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Lucic still unapologetic after playoff behaviour

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Im not going to apologize for how I acted or what was said. But at the end of the day, thinking about it now, maybe I definitely could have handled the situation better than I did. But more than saying what I said to the players, I was upset with losing. I was upset with losing to them. We had such a great team that had won the Presidents Trophy and that being the end and losing the way that we did, I think it all just accumulated to me losing my cool in the handshake.

What a complete idiot Lucic is. It's been months since the media buzz has died and the emotion has faded, and he brings it back to life by making a bigger fool out of himself. All that time to reflect and acknowledge what he did was stupid and he still doesn't have the pair to say "I did wrong" or "I'm sorry". So ignorant, like a kid that throws tantrums because he didn't get his toy..

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Wouldn't make a difference to a lot of people if he apologized, I'm sure. The whole fiasco just magnified his true identity to those who were too blind to see it even before this year. He's a douche, and there's nothing that can be done to shake that label anymore... And I doubt he cares that he has it.

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Our love-hate relationship with Lucic is ridiculous.

One of the best ever from Vancouver. Deserves way more respect than what we've shown.

Absolutely loved him as a Giant. You could tell he was going to be a horse. Silly the Canucks passed on him considering he was in their backyard and all.

Hate the Bruins though. So I'm part of the love-hate relationship as well I guess.

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What a complete idiot Lucic is. It's been months since the media buzz has died and the emotion has faded, and he brings it back to life by making a bigger fool out of himself. All that time to reflect and acknowledge what he did was stupid and he still doesn't have the pair to say "I did wrong" or "I'm sorry". So ignorant, like a kid that throws tantrums because he didn't get his toy..

...Why does he have to apologize? Because people like you want him to?

Guy was emotional after losing in the playoffs... in a sport i'm sure he absolutely loves. Why does this make him a bad guy? People make threats ALL the time, on and off the ice so why does Lucic get put under the spotlight?

There's a youtube video I posted a long time ago on CDC showing Bert threatening to kill Setoguchi yet no one ever brought that up.

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...Why does he have to apologize? Because people like you want him to?

Guy was emotional after losing in the playoffs... in a sport i'm sure he absolutely loves. Why does this make him a bad guy? People make threats ALL the time, on and off the ice so why does Lucic get put under the spotlight?

There's a youtube video I posted a long time ago on CDC showing Bert threatening to kill Setoguchi yet no one ever brought that up.

He didnt just eff-up one time. It's a growing pattern of douchey behaviors, that we hope he will examine. Let's just count-up a few of his dirtier misteps over the preceding months & years....shall we? There's the multiple hack-jobs to his opponents' nards,....the brawling in VAN & then bad-mouthing & tainting ALL of its' residents, regardless of who started-it, where they live or where they come from..,..there's uttering threats during a series-ending hand-shake,... then racing to vent his brand of arrogance to the eastern media at every turn, because they just love to hype & prop-up their bad boy bullies... & running Miller or in-excuseably dodging league suspensions for incidents like this, time & again. It's a cycle that goes on & on.

Lucic is now simply void of common sense. He dives into drama like some spoiled brat who's been conditioned to behave this way, by the foolish entitlement of his over-seers. The day he's properly accountable for any of his lapses of judgment...like senselessly harming fellow union brothers... or bringing the entire NHL game into disrepute,...is the day I fall off of my chair, in shock.

Lucic is on his way to becoming the league's next Sean Avery,... if he doesnt grow-up a little & figure-out that the powers that be in BOS can & will only protect him from the consequences of his actions, for so long. The kind of legacy Lucic thinks he's building for himself, is now one of his biggest delusions. He's being more heralded as a clown these days,.... than as a Stanley Cup champion.

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What a complete idiot Lucic is. It's been months since the media buzz has died and the emotion has faded, and he brings it back to life by making a bigger fool out of himself. All that time to reflect and acknowledge what he did was stupid and he still doesn't have the pair to say "I did wrong" or "I'm sorry". So ignorant, like a kid that throws tantrums because he didn't get his toy..

I'm going to assume that he was asked about it. I doubt that he called a press conference just to tell everyone he still wants to kill a couple of guys on the Canadiens...

Meanwhile, who's really "bringing this back to life" by starting this thread?

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Our love-hate relationship with Lucic is ridiculous.

One of the best ever from Vancouver. Deserves way more respect than what we've shown.

Absolutely loved him as a Giant. You could tell he was going to be a horse. Silly the Canucks passed on him considering he was in their backyard and all.

Hate the Bruins though. So I'm part of the love-hate relationship as well I guess.

how he acted after the Montreal series has nothing to do with the Bruins that's all lucic. Do you hate character because he's a Bruins? Bergeron? Gina last year? Eriksson?
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Did he actually bring up the topic himself? Or was he asked?

Hard to tell without a link to the source or any other context. That's about what I'd expect in a thread from someone complaining about Lucic not being able to let things go well after the actual incident.

Why is this still a story?

Some people want to continue to make it one.

I'm going to assume that he was asked about it. I doubt that he called a press conference just to tell everyone he still wants to kill a couple of guys on the Canadiens...

Meanwhile, who's really "bringing this back to life" by starting this thread?

Irony is ironic, no?

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