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[Report] President Trevor Linden


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Well, say goodbye to all the great no-names that MG picked up for little to nothing. Doesn't matter if the head office reads nicholson, linden, naslund.. unless they lace em up we ain't getting any more skill on the ice. Put AV back behind the bench and he still won't be able to make the sedins skate faster.

We're just not a very good team that had a bad year.

I doubt the 'no-name pickups' were solely related to MG. I'm pretty sure the scouting staff brought these names forward to the GM. It's not like no other GM can do the same.

Your view of the team is myopic and negative. There are many reasons why the team was unsuccessful this year. With a raise in cap hit and possible buy out of Booth, the new GM can bring in a decent 2nd liner. A couple of solid trades make the team younger. Improved younger players (Jensen, Lack, Kassian) will also help the team.

Healthy Sedins focussed on playing offensively will make a big difference as well.

Maybe not a contender, but certainly far better than this year.

C'mon up for air!

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I'll be very interested to see whether or not Linden is also named as one of the the Canucks' Alternate Governors (which would allow him to represent the team at NHL Board of Governors meetings).

Hopefully he is given a seat at the table because if he isn't, it would serious undercut his authority and the meaning of his new title.

I just heard on Team 1040 that Linden has been named Alternate Governor, which bodes well for him being more than just a figurehead and his actually assuming a position with some real teeth.

Interesting discussion on Team 1040 on whether or not the Canucks will also hire an executive president to work above Linden or whether de Bonis is basically assuming that role.

EDIT: I wonder if the Team 1040 guys are lurking on the boards because they seem to be asking the same questions as the posts here (and with suspiciously similar timing).

I am almost certain that this happens. There were discussion on this board yesterday that I heard discussed verbatim on radio and tv last night.

Also, see my post above re: the other executive role.

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I don't agree that hiring Linden is just a PR stunt. I think the owners looked at the situation down in Denver and decided to replicate it. Sakic has the same job description, and seems to be doing very well...despite having no prior GM experience! Both Sakic and Linden have always been students of the game, and it was always just a matter of time before they took management positions.

I think Linden will do very well. Look how well Gillis did...who also had no GM/management experience!

But what really has Sakic had to do to make that team successful this year? He hasn't really made major changes to put his stamp on it, and one can argue Sherman and Roy have more to do with the current performance than Sakic.

I have no problem with Linden as president, so long as we have the right GM in place and the hockey side has complete control without ownership vetoing moves.

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This is a stupid move and proves that the Aquillini's should not be the owners of the Canucks. What experience does Linden have as the President of a Hockey team? Is this just a PR move to make fans feel happy? I hope he has no real power. The Canucks will suffer if he does

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