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Jake Virtanen | #18 | RW


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7 hours ago, oldnews said:

If I'm Benning, Jake is straight back into the Canucks lineup after a long video showing him all the outstanding things he did at this tournament.

The Canucks need that big bodied, hard working, net-driving young player that hits and has upside.

Doesn't deserve a demotion - for being trolled ceaselessly.   Had a far better tournament than he's getting credit for.

Here is where i don't agree with you, i would like to see him back in junior and next year under the tutelage of Green on the Comets. Get him away from the million watt beam he is under from this fan base and others and just let him play. It seems to be working out fine with Shink, Gaunce, Subban right now.

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50 minutes ago, ice orca said:

Here is where i don't agree with you, i would like to see him back in junior and next year under the tutelage of Green on the Comets. Get him away from the million watt beam he is under from this fan base and others and just let him play. It seems to be working out fine with Shink, Gaunce, Subban right now.

Agree 100%. Jake was rushed to the NHL before he was ready. Physically he may be ready but mentality probably not. Rushing a kid that is not mentality ready is risking his development and can do more damage than good. Jake played 10 games for the Comets in the playoffs last year and 2 more this year in a conditioning assignment. In 12 AHL games Jake has a grand total of one assist.

I can't believe they plan on bringing him back up to Vancouver after WJC. He should go back to the WHL and then to the AHL next year and work on his offensive game while learning under Travis Green.

Jake hopefully will still turn out to be a special player but they need to reset his development schedule and not risk it by throwing him into situations that he isn't ready for too soon.

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16 hours ago, Mackcanuck said:

Wasting a year of free agency (after 40 games) when he is not ready for the NHL is not the best use of the teams assets!

I think letting him finish the season on the Hitmen and then he gets a chance to earn a spot on the Canucks in training camp or let him start in Utica next season and work his way onto the big club. This would be better for Jake and the Club

Just my opinion, I don't see any reason to have to rush Jake into the lineup

Agree with you 100%.

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10 hours ago, DeNiro said:

I wonder if Benning has looked at making a deal with Kelowna or Vancouver to trade for his rights so that he can be sent down.

Not possible. Only the Calgary Hitmen can trade JV's rights to another WHL team. Benning has no say in the matter.

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10 hours ago, AlphaHoneyBadger said:

It's true, but so many people here are looking for any reason to dump on a 19 year old with 19 games under his belt.

Not just on here but the sports pundits are going out of their way to lay the team's performance on Jake. Even Blackwood who stunk the rink out last game is getting far less negative press.  Seems Canada needs a scapegoat to explain how they could lose and Jake is the poster boy. 

No mentioning his physical play or effective forecheck last game. No mention of the goal he set up early in the game, only how he was selfish and undisciplined.   N one talking about Strome and how he spent 20-30 seconds more on every shift than his linemates every game which disrupts the chemistry and flow of the game. Or how he took a selfish stupid penalty earlier in the game.

I guess now that the Nucks are not good enough to bother bashing nationally, the sports writers will turn their venom onto our prospects.

As for Jake, I am not sure how long Benning will keep him with the team but I support his decision to throw the kid a bone by starting him back with the Nucks after the WJC experience and all the BS coming from it.  Jake needs to be surrounded by his real teammates and get some support from vets who have been where he is.

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5 minutes ago, babych said:

Not possible. Only the Calgary Hitmen can trade JV's rights to another WHL team. Benning has no say in the matter.

But he can encourage them to. Keeping Virtanen in the NHL does nothing for the Hitmen but offering to send him down if they trade him does - they'll get something in return.

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1 hour ago, UticaHockey said:

Agree 100%. Jake was rushed to the NHL before he was ready. Physically he may be ready but mentality probably not. Rushing a kid that is not mentality ready is risking his development and can do more damage than good. Jake played 10 games for the Comets in the playoffs last year and 2 more this year in a conditioning assignment. In 12 AHL games Jake has a grand total of one assist.

I can't believe they plan on bringing him back up to Vancouver after WJC. He should go back to the WHL and then to the AHL next year and work on his offensive game while learning under Travis Green.

Jake hopefully will still turn out to be a special player but they need to reset his development schedule and not risk it by throwing him into situations that he isn't ready for too soon.

Why not?  His play in Vancouver was fine.......he wasn't producing, but I don't think they put that expectation on either of them this season.  He was good defensively and he gave them some much needed size and speed.  All those things people nit picked about him at the tourney will only be reinforced back in Jr.   He needs to play up to competition, not down.  Bringing him back to Van, so they are in control is the only sensible option.

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14 minutes ago, mll said:

But he can encourage them to. Keeping Virtanen in the NHL does nothing for the Hitmen but offering to send him down if they trade him does - they'll get something in return.

It's possible that Benning could make a suggestion that the Hitmen trade JV (like you said) but, at the end of the day, Benning really has no power over the Hitmen.

11 minutes ago, ice orca said:

Well MacT worked out a deal with Prince Albert to trade Draisaitl last year, so it's not impossible.

I know that there was a lot of speculation as to the extent of MacT's involvement in this deal, but I really find it hard to believe that a WHL GM would just let an NHL GM orchestrate a trade.

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7 hours ago, Gooseberries said:

Jake excuse roulette 

Couches fault (WD, team canada, Calgary)

Linemates (not skilled enough in van, won't pass the puck on team canada, not consistenthe enough in Calgary)

Had shoulder surgery year and a half ago.

Playing a pro game.

Working on his defensive game.



Some real homers around here. You should get out of Canuck land and hear what others are saying about this guy after the tournament. It's embarrassing.  Jake cost TC that game and the tournament.


I want him to succeed.  He's just not right now. Unlike some of you, I'm not afraid to admit it.

What is Points excuse?  Hickey?  hicketts?  Blackburns? Chabot?  Perlini? Sanheim or Konencny?


Coaches fault?


Had a shoulder issue?

Trying to play a NA game?

Were working a defensive game?


Some real stupid around here.  You should get out of canucks prospect land and see what these guys brought to the table instead of reading troll scribble on hockey forums after the tournament.  You're embarassing.


Saying Jake cost the team that game and tournament is pathetic, sad and shows you didn't watch any of that game let alone tournament at all.


You don't want him to succeed, you want him to be IT right now but he's not.  Unlike some of us, you just won't admit it and refuse to accept he's a 2-3 year prospect.

Edited by Warhippy
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19 minutes ago, mll said:

But he can encourage them to. Keeping Virtanen in the NHL does nothing for the Hitmen but offering to send him down if they trade him does - they'll get something in return.

JB has no say in it and why would Calgary trade him?  That sums exactly why he's back to Van.  Let him finish the season, access all of the Canuck development resources and next season he is eligible for Utica if he's still not ready.


I honestly can't see how people aren't getting that.

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

What is Points excuse?  Hickey?  hicketts?  Blackburns? Chabot?  Perlini? Sanheim or Konencny?


Some real stupid around here.  You should get out of canucks prospect land and see what these guys brought to the table instead of reading troll scribble on hockey forums after the tournament.  You're embarassing.


Saying Jake cost the team that game and tournament is pathetic, sad and shows you didn't watch any of that game let alone tournament at all.


You don't want him to succeed, you want him to be IT right now but he's not.  Unlike some of us, you just won't admit it and refuse to accept he's a 2-3 year prospect.

Y'know Hippy, I'm right with you.

Did Jake have a bad tournament? Yes.

Did Jake live up to most peoples expectations? No.


For the life of me I don't know why certain posters can't just leave it at that. Instead, they feel the need to blame TC's loss squarely on JV and/or label him a bust.


One bad tournament for a 19 yr old does not (necessarily) a career make.



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Just now, babych said:

Y'know Hippy, I'm right with you.

Did Jake have a bad tournament? Yes.

Did Jake live up to most peoples expectations? No.


For the life of me I don't know why certain posters can't just leave it at that. Instead, they feel the need to blame TC's loss squarely on JV and/or label him a bust.


One bad tournament for a 19 yr old does not (necessarily) a career make.



Just irritates the hell out fo me really.  Blame the whole game on him?  Stromes penalty or selfish play?  Marners penalty?  Hickeys delay of game?  Blackburn who chuffed a 2 goal lead?


Nooo jake cost us the game, the entire tournament, worse than Hitler and nickleback.  he's a loser look at all the hockey forums full of fans of other teams or who watch nothing but TSN.  They said so it must be true.


Forget the other 22 other players, coaching staff and system or the team canada selection that had us questioning things 5 months ago.


All jakes fault we lost the tournament because he sucks.


And then they write crap like this


But hey, I want him to succeed really, really I do.  ignore the 300 other posts I have made criticizing every single game, move and shift he's had.  I promise I SWEAR I want him to succeed...

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

JB has no say in it and why would Calgary trade him?  That sums exactly why he's back to Van.  Let him finish the season, access all of the Canuck development resources and next season he is eligible for Utica if he's still not ready.


I honestly can't see how people aren't getting that.

My point exactly. I think there is a misconception that the WHL is somehow beholden to the NHL in the same way that the AHL.


The bottom line is that the Calgary Hitmen is NOT a farm team. They are a business and their job is to put a quality product on the ice so that they can put butts in seats. That's why I find the idea that a WHL GM would simply let someone from another league broker a deal for them to be suspect.

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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Just irritates the hell out fo me really.  Blame the whole game on him?  Stromes penalty or selfish play?  Marners penalty?  Hickeys delay of game?  Blackburn who chuffed a 2 goal lead?


Nooo jake cost us the game, the entire tournament, worse than Hitler and nickleback.  he's a loser look at all the hockey forums full of fans of other teams or who watch nothing but TSN.  They said so it must be true.


Forget the other 22 other players, coaching staff and system or the team canada selection that had us questioning things 5 months ago.


All jakes fault we lost the tournament because he sucks.


And then they write crap like this


But hey, I want him to succeed really, really I do.  ignore the 300 other posts I have made criticizing every single game, move and shift he's had.  I promise I SWEAR I want him to succeed...

It is infuriating, and I do appreciate that you're fighting the good fight.


And I totally agree, this is a team game - to blame the loss on any 1 individual is narrow-minded and immature at best. Absolutely the second penalty for slashing was bone-headed and ill-timed but the fact of the matter is that TC scored 5 goals and still lost.

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2 minutes ago, babych said:

My point exactly. I think there is a misconception that the WHL is somehow beholden to the NHL in the same way that the AHL.


The bottom line is that the Calgary Hitmen is NOT a farm team. They are a business and their job is to put a quality product on the ice so that they can put butts in seats. That's why I find the idea that a WHL GM would simply let someone from another league broker a deal for them to be suspect.

Of course it is Calgary's decision, but I would think they would rather receive something for his rights than nothing at all. I would think a contending WHL club would give up quite a bit for Jake's rights.

It really depends on how bad the management think Calgary would be for Jake's development.  If they don't want him playing in Calgary (and Calgary won't trade his rights) the Canucks will just keep him on the big team.

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3 hours ago, ice orca said:

Here is where i don't agree with you, i would like to see him back in junior and next year under the tutelage of Green on the Comets. Get him away from the million watt beam he is under from this fan base and others and just let him play. It seems to be working out fine with Shink, Gaunce, Subban right now.

Thing is though, then he settles into a comfort zone and doesn't push beyond that.  I think this timing/opportunity is perfect...he's been given a vote of confidence in staying up and he will likely be determined to prove his worth and work extra hard to play a good game.  Under the glaring light he has a chance to shine and put this stuff behind him.  So it'll be up to him, but I'm glad he'll be given the opportunity.

This game is not an easy one..to play at an NHL level requires the mental stability to put things quickly behind you and forge on.  This will be part of that...it's part of the maturity process to be able to do so.  Rather than allow him to lick his wounds in his safe place.  This way, he has the top tier development team in his corner, helping him in the process and making sure he's moving forward, not staying stuck.  My thoughts anyhow.

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9 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Just irritates the hell out fo me really.  Blame the whole game on him?  Stromes penalty or selfish play?  Marners penalty?  Hickeys delay of game?  Blackburn who chuffed a 2 goal lead?


Nooo jake cost us the game, the entire tournament, worse than Hitler and nickleback.  he's a loser look at all the hockey forums full of fans of other teams or who watch nothing but TSN.  They said so it must be true.


Forget the other 22 other players, coaching staff and system or the team canada selection that had us questioning things 5 months ago.


All jakes fault we lost the tournament because he sucks.


And then they write crap like this


But hey, I want him to succeed really, really I do.  ignore the 300 other posts I have made criticizing every single game, move and shift he's had.  I promise I SWEAR I want him to succeed...

I actually thought Jakes tourney wasn't all that bad.  He played well defensively, was good on the forecheck and was there in defense of his teammates every time.

I think TC put this year on the shoulders of a group of 18 year olds who were not mature enough, not good enough defensively and not big enough to handle it.  Jake and the other 19 year olds seemed more like after thoughts to me.

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My count is Jake now has 30 games on the roster, after 40 games on the roster a year is burned off of his Free agent status,

Burning a year of free agency is not best planning for the team although Virt's agent would be extremely pleased.

Benning has 9 more games to evaluate whether to burn that year or not.

It has been said that no 19 yr old players career has ever been ruined by being sent back to junior for his final season,

but many have had their career's setback or ruined by being rushed into the NHL before they are ready.

I can see little benefit to burning a year of F/A by rushing Jake back when he is not ready.

Hopefully the Hitmen can trade him to a more local team(VAN, KAM, VIC, or KEL,)

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