated the perception of his physical reality.

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