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[Report] Torts Suspended 6 Games


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What a joke, Torts gets 15 days/6 games and Calgary gets a slap on the wrist.. if you can call it that. Three games too many.

Ahh well, I'm still glad he did what he did. The team and our other coaching staff will just have to step it up and go on a tear for him.

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It probably will once this kind of thing stops.

Then why are you still supporting the league by watching their hockey games?

Write a letter to the head office, get a petition going, and get people to sign it.

Crying on an internet forum, does nothing, but make us fans look like whiny brats.

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Torts didn't hit anybody , the media is making this out to be way bigger a deal than it really is.

What did he do wrong really , go to the opposisions dressing room?

So what. big deal.

A cross check to the ribs on two players and a cross check to the head and hurting players is a bigger deal to me.

Agree - words like disgraceful and other extreme language is pure hyperbole. He went to the other team's locker room and tried to confront and there was some pushing, but things settled down. He gets 6 game for that and meanwhile other more serious acts on the ice get off soft.

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Glad Hartley got a fine...think he should have to sit too. But I guess on a team that doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

The comment by CC about embarrassment really highlights the ego of the NHL brass. If your league is being embarrassed, you have to fix something, not punish someone. It reflects on you and falls in your lap, so don't deflect it elsewhere. This league is becoming an embarrassment and they're running the show, so do they not see the connection? Take any ownership?

It's embarrassing that a guy who runs the show can have a kid playing in the game. Conflict of interest?

The game was an embarrassment. That week of games we played was.

Their league is currently a gong show.

Were they embarrassed when Kessel chopped guys with his stick?

Some real buffoons at the helm. Be embarrassed that 10 years after the Bertuzzi incident you're still no further ahead and you're still running a league that gets some so frustrated that they lash out. Be embarrassed that you allow that to develop/happen (still).

No, never mind...I'm embarrassed for you. More to come, because I feel old feelings welling up.

This warranted a suspension in setting a "you just can't do that" way. But what about all that other crap? When's that message being sent. Need help spelling big words in the memo?

I expected this, but am also really angry over it. The whole/big picture needs a look at (again). Not just isolated incidents when it's a team in the doghouse. All teams, all incidents. That's how you make it stop and, in turn, stop being embarrassed by your product.

Fair points. In some ways the league acts like refs that screw up a game and it gets out of hand - do nothing, cause problems, then overreact to the results. They really need some outside consultants here I think - old school NHLers in exec positions are not going to make meaningful changes or even see the problems.

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You are all saying 10 games, NHL.com reports 6 games to be missed. which is it?

6 games is drop in hat for what occurred. But the reasons behind Tort's boiling over were also addressed by the NHL

For the first time I feel there is parity in an NHL Decision, by fining Hartley $25,000 they took a step in the right direction.

Right move for Brass, I agree with Deb on this one, I like it.

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I'm guessing they didn't want Hartley in NYC, at the same time as Torts, the NHL would have outsold the Classic at Michigan, and made twice the revenue.

That should have been the ruling...Hartly and Torts in the cage...3 rounds, no holds barred. Would have sold more tickets than for the SCF!!
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You are all saying 10 games, NHL.com reports 6 games to be missed. which is it?

6 games is drop in hat for what occurred. But the reasons behind Tort's boiling over were also addressed by the NHL

For the first time I feel there is parity in an NHL Decision, by fining Hartley $25,000 they took a step in the right direction.

Right move for Brass, I agree with Deb on this one, I like it.

What reasons? Do u guys think he told them that Devorski fixed the last few games and also both penguins games were fixed % 100 ?

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