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[Video] Canucks Town Hall Meeting Overview: June 17th


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"Canucks President of Hockey Operations Trevor Linden, General Manager Jim Benning and Chief Operating Officer Victor de Bonis met with season ticket members in Vancouver to answer questions about the upcoming season."

Great to see the organization is doing it's best to reconnect with the fans starting from the top. That connection with fans in terms of being up to speed on the team and it's course/direction was lost during the Gillis era as he had a different approach to doing things then. Linden & Benning clearly want to move away from that disconnect and are making up lost ground as often as they can.

It's an excellent first expression by new management to put that thought out there that they really do care and they are sure acknowledging that. Fans seem pleased and whether they mean it or are selling this to fans (which I personally believe is a mix due to 1. they do care and 2. selling it partially so people buy more tickets and get on board, that type of thing etc), it is working and I hope they can continue this on and backup what they say by pleasing fans. There's a lot of potential here and I really feel Trevor & Jim will be able to get a lot of good done :)

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I was going to be pleased with at least a few dozen less F-bombs being yelled at the players or whomever,... from the Canucks' bench, next season. All of the other goals & promises here, are a bonus for me!

We are all Canucks, and this includes,... the very young, the old & families. Character, respect, hard-work, loyalty, sacrafice & role-modeling,...are all very import elements to be demonstrated & taught by a leadership group when attempting to integrate young players into the fold. And - might I add,...new & young fans into the fold also. Anything that the Sedins, Bieksa & Hamhuis had to offer in this regard...was effectively under-mined by the clown they had coaching them, last season.

So glad this particular page of Canucks' history has not only been turned...but apparently torn-out all together. Keep selling what you're selling, Trev! I'm looking forward to seeing some stark improvements with the team on & off of-the-ice, soon & to see the atmosphere in Rogers' arena improve in harmony with that. Go Canucks Go!

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Glad to see the JB wasn't ducking the David Booth and Ryan Kesler questions. I would say JB offered up a fair assessment of Booth...a guy paid like a second liner but not able to deliver at that level (though JB was kind enough to offer up injury problems Booth has suffered).

I've been harping about Burrows being an expensive third liner, so obviously, JB and TL, two guys who know infinitely more than I do, think he's still a first/second liner. I'll have to trust their judgement on Burr and shut my pie hole about moving him out.

I have one question to ask, though...has anyone ever heard deBonis give a response that instills confidence that he's Chief Operating Officer material? I'm sure the dude does a decent job on the executive floor of CSE, but please, someone get him some media training if he's going to keep taking an active role in these town hall meetings and STH summits. I don't see him getting any invitations to be the keynote speaker from the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce luncheons anytime soon.

JB's favorite word: "stuff".

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Glad to see the JB wasn't ducking the David Booth and Ryan Kesler questions. I would say JB offered up a fair assessment of Booth...a guy paid like a second liner but not able to deliver at that level (though JB was kind enough to offer up injury problems Booth has suffered).

I've been harping about Burrows being an expensive third liner, so obviously, JB and TL, two guys who know infinitely more than I do, think he's still a first/second liner. I'll have to trust their judgement on Burr and shut my pie hole about moving him out.

I have one question to ask, though...has anyone ever heard deBonis give a response that instills confidence that he's Chief Operating Officer material? I'm sure the dude does a decent job on the executive floor of CSE, but please, someone get him some media training if he's going to keep taking an active role in these town hall meetings and STH summits. I don't see him getting any invitations to be the keynote speaker from the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce luncheons anytime soon.

JB's favorite word: "stuff".

Burrows is only a first line on the Canucks. He has shown he can play with the Sedins and that's it. On any other team in the NHL he is a 3rd line player and with his contract no GM would take him and he has a NTC so you would essentially have to waive him or force him out which could get really ugly.

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Burrows is only a first line on the Canucks. He has shown he can play with the Sedins and that's it. On any other team in the NHL he is a 3rd line player and with his contract no GM would take him and he has a NTC so you would essentially have to waive him or force him out which could get really ugly.

Plus he's a fan fav + heart-soul player which would be drastic to fans especially season holders with him and Kes gone. Would be hard to tell the ticket holders we'll be competing in the playoffs. People just wouldn't buy it. Plus Burr had one bad year, not enough to kick him out lol. I'm sure he'll get back on track hitting 50 points easy with 20 goals 30 assists.

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Glad to see the JB wasn't ducking the David Booth and Ryan Kesler questions. I would say JB offered up a fair assessment of Booth...a guy paid like a second liner but not able to deliver at that level (though JB was kind enough to offer up injury problems Booth has suffered).

I've been harping about Burrows being an expensive third liner, so obviously, JB and TL, two guys who know infinitely more than I do, think he's still a first/second liner. I'll have to trust their judgement on Burr and shut my pie hole about moving him out.

I have one question to ask, though...has anyone ever heard deBonis give a response that instills confidence that he's Chief Operating Officer material? I'm sure the dude does a decent job on the executive floor of CSE, but please, someone get him some media training if he's going to keep taking an active role in these town hall meetings and STH summits. I don't see him getting any invitations to be the keynote speaker from the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce luncheons anytime soon.

JB's favorite word: "stuff".

I've raised similar concerns about de Bonis, becareful on this forum he is one guy you can't say anything bad about, I've had posts and threads completely deleted with no resonable expanation.

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Great to see the organization is doing it's best to reconnect with the fans starting from the top. That connection with fans in terms of being up to speed on the team and it's course/direction was lost during the Gillis era as he had a different approach to doing things then. Linden & Benning clearly want to move away from that disconnect and are making up lost ground as often as they can.

It's an excellent first expression by new management to put that thought out there that they really do care and they are sure acknowledging that. Fans seem pleased and whether they mean it or are selling this to fans (which I personally believe is a mix due to 1. they do care and 2. selling it partially so people buy more tickets and get on board, that type of thing etc), it is working and I hope they can continue this on and backup what they say by pleasing fans. There's a lot of potential here and I really feel Trevor & Jim will be able to get a lot of good done :)

Sometimes, I feel both Linden and Benning have absolutely no clue what they're doing.

I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. But just a feeling... sometimes...

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I dig how Benning doesnt avoid questions while not divulging info he shouldnt be exposing.

MG had an air of arrogance about him and looked down alot, not to mention the mumbling.

Composed and Calculated. Good job JimBee.

Obviously it doesnt REALLY matter how nice his swing is, only matters if he bogeys, pars, or birdies.

Nevertheless, a refreshing change.

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