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Jason Garrison potential buyout candidate


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As per Tony G

wondering since Booth has been playing great and showing he actually IS a hockey player and might be worth just playing out the final year of his contract

Garrison on the other hand.....

Surely Gillis walks the plank if Garrison is bought out. That being said I dont think Aqualini coughs up the dough for such a move. Maybe a move to bring in Brian Campbell whom Garrison had earlier success with.


Jason Garrison has really sucked. He seems bad or average on defense most nights and he just can't aim at the net with his hard shot. We need to get rid of him and get a better defenseman. If we get a replacement for Kesler, I wouldn't mind trading him for Maata and Pouliot of Pittsburgh. Maata is a top pairing D and can really help our defense which has looked very average this year.

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it would be nice if we had a man or 2 on D that other players were a little scared to go into the corners with , we got to have one of the softest group of D men in the league. that goes to this whole garrison point...hes 6'2" 210lbs .... hes on pace for 62 hits in a full 82 games....

Tanev currently has only 25 hits so far and he has 15 fewer points Garrison. Does he need to go as well? For perspective both Daniel (33) and Henrik (43) have out hit Tanev with a very similar number of games played. I don't see the Sedins out hitting a d-man as a positive.

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I'm curious exactlty what expectations people have of a Canucks defenseman?

I have seen threads calling every member of the D core a buyout candidate or trade bait. We do not have nor will ever have Bobby Orr on this team. Get over it we're having a bad year, goals are going past our rookie goalie, it happens.

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the problem with garrison's scoring is that it's a product of the team playing well, not a cause of it.

9 of garrison's 32 points came in a 10 game stretch in october. 13 more of them came in a 10 game stretch in november/december.

that means that in the other 56 games he's played, garrison has 10 points.

he's not a difference maker in the slightest, but he's paid like one and he occupies a roster spot that should be held by one.

Spot on tas. Garrison is a plug defenseman. He is 6'2" 220, but lacks any edge or grit to his game.

His shot is 105 mph, but misses the net most times.

He is no difference maker, and Gillis' irretrievably stupid idea of giving him an NTC has essentially handcuffed the team to a bottom six dman for four years.

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Tanev currently has only 25 hits so far and he has 15 fewer points Garrison. Does he need to go as well? For perspective both Daniel (33) and Henrik (43) have out hit Tanev with a very similar number of games played. I don't see the Sedins out hitting a d-man as a positive.

duncan keith only has 35 hits in 11 more games played.

tanev is nearing elite as a shutdown defenceman, and is becoming very good as a puck mover. he plays to his strengths.

garrison doesn't have strengths to play to.

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If there's some stupidity buried beneath a stone somewhere, you can guarantee that Tony Gallagher would never leave that stone unturned.


"It was the best of times...it was the blurst of times!?


Stupid Tony!"

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Garrison is one of those players who don't play very well but manage to get points. Edler has made more mistakes that cost the team (goals), but in terms of reliability Garrison is not good against good forwards. He is always a step behind mentally and while he skates hard, his defending is too honest, too predictable. He needs to play more like a Hamhuis to be worth his contract, because at this point Ryan Stanton is a much smarter D-man.

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duncan keith only has 35 hits in 11 more games played.

tanev is nearing elite as a shutdown defenceman, and is becoming very good as a puck mover. he plays to his strengths.

garrison doesn't have strengths to play to.

Garrisons strengths are the fact that he is 5th in team scoring and 1st by far among our defensemen. He plays decent defense as well. The guys is ten points, TEN, behind Daniel Sedin as a defensemen on a struggling team with zero offense and zero PP. Give me a break.

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How many bottom pairing defensemen are currently leading their team's defense in scoring?

Garrison has been fine, not great, but fine. The entire team has been a steaming pile this year, to single out Garrison is hilarious.

Last year Garrison quietly put up excellent numbers, especially underlying advanced metric numbers.


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I dont think we are even trading Garrison let alone buy the guy out. He is a solid second pairing defender.

If he could ever keep his shot on net he would be worth quite a bit more.

Oh no doubt. If he hit the net more and learned to use his size since he's pretty big (6'2" 218lbs as per NHL.com) he'd be the perfect #3.
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Why buy him out? He's leading the Canucks D in scoring by 8 points with 32. If this team even had a semi decent power play he could easily be at 40+ points. Sure he's -5 but on a team that is collectively -22 on goal differential -5 isn't that bad. Just look at Edler (-32).

He's actually the reason why we don't have an effective power play. Garrison was brought in for his shot. However his shots keeps missing the net or hitting the shot blocker. Garrison also has next to no creativity with puck possession either passing it or carrying it inside the offensive zone. When he gets rushed, he just gets rids of it on both ends of the ice. He's decent but not worth the big contract or the no trade clause

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He's actually the reason why we don't have an effective power play. Garrison was brought in for his shot. However his shots keeps missing the net or hitting the shot blocker. Garrison also has next to no creativity with puck possession either passing it or carrying it inside the offensive zone. When he gets rushed, he just gets rids of it on both ends of the ice. He's decent but not worth the big contract or the no trade clause

Yeah I'm sure it's all on Garrison and has nothing to do with the Sedins having 42 and 45 points on the season. Nothing at all to do with our star players being completely off their game.

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Lol, so why concentrate on Garrison? Hamhuis, Edler, and Bieksa are all dmen who have led this team in defensive scoring at some point in their careers, where is their consistency? Garrison has put up 18 points at even strength this year. That is practically the amount of points Edler has in total (19) and yet more than half of Edler's points (10) have come from the PP (7 points being assists). Garrison hasn't played his best this season but he has played a better and more consistent game than his counterparts (on his off-side no less). I don't know if it is the players themselves, injuries or the coaching but this has been an abysmal year for our d-corps. What I do know is that Garrison is one of the better d-men I have seen in a long while for this team and he won't be going anywhere. I would also like to know which coach thinks it is a good idea to have the player with the longest stick in the NHL, play on his off-side. If anyone should be playing on their off-side, it should be the shortest player. Just sayin.

Are we still talking about hockey?

Cuz if we are, I thought Willie Mitchell or Chara might have the biggest sticks in the NHL.

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Yeah I'm sure it's all on Garrison and has nothing to do with the Sedins having 42 and 45 points on the season. Nothing at all to do with our star players being completely off their game.

This has nothing to do with the Sedins. Sure the whole team is having a poor year but that doesn't automatically excuse the obvious. Garrison constantly misses the net, when he does hit it it's usually in the crest of the goalie. He isn't a very fast skater, I have seen him beat to the puck several times leading to a 2 on 1 or a breakaway. He's not worth what is being paid for him, I don't understand why Gillis gives such long contracts with NTC's to so many players, where if it doesn't work out there's not much that can be done about it.

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I wish people would realize that our entire defense sucks collectively instead of looking to prop some up (Bieksa, Hamhuis) by flogging others (Garrison).

Garrison needs to improve in a few areas for sure. Should he be bought out? Not unless the reason for it is a true #1 offensive dman is coming to town. But then I would say Bieksa and Edler could be shown the door as well if that were going to happen. Garrison is not terrible. He is just average. Like our entire defense as a group.

Too many like-minded and miscast players and not enough willing to do the dirty work.

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I wish people would realize that our entire defense sucks collectively instead of looking to prop some up (Bieksa, Hamhuis) by flogging others (Garrison).

Garrison needs to improve in a few areas for sure. Should he be bought out? Not unless the reason for it is a true #1 offensive dman is coming to town. But then I would say Bieksa and Edler could be shown the door as well if that were going to happen. Garrison is not terrible. He is just average. Like our entire defense as a group.

Too many like-minded and miscast players and not enough willing to do the dirty work.

Garrison will not be bought out, anyone suggesting that is crazy. There's no reason (besides the NTC) that we couldn't trade him anyway, he's not awful. As for Hamhuis he's solid most games, and Bieksa is a leader. Could they improve, of course, but if anyone is to go Edler and Garrison should be at the top of that list IMO.

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