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Is Tanev becoming our Franchise D?

Ugli Fruit

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I... hate to say it, but, I really don't think we understand this team at all. Hamhuis is a Canadian olympian, and by extension supposed to be our best d-man, but in terms of points or stats, Tanev is equal to him (same +/- at 8, Tanev has 5 goals and 9 points, Hamhuis has 4 goals and 11 points).

Edler has been playing slightly better imo after coming back from injury. Whether that's because his mistakes are hidden by the rest of the D or if he's actually improved, we probably don't know, but he does seem to at least be playing ok offensively (thank him for the pp actually scoring for a game or two).

Hamhuis has by far been the most inconsistent. At times I am glad he is on the ice, and other times I shake my head at this guy. Lately I am scared for Hamhuis' sake in the olympics. His form and that elite level of player + big ice? Dear me.

This recent stretch of games without Tanev (and without Stanton for a bit) has really shown how much we miss that undrafted, former RIT Tigers man. I'd argue that with Tanev out, Stanton has been playing the best defensively, and to a degree, offensively (possibly the best puck-moving D right now).

Anyone else see the skewed pairings here? Tanev and Stanton, the cheapest players on D, are playing like two of the best, if not the best on this team.

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Our depth chart when healthy, in order from best to worst:










TANEV is our best d-man going forward. A trade of Tanev would kill the team-and my faith in MG

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I would like to see Chris develop some more physicality to his game. He has the size, mobility and unusual smarts but he never lays guys out so they dare not try to come down on his side again.

If he can become more physical without taking away from his positioning, he can and will become a franchise defense man.

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Unfortunately, Tanev would probably be one of our most sought after players if we are to pull off the "core changing" deal that a lot of people feel is immenent whether it be this year or in the off season.

Though it's hard to make almost any trade these days, Tanev would be the easiest of our defensemen to deal.

I sure hope not though. He is so valuable to this team whether we're contending or rebuilding.

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Hamhuis is already our franchise D.

He's been playing like 30 minutes a game. 1040 talked about how when you know you're going to play so much, you only go at 80% and this causes lapses.

I'm quickly joining the 'no we can't trade tanev' club, though.

Stanton has been utter crap since returning, except for that first game.

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I... hate to say it, but, I really don't think we understand this team at all. Hamhuis is a Canadian olympian, and by extension supposed to be our best d-man, but in terms of points or stats, Tanev is equal to him (same +/- at 8, Tanev has 5 goals and 9 points, Hamhuis has 4 goals and 11 points).

Edler has been playing slightly better imo after coming back from injury. Whether that's because his mistakes are hidden by the rest of the D or if he's actually improved, we probably don't know, but he does seem to at least be playing ok offensively (thank him for the pp actually scoring for a game or two).

Hamhuis has by far been the most inconsistent. At times I am glad he is on the ice, and other times I shake my head at this guy. Lately I am scared for Hamhuis' sake in the olympics. His form and that elite level of player + big ice? Dear me.

This recent stretch of games without Tanev (and without Stanton for a bit) has really shown how much we miss that undrafted, former RIT Tigers man. I'd argue that with Tanev out, Stanton has been playing the best defensively, and to a degree, offensively (possibly the best puck-moving D right now).

Anyone else see the skewed pairings here? Tanev and Stanton, the cheapest players on D, are playing like two of the best, if not the best on this team.

I don't think it's a level playing field. hamhuis is, far and away, the Nucks best dman, but he is being overplayed by a mile and it is sowing up in his play big time.

I really hope stanton and tanev are here to stay

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Franchise defencemen are game changers. They are defensive stalwarts and can contribute offensively as well. The Canucks do not have one. Many teams do not have one. All teams have good defencemen who have holes in their game like Tanev does.

When you say franchise defencemen, I picture guys like Pronger, Weber, Chara, Suter, Keith, Pietrangelo, etc. A recent example of an emerging one is Hedman. Guys that you can build a team around.

No one is building a team around Tanev right now. In the future? Perhaps but I am not predicting superstardom for him.

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Thought for a while now that Tanev has been our best Dman. See him as a Duncan Keith lite. In time the offense should improve a bit, think he can end up in the low 30's. Fill out some more and become more elusive to forecheckers...he could have a very long and impressive career. Last player on this team I would trade.

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Our depth chart when healthy, in order from best to worst:









Diaz hasn't even played a game in a Canuck uniform. Your hatred for Edler is too transparent and you're seriously undervaluing how valuable Edler is to this team.

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Franchise defencemen are game changers. They are defensive stalwarts and can contribute offensively as well. The Canucks do not have one. Many teams do not have one. All teams have good defencemen who have holes in their game like Tanev does.

When you say franchise defencemen, I picture guys like Pronger, Weber, Chara, Suter, Keith, Pietrangelo, etc. A recent example of an emerging one is Hedman. Guys that you can build a team around.

No one is building a team around Tanev right now. In the future? Perhaps but I am not predicting superstardom for him.

agreed......the flip side of that is that you can put in 2-3 multi-faceted, rock solid dmen into the lineup for the same price as one franchise dman.

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