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[Rumour] "Teams eyeing down Kesler & Edler" - Ownership prevented Kesler trade

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Damn. Our fan base is taking a beating today on Twitter. This morning's "Top News Story" related to Kesler comes from SBNation's BroadStreetHockey.com:

This piece of garbage is based off of a few cherry-picked tweets suggesting a Giroux for Kesler swap. Of course, most of the tweets in question are were either made tongue-in-cheek or were flippant responses to larger conversations (often in direct reply to lowball offers).

When challenged (in the comments) on the unfairness of the story, the writer in question offers an ALL CAPS reply:


Referring to a statement near the bottom of the piece where he offers:

It’s only a handful of dummies, of course, and not completely indicative of the Canucks fan base.

"Not completely indicative" of Canucks fans? More like not even remotely close to indicative of our fan base.

As for the "READ THE STORY" comment, it seems like it's the Flyers fans who didn't bother to read far enough down the page to take note of the (albeit weak) qualifier about this being "only a handful of dummies" and "not completely indicative" of Canucks fans.

For the most part, the following tweet offers a pretty fair representation of what's going around Twitter:

Dan Geserick@dangeserick 1h

lol Canucks fans think they are going to get Giroux in a Kesler trade. Lol what. lol canucks


Unfortunately, the response from Philly fans hasn't been limited to mere mockery of these valuations. Several tweets have attacked one of the female users associated with the original "Giroux for Kesler" tweets by resorting to the lowest forms of sexist insults and misogynist slurs (and I'm not going to dignify these tweets with any quotes here).

But it's still our fan base that always seems to get pissed on.

I certainly don't see Nucks Misconduct (the Vancouver Canucks equivalent on SBNation) running a story about how Philly fans expect to get Kesler + Edler for Couturier. Yep, that's an actual trade valuation from a Philly fan on Twitter. The funny thing is that when you actually look through the tweets, there are far more Flyers fans who think that Couturier>>>Kesler than Canucks fans who think Kesler=Giroux.

And it doesn't get much better with the other rumoured trade partners.

Tweets from select Penguins fans are suggesting (hopefully not serious) swaps like "Kesler for Kobasew" and "Kesler + pick for Orpik."

It goes on and on.

Yet somehow we're the "joke fan base" of the NHL.

Maybe there's just a little too much fracking fluid in the Pennsylvania drinking water? ;)


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Kessler- Schenn

i would also demand Couturier an a first an third next yr if they want Edler so be it as well toss in a third liner for them at least i could live for the future a bright potential with these players may bring once we have rid ourselves of the twins in three or four years also re evaluate our scouting an player development system an tweek that now.Goalies seem to be the only players we can really develop to full potential

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Thats the point, it was the first thing that popped up when you opened the page and u commented on it . You gotta be expecting something coming back your way if you're coming into a conversation late and calling someone out like that, and it turns out you just read something to quickly and didnt understand the sarcasm of post.. I completely agree with your comment regarding these fantasy hockey insider sources that people love to claim, but if you read the post(s) thoroughly (including the one I had quoted), you'd realize although yes your post was in fact justified, it was directed at the wrong person. We were stating the same point, just in different ways

Oh, and yes, calling a post crap and putting them in a class lower then Eklund is definitely an insult

It was Sarcasm you moron.. try reading the post I replied to first

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we could easily find way more ridiculous quotes from every single teams fans and post something that dumb.. We do have some real idiots that overrate our players heavily, and think that if you add a prospect and a 3rd, you can upgrade and get malkin stamkos or weber.. but, many many other teams fans hockey knowledge is retarded compared to ours.. the kesler orpik example you gave is a prime example.. my favorite comment is by a TV PLAY-BY-PLAY COMMENTATOR for the Washington Capitals saying we have these great young stars in Karl Alzner and Jeff Schultz, and some guy from Vancouver named Edler makes it to the All-Star game

Damn. Our fan base is taking a beating today on Twitter. This morning's "Top News Story" related to Kesler comes from SBNation's BroadStreetHockey.com:

This piece of garbage is based off of a few cherry-picked tweets suggesting a Giroux for Kesler swap. Of course, most of the tweets in question are were either made tongue-in-cheek or were flippant responses to larger conversations (often in direct reply to lowball offers).

When challenged (in the comments) on the unfairness of the story, the writer in question offers an ALL CAPS reply:

Referring to a statement near the bottom of the piece where he offers:

"Not completely indicative" of Canucks fans? More like not even remotely close to indicative of our fan base.

As for the "READ THE STORY" comment, it seems like it's the Flyers fans who didn't bother to read far enough down the page to take note of the (albeit weak) qualifier about this being "only a handful of dummies" and "not completely indicative" of Canucks fans.

For the most part, the following tweet offers a pretty fair representation of what's going around Twitter:

Unfortunately, the response from Philly fans hasn't been limited to mere mockery of these valuations. Several tweets have attacked one of the female users associated with the original "Giroux for Kesler" tweets by resorting to the lowest forms of sexist insults and misogynist slurs (and I'm not going to dignify these tweets with any quotes here).

But it's still our fan base that always seems to get pissed on.

I certainly don't see Nucks Misconduct (the Vancouver Canucks equivalent on SBNation) running a story about how Philly fans expect to get Kesler + Edler for Couturier. Yep, that's an actual trade valuation from a Philly fan on Twitter. The funny thing is that when you actually look through the tweets, there are far more Flyers fans who think that Couturier>>>Kesler than Canucks fans who think Kesler=Giroux.

And it doesn't get much better with the other rumoured trade partners.

Tweets from select Penguins fans are suggesting (hopefully not serious) swaps like "Kesler for Kobasew" and "Kesler + pick for Orpik."

It goes on and on.

Yet somehow we're the "joke fan base" of the NHL.

Maybe there's just a little too much fracking fluid in the Pennsylvania drinking water? ;)


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Still not enough.. Pittsburgh will give in on Derrick Pouliot and imo that alone accounts for more then Jenner and Wennberg.. Besides, doing that CBS deal signals giving up on the season

1.) Ownership wont allow it (Gotta keep rep of a team that goes for it every year 2.) Gillis doesnt have time to watch them develope

He has the difficult task of improving the current teams chances, get younger, and add assets.. otherwise, he's out of a job... Only way to do that is to get overpayment on Kesler, and good value for picks/prospects like we did with Higgins and Lapierre, not Pahlsson Roy etc... Those examples show you what a difference a good/bad deadline deal makes

Some options are:

Kesler for Schenn Morin 1st, Sutter Pouliot 1st, Stepan, Miller, 1st


Garrison+prospect for RW who rotates w/ Burrows between Sedin/2nd line giving Torts more/different line combinations

2nd 3rd or 4th pick plus prospect for guys like Goc, Stempniak, Bergenheim, Meszaros, Mcginn, Stewart, Tlusty

Give up barely anything, taking on a contract ressurecting a career Erat Leino Ruutu Bourque Clutterbuck Klesla Malone

Take a big chance giving up a good player for a lower player, but higher potential ceiling like: Bailey, Grabner, Larsson

Good examples: Ladd, Neal, J.Jokinen (for a pick), Vermette, Seguin

Bad example: David Booth

what about :

Boone Jenner,Wennberg, 1st round pick, 3rd round pick?

If the offer of the pens was truly Sutter, Despres, 1t and 3rd then I would rather get Jenner over Sutter. Call Jensen and start developing their chemistry again.

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If we're all hard about getting Maatta or Pouliot and don't give a crap about Sutter than why dont we trade EDLER for Maatta straight up, or EDLER for Pouliot and a 1st(2014)? The Pens need defense badly with Letang, and Martin out of their line up. Edler would fill in admirably. We can trade Kesler to CLB for Wennberg, Dubinsky, 1st, 3rd. DONE.

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what about :

Boone Jenner,Wennberg, 1st round pick, 3rd round pick?

If the offer of the pens was truly Sutter, Despres, 1t and 3rd then I would rather get Jenner over Sutter. Call Jensen and start developing their chemistry again.

Would love that. Fair deal. Even if they swap Jenner for Dubinsky I'd do it.

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Yeah Columbus definitely has some pieces that make a Kesler trade desirable but I wonder how hard they will pursue kesler (I would like to think they will pursue him) as I am not sure he puts them over the top and it may be tough to justify missing the playoffs for so long and trading away the pieces that they drafted in those years for Kes.

Not saying Kesler isn't worth it he is, I just think to Columbus he might not be worth as much as we are thinking whereas Pittsburgh is pretty stacked and he definitely puts them over the top (although I think Edler to Pitts makes quite a bit of sense as well, they get a guy for now and vancouver gets a guy for the future if Pitts offers Pouliott). I also think that the CBJ GM is a pretty shrewd guy as he was a part of the blues organization and for the most part the blues built through the draft and look at them now.

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From Rossi, take with a grain of salt. Whenever this much info is leaked from a team - you know it's strategy: Link

As of Monday afternoon, nothing has changed on the situation– except that the Penguins feel division rival Philadelphia, in addition to defending champion Chicago, is emerging as a top challenger to acquire Kesler.

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Solid source out of Canada told me this morning the Hawks made an offer for Ryan Kesler yesterday, including (possibly) Bryan Bickell, Nick Leddy, and Mark McNeill. The source tells me that (for obvious reasons) it is unlikely the Canucks will deal Kesler to Chicago

That offer is an insult to Kesler. For Eklund's sake he better hope that 'source' was making it up.

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From Rossi, take with a grain of salt. Whenever this much info is leaked from a team - you know it's strategy: Link

Happy to hear that, lol.

No offense, admire you as a member on the site, better than majority of posters but just on this one topic, think you're lost/off so w/e, we all have our opinions...just saying, Kes has been the best Nuck the past stretch by a landslide and he's clearly in a different level than the rest of the players...just saying, try not letting your bias effect this talk so much and be realistic.

Well, I think shiznak actually offered up a pretty decent fair value trade for a Kesler to Philly deal:

Couturier & Read.

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That offer is an insult to Kesler. For Eklund's sake he better hope that 'source' was making it up.

For our sake we better hope he was making it up and he was. Can't remember who but I think it was on CBC, said they talked to Stan bowman directly and he's not trying to acquire Kesler.

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Quick correction: I meant Dreger like you said Deniro, not Duthie who is apparently Lu's bro these days.

But overall, it's such a blatant attempt. You know MG already knows who it came from by now. Bylsma as the Team USA coach and an anonymous US player being Jean's source is damning given Pittsburgh's desire for Kesler.

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This all reminds me of when I was 10 years old and I thought that big box under the Christmas tree was the Millennium Falcon and it turned out to be a set of 5 frisbees each of a different color..

This is Gillis we are talking about, either the return will underwhelm us or nothing is going to happen.

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Just watching tsn drive and dreger is on.. He says he knows for a fact nonis and gillis have talked about Kesler. Then he goes on in what appears to be his own speculation "what would that package be? Kadri, either Gardner or Reilly and a 1st for good measure.". He said he feels the leafs are past making this kinds of deals.

I got the general idea he doesn't think they'd meet the asking price cus Reilly is likely a non starter for them and we would not accept Gardner.

I would be down for a Reilly Kadri 1st deal if it was possible. Wonder if there's a way to get that done if more pieces were involved?

Reilly Kadri is much better than Pouliot Sutter even if we had to send Schroeder or a lesser prospect the other way.

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Same can be said for Kesler - third worst plus/ minus on the team, mediocre points/ time on ice stat (behind 4 others), has already peaked, poor leadership and a crappy attitude. Yet he has the highest trade value he'll ever get. Dump him now while the gettin' is good.

Poor leadership how? Crappy attitude because he wants to win so much?

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Hope_Smoke@Hope_Smoke 20m

Dreger "I know that there has finally been communication between Gillis and Nonis. that package would have to include Kadri, Gardiner/Rielly and a 1st. I think the Leafs are passed making deals like that.""the only way the Leafs make a deal like that is for a #1 centre and Kesler isn't that"

Lol. Who else wants Gillis to finalize a deal with the Leafs, then at the very last second - recant it. That would be gold. Then Gillis can publicize this info to every media outlet that will listen. Sound familiar?

"there are lots of teams interested in Kesler. He's only going where he wants to go"

Mckenzie brought up centres like Stepan, Kadri, Johansson, Jenner, B.Schenn as the guys Van would take back for Kesler.

"Flyers would be more inclined to trade B. Schenn and not Couturier"
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