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Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

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what a lot of people dont understand is that Trump loves every second of this .. He never thought he would actually be president . He just loves that a part of his legacy will be that he ran for president . He's a narcissist .. he wants to be remembered .

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You're just jealous he's filthy rich and you're not. Like every Trump hater. The guy has earned every right to say whatever he wants. Especially about losers like McCain who sit around and do nothing. He is an action politician and he will fix what has been wrong in America for so long.


Another idiot that doesn't understand that free speech doesn't mean you have the right to not be criticized for what you say.

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Tougher on immigration/borders, especially with Mexicans and Muslims..

Action in the Middle East... Tougher on ISIS.. Ground game... Sanctions on Iran and supporting Israel

Fixing the gigantic debt problem with his vast financial knowledge.

Realization climate change is fake..

Willing to stand up to China..

Willing to remove Obama care (The incredible failure)

Increased Jobs...

If you don't think protecting the constitution of the United States is a good thing, you're crazy.

The guy who has gone bankrupt should advise on financial matters? Okay then.

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Tougher on immigration/borders, especially with Mexicans and Muslims.: Except where he outsources jobs to Mexico and hires illegal mexican labour to build his development projects Sorry bud, not gonna fly it's hypocrisy and you show how little you know about immigration in the USA

Action in the Middle East... Tougher on ISIS.. Ground game... Sanctions on Iran and supporting Israel: Action in the middle east? You mean like where Obama is currently fighting openly in 2 different countries, openly supporting and supplying Israel with more weapons, secretly operating in 3 other countries and just concluded a major diplomatic coup with Iran? You know the kind of diplomacy that avoids war, as war WAS the only other option?

Fixing the gigantic debt problem with his vast financial knowledge.: Vast financial knowledge? You mean...wait what? He went bankrupt 4 times avoids paying massive amounts of taxes ($38 million in personal taxes last year alone) and has literal teams of economists working for him. Vast?

Realization climate change is fake.: Based on what again? The literal millions upon millions of studies and reports written showing that earths climate has never changed this fast this drastically ever, at any point in time. or his opinion?

Willing to stand up to China.: Stand up to China? In what way? In a way that China stops building for the US? In a way that China calls in it's massive dollar amount still owed by the US (1.4 TRILLION) IN a way that sees China block trade from the entire south Pacific from NA markets? Or a way that sees China stop buying resources form the US? All of which spell bankruptcy for the US almost overnight

Willing to remove Obama care (The incredible failure): incredible failure? Even Jeb Bush, Perry, Christy, Sanders and Boehner have all agreed that it is entirely beneficial to the US population and the government. By failure you mean what again?

Increased Jobs...: Increased jobs...like for mroe illegal immigrants (See Trump hires illegal immigrants) or do you mean like Obama has done by increasing the labour force to pre 2008 crash levels all while having almost 200k service men and women home and technically not working thus off of the labour force in the armed services and now working in the private sector?

If you don't think protecting the constitution of the United States is a good thing, you're crazy: By protecting it you mean what exactly? I've lived in the US for long periods of time. By protecting it I am sure you mean confederate flag waving right wing christian gun toting if ya don like it ya can git out kind of protection right? Not the freedom for all protection or the freedom of speech or the equality I am sure

Just saying bud, your entire argument is crap; your trolling effort is poor and if you truly believe any of this do us and the gene pool a favour and don't reproduce

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Donald Trump is a legend. He's the USA's only hope at this point. Any argument calling him a "loser" for not going to war is dumb. Guy wouldn't likely have been a billionaire if he went to that useless war, or alive at all. #TRUMP2016

In his own mind...

Tougher on immigration/borders, especially with Mexicans and Muslims..

Action in the Middle East... Tougher on ISIS.. Ground game... Sanctions on Iran and supporting Israel

Fixing the gigantic debt problem with his vast financial knowledge.

Realization climate change is fake..

Willing to stand up to China..

Willing to remove Obama care (The incredible failure)

Increased Jobs...

If you don't think protecting the constitution of the United States is a good thing, you're crazy.

Okay, this is just outright trolling. Nobody is this stupid...

Here's a tip: To be a good troll, you need a bit of subtlety...

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Hahaha. Do these republicans have any idea who they are messing with? Donald Trump can single handily give Hilary Clinton the presidency. All he needs to do is run as an independent (once he loses the republican nomination). He will be the Ralph Nader of the republican party. And here they are, bashing him, bad mouthing him in public? What the hell is McCain thinking. Sorry, when someone like Trump is leading the polls, you better play nice, like him or not.

In my opinion, Trump's plan all along as been to see how far he can go, and even possibly to see if he can get a vice-presidential spot out of this. If his polls stay high enough, and he avoids too much controversy, then he could essentially blackmail a guy like Jeb Bush into making him the vice-presidential candidate. If Bush doesn't do it? Then Trump runs independent, takes a chunk of votes, and acts as spoiler to Jeb Bush. He could cost Jeb Bush a lot of electoral votes in swing states.

So Jeb Bush might have two choices: Be President, with Donald Trump as your vice-president, or don't be president at all.

It's going to be enjoyable to watch.

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Tougher on immigration/borders, especially with Mexicans and Muslims..

USA need cheap workers and this is done by using illegal immigrants. or you can pay 20 bucks an hour for a regular worker...

Action in the Middle East... Tougher on ISIS.. Ground game... Sanctions on Iran and supporting Israel

yeah. thats all USA needs, more troops in middle east, guess whats gonna happen later?

Fixing the gigantic debt problem with his vast financial knowledge.

by declaring banckrupy a 5th time?

Realization climate change is fake..

WE NOW HAVE TORNADOS, HURRICANES and last year SNOWED in Brazil! do I need tell you anything else to be more clear?

Willing to stand up to China..

yeah. good luck with that. the BRICS say "horray"!

Willing to remove Obama care (The incredible failure)

the population says "no way".

Increased Jobs...

sure. he needs a lot of people to fix his hair or to simply stay with him without vomit...

If you don't think protecting the constitution of the United States is a good thing, you're crazy.

every US president have to protect the US constitution...

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I'm a Hillary supporter, but I must say, Trump didn't just do this out of the blue, he was defending the people who went to his rally, many of whom I'm sure were in the military and were veterans. McCain called them all 'crazies' for going, so he defended his followers, there really isn't much else to this. This is a media job by far, and Trump is strong enough to use it to his advantage. Trump also isn't lying when he says that McCain has done relatively little for veterans, despite his background.

People still do not realize that Trump is no fool. You don't become a billionaire many times over by being a drooling idiot. Trump is damn good at taking a punch, and the more people attack his character and personal opinions, the firmer Trump digs in and the more his supporters will rally around him. The problem is they are attacking Trump on quotes they pull out of context (in usual political fashion),when there is so much more real life things they can use.

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I'm a Hillary supporter, but I must say, Trump didn't just do this out of the blue, he was defending the people who went to his rally, many of whom I'm sure were in the military and were veterans. McCain called them all 'crazies' for going, so he defended his followers, there really isn't much else to this. This is a media job by far, and Trump is strong enough to use it to his advantage. Trump also isn't lying when he says that McCain has done relatively little for veterans, despite his background.

People still do not realize that Trump is no fool. You don't become a billionaire many times over by being a drooling idiot. Trump is damn good at taking a punch, and the more people attack his character and personal opinions, the firmer Trump digs in and the more his supporters will rally around him. The problem is they are attacking Trump on quotes they pull out of context (in usual political fashion),when there is so much more real life things they can use.

Like what?

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Like what?

Ignoring that he was saying that in response to McCain calling Trump supporters crazies. Calling Mexicans rapists when he was referring to the cartels that bring people over the border and rape woman as an added cost to being smuggled. This along with the Mexican government who purposefully send over their worst criminals for America to deal with. Most of trumps comments were taken well out of context and used to sell as headlines. Like I said before, Hillary supporter here, but Trump is no fool.

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