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[Report] Kesler is still a Canuck


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I never bought why people felt sorry for Lou. He gets credit for working hard while he waited, being a good mentor for first Schneids, then Lack. I do respect that. But?

He signs a 12 year $60 million dollar front end loaded deal. Collects the fat front end, $10 mill in year 1 the highest paid hockey player in the world that year;

Then off he wants to go and wants the right to dictate to which team and when he wants to go...

Oh, but he's funny, I feel sorry for poor Lou... See ya later!


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I am guessing One of three options happen realistically.

1 Kesler traded at draft and possibly followed by 1 or 2 other core players for a rebuild.

2 canucks sign a scorer in the ufa market to encourage Kesler to want to stay. Vanek/moulson/Stastny

3 nothing...

I think Pens will push with a real offer at the draft depending how thier playoffs go, which I don't think will be great.

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Not sure if posted, but Friedman was on team 1040 last night: Link

Friedman asked why their was only crappy offers for Kesler at deadline, he says "cause I think there were a lot of teams who are interested, but can't do it now (with cap space etc)". He thinks there's more teams interested in the summer. Insinuating Kesler and his unwillingness to waive NTC is an issue - that it pissed team off and they'll have to sit down together before summer and work it out.

Says doesn't think Aquilini cleans house this summer - way too much $$.

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Kesler really needs to keep quiet with those comments.

If he really wants out, it only hurts his cause. Will affect the offers being made (lowball), and ultimately delays any legitimate prospal put on the table. MG is not going to trade him for nothing.

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I never bought why people felt sorry for Lou. He gets credit for working hard while he waited, being a good mentor for first Schneids, then Lack. I do respect that. But?

He signs a 12 year $60 million dollar front end loaded deal. Collects the fat front end, $10 mill in year 1 the highest paid hockey player on the planet that year;

Then off he wants to go and wants the right to dictate to which team and when he wants to go...

Oh, but he's funny, I feel sorry for poor Lou... See ya later!

Yes. If starting a younger goaltender who is outperforming Luongo constitutes 'mistreatment', then yeah, he's been mistreated alot over the past three years.

But if professional sports are a competitive venture that is a reasonable meritocracy ie based on actual performance over a recent period of time - and a starting role is not simply a patronage appointment....then no, the 'mistreatment' story is fairly misrepresented, and a bit annoying actually.

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If we move Kesler the lowest I'll accept is 2nd overall. We are not getting premium return for Kes at the draft compared to Deadline day which obviously nothing happened. Keep him, flat out just keep him.

Kesler's not gonna waive the NTC to go to a bottom-feeder, anyways.

BUFFALO, however, might be an exception. Everyone knows they should be strong soon..maybe he'd go there? Next spring(2015 draft) perhaps Buff would trade us some nice, young pieces for Kes. They'd rather tank first(to draft McDavid), then I bet they rebuild quickly.

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If we move Kesler the lowest I'll accept is 2nd overall. We are not getting premium return for Kes at the draft compared to Deadline day which obviously nothing happened. Keep him, flat out just keep him.

Umm, no, if anything we will get a better return at draft day. Deadline day is not a good time to be trading premium players.

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Yes. If starting a younger goaltender who is outperforming Luongo constitutes 'mistreatment', then yeah, he's been mistreated alot over the past three years.

But if professional sports are a competitive venture that is a reasonable meritocracy ie based on actual performance over a recent period of time - and a starting role is not simply a patronage appointment....then no, the 'mistreatment' story is fairly misrepresented, and a bit annoying actually.

It is pretty funny that they dumped Thomas to make room for Lou. :lol:

I can give Lou that as a personal victory.

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Sportsnet Pacific ‏@SNETPacific 4m

Kesler - "Good thing I listened to Lou. Said even if I wanted out it wasn't gonna happen." #Canucks

Am I the only one who can see that the use of " even if" in that sentence can be interpreted that he doesn't want out but if he did it wouldn't happen, which could then be interpreted that even though he didn't want out he thought he might get approached by gillis about waiving and in a conversation with Luongo the response to Kesler was the above stated quote.

Edit - and isn't this supported by both the agent and Kesler both speaking up to the media calling the report he wanted out complete bs, and by doing that why would he then come out and compromise trade possibilities by making statements that hurt his value. Let's not forget that the media has to make the trade deadline interesting for viewership and let's face it nothing really great happened other than the not so surprising vanek and Msl being moved

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Yes. If starting a younger goaltender who is outperforming Luongo constitutes 'mistreatment', then yeah, he's been mistreated alot over the past three years.

But if professional sports are a competitive venture that is a reasonable meritocracy ie based on actual performance over a recent period of time - and a starting role is not simply a patronage appointment....then no, the 'mistreatment' story is fairly misrepresented, and a bit annoying actually.

I'm in this boat too. Lu's fanboys need to get over it. He has been outplayed by the person 'behind him on the depth chart' for 3 consecutive seasons. Just because he's the best goalie in franchise history doesn't mean he should be gifted the starting role when the younger player is better. Lu pitching a fit over not getting the HC start is absolutely being a premadona. The team needs wins to have any hope of making the playoffs, and in that situation you play the hot goalie, regardless of who the 'starter' is.

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It is pretty funny that they dumped Thomas to make room for Lou. :lol:

I can give Lou that as a personal victory.

That was a silver lining wasn't it. I mean, I'm critical of Luongo - I've appreciated him in his time here and am not simply a pro or con Luongo ideologue - he's been a great goaltender, who at the same time drove me a little crazy with the moping and 'poor me' card - but neverthess will always have a soft spot for Luo despite the tough criticism - and quite enjoyed the optics of him coming in to a Florida, and reintroduced in a big presser, while Thomas is unceremoniously shipped to Texas.

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I'm in this boat too. Lu's fanboys need to get over it. He has been outplayed by the person 'behind him on the depth chart' for 3 consecutive seasons. Just because he's the best goalie in franchise history doesn't mean he should be gifted the starting role when the younger player is better. Lu pitching a fit over not getting the HC start is absolutely being a premadona. The team needs wins to have any hope of making the playoffs, and in that situation you play the hot goalie, regardless of who the 'starter' is.

I agree. The shelf life was over with the latest round of moping over his 'entitlement' to start games. When he further commented regarding Kesler that his advice was "we all know how this end" that was the end for me. Those were the last straw words I wanted to hear out of his mouth as a Vancouver Canuck. I'm quite shocked by how well MG managed to wrap up that situation.

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Am I the only one who can see that the use of " even if" in that sentence can be interpreted that he doesn't want out but if he did it wouldn't happen, which could then be interpreted that even though he didn't want out he thought he might get approached by gillis about waiving and in a conversation with Luongo the response to Kesler was the above stated quote.

Edit - and isn't this supported by both the agent and Kesler both speaking up to the media calling the report he wanted out complete bs, and by doing that why would he then come out and compromise trade possibilities by making statements that hurt his value. Let's not forget that the media has to make the trade deadline interesting for viewership and let's face it nothing really great happened other than the not so surprising vanek and Msl being moved

My impression is that he did the right thing and lied through his teeth about "Sochi problems". I'd expect nothing less to be honest - especially if he had done the imprudent thing of confiding either his desire to move on to NHL adversaries/ Olympic teammates while at the Olympics. At a certain point I think the optics that this might just be exclusively eastern trolling (there's certainly that element as usual) started to peel away and the possibility that Kesler - regardless of what he's saying publicly after the fact - would probably prefer to move on seemed more apparent.

At this point I find his comments regarding Luo's "advice" as well as not being and hoping never to be 'in Mike's head' to be ill-advised dick comments that pretty much let his contradictions out of the bag. I'm not trying to say that Kesler is simply a dick - I think he has matured in many ways - but he's also always seemed somewhat vulnerable to that ego/chip on his shoulder.

Here's hoping he can find the prudence to carry himself with a true leadership disposition as opposed to obliging the demands for these kind of cool/divided loyalties comments, which imo are counterproductive, conflict with the interests of his team and teammates, and are easy to consider unprofessional.

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Saw this on the Penguins' page:

http://triblive.com/...nguins Stories)

So the Kesler-Penguins saga is far from over.

Apologies if it's a duplicate post but I tried a search 1st.

That isn't even close to being a significant return for Kesler. Shero can eat a big one if thats what he's offering. Sure it makes his team the hardest to play against in the east, but what does it make our team? Our team would regress if that trade were to happen. Poliout is a nice piece, but we don't need another 3rd line Center (Sutter). If I was Gillis I am looking for a young centerman with 1st line potential, a grade A prospect, and a 1st. Something like Wennberg, Jenner. Maybe we can swing a three-way with Pitts and Colombus?

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It is pretty funny that they dumped Thomas to make room for Lou. :lol:

I can give Lou that as a personal victory.

During the game against the Canucks, Shorty mentioned that there was a report (unconfirmed) out of Fla that Thomas "went postal" upon hearing of Lou's acquisition and demanded a trade out of town. Hard to know if true, but TT's actions in the past make it a distinct possibility.

Saw this on the Penguins' page:

http://triblive.com/...nguins Stories)

So the Kesler-Penguins saga is far from over.

Apologies if it's a duplicate post but I tried a search 1st.

It says in that article that the Pens wanted Kes "badly". However, the offer they made puts lie to that statement. Pouliot and Bennet would show that they badly want him. Despres or Dumoulin say they want him somewhat.

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