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Ahmed Builds a Clock


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Yeah, I only get my news from trusted left wing sources like Huffington Post, Gawker, and the Young Turks. The difference between left wing media and right wing media is that the leftists are righteous and good, while the evil neoconservative machine preys on the innocent with their misinformation. PATRIARCHY!!!!

/end sarcasm

It's been well documented by several media outlets that this Ahmed kid's family has involved itself in political stunts (Florida Quran burning defense) and Mark Cuban even stated he could hear the kid's sister coaching him on the phone.

I am not going to disregard the information simply because the left wing media wants to avoid publishing it. We already know the kid didn't 'invent' the clock like he said he did so he's already a goddamn liar.

Do I believe all the crazy conspiracy theories? No. But it is just as crazy to think that this kid just decided to put a clock in a pencil case on a whim to show off how 'smart' he is.

If he can really build electronic devices from scratch, why not show a real invention? Why show off a disassembled clock that he didn't actually create?

It's because they knew it would garner attention and victim status pays off in white guilt ridden America.

Just look at all the publicity, scholarship money and opportunities he received, and his family is much better off because of it.


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Why show off a disassembled clock that he didn't actually create?

I'd like to see some of those playing the Muslim victim card here answer that.

And Obama invited this kid to the White House to show off that clock. lol.. if they weren't so stupid and predictably gullible they might be embarrassed.

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To me this situation really shows the greatness of America. His teachers and the police questioned him and made sure everything was in order. Perhaps they shouldn't have taken the kid to jail for further questioning but I'd rather they investigate the situation properly.

But look how the country responded. From nasa to potus and MIT this kid got invitations from everyone. Americas greatness and compassion came thru to me. Others will disagree but that's how I see it.

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lol, Bristol Palin just said Obama shouldn't have invited him to the White House and it is encouraging racial strife. ^_^

I can't even...


As punishment, Mark Zuckerberg should delete her from facebook. She is exposing herself for what she really is. Really, really stupid.

Hey if they wanna go looney tunes. Fine by me >) I gonna stock up on anvil's


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The radio made it up. It was just a digital clock. No bomb next to anything. No fake C4, detonator etc. It was just a clock. The kid didn't even utter any threats.

If this was an oriental boy, no one will handcuff him. Racism is everywhere.

No the kid was the one who spoke "I made a artificial bomb Clock"

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To me this situation really shows the greatness of America. His teachers and the police questioned him and made sure everything was in order. Perhaps they shouldn't have taken the kid to jail for further questioning but I'd rather they investigate the situation properly.

But look how the country responded. From nasa to potus and MIT this kid got invitations from everyone. Americas greatness and compassion came thru to me. Others will disagree but that's how I see it.

I dunno about the teacher and police part xD They questioned him, ignored what he said, and then arrested him.

I am just baffled that out of everyone who saw that thing no one stepped up and pointed out how it didn't resemble a bomb in any way. Did the teachers and police really think he was going to plug in a single Duracell battery and Allahu Akbar the place?

When I was in middle school it was mandatory to take Tech Ed class for a 4th of every year and in those classes we had projects where were literally built clocks and radios etc. I feel like it is common sense you can't make a bomb with just basic wires and circuit board. I wonder how the teacher and police force there will react if they ever see the inside of computer or phone or god forbid behind the cars dashboard.

Personally I think that whole experience could have been very damaging to him mentally had he not gotten the public support. Imagine a child who likely is already going to have to deal with some racist stereotypes now being arrested and questioned like a criminal and suspended by the figures he should be able to trust just because he wanted to show off a clock. Plus now having to change schools and start over with a new crowd. The public support he got was great but that is huge negative experience for a kid to swallow.


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Yeah, I only get my news from trusted left wing sources like Huffington Post, Gawker, and the Young Turks. The difference between left wing media and right wing media is that the leftists are righteous and good, while the evil neoconservative machine preys on the innocent with their misinformation. PATRIARCHY!!!!

/end sarcasm

It's been well documented by several media outlets that this Ahmed kid's family has involved itself in political stunts (Florida Quran burning defense) and Mark Cuban even stated he could hear the kid's sister coaching him on the phone.

I am not going to disregard the information simply because the left wing media wants to avoid publishing it. We already know the kid didn't 'invent' the clock like he said he did so he's already a goddamn liar.

Do I believe all the crazy conspiracy theories? No. But it is just as crazy to think that this kid just decided to put a clock in a pencil case on a whim to show off how 'smart' he is.

If he can really build electronic devices from scratch, why not show a real invention? Why show off a disassembled clock that he didn't actually create?

It's because they knew it would garner attention and victim status pays off in white guilt ridden America.

Just look at all the publicity, scholarship money and opportunities he received, and his family is much better off because of it.

It's actually been well documented that the entire family volunteers at a local soup kitchen three times per week, as well as run a small business that employs 13 people. And Michael Jordan even said that he heard this kid talk about donating his allowance to charity.

Boy, this making ish up business sure is fun!

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It's actually been well documented that the entire family volunteers at a local soup kitchen three times per week, as well as run a small business that employs 13 people. And Michael Jordan even said that he heard this kid talk about donating his allowance to charity.

Boy, this making ish up business sure is fun!

Hitchens Razor ;)

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ITT: Bigot's desperately trying to victim blame.

When you have no argument, it's a great time to call people bigots and racists.

I don't care what religion he was or what his skin colour is.

The kid is a liar.

I took my smartphone apart today...I glued the screen to a shoebox and let the rest of it dangle inside....gonna go down to the patent office and file for my new 'invention'.

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So now it has come out that the kid didn't actually create anything. He just took apart an old alarm clock and fitted it into a suitcase in an attempt to troll people at school.

I take what I said back. The school was well within their right to call the police, and the police were right to arrest him for making a 'hoax bomb' which is exactly what that was.

I have no doubt in my mind that the design of the 'clock in a suitcase' was intended to imitate an explosive.

The kid was trolling for attention, and he got it in spades. Now the kid is getting scholarship money, free electronics, a visit to the White House and internships simply because people at school were just trying to err on the side of caution.

The extreme level of stupidity in this is astounding.

I'm going to go ahead and assume that by extreme level of stupidity you're referring to your own post, because that's a hell of a lot of conjecture.

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You don't agree with me? Bigot! Racist!

Actually it's got to do with making up or buying into a bunch of nonsense about a family and condemning a child as a terrorist wannabe because they're Muslims. You know, something a bigot might do, but sure, it's because we disagree.

Dumb liberals, amirite?

By the way, in all seriousness, if you guys have all these sources and everyone's backtracking and you find it so amusing, surely it wouldn't be this difficult to get a single credible link out of you. Instead you double down on the whole, "I don't need to prove sht", because not being taken seriously is a great way to participate in a forum. smh

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Actually it's got to do with making up or buying into a bunch of nonsense about a family and condemning a child as a terrorist wannabe because they're Muslims. You know, something a bigot might do, but sure, it's because we disagree.

Dumb liberals, amirite?

By the way, in all seriousness, if you guys have all these sources and everyone's backtracking and you find it so amusing, surely it wouldn't be this difficult to get a single credible link out of you. Instead you double down on the whole, "I don't need to prove sht", because not being taken seriously is a great way to participate in a forum. smh

Start here:


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Actually it's got to do with making up or buying into a bunch of nonsense about a family and condemning a child as a terrorist wannabe because they're Muslims. You know, something a bigot might do, but sure, it's because we disagree.

Dumb liberals, amirite?

By the way, in all seriousness, if you guys have all these sources and everyone's backtracking and you find it so amusing, surely it wouldn't be this difficult to get a single credible link out of you. Instead you double down on the whole, "I don't need to prove sht", because not being taken seriously is a great way to participate in a forum. smh

We can't fix that you are to naive to see the truth. Kids parents won't sign the release of information on either kids suspension. He didn't build anything, he broke down an old clock and put it in a case. He was told not show anyone and other kids said "it looks like a bomb".

How blind can you be to not see what is happening here? Support for Sharia law in their community, maybe? Poor parenting, 100%.

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What a joke. "Admits"? Here is the segment the story references:

After the MSNBC segment, Eyman and I sit down in the hallway where she says the same thing happened to her as Ahmed.
“I got suspended from school for three days from this stupid same district, from this girl saying I wanted to blow up the school, something I had nothing to do with.”
Eyman talks with the slightest lisp, almost imperceptible, but it becomes stronger as she gets emotional.
“I got suspended and I didn’t do anything about it and so when I heard about Ahmed, I was so mad because it happened to me and I didn’t get to stand up, so I’m making sure he’s standing up because it’s not right. So I’m not jealous, I’m kinda like—it’s like he’s standing for me.”
Eyman said her suspension was in her first year of middle school, “my first year of attempting middle school in America. I knew English, but the culture was different, the people were different.”
This part of Texas is a hotbed of Islamophobia. Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne in March claimed Muslim clergy were “bypassing American courts” by offering to mediate disputes between worshippers according to Islamic law. Residents of Farmersville last month fought against creation of a Muslim cemetery in their town. Garland was the site of a “draw Muhammad” contest hosted by anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller that was subsequently attacked by two gunmen inspired by ISIS.

Does it sound like she was questioned on it? She started the topic and freely talked about it, and apparently got emotional over the experience. Want more loaded language?
The episode occurred around 2009, she said. The scare happened in “my first year of attempting middle school in America. I knew English, but the culture was different, the people were different,” Eyman said.
Are you afraid yet? No?
Since 2001, several thousand Americans have been murdered or killed by Muslims, who justify their actions by citing the jihad commandments in the religion’s Koran book.
If I was as smart as you, I'd be scared as well. Too bad I'm a stupid liberal Sharia Law sympathizer. Also, I remember that the thousands died in a single attack that lead to the invasion of two Muslim countries. More Americans died doing that.

We can't fix that you are to naive to see the truth. Kids parents won't sign the release of information on either kids suspension. He didn't build anything, he broke down an old clock and put it in a case. He was told not show anyone and other kids said "it looks like a bomb".

How blind can you be to not see what is happening here? Support for Sharia law in their community, maybe? Poor parenting, 100%.

While I can substantiate my disagreement, you guys are clearly just throwing sht and seeing what sticks. Like I said before, you embody the very things you hate liberals for. It's downright pathetic.

#isideiwththeterrorists #ambienfanclub #stoopeidlibrul

PS. For the record, in case you're unfamiliar with my position on Islam, it's a regressive religion that has no place in the modern world. I include "moderate" Muslims in this as well. Not eating bacon alone is a travesty and a breach of human rights.

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