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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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3 hours ago, Hutton Wink said:

Will wait to hear the rationale from management, but a questionable move IMO.


The one benefit for now -- it will finally shut up the incessant moaning, groaning, and whinging of the reactionary element of this fanbase.

 I didn't realize Megna had an account on CDC. Sorry for your loss Jayson, you're clearly mourning the loss of a loved one. But let Willie live in your heart.

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4 minutes ago, chickenman92 said:
A guy no one has mentioned that the Canucks should at least talk to is Leafs Assistant Coach, DJ King. Great junior resume with three Memorial Cups on it (2 as an assistant in Windsor, 1 as head coach in Oshawa), two years working under the best coach in the game, and most importantly, one of the most inspiring guys around. 
At 39, King is young enough to coach through the rebuild and be a 10+ year type head coach in Vancouver. I firmly believe this rebuild needs a consistent, inspiring voice, who knows how to win - that's King in a nutshell. 
Here a story on him talking to kids.

Thanks, I'll look it up.

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9 minutes ago, EmilyM said:

Sure, blame Willie. We barely had an NHL roster.

What would a different coach have done? Allowed us to finish one place higher? Maybe two?

Bo developed under Willie. Stecher developed under Willie. Hutton too. Tryamkin was turned into an NHLer by Willie.

Not saying I loved the guy or anything, but reeks of scapegoat to me.

Aren't coaches always the scapegoat for any organization? 


Anyways my money goes on Green. Reason Vancouver probably doesn't want to lose him so they offer him the job and if he doesn't pan out they can just fire him 

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3 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Their game was basically weak though, that was the point. 


How long would guys like Stecher Bo, Sven have been able to carry on covering for them before their game dived to a slump. People on here don't seem to realise WD deployment of Megna, Chaput, Skille was to protect these youngsters with their compete and work rate to allow them to play and maintain their confidence.


It is no coincidence the team started to dip with the last influx of young players. You can't overload a team with young, light, non physical, inexperienced youngsters without hurting their line mates and team mates. That is what Willie was trying to avoid.

And that's what a lot of people don't understand, you have to develop your kids gradually. You can't just plunk a prospect into the lineup and expect 30 goals.

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8 minutes ago, FireGillis said:

Woah, I always had you marked down as a blind homer, so am surprised to see you turn on linden/benning over willie.  Guess, I should revise it to a blind willie supporter. He was out of his depth and isn't really suited to be an NHL coach. He should stick with juniors or the AHL.


Willie was given a talentless roster to work with, but how he deployed that roster is what he was judged on.  Giving megna and chaput prime minutes and pp time is not maximizing the talent on the roster. Sticking with the same pp units despite it not working was just another example of his stubbornness and his unwillingness to make adjustments. Willie made a ton of baffling decisions. Another coach wouldn't get this team closer to the playoffs, but would most likely make better use of what he was given.

I very much doubt it.


I have no problem with Benning regarding his day to day management. However as I said this move was gutless, short-sighted, and even disingenuous. As for Linden, this move says to me he is not only a yes man and a coward but lacks the strength of character for position of President.

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Alain Vigneault fired as coach for being to awesome. He was never the issue. The Bieksa and Keslers were the issue. If we would have traded then after the cup run immediately got a good return, then we would have stayed competitive. With a good coach in AV. Most competitive teams have 1,2 maybe 3 untouchable players everyone else is interchangeable. The second were not at the top everyone else in the core besides the Sedins should have left the season after the cup run.

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Interesting comment about potential coaches by TL.......doesn't necessarily need to have NHL experience......someone who is good with developing kids.

Are they gearing towards Travis Green?   I'm not totally sold that he would be the best choice......Trevor did say they want to find the best coach for them though...

time will tell.

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1 minute ago, SliteriousBlackbeard said:

Alain Vigneault fired as coach for being to awesome. He was never the issue. The Bieksa and Keslers were the issue. If we would have traded then after the cup run immediately got a good return, then we would have stayed competitive. With a good coach in AV. Most competitive teams have 1,2 maybe 3 untouchable players everyone else is interchangeable. The second were not everyone else should have left the season after the cup run.

I sometimes think AV was an innocent bystander in the demise of Gillis. That slide from that SCF season was brutal.

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1 minute ago, chickenman92 said:

Tryamkin didn't really earn a spot. They tried to send him down and he said no. 



Yes.  And it took injuries of 2 other players to get him enough ice time to improve his game. WD would have preferred Edler to Tryamkin -- unbelievable.

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3 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

I very much doubt it.


I have no problem with Benning regarding his day to day management. However as I said this move was gutless, short-sighted, and even disingenuous. As for Linden, this move says to me he is not only a yes man and a coward but lacks the strength of character for position of President.

And I bet the players in the room see that a mile away. How do you play for a guy like that? I couldn't. 

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2 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

I very much doubt it.


I have no problem with Benning regarding his day to day management. However as I said this move was gutless, short-sighted, and even disingenuous. As for Linden, this move says to me he is not only a yes man and a coward but lacks the strength of character for position of President.

Wow your rage is real and palpable. Willie decided his own fate. He went against what his boss wanted him to do. He chose to do it his way and it ended up in the ultimate "you should not $&!# where you eat" moment. Benning called him on it. It happens.

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2 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

It's not what coaches do when their GM tells them directly and then publicly to do something else.


Thats why he WAS the coach not IS the coach right now.


my point is they got rid of him 100% to please the fan base


this doesn't mean the fan base is correct


every coach in the league will ice the best roster possible each and every night and do what they can can to win, it's there job.  This doesn't mean that they can't lay the foundations for the best possible future outcome within that context.  You can still try to win hockey games and play the long game.  Your talking about one media scrum (short game much) and i'm talking about over the course of his entire time with us as head coach.

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49 minutes ago, StealthNuck said:

You believe that's why they lost 8 straight? 

What is accomplished by having Chaput on the first line? He had one assist. 

Wins and losses were irrelevant at that point (except for the tank).


The guy was a terrible coach. The youngsters don't need to be protected, they need to be given an opportunity to succeed. 


because he was playing the long game

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3 hours ago, StealthNuck said:

I'm not sure they can bring in another AHL coach right now, especially one with a style similar to Willie. 


That said, I don't think a dinosaur like Hitchcock is a good idea either. 

I can't see it being anyone but Green.  He has been fiercely loyal to the org, gets the most out of his players and many of the players already know him well and what he expects.  It's time for Green to come to the NHL and the canucks should reward him for his service.


That said, I could see an associate coach situation with Jarvis

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