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Olli Juolevi | #48 | D


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2 hours ago, UticaHockey said:

Juolevi played for the Comets in their final preseason game in Binghamton. No stream was available so I didn't get to see it but on Twitter it was mentioned that he did ring one off the crossbar. Unfortunately the puck immediately went the other way and the Devils scored.

Canuckluck strickes Utica....where and when will this curse end....?

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21 hours ago, J-Dizzle said:

Thought it worth mention... Cory Hirsch said on sn650 today that he talked to a number of pro scouts around the league and they essentially all agreed that Juolevi was the right pick at 5.  Take that for what it's worth but I found it interesting :).

Take this information outta here. We don't need rational thought. He's 20 and not a top pairing d-man. Clearly he's a bust. :frantic:

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On 9/29/2018 at 8:04 PM, J-Dizzle said:

Thought it worth mention... Cory Hirsch said on sn650 today that he talked to a number of pro scouts around the league and they essentially all agreed that Juolevi was the right pick at 5.  Take that for what it's worth but I found it interesting :).

That's cause they all hate the Canucks

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4 hours ago, Stelar said:

It started on the spin of the wheel when Buffalo got Perrault and we got second. Lol. 


2 hours ago, GoodCanadianKideh said:


Finally, I see the picture of what the wheel looked like. I haven't seen that video before or even a picture of that wheel before. I haven't watched the video as of yet and I don't plan to.  I just wanted to see what wheel looked like.  I read about it in newspaper articles and know all of the story on that day.   Truthfully, that's not a curse that they thought it was.  I will tell you why, the curse didn't exist.    I don't believe it.  They thought it was two but it was 11 but I don't see any other Roman numbers here and how that's a curse?    I just don't see it.  They are just being dumb at that moment.   What I also noticed that the odd number is stacked together in one section with an odd number between while even numbers are stacked on other section with odd in the middle.   


Like I said before, the curse didn't happen.  They couldn't even develop the team properly and had a plan B.   I just don't think that's a curse and the curse you all thought is not a curse, it's just a bad management on part of many GM's and scouting team from last 50 years with some bright spots on a certain years.   As a Canucks fan, I just don't believe in it and the misfortunate by the fans growing up.   They just made excuses to cover for their shortcomings.   It's better if we stop talking about THE CURSE and put this behind us and look forward in the future where the Canucks will improve as time goes on with better scouting and management.   As long as we recognize our needs and Benning saw it coming in 2018 draft, he correctly picked Hughes as their BPA despite lottery didn't go our way.   I'm telling you, defence will become one of our strength along with forwards and goaltenders.   Even if we don't pick #1 overall for next 50 years, it doesn't mean that we are cursed.   If OJ comes in as advertised on the projection we drafted him for, it's still a win.   


Even if we won the lottery, would they develop Perrault properly is what I question to this day and it's all due to original management team.   

Edited by coolboarder
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On 9/24/2018 at 8:14 PM, ForsbergTheGreat said:


I wasn’t going to call this out but the way you responded to nucker you kind of had it coming.


First, you call out people for being casual fans but then you have no idea about the draft age cut off. 


Second Ollie doesn’t have the same skill set as sergachev so no he wouldn’t have put up the same amount of points. Sergachev made a cup contending team last season. juolevi didn’t make a bottom feeder. And that is with the odds against sergachev as Tampa would have gained an extra pick if they didn’t keep him with the team. 


Third karlsson, subban and doughty stand out on the ice. You hear a lot of them. Are they not good D?  Being flashy doesn’t mean you aren’t good. Just wait till Quinn Hughes makes the roster, there’s a reason why he’s more valuable to our teams future. 


fourth Charlie mcavoy is the best D out of that draft class. Juolevi has to make the nhl before anyone claims he’s the best D. 


Fifth tanev is a very good d. But is he a #1 guy. Nope. 


Sixth. We get it you love juolevi. Most of us do. But pumping his tires and ripping on other D doesnt prove anything other than biased viewing. Juolevi being a good D doesn’t mean other d in his draft class can’t also. 


7th the 2016 draft is over, move on. He’s on our team now let’s just hope he becomes and important asset regardless of what position he was taken or who else drafted that year. 



You are too funny. I closed my last account because of you and other certain posters. You took a little bit of my post to skew what I actually said. Or not mentioning I was responding to what someone else wrote that I agreed with. As for the 4 days thing? I  I made amends in my next post when it was pointed out that it was 4 months. Again with reference to Serg If you had posted my whole post. It would have been clear that i was repeating what his former GM from London said.

You are still the same guy. I had really hoped that maybe you and a few others had grown up a bit. If you are going to quote me. Use my whole quote. You took a small bit that changed the context of my post. Not cool


Whoever gave him positive upvotes etc. I suggest you read my whole post. Not this cut and past that he is very well known for. 

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On 9/24/2018 at 8:14 PM, ForsbergTheGreat said:


I wasn’t going to call this out but the way you responded to nucker you kind of had it coming.


First, you call out people for being casual fans but then you have no idea about the draft age cut off. 


Second Ollie doesn’t have the same skill set as sergachev so no he wouldn’t have put up the same amount of points. Sergachev made a cup contending team last season. juolevi didn’t make a bottom feeder. And that is with the odds against sergachev as Tampa would have gained an extra pick if they didn’t keep him with the team. 


Third karlsson, subban and doughty stand out on the ice. You hear a lot of them. Are they not good D?  Being flashy doesn’t mean you aren’t good. Just wait till Quinn Hughes makes the roster, there’s a reason why he’s more valuable to our teams future. 


fourth Charlie mcavoy is the best D out of that draft class. Juolevi has to make the nhl before anyone claims he’s the best D. 


Fifth tanev is a very good d. But is he a #1 guy. Nope. 


Sixth. We get it you love juolevi. Most of us do. But pumping his tires and ripping on other D doesnt prove anything other than biased viewing. Juolevi being a good D doesn’t mean other d in his draft class can’t also. 


7th the 2016 draft is over, move on. He’s on our team now let’s just hope he becomes and important asset regardless of what position he was taken or who else drafted that year. 



Sorry hit submit before I was finished. i said nothing negative or out of context on nuckers post. I was saying that when you don't hear a defenceman's name much throughout the game, he is probably doing his job. I didn't say that Oj doesn't yell or communicate with his teammates, again you changing what I said. As for your comment about who the best D  is in that draft? Well according to Corey Hirsch. Most scouts he has talked to said JB made the right pick at 5th overall. Until OJ is in the NHL How can you say Macavoy is the best D from the group? Again I will say From his GM to scouts. They still feel he will be the best D in the draft. 


Now, how about you and I don't respond to each other. Other people don't need to read a bunch of drama. I have said my piece and pointed out how you are a known troller. Now I put you on ignore enjoy the season.

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15 minutes ago, youngguns19 said:

Now, how about you and I don't respond to each other. Other people don't need to read a bunch of drama. I have said my piece and pointed out how you are a known troller. Now I put you on ignore enjoy the season.

This poster got neutered when his beloved 'down vote' was removed. A -450 rep was a wet dream for him. You will be so much happier now that you have used the Iggy Stardust option !

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1 hour ago, youngguns19 said:

You are too funny. I closed my last account because of you and other certain posters. You took a little bit of my post to skew what I actually said. Or not mentioning I was responding to what someone else wrote that I agreed with. As for the 4 days thing? I  I made amends in my next post when it was pointed out that it was 4 months. Again with reference to Serg If you had posted my whole post. It would have been clear that i was repeating what his former GM from London said.

You are still the same guy. I had really hoped that maybe you and a few others had grown up a bit. If you are going to quote me. Use my whole quote. You took a small bit that changed the context of my post. Not cool


I didn't touch your context, and you clearly no this because you have zero response to what I said. the only reason I don’t quote your whole post is because it was a wall of text and quoting walls of text over and over ruins a thread. 


You lashed out at another poster trying to belittle his hockey knowledge on what constitutes to being a good D, so I put you in your place and now your upset.  


54 minutes ago, youngguns19 said:

Sorry hit submit before I was finished. i said nothing negative or out of context on nuckers post. I was saying that when you don't hear a defenceman's name much throughout the game, he is probably doing his job.


Or it means it means he’s not on the ice....not hearing a d’s name is not the definition of a good defensemen. 



I didn't say that Oj doesn't yell or communicate with his teammates, again you changing what I said. As for your comment about who the best D  is in that draft?

What?? OJ yell or talk to his teammates?? What are you taking about???




Well according to Corey Hirsch. Most scouts he has talked to said JB made the right pick at 5th overall.

That’s funny because the scouts I’ve talked to said he wasn’t. In fact a head scout told me that it was a prime example of why you don’t allow past picks history and team needs clouds your judgement. 




Until OJ is in the NHL How can you say Macavoy is the best D from the group? Again I will say From his GM to scouts. They still feel he will be the best D in the draft. 

Easy because he clearly is. It’s hockey 101 to see how good McAvoy is. 



Now, how about you and I don't respond to each other. Other people don't need to read a bunch of drama. I have said my piece and pointed out how you are a known troller. Now I put you on ignore enjoy the season.

Good for ya. Nothing like the old, make post then run and hide. Just as effective as the close your eyes and cover your ears technique. 

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33 minutes ago, SingleThorn said:

This poster got neutered when his beloved 'down vote' was removed. A -450 rep was a wet dream for him. You will be so much happier now that you have used the Iggy Stardust option !

Yeah, ok I was upset because I couldn’t get downvoted?  It’s not my fault you can’t handle factual info.  


Too many children on this board that have such a small understanding of this sport, mix in a splash of “can’t handle any signs of criticism” and bam welcome to CDC. 


Ps it’s funny how you think I wanted downvotes, yet I have 10x the amount of +’s you do. Guess that says a lot about the quality of your posts. 

Edited by ForsbergTheGreat
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1 hour ago, Hutton Wink said:



I remember watching Juolevi and the Knights eliminate Chatfield's Spitfires in the 1st round of the OHL Playoffs. Juolevi scored some big goals in that series, including the series winning goal if I remember correctly. He was also marking Vilardi almost man to man throughout the series and was going head to head against Sergachev. That was the year he played behind Mete all year but then saw a big bump in ice time for the Playoffs. That was intense.


Of course, Windsor hosted the Memorial Cup that year and won it all.


You can see that Juolevi scored the first and last goals of the series here:




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