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[Report] President Trevor Linden


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I guess the bozo comment was more directed towards Aq. But Trevor Linden is not a brilliant or sophisticated mind by any means. He has no experience and has never proven himself capable to succeed in a role of this magnitude. I sincerely hope he is just a puppet. If they can hire the right GM then I'll be happy.


Are you new to this deal?

He has experience in both a business ownership/management role and as the President of the Player's Association. He's had some tough, unpopular decisions to make at times and conducts himself with NOTHING but intelligence, class, integrity and professionalism.

I'd say he is brilliant. He was made the leader of the team. The players thought enough of him that he represented them. He's gone on to a very successful sports business AND is being brought BACK in a leadership role after having left the game. You don't do all that if you're a bozo.

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Could you ban CDubya? If he thinks the Canucks are the laughing stock of the league, he's just here to troll.

Prior to letting Vingeault go - the Canucks had the longest tenured coach outside of Nashville. They've been a solid org since about 2000 or so. Now - maybe that's about to change. Maybe Vigneault could have gotten to the playoffs, but the team isn't doing substantially any better on scoring two years ago than they are now. In any case, missing the playoffs once hardly makes you the laughing stock of the league.

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Thinking about it I think we needed a new young voice that can bring a new sense of energy into the organization, Trevor fits that profile. Just hope the new gm is also a new ambitious assistant gm that is thrilled to become a gm for the first time.

If you look at coaching for example, usually young coaches like Bylsma bring energy to the team and have higher rate of success. Perhaps all this is due to there enthusiasm and energy that they bring to their new job.

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Yes, I'd agree. You're very entitled.

Don't rule out him doing a good job yet either.

Trevor brings a lot of what this organization was missing: integrity and professionalism. His experience is pretty varied, so bringing in someone who's been an AGM should bring a nice balance.

Happy to see Linden here.

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I guess the bozo comment was more directed towards Aq. But Trevor Linden is not a brilliant or sophisticated mind by any means. He has no experience and has never proven himself capable to succeed in a role of this magnitude. I sincerely hope he is just a puppet. If they can hire the right GM then I'll be happy.


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So, what the hell was MG's view on Manny's health 20 games into his recovery? Apparantely with serious eye injuries you can't get hurt until the following year I guess according to you folks?

Have any of you guys ever actually played sports? Giving a player 100 games to test out a possible career ending and life altering injury in the NHL is absolutely ludicrious. I can't even think of words to describe how dumb that concept is.

The facts are he sure as heck didn't give a damn about Manny's health until Kelser needed to return. That's a fact.

That is your opinion and you're entitled to it. I don't think Manny should have come back at all until he was well into his recovery. I am a Manny fan, I am happy he is back in the NHL but I wouldn't sign him and I will not factor nostalgia into it. I am not (and did not) defending Gillis' decision to bring back Manny in the playoffs and I agree it was a poor decision. He should not have played until he had his chance with Carolina. Manny wanted to come back and he shouldn't have been allowed, the players word should not trump a doctor. My point is, Manny should have been shut down, the decision to play in the playoffs shouldn't change the fact that he still couldn't see in 2012.

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Did anyone even listen to Aquilini speak at the presser. "Theres the right way to play, theres the wrong way to play...theres a bunch of different ways to play..."

He's a moron.

How is he qualified to hand pick a great president. Linden should have paid his dues in a complimentry role like every other former player whose gone on to do great things. This is a rash decision. I was also discouraged by their mid-June time frame. NHL drafts are an exausting process that takes months and months of preperation. Read a book on it. Hiring a GM a week or two before the draft is about a boneheaded decision as you can make.

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Did anyone even listen to Aquilini speak at the presser. "Theres the right way to play, theres the wrong way to play...theres a bunch of different ways to play..."

He's a moron.

How is he qualified to hand pick a great president. Linden should have paid his dues in a complimentry role like every other former player whose gone on to do great things. This is a rash decision. I was also discouraged by their mid-June time frame. NHL drafts are an exausting process that takes months and months of preperation. Read a book on it. Hiring a GM a week or two before the draft is about a boneheaded decision as you can make.

If they don't have a GM already in place before that deadline, I'd imagine the existing scouts, Gillman and Linden are bright enough to get the job done. Particularly as Gillman just might be our next GM.

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This is a rash decision. I was also discouraged by their mid-June time frame. NHL drafts are an exausting process that takes months and months of preperation. Read a book on it. Hiring a GM a week or two before the draft is about a boneheaded decision as you can make.

Which is why we hired our president now, who can consult with the management team currently in place, well before the draft.

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I love this move by the Canucks organization, Trevor is a great guy and I think he will do very well. Whatever he might lack in experience with this job he more than makes up for in likability. Personally I think that goes a long way when doing business.

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I'm a little concerned about lack of experience, but an extremely experienced GM could remedy that. Linden is widely respected throughout the NHL community though, which given how badly Gillis hurt the Canucks reputation is a very good thing.

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Welcome back Trev.

One of the greatest canuck leaders of all time on the ice. Game 6 vs NYR still brings a tear to my eye.

Lets wish the guy the best, give him a chance before bashing. He has too much integrity to be a puppet, I think its a step in the right direction.

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Yep .. Trev was a clever publicity and season ticket promotion appointment, but without a capable, experienced GM we could be in the 'red' for a few years, especially if they trade away our future.

There would be a mini riot if our futures were traded....The next GM will be facing difficult decisions on our older core.

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Did anyone even listen to Aquilini speak at the presser. "Theres the right way to play, theres the wrong way to play...theres a bunch of different ways to play..."

He's a moron.

How is he qualified to hand pick a great president. Linden should have paid his dues in a complimentry role like every other former player whose gone on to do great things. This is a rash decision. I was also discouraged by their mid-June time frame. NHL drafts are an exausting process that takes months and months of preperation. Read a book on it. Hiring a GM a week or two before the draft is about a boneheaded decision as you can make.

Now you're just reaching.

Linden is not entering a scorched earth. One man was fired. That's all.

No decision in an organization like this, whether that be hirings, contracts, drafts or trades, happen without consultation amongst the different levels of staff. The GM is the boss, they aren't an island.

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I'm a little concerned about lack of experience, but an extremely experienced GM could remedy that. Linden is widely respected throughout the NHL community though, which given how badly Gillis hurt the Canucks reputation is a very good thing.

Linden will have a lot of help finding a GM..He has good personal and business instincts...He is basically the exterior..were still waiting for the engine to be put in..

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