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The Hockey New's article on Canucks.


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It wasn’t even close. Dead last in five of six categories and second last in the other. The Jim Benning era has been the highest form of entertainment for every fanbase outside of Vancouver and an occasional gift giving event for some teams. The team is lost, with zero direction. They’re one of the league’s worst teams and somehow find themselves close to the salary cap. They’ve made a habit of losing every trade they’ve made recently. They’ve signed questionable deals meant to make them competitive when it’s clear to just about everyone else they’re anything but. There is simply no reason to be confident in what the Vancouver Canucks are doing right now.



Although true we have a lot of fans that aren't completely confident in our management, half of what they said about the Canucks is utter BS.


1. They said we are lost with zero direction. 

We have direction, were trying to rebuild while also being competitive (WHICH IS CRUCIAL for developing young players). But according to the rest of the league we don't have direction simply because our form of a rebuild isn't based off the classic -scorched earth - Toronto, sucking for an entire decade (minus one year), method. I'm pretty sure the writers barely follow the Canucks and simply saw that we have yet to trade everyone over the age of 19, and concluded that we have no direction.


2. Were one of the leagues worst teams.

Yes we were, but I vehemently believe that we only sucked because of injuries. We lost Sutter (our 2C), which was detrimental to Horvats offensive play. We lost half of our defence corps to injuries. This year I'd be willing to bet that we improve drastically and be in a hunt for the playoffs , as hopefully we will have better luck with injuries (knock on wood) plus we have made some key additions.


3. We lose every trade we've made???!!!!

Gudbranson Trade. There is no way in hell this can be seen as a loss after Edmonton. Unless the writers have been living under a rock or something and did not see Edmonton just ship off Hall a #1 forward for larsson a #3/4 Dman.

Larsen Trade. A 4th/5th round pick for a potential power play quarterback? A risk I would take any day, and I would not consider a loss at all.

Grandlund Trade. We trade a player in Shink with higher upside, for someone who is more reliable but with a lower ceiling. This is a risk, but not something that can be already considered a failure. Shink has yet to perform that well in the NHL and hasn't been able to translate his AHL stats. 

Etem Trade. Easy win... AHL career player in Jensen and a low value 6th rounder for a speedy depth, young winger with upside. 

Bonino Trade. This is also a trade that we can't really judge too well yet because of Sutter's injury. We don't know how well Sutter will play and whether or not he will out perform bonino. A lot of people are saying how we definitely lost this trade because of Bonino's playoff heroics; however for starters he was playing in a more offensive role behind Malkin and Crosby with Kessel as his line mate for much of the playoffs. But if you look at the regular season stats he had a lowly 0.46 points per game, even while playing with great line mates and in a more offensive role.


4. We've signed questionable Deals?

Im assuming when saying questionable deals they mean deal (singular) referring to the Tyler Seguin  Loui Eriksson's 6/6 deal. This isn't that bad of a deal at all, especially if you look at the deals like Andrew Ladd's or even Lucic's 7/7 deal. He is skilled at defence, offence, and is a great character player. Sure maybe in 3 years he will lose a lot of he offensive flare; however, he is still going to be a good defensive player and will be a role model for the younger kids. Character players are important for rebuilding teams with young players, without them a team full of young studs won't develop properly and all become like Evander Kane. Look at Edmonton how are Nugent Hopkins, Yakupov, Kelfblom doing? Not too well. TBH thats probably less because of character players and more because they have spent their entire career losing more games than winning... (once agains showing why this scorched earth-rebuild doesn't work). 


Overall I feel like GMJB knows what he is doing, and I can say that I have confidence in his work. Im sick of other fan bases, and supposed NHL insiders, hating on the Canucks simply because we are going against the grain. People see that Edmonton and Toronto are finally getting better (which isn't too hard when they have been at rock bottom for the past years), and see that as vindication that the scorched earth rebuild works. And sure it might work, but it is far from the only way or even the most effective way to go about rebuilding. Pittsburgh, Chicago, San Jose, Anaheim - none of them have nearly rebuilt on the level Edmonton and Toronto have yet they are some of the best teams in the league. Just a few years ago San Jose was in a similar position as Vancouver, and people were calling on San Jose to pull off a full rebuild, and get rid of Jumbo Joe and their aging core, less than 3 years later they made it to the conference finals with much of the same core, simply adding young pieces here and there to bolster their lineup. 

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2 minutes ago, MFHIMYM said:


It wasn’t even close. Dead last in five of six categories and second last in the other. The Jim Benning era has been the highest form of entertainment for every fanbase outside of Vancouver and an occasional gift giving event for some teams. The team is lost, with zero direction. They’re one of the league’s worst teams and somehow find themselves close to the salary cap. They’ve made a habit of losing every trade they’ve made recently. They’ve signed questionable deals meant to make them competitive when it’s clear to just about everyone else they’re anything but. There is simply no reason to be confident in what the Vancouver Canucks are doing right now.



Although true we have a lot of fans that aren't completely confident in our management, half of what they said about the Canucks is utter BS.


1. They said we are lost with zero direction. 

We have direction, were trying to rebuild while also being competitive (WHICH IS CRUCIAL for developing young players). But according to the rest of the league we don't have direction simply because our form of a rebuild isn't based off the classic -scorched earth - Toronto, sucking for an entire decade (minus one year), method. I'm pretty sure the writers barely follow the Canucks and simply saw that we have yet to trade everyone over the age of 19, and concluded that we have no direction.


2. Were one of the leagues worst teams.

Yes we were, but I vehemently believe that we only sucked because of injuries. We lost Sutter (our 2C), which was detrimental to Horvats offensive play. We lost half of our defence corps to injuries. This year I'd be willing to bet that we improve drastically and be in a hunt for the playoffs , as hopefully we will have better luck with injuries (knock on wood) plus we have made some key additions.


3. We lose every trade we've made???!!!!

Gudbranson Trade. There is no way in hell this can be seen as a loss after Edmonton. Unless the writers have been living under a rock or something and did not see Edmonton just ship off Hall a #1 forward for larsson a #3/4 Dman.

Larsen Trade. A 4th/5th round pick for a potential power play quarterback? A risk I would take any day, and I would not consider a loss at all.

Grandlund Trade. We trade a player in Shink with higher upside, for someone who is more reliable but with a lower ceiling. This is a risk, but not something that can be already considered a failure. Shink has yet to perform that well in the NHL and hasn't been able to translate his AHL stats. 

Etem Trade. Easy win... AHL career player in Jensen and a low value 6th rounder for a speedy depth, young winger with upside. 

Bonino Trade. This is also a trade that we can't really judge too well yet because of Sutter's injury. We don't know how well Sutter will play and whether or not he will out perform bonino. A lot of people are saying how we definitely lost this trade because of Bonino's playoff heroics; however for starters he was playing in a more offensive role behind Malkin and Crosby with Kessel as his line mate for much of the playoffs. But if you look at the regular season stats he had a lowly 0.46 points per game, even while playing with great line mates and in a more offensive role.


4. We've signed questionable Deals?

Im assuming when saying questionable deals they mean deal (singular) referring to the Tyler Seguin  Loui Eriksson's 6/6 deal. This isn't that bad of a deal at all, especially if you look at the deals like Andrew Ladd's or even Lucic's 7/7 deal. He is skilled at defence, offence, and is a great character player. Sure maybe in 3 years he will lose a lot of he offensive flare; however, he is still going to be a good defensive player and will be a role model for the younger kids. Character players are important for rebuilding teams with young players, without them a team full of young studs won't develop properly and all become like Evander Kane. Look at Edmonton how are Nugent Hopkins, Yakupov, Kelfblom doing? Not too well. TBH thats probably less because of character players and more because they have spent their entire career losing more games than winning... (once agains showing why this scorched earth-rebuild doesn't work). 


Overall I feel like GMJB knows what he is doing, and I can say that I have confidence in his work. Im sick of other fan bases, and supposed NHL insiders, hating on the Canucks simply because we are going against the grain. People see that Edmonton and Toronto are finally getting better (which isn't too hard when they have been at rock bottom for the past years), and see that as vindication that the scorched earth rebuild works. And sure it might work, but it is far from the only way or even the most effective way to go about rebuilding. Pittsburgh, Chicago, San Jose, Anaheim - none of them have nearly rebuilt on the level Edmonton and Toronto have yet they are some of the best teams in the league. Just a few years ago San Jose was in a similar position as Vancouver, and people were calling on San Jose to pull off a full rebuild, and get rid of Jumbo Joe and their aging core, less than 3 years later they made it to the conference finals with much of the same core, simply adding young pieces here and there to bolster their lineup. 


I saw this site. I questioned everything that was said about the Canucks. And seriously? Tampa Bay first?

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We are rebuilding team. Experts realise this but many unrealistic Canucks fans don't. 


 As Canucks fans we are excited for Boeser, Juolevi, Horvat and others. Only people who would get angry at critical critiques of our team are the fans who think we are a Cup contender in 2 or 3 years. We are not and won't be for a while. Enjoy the ride. 


Gudbranson trade is a good trade for a rebuilding team. We need the kids to feel safe so this trade makes sense. We already have Horvat so we don't need another 2C. 


The big UFA signing is a "sell ticket" signing", it won't mean a whole lot towards our Cup chances. We might end up several spots higher in the standings but it won't win us a Cup. Sedins are 36 during the season and our first line. 


Take this in stride. I remember very well when Hawks were rebuilding. Nothing good gets said about rebuilding teams. 

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Most of the media is the scum of the earth, constantly selling negativity and the sports media is no exception.. I don't search much anymore for Canucks related stuff, I can find out what I need to know here much easier and there are at least some people here who can think objectively.

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Eastern teams really have no clue about the canucks and see what we are doing as off the chart in the wrong direction.I say wait till be fight for a playoff spot as we have a scorer we didnt last year and a D that can rival most in the west or beat them!Our goalie are better then most as well only place we need a bit of help is are forwards which benning is working on.if he gets us another scorer we will be a playoff team i feel and most writers and analyst's stay in the east and guess at the west which to me is ok stay away and out of our business!Toronto is not the center of the universe as most think there!!!

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10 minutes ago, WHL rocks said:

We are rebuilding team. Experts realise this but many unrealistic Canucks fans don't. 


 As Canucks fans we are excited for Boeser, Juolevi, Horvat and others. Only people who would get angry at critical critiques of our team are the fans who think we are a Cup contender in 2 or 3 years. We are not and won't be for a while. Enjoy the ride. 


Gudbranson trade is a good trade for a rebuilding team. We need the kids to feel safe so this trade makes sense. We already have Horvat so we don't need another 2C. 


The big UFA signing is a "sell ticket" signing", it won't mean a whole lot towards our Cup chances. We might end up several spots higher in the standings but it won't win us a Cup. Sedins are 36 during the season and our first line. 


Take this in stride. I remember very well when Hawks were rebuilding. Nothing good gets said about rebuilding teams. 

Saying things like we've lost every trade and we have no direction is just sensationalist blather.


Everyone who has been listening to management (not Eastern media) will realize they're building through the draft while remaining competitive. I've seen nothing done other than what they've claimed they're going to do. The direction is crystal clear if people are actually paying attention.

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1 minute ago, Hutton Wink said:

I liked the "29th in drafting"... and that was the high point!

Can't even peruse this tilted crap anymore..it affects one's sense of humour. Pro sport now seems to be about cheating, lying, smearing, implying, trolling, bullying & others, of the ad hominem variety.


Lots of it likely intending to draw eyeballs to vested sites. Must be a miserable way to live, slinking around & poisoning hope-wells of various fanbases...

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it must be summer and hockey writers are bored? Power to them for trying to create something out of nothing. How about stick to training camp, real photos and blogs instead? No need to stir the pot to create discussion out of nothing.


Hawks at 12, seriously?!?? Such a dynasty is no where near done yet, and that management team is why they are competitive every year....turning assets over. Eventually it will end, but not soon.


I guess if it's fans voting for their front office and confidence vote? Why would that matter though? The only thing that matters is results.

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18 minutes ago, Hutton Wink said:

I liked the "29th in drafting"... and that was the high point!

I believe that was drafting and "development". ( I saw original poll so not sure if this is exactly described as such in this OP)


I wish they were two different categories as I would rate a 8 to 10 in drafting but a 3 to 4 in development. 


Virt and McCann were both rushed. So there is no way anyone could say we are great at development so far. 


here is link we can review original article and vote for ourselves in our own poll..


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17 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Saying things like we've lost every trade and we have no direction is just sensationalist blather.


Everyone who has been listening to management (not Eastern media) will realize they're building through the draft while remaining competitive. I've seen nothing done other than what they've claimed they're going to do. The direction is crystal clear if people are actually paying attention.

Yes, but Deniro this is a poll of Canucks fans, this is not "Eastern Media's Opinion". 

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