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Olli Juolevi | #48 | D


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1 minute ago, flickyoursedin said:

No don’t wait but you gotta realize that point production is gonna be lower right now in Vancouver than it is on almost any other team. Vancouver is bottom 3 in the league with 2.6 goals per game. Tampa and Boston are top 3 in the league with 3.3 and 3.5 goals per game. That’s what’s making Boeser’s season even more special than it is because he’s doing it on a garbage team. Boeser at 20 is leading his team and by far the best player Vancouver has. Where guys like Barzal and Sergachev while impressive have better players on their teams to play with. Juolevi will be on the team next year. His weight has been what’s kept him out since his draft year guys like Sergachev and Chychrun are physical specimens and both weighed almost 200lbs at the draft. Everybody knew at the draft they’d beat Juolevi to the show but in terms of potential play I wouldn’t say either of those guys are far superior at the moment.

I like your optimism. I too feel he should be on the team next year, but he has to earn it with a good showing at training camp.


Seems like I have a higher expectation out of top 5 draft choices compared to some who have expectations of a mid-round draft choice for Juolevi.

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44 minutes ago, The Great Canucks said:

Pot meet kettle indeed. Firstly, get some reading comprehension yourself. Secondly, you don't get to whine and cry about people making comparisons when you and plenty of others to the same thing. You don't like us comparing guys like Lind and Glass? Then stop comparing Virtanen to Nylander/Ehlers. If you and others are going to compare our prospects to others in a negative way, then don't act upset when these comparisons are also done in a positive way for us.

Man, TGC’s reading comprehension strikes again.


I never said I didn’t like people comparing Lind and Glass, heck I like player comparisons. I said that it’s hypocritical to whine about the Juolevi comparison when you got people doing the same in the Lind thread, hence ‘pot meet kettle.’ 


The only “whining and crying” going on here is from posters who somehow take personal offence to someone pointing out that Heiskanen is thus far a better prospect. 

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3 minutes ago, R.Dahlin26 said:

I like your optimism. I too feel he should be on the team next year, but he has to earn it with a good showing at training camp.


Seems like I have a higher expectation out of top 5 draft choices compared to some who have expectations of a mid-round draft choice for Juolevi.

Our defence is awful! Juolevi this year is a top 6 dman in our organization. Right now he’s playing against men and looking very good. He will earn it next year. While I agree with a top 5 pick you’d wish for a more offensively gifted player and Juolevi is not that. But he’s not Tanev either. He does have a decent offensive side to his game he’s not gonna put up 60-70 points but it’s not unrealistic to think he hits 35-40 points while playing the toughest 25+ minutes a game. He plays mistake free hockey and he has a great outlet pass. I wanted Tkachuk but it’s time to stop crying about something you can’t change. Juolevi is a damn good hockey player and he’s gonna have a long career who cares he took 1 year longer to arrive then Sergachev.

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41 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Have they given him that responsibility?  That quality d pairing?




So that argument is moot.  Hasn't destroyed anything.

Why haven’t they? why haven’t we giving Goldobin 1st line responsibility. Using “What if’s” doesn’t help you build an argument. You're theory is far too simpistic and you know more about that game then trying to break it down like that. 

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2 minutes ago, flickyoursedin said:

Our defence is awful! Juolevi this year is a top 6 dman in our organization. Right now he’s playing against men and looking very good. He will earn it next year. While I agree with a top 5 pick you’d wish for a more offensively gifted player and Juolevi is not that. But he’s not Tanev either. He does have a decent offensive side to his game he’s not gonna put up 60-70 points but it’s not unrealistic to think he hits 35-40 points while playing the toughest 25+ minutes a game. He plays mistake free hockey and he has a great outlet pass. I wanted Tkachuk but it’s time to stop crying about something you can’t change. Juolevi is a damn good hockey player and he’s gonna have a long career who cares he took 1 year longer to arrive then Sergachev.

Exactly, the Canucks defence is really honestly putrid. Juolevi, if he is legit, should easily make this team and start making strides turning into a top 4 d-man as soon as next year. You could shelter him by paring him up with Tanev and play him on the PP. I'm sure he'll put up points passing to Boeser and the Sedins.


And if Juolevi turns into a top pairing d-man I'll forget all about Tkachuk, but he has to make that step into NHL and the sooner the better.

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2 minutes ago, R.Dahlin26 said:

Exactly, the Canucks defence is really honestly putrid. Juolevi, if he is legit, should easily make this team and start making strides turning into a top 4 d-man as soon as next year. You could shelter him by paring him up with Tanev and play him on the PP. I'm sure he'll put up points passing to Boeser and the Sedins.


And if Juolevi turns into a top pairing d-man I'll forget all about Tkachuk, but he has to make that step into NHL and the sooner the better.

Juolevi would be a fantastic piece on the Canucks powerplay his deceptive no look cross ice passes to Pettersson and Boeser for their one timers should be very effective! Let’s just see if the coach is smart enough to work this out and put them all together on the top unit.



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4 minutes ago, R.Dahlin26 said:

Exactly, the Canucks defence is really honestly putrid. Juolevi, if he is legit, should easily make this team and start making strides turning into a top 4 d-man as soon as next year.

What a load of hooey.


He's a 19 year old kid. And until recently, a pretty 'scrawny' one and short of goalie, playing the next most difficult position to break in to the NHL. He was always 2-4 years away from his draft. You being impatient doesn't change that. Or how good he'll be in his prime (which is still 4+ years away FWIW).


As I said earlier, he'll likely see similar treatment to Stecher next year and get somewhere between 20-60 games depending on injuries/moves made.

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Just now, SingleThorn said:

Am I missing something here. We have @R.Dahlin26 stirring the pot. Just keeps repeating a very weak point, over and over again. Actually the point is moot. It's the 'pot stirring' that is important. He's loving all your responses.

No kidding. One poster, with assists from a buddy or two, is blatantly trolling the Canucks fans. Claiming that a 19 year old Dman who is doing extremely well playing against men in a good league is a big disappointment. Who, if he isn't an NHL regular at 20, will be a bust. Time for all the Canucks fans to stop responding to his crap and put him on ignore.


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16 minutes ago, WeneedLumme said:

No kidding. One poster, with assists from a buddy or two, is blatantly trolling the Canucks fans. Claiming that a 19 year old Dman who is doing extremely well playing against men in a good league is a big disappointment. Who, if he isn't an NHL regular at 20, will be a bust. Time for all the Canucks fans to stop responding to his crap and put him on ignore.


Why are you making things up?


He's been a healthy scratch for 2 games in a row now, that to me is disappointing. If he isn't making strides in the NHL by his D+3 year that is IMO very disappointing considering what we see the players we passed on doing in the NHL.


That is not trolling.


Making up quotes and wasting peoples time like the poster Rob_Zepp did is trolling


I've expressed my thoughts and if you don't like them too bad. These are my opinions and so far we have had a good honest discussion. Don't sink down to the level of these posters who scream TROLL! when everything isn't sunshine and lollipops.

Edited by R.Dahlin26
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7 minutes ago, R.Dahlin26 said:

Why are you making things up?


He's been a healthy scratch for 2 games in a row now, that to me is disappointing. If he isn't making strides in the NHL by his D+3 year that is IMO very disappointing considering what we see the players we passed on doing in the NHL.


That is not trolling.


Making up quotes and wasting peoples time like the poster Rob_Zepp did is trolling


I've expressed my thoughts and if you don't like them too bad. These are my opinions and so far we have had a good honest discussion. Don't sink down to the level of these posters who scream TROLL! when everything isn't sunshine and lollipops.

Is that like....claiming he's an issue in the locker room or is somehow not fit or conditioned?

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44 minutes ago, guntrix said:

Man, TGC’s reading comprehension strikes again.


I never said I didn’t like people comparing Lind and Glass, heck I like player comparisons. I said that it’s hypocritical to whine about the Juolevi comparison when you got people doing the same in the Lind thread, hence ‘pot meet kettle.’ 


The only “whining and crying” going on here is from posters who somehow take personal offence to someone pointing out that Heiskanen is thus far a better prospect. 

Once again it's your reading comprehension that is lacking, not mine. Good job failing yet again.


People are getting annoyed because people are only bringing up Heiskanen just to crap on Juolevi. I don't see people crapping on Glass when comparing him to Lind. So no, there is no hypocrisy there. Just another thing you made up.


No one here is even down on Heiskanen himself. Plenty of people acknowledge how good he is. Funny how you completely ignore that. Not surprising, though, since the only thing you can do is whine and cry about our prospects then call the rest of us "homers" when we have legitimate reasons to be excited for our prospects, including Juolevi.

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Just now, Warhippy said:

Is that like....claiming he's an issue in the locker room or is somehow not fit or conditioned?

Did I not give a direct quote of Green saying he was not at a top fitness level? Did he not look slow in training camp? I actually gave you a legit source unlike Rob_Zepp who completely made up a quote and wasted everyone's time blatantly trolling.


Yes, there are rumours, keyword rumour of an attitude issue. 2017 WJC coaching issue with him being stripped of a letter. Take that as you may. Have not stated that as a fact.

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5 hours ago, R.Dahlin26 said:


Add to the fact there has been reported conditioning issues with him and rumoured attitude issues does not help.




5 hours ago, R.Dahlin26 said:



25 minutes ago, R.Dahlin26 said:

Did I not give a direct quote of Green saying he was not at a top fitness level? Did he not look slow in training camp?


Yes, there are rumours, keyword rumour of an attitude issue. 2017 WJC coaching issue with him being stripped of a letter.

OK, using rumours about attitude issues or fitness is making baseless claims is in fact wasting peoples time, continuing to push that narrative is in fact trolling.


Juolevi and the rest of the captaincy of last years team pushing for a coaching change is not an attitude or locker room issue, it is pure leadership driven by a desire to win and expectation that their coaching staff will be better


A reported conditioning issue would be a player not being fit enough to play.  A coach stating his fitness is fine but he'd like to see more is not a conditioning issue.  There's a huge amount of rookies and actual pros that come to camp out of shape.  It didn't mean he wasn't fit enough or conditioned


When you tug at a thread and call it a rope you're creating a false narrative that people with an agenda eat up.  Look at Dreger, Patterson, Botchford.


Anyways, again you've your say I've mine.  You're worrying about a 19 year old child playing in a mens league having a great season I'm not.


I've occupied far to much of my day on this already.  Have a good night 



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Just now, Warhippy said:



OK, using rumours about attitude issues or fitness is making baseless claims is in fact wasting peoples time, continuing to push that narrative is in fact trolling.


Juolevi and the rest of the captaincy of last years team pushing for a coaching change is not an attitude or locker room issue, it is pure leadership driven by a desire to win and expectation that their coaching staff will be better


A reported conditioning issue would be a player not being fit enough to play.  A coach stating his fitness is fine but he'd like to see more is not a conditioning issue.  There's a huge amount of rookies and actual pros that come to camp out of shape.  It didn't mean he wasn't fit enough or conditioned


When you tug at a thread and call it a rope you're creating a false narrative that people with an agenda eat up.  Look at Dreger, Patterson, Botchford.


Anyways, again you've your say I've mine.  You're worrying about a 19 year old child playing in a mens league having a great season I'm not.


I've occupied far to much of my day on this already.  Have a good night 



Like I said it was rumours about what happened at the 2017 WJC, not facts. Can you provide a source on what you're saying about him pushing for a coaching change?


"A coach stating his fitness is fine"


What he clearly says in that quote that I provided which is a legit source is that if he one day want's to be an NHL'er his fitness needs to be better. Combined with how he looked in training camp he clearly looked like a step behind. You don't see other top 5 picks being talked about their fitness, do you?


Like Travis Green said his testing and fitness should be at an elite level.


Stop making things up. I'm disappointed in him being a healthy scratch for two consecutive games now. Rick Dhaliwal reported TPS was struggling and wanted to change things up so their decision was taking Juolevi out of the line-up that to me is worrisome. It might not for you but it is to me. Don't like it too bad.


Move on.

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52 minutes ago, The Great Canucks said:

Once again it's your reading comprehension that is lacking, not mine. Good job failing yet again.


People are getting annoyed because people are only bringing up Heiskanen just to crap on Juolevi. I don't see people crapping on Glass when comparing him to Lind. So no, there is no hypocrisy there. Just another thing you made up.


No one here is even down on Heiskanen himself. Plenty of people acknowledge how good he is. Funny how you completely ignore that. Not surprising, though, since the only thing you can do is whine and cry about our prospects then call the rest of us "homers" when we have legitimate reasons to be excited for our prospects, including Juolevi.

TGC's reading comprehension strikes again. 


Most people initially didn't crap on Juolevi, they simply stated that Heiskanen was a better prospect, which should not be considered trolling. This convo went downhill as soon as the White Knights started taking personal offence to one poster stating that Heiskanen was simply a better prospect based on merit. 


And the homerism slight is true. CDC has always been extremely biased but now you've got people blatantly lying. Now that's something. 

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