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[Report] Mike Gillis Fired


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I think Laurence Gilman will be our next GM. Smart, cap savvy and lots of experience. Not a flashy move, but a good one.

I disagree. You fire one, you fire them all. No point in leaving any remnants with the same vision. I didn't want Gillis fired but you either clean house or do not. Halfway is just sitting on the pot.

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I can't recall many specifics from his Tampa days, other then he won a cup and quit due to battles with ownership.

Seems like a positive section of his resume to me.

Are there damning instances I'm unaware of?

The RoR offersheet is enough reason for me to protest against his signing. If colorado decided not to match , he would have lost calgarys picks as compensation and lost RoR on waivers. Not to mention picking jankowski over maata and then claiming jankowski would be the best player in the draft. These are just two things recently, there are a lot more where that came from. He's terrible and we will be in for a whole other world of hurt if we sign him

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hopefully they make a smart decision and take their time with hiring a new GM

I don't. I hope thy already have someone in mind so he can focus on the draft and perhaps some Sumer trades to rectify the situation.

If they bring a GM late, just before the draft, say goodby to good pickings this year, we're we'll have an illusion of good drafts by drafting more Swedes.

Canadian hearts please.

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Finally that idiot got what he deserved after making no intelligent moves in the past 3 years.

Now we can finally get a GM that prefers the best talented players he can find as compared to third line scrubs.

Wrong man fired wrong man face palm

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If Torts doesn't head out with this bathwater we're still just as screwed. It makes me nervous thinking they may have just done all they are willing to do, and we get to watch Tortellini have mental breakdowns next year again, while he sends highly skilled players into his bantam league coaching style meat grinder, until one of them is actually beheaded on the ice.

Dunno, I think this was knee jerk also. If they wanted to send a message to the fan base, then Gillis could have waited until off season. Tortorella on a plane to anywhere - like tomorrow - was a fire worth setting today.

No way, keep torts. He's good for young players and will only help fuel the exodus of our older ones. One way (trade) or the other (beheading).

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Not sure how I feel about this, MG has made a TON of mistakes, but I don't know who is available that could be better. This franchise has a horrible image in the league and media right now. What a disaster.

The horrible image is due to the media, we can't do anything about it.

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Good move. It had to happen. Hire Linden as President & let him hire his own GM. He's a super savvy hockey business guy that understands how things work. I think it's time STEAMER got his shot at running this team. We all know he bleeds Canuck colours & the guy has held every other position with the organization already. It's time Smyl got his shot at running the team!!

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So many unknowns right now.

What candidates are available? Which of them would be willing to work under this ownership? Does ownership actually have a plan or was this a reactionary move? Will they promote Gilman to GM and hire a new President? Will they clear house on the front office? Will the GM and Presidency be split into two separate positions (and hires)?

Until some of these questions (and others) start getting answered, I see this firing as having a much greater chance of making things worse than it does of making them better.

Not saying Gillis didn't deserve to be on the hot seat. But I really question the timing of this.

I'm curious, especially after Gillis' recent Team1040 interview, whether or not this firing, at least in part, comes in the wake of Gillis demanding more autonomy and final say in making hockey ops decisions and deciding the overall direction the club would be taking.

Whatever the final reasons were for this (rather abrupt) move, I'm very worried that this team is going to be in an even worse position after everything plays out.

I'm going to hope for the best but I'm not sure I see the type of President/GM candidate(s) this club really needs as also being someone who relishes the idea of working under an ownership group with the Aquilini's reputation for interfering in hockey operations.

The owners need to make the right hire and then take several steps back from their current level of involvement in how the hockey side of their operation is being run. This team needs a clear voice at the top (who's not Francesco Aquilini) and a clear sense of direction coming from the new GM/President (with the coaches, owners, players, and the entirety of the front office being 100% on-board with direction and message of the new leadership).

I see very few potential candidates who have what it really takes to accomplish this (and even fewer of them who'll actually want to fill the current vacancy).

I really hope I'm wrong about this and that the owners already have a plan to hire a replacement with impressive credentials and ability.

For right now, I'm leaning toward hiring a new club President and promoting Gilman to GM (and director of hockey operations).

The Nicholson rumour is intriguing and might be an option (if he'd be willing to come here).

So is the Linden (as new President) rumour, if a suitable GM with good experience could also be found.

There are some good GM candidates out there in current assistant positions. Hopefully, if the team chooses to look at an outside hire, they can poach someone out of one of the NHL's top organizations.

The Feaster rumours absolutely terrify me.

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Wow does this seem to be a knee-jerk reaction by FA. So are we getting a new gm every time we miss the playoffs? Time to follow edmonton's example of hiring a new coach every year except this time it will be a new gm. So can people going to the next game start chanting fire torts. He might be let go the next day.

If owners are listening to idiotic canucks fans, then we have much bigger problems.

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When Nonis was fired, FA said he was "the most disloyal employee he ever had" (or something most like that).

Well, FA is looking pretty disloyal if he just gave Gillis a new 5 year deal and then fired him.

I think the Aquili family has been very good for the Canucks up until recently and Gillis guided the team to a tripling of franchise value.

Might the construction of the tower, Luigi moving into the building, and the fall of the Canadian dollar have anything to do with long-range plans?

Just spitballing here, don't sue me! Just a rotten day in Canuckville.

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Your friends might be idiots who don't watch hockey or follow the canucks.I don't see them as hockey experts like Scotty Bowman. You make it sound like your friends are experts on this topic.

Never said they were, but all have been around the block a long time and have been hockey fans as long as I have.

Plus, they have a more unbiased view as they don't care about the Canucks. That is, a different perspective on it.

Myself, whether you want to blame MG or not doesn't really matter - change was needed.

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this has to be worse than AV's firing(team struggled to score after and got hit with a load of injuries) and letting Salo go (PP took a nosedive after he left)

This is the worst move so far.

I was optimistic about this team moving forward as I thought Gillis had brought alot of promise with some of the young players and ultimately the ownership group didn't give him the time, they wanted something now & there's no way it was going to happen overnight.

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Never said they were, but all have been around the block a long time and have been hockey fans as long as I have.

Plus, they have a more unbiased view as they don't care about the Canucks. That is, a different perspective on it.

Myself, whether you want to blame MG or not doesn't really matter - change was needed.

And was happening. It's not an overnight process.

Not trading any youth for short term help should have been the big signal that we were rebuilding and changing.

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