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[Report] MLSE approves major Leafs rebuild; "Mr.Phaneuf & Mr.Kessel are not in the plan"

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I love how Clarkson just wasn't mentioned.

They're loaded with incredibly bad, costly, long-term contracts. I'm going to go ahead and assume there are a lot of NTCs as well. There's low demand for Kessel and Phaneuf (will need to take salary no matter what), no demand for Clarkson, and they have no valuable assets outside of their new 'core'. Their goalies are all mediocre and their prospect pool is barely worth mentioning.

Also, they have the highest ticket prices in the league.

And they expect Nonis and Shanahan to pull this miracle off?

I for one am looking forward to many more years of suffering for the Leafs.

OR they are betting on an expansion draft or 2 coming and they'll choose not to protect those contracts in the hopes that the expansion teams will take their dead weight.

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Oh absolutely, I'm sure all NHL executives (like all business executives) would never dream of putting money before morales. What was I thinking?

I think we can all safely assume that a closed door lottery would never be subject to any type of fixing.

I mean if I ran the lotto 6/49 closed door with zero accountability, my family and friends would have just the same odds of winning as everyone else right?

Even if that was the case, it still makes no sense for them to win it. There are tons of struggling teams in the south that could use McDavid more business wise to sell tickets. Toronto sells out every game even if they have a bad team, people pay $300 to watch a losing team.

Teams like Arizona, Carolina, Columbus and New Jersey can use McDavid much more. They have trouble filling seats and they are struggling to score goals (Toronto was 2nd in the league in scoring when they were playing at their best). If what your saying is right these teams have a preference over Toronto not the other way around, and that's if your right; which is not the case.

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Well there it is, finally. If this is true and TO follows through with it, good for them. Honestly the only way to get that franchise back on track. It's just so discombulated right now, there's no identity at any stage of that organization.

Surprised MLSE is willing to do this which will surely see a drop in revenue for a few years. Phaneuf will be hard to get rid of. Horrible contract, overrated player, would be shocked if a team takes him with Leafs eating less than 25% of his cap, and the return won't be great. Kessel on the other hand can land a huge return if played right like how Jets did with Kane.

"Canada's best team", is done. Does this mean they tank as soon as now for McDavid or will it wait till the offseason?

I'm not sure what makes you think this. The reason the GTA always comes up in expansion talks is because the area could easily support another team, even an expansion team.

Leafs fans absolutely would support a rebuild, IMO. They've actually been waiting longer than we have for a Cup.

This isn't Vancouver we're talking about. Toronto has hockey fans, not just winning hockey fans.

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What they're going is full Coilers.

Leave the incompetent in command to tear it down.

MLSE's management group have already earned plenty of responsibility for where they find that team. That's where their rebuild should start - not with naming the players that will be shipped out. Let someone competent decide what the returns on Kessel and Phaneuf should be.

Any moron can be trusted with the job of smashing a house to pieces - if that's where the job were to end.

Broadcasting to the world who they are going to dump is classic Leafs stupidity - not that we haven't all already seen them tip their losing hand, but conducting their business publicly like a PR game is a large facet of their incompetence in the first place.

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JVR is 25 and has been inconsistent on the Leafs. You think JB will take a look at him and give TO a call?

Man he would instantaneously be highest goal scorer on this team if we acquired him today, and 3rd in scoring behind only the Sedins with 43 points.. I'll take that kind of inconsistent production any day

The asking price will be Horvat/McCann + though.. guaranteed they want centers back in a deal

I think he'd inquire but nothing would materialize because of the price

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Good for them. Wonder if Aquilini is capable of doing the same

What?! Phaneuf and Kessel are the worst role-models for up'n'coming players. The Sedins, Bieksa and Burr are a great leadership group and good/proper mentors,..but like Tim Hunter, Stan Smyl, Dave 'Tiger' Williams, Mats Sundin, or Trevor Linden,...they wont need to stay atop of the team's stats or scoring, to remain extremely valuable as leadership and veteran support for the young stars arriving upon the scene.

Just look at what those Oilers are doin'... without that. Character matters. Some Cup winners are enabled along... despite the level of hockey being played. How well is Ference doin' spewin' his more 'old-school' mantra's of retribution and disrespect for union brothers... to this next generation of players in Edmonton, I might ask? There are many forms of leadership. The Sedin-kind will be properly embraced and prevail universally - eventually. Just value what is great about 'em,.. they're light-years ahead of Kessel and Phaneuf in so many important team-building ways. Those out there who are blind to all of the qualities of leadership that the Sedin's provide - I feel sorry for ya.... tsk, tsk.

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Even if that was the case, it still makes no sense for them to win it. There are tons of struggling teams in the south that could use McDavid more business wise to sell tickets. Toronto sells out every game even if they have a bad team, people pay $300 to watch a losing team.

Teams like Arizona, Carolina, Columbus and New Jersey can use McDavid much more. They have trouble filling seats and they are struggling to score goals (Toronto was 2nd in the league in scoring when they were playing at their best). If what your saying is right these teams have a preference over Toronto not the other way around, and that's if your right; which is not the case.

There are 5.323 Billion reasons for the leafs to get the top pick.

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Serious? What would you think the value going back would be?

Yes. I would peg our chances of signing Sekera as a UFA somewhere around 0.5%. I would much rather have Phaneuf at 5.25-5.5 (I do realize that's more like 21.5% but whatever) than throw similar money (or more) at Methot/Martin/Ehrhoff/whoever. Put him next to EJ and take away the pressure to be the guy and I think he'll settle in as an excellent #2.

No idea what the value would be. If the Leafs want ROR they're going to have to add (preferably a top 6 C capable of shifting to wing next year). I'm assuming the Leafs would want futures so they'd probably be looking at some combination of the 2015 2nd or 2016 1st and prospect(s) not named Bigras (preferably not Pickard either).

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bunch of my leaf fan friends say that Nonis is looking at trading Dion of Mike Richards... and that they would actually be ok with it...

That's TOR's only hope,..to trade-away your own expensive/under-achieving problem for someone's else's....and see if new situations can make a difference to the players involved. Like for like. It's not optimum,...but better than doin' nothin'.

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Finding possibly suitors for them at this time of the year will be difficult so these sizemic moves will be done in the off season most likely

Possible suitors for Kessel

Cbj, det, fla, nyi, wpg, nyr and cgy. Bare in mind this new team will be taking on a 8m Cap hit for the next 8 years. My money is on cbj

Possible suitors for phaneuf

Ana, col, la, nj, nyi, phi and wpg

I'd assume tor will have to be taking on a contract in return or eat some of phaneufs salary which they won't wanna do. I'd say he ends up in col

To tor: mcginn, Wilson, Barrie, 1st pick 2016

Not happening. If they want Barrie the Leafs can forget it. We'll take our chances on one of the top 4 D in free agency in that case.

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We're not in a big clusterf*** like the Leafs so we don't have to. Oh, and we actually have a knowledgeable GM who knows what he is doing who can rebuild without tearing it all down / aka, the Bruins way.

Well, we'll find out soon enough. We're really depending on gathering first line players in the next few drafts before the Sedins retire..

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