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Post Game Comment: "Daniel Sedin: "From some guys right now, the effort is not there."


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Some would have us believe that ridding the team of veterans would be some kind of panacea when in fact the opposite appears to be the truth. If we end up having too many prospects me thinks the team soon become the west coast version of the Oilers. The Sedins are reluctant to become parents to the youngster and would rather have the youngster grow up and be self accountable .....seems like this has been lost on some. If WD has a pair I hope he sits the culprits

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How many regulars were not playing due to injuries?  Not sure how Daniel's comments are constructive at this point in the season considering the depleted team that's currently playing, as well as to the many many kids on the team trying to fill shoes of the veterans..........just my $.02 

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Hey guys, been reading these forums for a long time, finally signed up for an account. In my opinion the sedins have earned the right to voice their displeasure if they want to. Maybe it's been addressed multiple times in the dressing room already and wasn't getting through so he took it to the media. But at times this year the effort really has been an embarrassment, the leafs game at home comes to mind first, the last two shutout losses as well haven't been good at all. The twins don't get the respect they deserve from the media or it's fans. But they are very hard working players and play a tough game(yes their board play and taking the abuse of the other teams shutdown lines makes them tough in my opinion) so if they want to call players out go ahead. Not sure if it was directed to some of the vets or maybe the kids. But either way I'm on with it

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25 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

If what you say is true then what does it say about our coach?  I mean if Daniel or Henrik is talking to these players and then when not getting the results, calling them out in front of the media, aren't they effectively doing what WD's job is to do?  I understand it is common for the leaders of the team to talk players individually if they are not pulling their weight, I am fine with that but when the team leaders speak out about it to the media, then aren't they usurping the authority of their coach?  Maybe there is a disconnect between the Sedins and WD?


Read my post again.  I was not critical about Daniel talking to the player(s) in question about their effort levels. In fact I expect him as a leader to do so.   I just see no purpose in doing that and then going to the media with "they know who they are" quote.  Unless you are willing to name names it only serves to create speculation about who they are referring to which does nothing but make this situation even worse than it should be.  


Is it about a couple of our Rookies?  Vets?  



There's no disconnect.  WillieD has made exactly the same comments on numerous occasions.  He has simply been more diplomatic although recently he has named a few players that need to do better.  The post-game against the Jets comes to mind where he has highlighted several issues.  

 Kuzma wrote in an article "the guilty gang of newbies and newcomers whose wayward work ethic led to Daniel Sedin’s post-game explosion".  Botchford in the Provies said the comments came after a question on youth.

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20 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

If what you say is true then what does it say about our coach?  I mean if Daniel or Henrik is talking to these players and then when not getting the results, calling them out in front of the media, aren't they effectively doing what WD's job is to do?  I understand it is common for the leaders of the team to talk players individually if they are not pulling their weight, I am fine with that but when the team leaders speak out about it to the media, then aren't they usurping the authority of their coach?  Maybe there is a disconnect between the Sedins and WD?





Maybe the Twins are frustrated with the entire circumstance of being surrounded by rookies and in experience, from management right on through the coaches to many of their team mates?

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10 minutes ago, Fred65 said:

Some would have us believe that ridding the team of veterans would be some kind of panacea when in fact the opposite appears to be the truth. If we end up having too many prospects me thinks the team soon become the west coast version of the Oilers. The Sedins are reluctant to become parents to the youngster and would rather have the youngster grow up and be self accountable .....seems like this has been lost on some. If WD has a pair I hope he sits the culprits

I am tired of hearing Canuck fans deluding themselves into thinking how lucky they are not to be Oiler fans. I know a LOT of Oiler fans and trust me, they are a still a pretty happy bunch, and they are looking forward to adding Matthews or a Finn to the fold this spring.

Maybe all the Oilers need is a little help from Daniel and Henrik next TDL.

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Daniel hates losing.  Probably wasn't directed at anyone in particular, but more of a general comment regarding looking in the mirror after a performance like that.


This is why you keep a reasonable measure of core intact - so you don't create a culture gap in which you risk becoming a perennial loser whose young players accept or at least have losing naturalized in their development environment.


No big deal - and no point imo speculating who in particular he might be talking about - we don't know - and for all we know, he may have been shooting from the hip in a frustrated post-game interview, without the intention of singling out anyone in particular.   The Sedins themselves haven't been on fire - but like everyone else, they're surrounded by inexperience - so everyone will have to endure some growing pains.  It's what the majority appeared to want, so perhaps time for the majority to shut their front door.



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Just now, clam linguine said:

I am tired of hearing Canuck fans deluding themselves into thinking how lucky they are not to be Oiler fans. I know a LOT of Oiler fans and trust me, they are a still a pretty happy bunch, and they are looking forward to adding Matthews or a Finn to the fold this spring.

Maybe all the Oilers need is a little help from Daniel and Henrik next TDL.

Well if you want to  talk about rebuilds that's the team with the most experience they've been at it for year and gone through numerous management/coaches and are now rumoured to starting ridding themselves of previous saviours / 1st round picks.... who knows maybe start over again for the umpteenth time

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8 minutes ago, Fred65 said:

Some would have us believe that ridding the team of veterans would be some kind of panacea when in fact the opposite appears to be the truth. If we end up having too many prospects me thinks the team soon become the west coast version of the Oilers. The Sedins are reluctant to become parents to the youngster and would rather have the youngster grow up and be self accountable .....seems like this has been lost on some. If WD has a pair I hope he sits the culprits

Its been a long season and our rookies have been put into situations that they may not have been ready for.  Not saying that was a bad thing to do but you have to manage your expectations.  I've been following the team for many years and the number of kids that have played in our lineup this year is unprecedented.  Hutton for example was playing half the number of games at the college level last year.  He's played practically the whole season at the nhl level sometimes facing top lines.  He's been making quite a few mistakes lately which is to be expected.  Virtanen is just a kid in a man's body.  McCann is a Man in a kid's body.  Both have had success at every level of hockey that they have played at.  They are just learning what it takes to be professional hockey players and in some cases they are learning how to be adults.  Because of their skills, they may have been able to take nights off at the junior level but are learning that they can't at the pro level.  For every kid with the maturity level of a Horvat, you get a kid like Virtanen. 


Yes, its frustrating to lose and for someone like Daniel who has seen the "good" years and has been through it all, its perfectly understandable.  


I'm a big Sedin fan and not trying to be overly critical of Daniel on what he said.  I was just wondering whether there was some underlying reason since its really not in his character to say those sorts of things to the media.

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Sorry but how many overtime games in the beginning of the season did the Canucks lose with the twins on the ice?  No excuses Daniel, whether you're a 20 year vet., a HoF candidate,  or a 18yo rook' you got to back check.  I've stuck up for the twins every year and their first 3 years were so flipping painful,  he should keep these comments in the room.

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I've noticed this season that the Sedins have at times lost their cool. Whether it's engaging in scrums after the whistle or making an un-Sedin-like body check, taking bad penalties, even a glove to an opponent's head, and now venting in the media about certain team mates. Is this the beginning of the end of the Sedins in Vancouver? Seems to me they're very frustrated with the new team, and are in denial about what direction the team is heading. To me, Burrows has handled things excellently. He knows his career is winding down, and that the team is in transition. All he wants is to be remembered as a good team guy and to maybe help mentor the kids as they learn and grow. The Sedins just look miserable. I love the Sedins and believe they are a phenomenon, we're so lucky to have witnessed greatness night after night with them, but they're kind of acting like grumpy old men these days.

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1 minute ago, NUCKER67 said:

I've noticed this season that the Sedins have at times lost their cool. Whether it's engaging in scrums after the whistle or making an un-Sedin-like body check, taking bad penalties, even a glove to an opponent's head, and now venting in the media about certain team mates. Is this the beginning of the end of the Sedins in Vancouver? Seems to me they're very frustrated with the new team, and are in denial about what direction the team is heading. To me, Burrows has handled things excellently. He knows his career is winding down, and that the team is in transition. All he wants is to be remembered as a good team guy and to maybe help mentor the kids as they learn and grow. The Sedins just look miserable. I love the Sedins and believe they are a phenomenon, we're so lucky to have witnessed greatness night after night with them, but they're kind of acting like grumpy old men these days.

This is sort of how I've been feeling. There are plenty of games this year where I've felt the Sedins have brought less than their A-game as well. The outburst on the weekend seems so out of character. Still, these guys have been the epitome of class so I have to think that Danny's comments were made with the best of intentions.

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3 hours ago, Kraken70 said:

For either Sedin to come out and say that, should tell Canuck nation that something is really wrong. This is the first time that I've ever heard them speak negatively about teammates. Sure, there've been injuries but, obviously, Daniel isn't seeing the best out of certain players. Management should be taking his comments seriously and weeding out the problems.











All above, in my opinion, either will be, or should be gone.

If possible, I would also try find a deal for Miller. Let Markstrom take the reigns as #1 and bring up or bring in a true #2. A goalie who can be depended on for 10-15 starts but will never be a #1. Maybe someone like Ben Scrivens or Alex Stalock. 


Players like Grenier, Pedan and Kenins are as ready as they're ever going to be for the NHL. The final games of the season should be their audition for next year. If the negatives are still out weighing the positives, decisions have to be made. I know Kenins isn't with the team right now, but what does that say? There's, obviously, reasons why they're not bringing him up, instead, opting to bring up a player in Higgins, who supposedly, had played his last game as a Canuck.


While it's obvious that we can't trade all the old regime, it's obious in Daniel's comments that changes have to be made for, both, the future and the present.

I agree, but who will have them?  I suppose just letting them go is the best option.  I would add Edler to that list, although it is possible that he will play better next year. The real problem is lack of scoring; after 2 shutouts in a row, this must be the "effort" that is being referred to.  The D wasn't bad in the St Louis game, it was the absence of team offense.

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Maybe the Sedins are eternal optimists and truly believe this team can still somehow finish the season on a winning note and win a Cup while they're still here - if everyone only played with more effort and the right way. The team is far removed from the 2010/11 days of Kesler, Bieksa, Luongo etc. and now the room is filled with young, (possibly immature) players who are just excited to be playing in the NHL. They're into video games and girls (and Bieber) and maybe curious about what's happening after the game etc. Meanwhile, the Sedins take the game very seriously and may be thinking bigger. I can see how they would be frustrated, with time running out on their careers and being on a team with so many young players who don't really know what it's like to win at the NHL level, but have their whole careers to find out. The Sedins don't have that kind of time.

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If the twins are frustrated maybe they should be rested for a game or two.

Daniel seems to have made little effort in the last few games. He has had a habit of skating in taking a week shot straight to the goalie resulting in offensive zone face-off. Now that would be OK if we could win a face off but right now we lose most of those and therefore we lose possession and the other team clears the zone. Saw Henrik do the same thing last night and again we lost the face-off. Maybe it is a loss of confidence in their other winger but the "strategy" is not working.

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1 hour ago, Fred65 said:

Some would have us believe that ridding the team of veterans would be some kind of panacea when in fact the opposite appears to be the truth. If we end up having too many prospects me thinks the team soon become the west coast version of the Oilers. The Sedins are reluctant to become parents to the youngster and would rather have the youngster grow up and be self accountable .....seems like this has been lost on some. If WD has a pair I hope he sits the culprits

WD would still be called an idiot for sitting a rookie. However I'd rather be called an idiot than having called ' no balls'

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The Sedins play to win. They're not showing up for games to help the team get a better draft pick. And I'm pretty sure the team hasn't inform them of any plan to tank. And I'm sure they're just doing what they think is right. They're in a crappy situation. 


That's on management. Resting them would be the smart choice. But.... Utica only has so many players.  




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2 hours ago, clam linguine said:

I am tired of hearing Canuck fans deluding themselves into thinking how lucky they are not to be Oiler fans. I know a LOT of Oiler fans and trust me, they are a still a pretty happy bunch, and they are looking forward to adding Matthews or a Finn to the fold this spring.

Maybe all the Oilers need is a little help from Daniel and Henrik next TDL.

Good for them they are still happy being bottom feeder after sucking for 10 years.

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