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[GDT] Canucks vs Stars, March 6

Assistant GM

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Forwards are crossing the blue line and simply dumping the puck in then immediately start skating backwards. No forechecking structure at all. And to boot the forwards aren't coming back and picking up their man to help the d-men.

So frustrating to watch this team.

I am completely confused as to why they seem to be perfectly able to create a good forecheck only to stare at the turned over puck. They actually had the momentum twice this game and gave it up. It's...odd to say the least. Something is up, but one wonders what that is. The system Torts used worked well earlier, even when we lost bodies.

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LOL...at your spelling of Lehtonen! Nice.

Hope that stats will prove close to being accurate....& that the 'Nucks get 3 or more...to down Timmy Turn-coat's pesky Stars. In fact I hope the 'Nucks chase Lehtonen-out & that Thomas pressed into service... to bring even more motivation into the game.

Apparently, my wish has been mis-communicated to the hockey-Gods.

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this is getting ugly

mercy pull for lack

i wouldnt mind seeing markstrom get his feet wet a little....but we gotta keep trying, this game is way to critical to just roll over.

give yer heads a shake boys, start throwin some hits and just throw the puck at the net from anywhere, we need a lucky bounce in the worst way.

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We have such a lazy team. All sestito had to do was stop and grab the puck instead he wanted to do the long circle. That goal doesn't go in if he stops.

It's Tort's job to motivate this team. Since Jan he hasn't done crap all. The only one out there working is Kesler. why again is Hank our captain? He's not someone willing to lay it all on the line to win. Soft is exactly what he is.

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